The future of the Internet and Stuff

Soldiers are not compelled by the authority of the hierarchy they serve under, but by the pursuit to improve the wellbeing of all humans to the best of their ability.
And so is Police.

I personally think I yet need some time to adjust to how I should conduct myself just so to be on the safe side. I have kept an eye on that for quite some time now, but ... I think it's more important now. And without actually putting my mind to work, there are aspects thereof I'd be missing out on.

It sure is weird to all of a sudden be in an active position - even when intending to merely take a passive stance on things. So far it does however not seem like a condition such as posted within the initial sentence here could end all war. It can contribute to that end, but if we ourselves are oblivious to the forces at play and the intentions that guide them, we naturally can't make proper decisions as we lack the knowledge to do so.
And that's where I see the online discourse is at these days. To share ideas and insights, mostly in the hopes that a blip of insight or wisdom might change a person's outlook on certain things. Or so on the other side, that an intimidating posture might sway people to ... "do or die" as it were. And so I would like to "speak" a blessing, one that makes it harder for people to be dipshits on the internet. It may however be difficult to formulate it - to the desired consequence - given that we all have a tendency to being one.
That however is my experience. That when I share my opinion on reddit for instance, I ever so often have to recognize that my position is flawed, without much I could do about it. It's like when people say "eat the rich", the intent is not to literally advocate for processing rich folks into food, but to express a given resentment against certain aspects of the structures we reside within. And who's the dipshit in that scenario?

Well - if we were to trace these sentiments, as for a "both sides" kind of situation, back to a motivation and ideas that inform them, we come to some kind of right or wrong. Of course "eat the rich" is a 'bad take', it is wrong and by that logic, people who use it were the dipshits. The sentiment behind it however is just; And so are those who are upset by it the dipshits. Because either they don't understand it, or they don't agree with it. But what then if someone is literally advocating for the actual consumption of rich people? Or in a similar vein uses the term to so "muddy the water" - being so: Intentionally a dipshit to so stoke more anger? Naturally that person too is a dipshit.

So are there certainly clear lines that can be drawn. We may not be fully capable of grasping the full complexity of things; And understanding that is important. As, not understanding that increases the odds for one to be a dipshit.
It's a ... bell curve/probability-distribution type of thing. So, when people promote the "Lab Leak" theory to you, there first of all isn't much wrong with it. It is however a theory we may not get the correct answer to in quite some time. Although it is probably 'more likely than not' - and appears the more likelier the more people believe it - it is generally cobbled up with anti-vaxx conspiracy nonsense; And in that context is like a horse pulling a wagon. So, although it has no logical connection to the matter of how effective the vaccine is or whether or not people should have worn masks in enclosed public spaces - it is somehow read as though it had.

And so does it seem as though people will insist on connections that aren't real - because they are real, even if only in some weird abstract. And if we want to make proper sense of our co-existence - to a positive conclusion - we neeeeeeeed to understand this. We neeeeeeeeeeeed to be careful. Even if only in the abstract.
So are there, we might say, horses and carriages. So, if you put your energe into a horse that pulls a carriage of doom, for whatever reason, you're a bad person - in effect. And doing so while not acknowledging that, makes you a dipshit - in effect.

On a side-note is there what I call "dipshit politics". So, over-intellectualizing a matter would be one category thereof. Generally however, it's about devolving political concerns into utter meaninglessness. It's about, possibly, taking discussions from the furthest depths of the most fringe philosopher's dens - and trying to sell that as anyhow meaningful to the current discourse.
Eventually that however also only represents a slice of what people are exposed to - and in a political environment where not much, if anything, is at all moving in people's favor, it doesn't even make much of a difference. Other than that is one aspect of why things don't move much, if at all.
And here also the point isn't that those dipshits never say or said anything right ever - but that despite saying right things every once in a while, people can be dipshits.

So is my hope on the are's and would-be's ... concerning existence in the ninedom. Although being in the ninedom doesn't protect one from mistakes, there's the matter of "honest to God" mistakes that, in combination with an upright mind/heart, is what proactively shapes our future for the better. For "honest to God" mistakes arise when we meant better - or weren't fully aware of everything.

So ... who then is a "would be"? I would think that there's a spectrum. There are the full on would be's - and there are the ... could be would be's. And those in-between. I would also think that even the top tier would be's are lacking compared to an 'are' - but - in regards of statistics and distribution and such, the aim would be to increase the number of could be's - thus generally raising the bar of the average to a cascading effect that also increases the number of would be's and ares - discounting for the shrinkage of the lower tiers as they rank up. And at some point atheism will pose to be problematic, for sure. Or in other words: Despite my sympathies for atheists, ever so often it's just painful. At this point it might however be more problematic to not be an atheist. Something something ... horses and carriages.

But this is to my understanding the central problem. There so is a carriage that is, we might say, being held hostage. A condition that is worsened by toxicity, PTSD, prejudice, traree traraa, et cetera. If omens, as it were, were to testify for God, it might strengthen the wrong horse. That however for as long as people lack the ability to distinguish which way a horse is pulling. We might however also think of it as a McGuffin. To say ... "the juice is within you". So could we classify this as a "phoenix problem". To let go, let it die, to rather focus on its resurrection.
To so focus away from the carriage - and more so on the horses. At least that's what the matter of the ares and would bes aligns with.

But what then, let's ... call it "the Queen's Blessing", could this blessing do?
I mean, looking at the problems, there's an issue with worldly status quo. That "don't be poor you dumbass" is for some odd reason a message that seems to work on people. Sure, do good as a man and the chicks will love you - is one message that vibes therein. To strive for self-improvement is a message that vibes therein. To focus on the solution rather than the problem is a message that vibes therein. And as those positive matters are taken to fuel the wrong horse - it is as though that power is taken from the right one. So would people grow more desperate, more "doomer-pilled" - which lends itself to the message that lefties are just unhappy, cringy cry-babies. A message like a blanket - cast over the progressive agenda - to attract the ire of "those that wanna do stuff", even if that only leads to a stupid, commercialized, wasteful circlejerk of nothingness. Understanding that then is like a doomer-pill dispenser ... because, how can one look at this and be like ... optimistic?

Generally speaking, there first ought to be some depressing darkness. One that can be directly linked to dipshits - in contrast to which "the blessed lights" provide an out that the individual minds can then adjust to. In other words: Once people would start to feel fed up by their own bullshit - maybe they'd look for something less vile and disgusting. The only problem with this were, I think, that depression can lead to resignation and despair. So does it make sense to me, to first target the could be's. And that via the positive messenging that exists regardless of which horses they feed or carts they pull. This would require, that these truths could somehow light up - while the light would avoiod linkage with the dipshit agenda and instead seeks to align with the good agenda. Next would be the would bes and ares - but I'm afraid that here we eventually face the problems of the algorithm and capital. And I don't think I have a lot of influence on deterministic systems.
But where-ever deterministic systems interface with dynamic ones, or how to call them, there's a chance. Whether a deterministic system inside of a black box is still deterministic, in this sense, or not ... I don't know.

Either way, at the end of the day, well, let's ... first focus on this thing for now called "the Good Truth". At it's core are the truths that enable entry into the ninedom - primarily represented by my book (the extensive introduction to Neo-Gnosticism). Tangential to that were the Matrix Phenomenon (Matrixing Effect as pertaining to me, specifically). The Good Truth further extends from this core via the variety of possible positive alignments to it - such that it can possibly extend unto all truth. Systems of Truth (or "Gnosis") can thereby be either positive or negative; And the Good Truth resonates with the positive ones naturally - and rejects the negative ones respectively.
The Queen's Blessing shall therefore be to spread the good Truth; And everyone who claims to care about God's will - shall be blessed with it. But also shall every proponent of atheism be blessed with it.
Further shall it occupy would bes and ares as agents - respective to their own alignment with it. The Good Truth shall thereby be a source of bliss as it can establish connections that lead closer to its core - and agents of the Queen's Blessing shall serve as havens that the good truth gravitates towards. The definition of a 'would be' in this sense is, that if they were baptized and asked for entry into the ninedom, they would be let in.

Also, everyone who speaks, in the literal or in the abstract, of the Matrixing Effect trying to imply a person to be the medium of the Phenomenon - shall spread "the Matrixing Truth" - which is to serve as a compass for people to find the true mediums of the Phenomenon.

And that's all for now.