A Speech (...) in Favor of Globalism

Dear People of Earth,

... what now has come of the pursuit of money?
And what now has BEcome of it?

If the pursuit of money is still at the forefront of your mind - you haven't been paying much attention to reality lately.
It may be a means to some ends - and going by how the mighty greed after it, ... hmmm.

Well ... to put it into a different perspective, let's talk about fascism first.

When is a fascist a fascist?
What even is a fascist?
Well, for starters, there's propaganda. Propaganda works because it helps sell an idea. As for instance that there's heroism in becoming a soldier to be sent away into a far off land to kill people. Or otherwise perhaps be an accessory of violence.
"But this and that and so and so and so" - some may say ...

What I'm saying that we can choose words like ... discipline and honor, loyalty, integrity and the such ... to describe what the ideals behind a groups motivations are; And plenty of people could find themselves sympathizing with that. And so, perhaps, people say that you can't call everything a Nazi that you don't like. Cool. But when ... is a Nazi a Nazi?

Whatever. It may be a term we might just dump all the negative aspects of humanity into. And the imagery out of WWII would just be the most gruesome depiction thereof to date. And so we might say, that a real Nazi is a person that ... wants that. That fully identifies with being a pawn of 'Evil'.

And now the thing. You know, the part where Conspiracy Theories get you with some grandiose fact that ties it all together. Is: ... imagine (isn't that a great way to start this?) ... the very real matter of "science" ... and think of how it's portrayed in the media. What I'm thinking about is people saying that "science" is full of good-for-nothing's and bad actors.
The parts that call it useless or shady or cash-grabs.
People calling it a hoax, and that "the real facts" are ... err ... uhm
... but?
People talk about that ... and they wonder ... . It's like ... a great Marvel. Everyone that stares at it is ... baffled ... and ... puzzled over it. And "the world" seems to buy into it ... as though ... they would die if they didn't.

And now that I got you thinking, it's time for the bag. The one to wrap this into as to sell the contents for profit. Or something. I don't know: ... now think about (the children!) ... what the ideal of it is ... "science" and the world around it. And, given that we now live in the Future, some old enough to be able of telling their past selves of what it'd be like, what ... could we say? Would ... Idiocracy and Mad Max have been on your list?

Sorry ... if that offended you. It was a joke.
Oh, and sure ... the Handmaid's Tale!

Maybe we can also add the Terminator AND the Matrix.

And why? This is so ... STUPID!
And having then said nothing of substance I'll move on ["577$ 99 cents"] ... but the thing is this, that ... there's this thing that seems to try and undermine everything that "science" stands for.

That's the bag I was trying to sell. Let's call it Western Science or more to the point 'Western Ideals'. Where ... if we take the best of it, of what ideals the West is built on, one thing that gets clear is that in the end it's the scientists that save the day.
We also want to be capable of living happy and carefree lives. A concept that some people seem to link to money - without properly considering that not everyone can have 'the bestest good-profile job' if this world is supposed to function somehow.

And so is there a fantasy land; Where gay and aids is the same thing because they saw it on TV once, where "there are only two genders" is the status of their knowledge of biology, where black people are only empoverished because they can't pull themselves up by their bootstraps, where asian people maybe even get born with calculators in their head. Stuff ... like that.
The only thing I think gives me reason to be suspicious of other cultures ... is that some cultures seem to breed certain evils that I don't want to "get infected by" - and I sure think that the culture I'm a part of is no different to that.

Or the one or the other of those that I'm a part of ...

To now come back to the question of what a Fascist is, I would say, that any force that tries to undermine the integrity of international cooperation ... should at least raise a red flag. Uhm ... well ... as per the saying, that an alarm should go off ... in case it wasn't clear.

What I believe in more, than that exterminating any evils would do good, is that true good is found where true good is at. Maybe ... think of it like this:

It is said that "Sparing the Rod spoils the Child", and I think that this is correct. Along the lines of saying, that some things require an asshole. So imagine ... a bunch of parents having a social day with their kids. So, the Parents do their thing, the Kids fool around and eventually something happens that will require one of the parents to be an asshole to their kid. That's just ... how it is. At least where I'm from. But let's now say, that one parent - of one of the kids that was absolutely innocent - is an actual asshole. Different family. So, later that night, two parents will be an asshole to at least one of their kids. In one instance we say it's fair - in the other we call it a horrible crime!

And what now different people consider as fair ... may also differ from place to place. I'm sure it does. That's how we get to places like this and places like that. Here in germany we have what people might call a hodgepodge ... or cauldron ... where - I'm sure we might call them - 'the usual suspects' are in friction with a vastly pacifistic society. And people here are starting to feel like ... maybe things have become too monotone. And that makes some people feel like it's fair to do a little bit of fascism.

Because ... the problem isn't simple. It's not as simple as ... having a wishlist.
There's a crisis; Or multiple ones - and problems eventually compounded - and now there's this massive ... Shit-Tsunami building up ... all because people forget why the first rule in terrible circumstances is: TO not panic!
From not panicking ... sensible, reasoned, level-headed ... co-operation can be established.

I can't promise you much! But one thing to keep in mind, is that "Science" is a close companion of 'the Truth'. I mean ... 'real Science' is a close companion of 'the Truth'. And that's ... one thing to believe in. Can we scientifically determine whether or not science is a truly positive influence onto a society? If we simply lived in a sufficiently wealthy society, people might just go and investigate it ... thus trivializing the question. And if we look at the potential wealth of today, science is involved within a lot of it. But what now of the cliche of "the Brutal Dictator"?

Wouldn't it go as such: That he and his regime take over control by force - either implying co-operation from the population or else "making it so" that there is no detraction. To say that one way or another the population were disarmed and defenseless. The population thereby encompassing you as you in particular - who then is required to bend to rules they don't like.
And you might think of ... how all the talk of peace might be nonsense ... thus perhaps aspiring to be the Brutal Dictator before someone else can.
But think now of the technology we have today - and maybe worry about some vile force taking control over it. Like in the Terminator or the Matrix, but ... human. A bit like the Gua'Uld in Stargate perhaps.

Et voila ... Conspiracy Speciale.

Saying ... or articulating the idea ... that truth is truth, regardless of who speaks it. But also is truth truth, regardless of what is spoken. So: Truth is Truth, regardless of what is spoken.

Put together:

truth is truth, regardless of who speaks it

- AND -

Truth is Truth, regardless of what is spoken

And so today there are those that want to learn more; And those that want to distract people from learning. And, this isn't me saying that playing Videogames is bad - but while we're at it I want to say that if you have a problem with people playing too much Videogames, "the Princess is in another Castle!".

One thing we truly need in order to build a society of Truth, is the ability to speak the Truth, whatever it may be. Implying of course the ability to deal with that information responsibly.
So, for us to be capable of enjoying the freedom of our thought, we may try to speak of it - and see where it takes us. And it would now be one's responsibility to balance between learning and speaking - such as to also respect other people's time instead of talking blatant bullshit.

For instance. And I yet think further than that. Imagine what you needed to be free. Here some people may vary, but ... in as far as they do ... well ... your opinion of that person might shift. But so is one thing to not make 'society want/need to remove your freedom privileges' - and the other the material and temporal wealth to make any good use of it. And the best way to balance the two out, is to 'make peace with -the other-'. And where we find co-operation and good spirits ... we may find better things to do than hurt people.

And I worry, that too many maybe find their peace in Mischief. That people cannot be swayed to ... turn towards the Light.

I mean - at the end of the day we can ever only hope. Give or take. And there sure is peace in having done the best you can. Though, at some point you'll there also have to learn to forgive yourself - or else you could never really do your best.
Unless you actually could do better. But that's an entirely different rabbit hole to go down.

But - the odds for each and every one of us are higher, the less people there are that are out to kill us.
And not giving someone a reason to want to do that, is one strategy. But I think that nothing beats the Protection of the Lord. At the end of the day ... . But ... to that I have to add, that God doesn't protect us from our own stupidity, as much as he likes to show it to us. So that we might 'protect us from our selves' - in a fancy way of saying that there's a Biblical distinction between men of wisdom and men of foolishness.

And ... I don't want to say "fire and brimstone" - but at the end of the day, God's existence seems to make it somewhat ... necessary. Because ... at the end of the day we want God to be straight with us - and for us to have peace with Him we need to have peace with Him. And everyone who'd like to exclude themselves therefrom ... is implicitly not a part thereof.

And what of them? Like ... at the end of the day ... why should I care? Gone and Forgotten, Done and Dusted. But ... like ... why? What's the matter?
What could a person want, or think or feel, believe, pursue, ..., so that they can't find peace with God? How is it even a thing? I wonder ...

Hmm ... I'm reminded of how Kids are totally capable of entering raging fallout mode despite actually having 'everything'. Like, that couldn't be the issue.

But then ... "who gets to be Goku"?
And stuff like that.

But, to come to a close, instead of talking about what a Nazi is, we can also talk about what not being one is. Like: To bridge the cultural rifts, we must we must strive to foster a spirit of global peace. Universal even. And to that end, everyone must be invited.
The next thing however is, that for there to be peace, there have to be rules. Rules spoken to inform us of proper conduct where necessary - for instance.

In that sense: I declare the debate on pronouns to be concluded/conclusive in favor of the Queer community. When it comes to bathrooms and sports I think there is still room for debate - yet the only acceptable conclusion will be one in which Trans-People can acquire full what we germans call "Mitspracherecht" (decision making privilege/right ("right to vote")) in concerns of their identified Sex, such as clear and honest conditions that may allow Trans-people to be considered an athlete of the identified Sex.
Gender and Sexuality are fluid concepts - and an individuals right to express them is empirical to its freedom and intertwined with its dignity.

As a token of friendship, I would inquire the Queers to let the straights and the cis' also have a color on the rainbow. I suggest green/turquise.

It is not a complicated issue. Though adjusting to it may take time. And may certainly still cost a few nerves. Like ...
I would further ask the Queers to be open-minded towards the idea of there being a difference between trans-gender and trans-sexual.
... but like so open a can of worms I don't want to spill all over the floor right now.

So, maybe the missing ingredient to it all, is that we yet have to learn to properly deal with the emotional momentum that we can cause thanks to the internet. I mean:

Due to the internet, any one information can make its way around the world in no-time. Which is to say: It happens really fast. Almost instantaneously. Well, depending on how many nodes the message has to travel through.

We can emotionally share Levels of interest with each other - like, have you ever heard of a 'shitstorm'?
I would also name 'Hype' as a Phenomenon thereof. I describe it as a problem between ETP (Emotionally Telepathic Phenomenon = Astair) and NTA (Non Telepathic Astair). To say that there may always be a non-Telepathic answer to the thing, as non-Telepathic elements are definitely present. But perhaps we might too easily dismiss one over the other yet.

Us being angry is one of the more basic states in which we produce a lot of emotional force ... into society. Thus, getting people angry is one way to motivate "them"(people) into doing something. And not getting angry is one of the things we have to do ... to counter that effect.

In the one instance we may see a thing - in another we might just hear of it. Then, in the next instance, we may feel something. And since days immemorial, there was the idea of striking down those we deemed guilty of misbehavior. Or perhaps even just otherwise displeasing towards ones sensitivities.
It may just be what people like to call a "Thrill". Zeal? Righteous Wrath?
So ... we might yet have to learn how to use our hearts as hammers to forge the steel of our collective emotions with.

And so it is written, in the Revelation of John, of a great Whore that had poured her wine into the cups of kings; And got them drunk of her whoredom. "The city that holds reign over the Kings".

And maybe it is so, that "this game" cannot be played without getting dirty. But so I think that among what I provide, is a way to wash yourself clean. By supporting my claim, you help it succeed and win over more to join into the effort.
And maybe one day we can Rule the World!