We aren't fucked - "they" are

I'm under the impression ... hmm. I'm told? I'm ... inspired to ...
Hmm ... a voice in my head - though it's not really a voice per se - is telling me that I should lean a bit harder into ... establishing myself. To try and ... scoop ... liberally ... from ... the thing.

But why? I would ask. All fates are leading towards my exaltation. Inevitably. To be recognized as Queen and Goddess. And "they" are on the backfoot. And there's no return from that. Too many losses, too shallow victories and their intentions have been laid bare. Everyone can see what they're truly up to. People will come to their senses eventually - unless they really don't want to. And yea, the woker the mind the realer the world.

Everyone understands that education is important, that we need to calm down and find ways to consolidate our collective wellbeing.

Nobody really believes in simulation theory or that "Multiverse" is a more plausible answer than 'God'.
Also - good people don't vote for Fascists; And the Fascist strategy revolves around getting people to embrace fascism - for whatever reason. Hence they have to reveal themselves, as they did - little by little - and thus they stand exposed.

No religion can deny the validity of my claims - my divine rights and heritage - and no king (and equivalent) can overshadow me for God is with me.

Also can no influencer provide any sound arguments against me and my rise - nor can they really convince anyone against the truth that is.

Though these things used to be only a matter of time - that time is now imminent; And the heavens bear witness of and for me.

There is nothing to fear, but ones own fallability.
And so I take it ... that through me, by the graces of God, we will find unity, peace and the path to a better tomorrow.