Except I didn't?

Well - I guess it's time to think about that one thing ... of me having stupid ideas. Like in this case: What does it mean to have Love removed from the Triforce? Well ... what does it mean that one triangle represents courage? I don't fuckin' know! And that I suppose takes me to the answer that's stuck in me: Because I don't have a motivation to re-enforce my ideas, generally (with exceptions), I take any pushback that seems reasonable enough to me as good enough to stop talking about it.
Though at this point in time, I've also noticed that the alternatives aren't really better. How? I don't know. It's just an impression I have. There's just too much going on in my mind sometimes, I don't keep track.

And so for this time, I suppose I'll disagree. Myself. Saying, that Wisdom and Courage have always been symbols that underline these particular virtues as associated with the two protagonists. And on the other hand - I'd even say that 'Love' has been grossly misunderstood by the religions throughout the ages.
As mentioned before: To a westerner Buddhism looks like how I would describe Christianity. So, seen as through a lens of Love. Buddhism to a Buddhist however ... seems to be a lot more about self-sacrifice. Like ... total ... and utter self-sacrifice.

Love thereby is I think often taken as a virtue implied within all the good stuff. Love as a thing then however becomes the tragic sub-plot of yearning, betrayal and all of that nonsense. Depression, disappointment and occasionaly the uber-dramatic Sacrifice.

Thereby I suppose it's widely acknowledged to be the most powerful of all the powers; But usually the stuff one has to go through to get it to work is like ... beyond the mortal experience.

Anyhow. I thought for a brief moment that I wouldn't have to write about because ... I'd think that it makes enough sense. And also ... I'm still under the impression that creativity needs to breathe - and while I don't care much to do the creative work necessay; The true value of my ideas here cannot exceed that of a suggestion.

And suggestively, I suppose I'm suggesting that Love should take a more prominent role in our day to day or common sense. And the best way to do that, is by art.
It's an idea. And if anyone should feel compelled to make something of it - that'd be fine!

The thing is, that among the voices that are apalled by politics in their entertainment, there are a few - I think - that I understand. I mean, stories like "Character Strong because Girlpower" or "Me right because Woke" that simply assert a thing without really investing anything into establishing a compelling argument behind that assertion ... are shallow.
That's also my impression of the bewilderment with which people reacted to the Star Wars movies that I have not seen. That all of a sudden stuff just happens for no apparent reason, possibly even defying any consistency with past material ... while given no reason to care, accept or love it. ... But I really don't want to go onto a tangent explaining Star Wars right now.

And I get that a part of it is ... following a trend. A decoupling from tradition we might say. Perhaps some extension of that war against the Patriarchy. Perhaps a spiteful reaction against having things mansplained to them once too many times. There certainly is a spark of Light in all that - but from what I have seen ... a lot of it is a) Mindumbingly stupid and b) harmful.
I mean - essentially kids are given the message to not care about their elders. That the past is past, might as well pretend it doesn't exist. Maybe it's exaggerated, but I'm afraid it's yet totally on point.

Or, more to the point: If we're teaching kids values that aren't reflected in the world around them ... they're bound to some flavor of being fucked up. And I think part of it is due to how often certain stories are being regurgitated and altered for the sake of presenting something new ... that some of the truth in it is bound to get distorted.

Which takes me to some other thing. Speaking of Gmork - just finding a "nope" argument would be one of their tools, if only to see if it works. Another I'd say is the fear of the end. Like, our entire society is like thoroughly fucked and rotten - but that rot is part of it, part of what's familiar to us - perhaps it's even part of what holds it together. And we're so used - almost as if we've been conditioned that way - to having the next new or better thing come out, that we couldn't imagine a world without it. Even if the trend is clearly deeper and deeper into the Mariana-Trench of the Shit Ocean, the Butt-crack of I don't wanna be there, it seems like people are scared of a world without ... the next new better thing to come. And sure, boredom ... can be weird. But as some other people have pointed out: I think I'm good! There certainly are instances where I would rather have boring!

Anyway - so come I with my "nuclear" takes that seem to put an end to any and all discussion. A full-stop. Like ... fix Zelda and then what? It's almost as if the broken-ness of the world gives us an excuse to continue. The fact that we thereby only break it more doesn't seem to discourage us, for after all ... that's how the machine keeps spinning, right?

And then I stand there, arguably "the Calamity", while I'm the one arguing for endless creativity. The thing is that a new world will breed new values that will inform creativity. It's not that creativity would just end. And it sure might be difficult to imagine 'how' - because we don't live in that world yet! And on the off-chance that it has one explosion less than whatever alternative junk there might be ... hmph.

Like, as a Christian my relationship with the Old Testament is somewhat conflicted. And sure, the same goes for the New one, but - sticking to the old there's this idea that we should not ... try to copy reality. If we take it as a guideline, a maybe, as opposed to a law punishable by death - the artist is encouraged to think of all sorts of crap. I mean ... whatever.

And yea. Wokeness and Comedy ... for instance ... has led to two things: Conservatives trying to tell the same old jokes that have been told for decades, and other people trying to tell new jokes - based on a better understanding of how time has changed. It's the same thing!

And ... this whole issue to me is as old as - well, 18 years~ish. I've had some ideas ... concerning Nintendo games and naively sent them out. And thinking perhaps way too much of it, I worried that they might have been too good. And this feeling has followed me around ever since. That they, for instance, might rather take them and stretch them out - rather than just doing it and taking it from there. When this Super Mario Land 3D game came out I was once more reminded of it because it looked kind of like what I had blotted down for Mario. Not to imply that all of my ideas have been good. So ... I don't really care about that.
And whether that was my idea or an independent one - I don't care. I get that ... from a development standpoint it isn't as easy as having an idea that may be good. It's certainly more complicated than that.
I do however take an ounce of confidence from seeing my ideas succeed. Whether they were in fact mine or not.

And some things still haunt me. Like that one name that people might not like. So OK ... how does Itana sound? And it's supposed to be Kustawn and not Kustawin. But whatever.

I had to accept that I'm not special like that. Even if I am. It makes sense ... to me personally ... to focus on my own stuff. To learn a craft and work with it. On my own terms if I must.
I mean ... it's a thing lacking in our current society. In a sense. That there is in fact an Elite that gets to have a say in what gets made - and the consumer that depends on those knowing what they do. And at the end of the day there's also money involved. And anyone in a position to have a say would certainly try to make a better case than some rando on the internet.
This whole topic is a mess and I don't want to talk about it anymore. Not like this.

But so the dynamics of the day seem to be those, that on the one side there are people at the end of their creativity, if there ever was a start to it; While on the other side there are people with a lot of it but ... they're like ... more like the enemy. Of ... whoever is already drooling over the dawning of AI "art".

I mean, it's like ... "the" classic story of Pride. Or call it stubbornness. Greed maybe. And ultimately: Spite. But there isn't much of a point to talking of it right now. And I don't even know what my point is right now. So ... I suppose I have to stop rambling now.
