This is not Fake News either

Well, to continue on what I just wrote ... the thing is that apart from anyone's position on whatever matter and whether it's right or wrong, it's fair to have opinions. And thereby it's a hard solid fact that cheating ... improves ones odds at success. Relative to the odds of getting caught, that is. Or stuff.

I mean ... I have my opinion - and maybe I'm honestly expressing it or not. Whatever. The thing is that I do "believe" in God, and quite some time ago I've effectively submitted my fate unto Him. I've let him show me around ... and I've quite deeply engaged with the matter of - akin to an experiment - finding out where THAT would take me. Making the Lord my Teacher and Captain. Letting Him steer the boat that is my life. Or in other words: Building my Castle on the solid rock - rather than sand.

With that ... I happen to suffer a lot of disadvantages that come with all the good stuff. The good virtue stuff. And I'm sure you'd struggle to find any instances of me diverging from the good virtue stuff ... if not only because I only have a limited capacity to do anything other than keyboard-warrioring in the first place.

But when it so comes to the "charged" opinions or attitudes I have for my "fellow humans" - the thing is that all of us have these ideas of what strategies might help us best secure a good or the better future. That is for all intents and purposes at the heart of what Fascism does also. The thing being that Fascism inherently focuses on Militant solutions to whatever problem there is at the time - and that necessarily requires an enemy that the incited Militancy can be rallied against.

And that's just facts. If you don't want that: Don't fall for it! Focus on a different way. Try not to fall into the honey-trap of hatred. Like, if you fear that "the strangers" are all united in their abuse of your good will, you're just not looking hard enough. And the moment the whole "not all strangers" thing is part of your rhetoric, you actually have it right there. And the part where 'right now' not everything is super optimal, well ... that's just now. But forcing people to see you as their enemy, you're not actually ... doing the good thing!

And great. Regardless of all that I would appear to be guilty of the same. Sure enough. And I could not convince you otherwise for as long as I keep doing that. Well.
The thing is: How would my repentance look like?
I mean ... if I look at who I think are fascists - or too close to that - I'm curious as to whether or not they'll take steps against fascism. Or whether or not they just lean into it even harder.
And generally I don't think of the average Joe - but people who should be held to higher standards. You know ... facts and feelings and stuff.

The thing is, that at my worse I merely admit to negative feelings that are at times awfully tempting. Whatever there is that I might actually do or accomplish - that's irrelevant to the lure of it. I'd hope that you can understand these feelings - or that they do exist - and become capable of using the good as a fortification against it.

But still ... there's the tension. And as for this particular point in time - these moments - my strategizing has me wonder: Telling people that I don't care about their lives, like ... at all, unless they repent that is, mabye that'll open their eyes. Because ... that's also how it'll be when the chapter of Mortality is getting closed. You might wanna plea your case - so when it's obvious that you done fucked up and all of a sudden there are consequences to your actions - just for us to be like ... hypocrites by saying: Trash goes into the Trashcan.

I mean, isn't that hypocritical? That during our Mortality we keep saying that human life is valuable and you shouldn't condemn people for things they cannot change? That calling humans trahs is vile and all that? Well ... that's the paradox of tolerance. If our position is that you shouldn't call people Trash - and you went on to do that - that excludes you from the 'us' part that doesn't do that - and whatever words you wanna use to make that sound as if we're the bad guys, it's still entirely on You!
We can yet try. We can try to argue, speak with reason, advocate for and fund rehabilitation programs - the whole shabang. If you don't want it ... that's not on us! Though you might beg to differ ... like a true narcissist. Like, if we try to do all in our power to help people and it's still not good enough ... because you refuse to listen ... what's ... what should we call that? What words should we use to describe what's happening? Without ... hurting your fragile sensitivities?

You know ... there's that concept called: Sins that can't be forgiven. And I've seen at least two shows in which that has been made a topic. Solomon Kane is a movie that comes to mind. But the best Character to speak of might be Teal'C (Stargate SG1). And we have to get that because there probably are people who are like: "But I've done so many bad things and I'll go to hell so I might as well ...". Yet the Bible speaks of it as: "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow" (Isaiah 1:18).
The way this matters the most - is for what Hell is going to be like. I mean - sometimes I think that I shouldn't add value to the idea that there is a Hell. But there clearly are indications that there might be something like that. Best case: There's a redemption arc for everyone. Worse case: A lot of people not taking advantage of that.

Odd "fun" fact to the tune of this: People who have suffered abuse are more likely to enter abusive relationships. That might be internalized Trauma on part of the victim - for once, but also has an element of ... traumatized people being some kind of prey. Like dogs can sense it when you're afraid. Like against some Predators the best advice is to make yourself look big and aggressive. Like so is pacifism like ... being prey for the "strong".
And make no mistake: Fear of God is one of the primary attitudes that the Bible condones ... like, it's a good place to start because at the end of the days ... it's not wrong!

Anyway. What I want to be getting at here are some ... thoughts on Hell. On its nature, why ... it's going to be the way it is ... and how that fits into our tolerance.
The thing with sins that can't be forgiven is a matter of personal sensitivities. Generally wrapped up in words such as 'fairness' or 'justice'.

In opposition to whatever we might have to say in support of our feelings of vengeance, one "argument" that keeps on echoing in my head goes like "why can't Hell just be like an alternate dimension in which they can do their own thing?". So, like ... why does it have to be eternal punishment?
I mean, we're not even sure if it's eternal punishment.
And that's like the first 'serious' issue. People who get upset or offended by Hell - from what I hear online - are usually just upset over hearsay. Like, some dude says that you'll go to Hell if you masturbate; And then people run with it acting as if that's actually what the Bible says.
And once we remove all of that nonsense - this "argument" that I presented would yet exist on the assumption that 'they' are also just like ... trying to live their lives. Like innocent little babies that were wronged by the cosmos or something. That they didn't actually deserve Hell how we imagine it to be - and that for whatever reason the thing they'll end up in is utterly unjustified because it allegedly isn't the thing that they think were fair.

To all that I can at some point only say: "Go fuck yourself!". Or something to that effect!

I mean ... yea. Patience is a virtue. But me being human, I also only have a limited capacity for it! How dare I?
But sure, my sensitivities aren't the issue when it comes down to that. Except when those are based on a given state of enlightenment that aligns with the sentiments of God. For instance. I mean ... all of that talk eventually starts to annoy me. It's not that I want them to suffer - it's just that at some point I can't indulge them in their nonsense anymore. And as they continue, on and on, they are - like some annoying piece of shit fly - essentially just begging for it.

A part of me believes however that it wouldn't make a big difference. In principle. If you took all the people that'd go to hell and put them into their own little pocket world - that'd soon turn out to be a hell pretty much by virtue of them being there. And ontop of that ... this might even be unfair to some of them; Though I suppose we could play around with the odds and make it so that those that deserve to be there the least were the strongest people around. But that wouldn't really be fair either - because that's a little bit too detached. It's once again mostly in favor of the most stubborn - less for those that might be on the verge of repentance. Which leave us with the concept of "Cook em till they pop" as one of the better solutions.

On another note is there a thing ... which is one of the scarier things to me. That'd be a person that'd see the suffering of the deepest hell as a Challenge. Trying to endure it to then at the end be like: Haha! Which is like ... the crux of the matter. And also why I don't believe in the whole "Fire and Brimstone", over the "suffer at the hands of your own mistakes" one.

I mean ... human nature is still a bit of a mystery to me. And when it comes to hell ... that mystery turns into a problem. I mean ... what role does free will have? Or how can we make an argument for free will, if there are people who would truly prefer eternal suffering - of whatever kind - over letting go of their pride? And by that I don't mean justified pride. Just ... pride against ... being considerate of others. Because they have to have things their way.

OK, so - let's assume for a second that that's a strawman. That ... they legitimately feel wronged by someone or something - and they just want justice. Well, that has to yet get weighed against their accusers. Those that they have wronged. For, if they want to insist that 'we' ask for forgiveness - it'd only be fair that they did the same. Else ... well ... that's just a powerplay. To insist on a matter to get others to bend to your whims. And if they insist that they did nothing wrong - we might just do the same.

Now what? "There you go! Hypocricy revealed!". Oh, my bad! I guess!

No. If their argument so is that they have no power nor choice - why would I have it? So it's all just a farce? If so, then ... well. "It sucks to be you!" I guess ... and fire and brimstone it is! Like ... I might be looking forward to some Slaaneshian type of entertainment for my sweet sweet catharsis.

Well. Then there's the idea that we don't have free will and that there's a way to get everyone onto the right track eventually. Like so, some people might respond to punishment. They realize that there are negative consequences to a thing and stop doing so. Opposed to that is the idea of positive reenforcement. Like, handing over reign of this world to the biggest Tyrant there is so they might little by little course correct unto higher and higher degrees of justice.
Well - I'd hazard a guess, assuming that this won't work out as instead of turning more and more righteous they'll find more and more absurd reasons to be Tyrannical. More and more absurd reasons as to why they got wronged and why their tyranny is good actually.

But to be fair - I have to wonder: Would it be worth it? To have that play out? Just to be able to say for sure whether it's this or that?

Well, maybe not if that were the only thing going on. [shrugs]

Then I must say that I find it rather odd, that we've culturally evolved to the point where people would just assume that Judgment Day isn't actually going to have some kind of Judiciary. Like, where one might plea their case and all that. I mean, there sure is grounds for saying that it's all set in stone already; But that the judgments may therefore be somewhat unfair however; well ... I guess that makes for more thrilling stories.

However, all things considered I think we can draw a big fat circle around the matter of consolation. I mean, when talking of justice and vengeance, that's ultimately "the price". And the scale has been established as an effective symbol for it.
And so I come to think of the Character of the Evil Sadist. So, in the idea, a Character that might be a Torture Master employed in some prison. They'd constantly wrong people - and be extremely vengeful unto even just the slightest form of resistance. This to me draws a picture of some kind of imbalance. So, when taken out of context, the victims of the Sadist would clearly have more weights to put onto the scale than the Sadist would have against their victims.
And eventually all that works without even speaking of what good we did. The good we do can per chance even be factored in by virtue of 'actions per time'. Like, if I only did 10% good ... that's still more than someone who only did 1% good. So, there's more room for doing bad. Or ... the more good you do, the less room for bad there is. And ontop of that might doing good even have redeeming quality. Like, if I wronged someone and did a whole lot, possibly even changing my very being, to right that wrong ... I might get that weight taken off my scale!

But so, as for consolation, a thing on my mind is how it would affect me if someone who clearly did more wrong than me were to end up better off than me. And that in disregard of anything that I might do, personally, to be open-minded and accepting of whatever that were about. I mean, if I were to be the one being the best off of everyone; While there yet are people that I've wronged ... they might have legitimate grievances still. And that just ... based on things beyond our control.

An extended version thereof is that if we wronged someone in a particular way, we effectively wronged everyone in that particular way. The person we wronged just happened to be the one "in the line of fire".

Tolerance has it, that things don't have to be super strict. There's wiggle room - and eternity is a lot of time to set things straight. To let the good we can do to each other ... slowly overshadow the mistakes of our past. And I don't think there's a better way to start with it, than to let God sort out the basics.
I mean ... not that it matters. God will just have to step in at some point ... if we can't sort things out among ourselves.
And to that end, there ought to be a time for that. As in: If He waited forever, He wouldn't really do anything!
And if we think that we could have sorted things out, given more time - well ... that's just ... whatever. Unimportant. Because God stepping in only changes the circumstances within which the inevitable is to occur.

So is forgiveness one side of the equation, remorse another. Without remorse, without repentance, without accepting the own mistakes - there is no true consolation. It'd be farcical. And that's that.

The End! Maybe ...