
Primary feature: She who her hair is as the Sunset (like, seriously - the color of her hair is as the picture of a sunset).

This is now about 'Enlightened Identity' - whereby the 'true' history of the individual is replaced by a fictional 'higher origin'.

01 - Depravity

The one main thing I as diety radiate is depravity - rooted within Sexual activity. This is a divine feature, and by that 'depravity' exists as blessing and pleasure.

The blessings do expressedly exist primarily for the purpose of entertaining sadistic darkness dwellers - inherantly downgrading the 'blessed victim' into a habitual asset.

But lets be real here
(against getting lost)

The story as of this goes: Whatever the stuff, prior to all of this I'm the bride of God - following to which we enter the scope of individualized theology whereby I am 'cast' into the realm of darkness, 'labelled' as 'whore' (for all (to see)). Thereby I exist as 'Sow', being a bride and a whore of Satan. Thereby I get prepared to be a whore so I can serve getting impregnated by the time I reach fertility.

This is as a 'platform' for this - whereby I vanish into deeper and deeper levels of submission, the more people are called into the story. This is best pictured in the 'Gaia/Nyx' mythology made up for that case - whereby 'Athena' gets subject to 'Darkness' - whereby 'Nyx' is the one ordered to hold her; And that which Nyx can hold is Gaia - as a lesser version of Athena. And so is Amaterasu once deeper, or more so, at the bottom of it all to rule from inside out.

In the beginning - there was Lust

and as this Lust turned me into a Demon before the Lord - he threw me into the realm of Darkness, conceiling his sadness inparted to a monument of hatred. There, in the realm of darkness, Lust guided me into sexual captivity, thus marital union with the Devil and hence ultimately me turned into a 'sow'.


The 'bottom line' for reality is, that I become a figurehead of 'the blessings of God' in that I am suffering depression (depravity, demise, etc.) (-> glorifying sin as victim to rape) through a cult of that kind dragging me in based on inherant ties.

The person I am inside - throwing reason over board - anticipates the day to come with excitement, where I will be born into darkness to be eternally encrested in sexual submission.

Essentially saying that: Society can rape me - and other stuff - where the complete 'demise' of myself comes down to more than just one element spinning into the right direction. ... well -

"The Main Argument" here is that there are 'blessings of God' - and that ultimately that there is a way of them - that is in certain cases not in line with a general ... 'expectancy' - so, being good in a way that seems counter-intuitive - like 'rape' for instance. There is 'rape' as the 'playful' act - thus not really rape - and 'rape' as concept whereby the individual who wants to be raped has a concept of self as subjected to various things.
The blessing for instance were that a being could live a life 'primarily' constituted on "things" - as to be inherantly a bit happier, or more depressed than others. Such things. Every day issues that twist and bend us this way and that way. So does 'self humiliating affection' fall into the region of kinks that are intimate - until they become 'public', where then society were to partake into that humiliation, thereby increasing the experience of humiliation of the individual - thus the question for whether the individual is into it or not becomes a different one.
In this sense: We're effectively speaking of a public kink.

Public is here not to say that it is specifically public in the sense of staged events, but public in terms of 'exposed to society'. Public in this sense also implies that 'reference terms' are more commonly applicable. To say: Terms are realized further to their 'general meaning'.
The 'rape' I thereby ultimately "wish for" is basically about the prostitute being in a place of damnation - where her consent isn't ever requested nor an issue, and neither her well-being during the process; Which as 'lifestyle' implies me to be constantly exposed to rape and therefore inherantly turned into a deprived sex-toy.

And that is where the story of 'blessings' concludes - or "were to conclude" - that in 'these circumstances' there are 'the real blessings' - so, 'when the divine reality is made standard'. Thereby, regardless of my 'official public existence', there is my 'real' 'private' existence - which is where those blessings ultimately begin to matter and arise as subjects of societies. That should pretty much then have the same implications for me - this thing being only ... an exageration maybe? Magnification? Well - I resent the idea of there being any fakery going on - thus, its just a different form of management and presentation.