Opposed by Practicality

Actually I'm pretty ashamed of myself here! I mean - if anyone were to read this, I would be ashamed of myself. [2017.04.23|12:35] And so "we" get to continue this journey of "the issue that keeps returning". Well, for changes ... there are two things. The one is that for the most part its become a matter of shame - or in other words: How I relate to myself where I do think about what others think ... err ... its kindof an external issue. For the second - certain past expressions of mine do not really sit well with me in that they seem somewhat unbalanced. [21:59]

That does however not really matter! For whatever the detail - there is a simple view on that: If I was approached politely, then I would adjust to that and respond politely to that. But so it also accounts for me. That if amongst to I am the one inpolite, I am basically the problem. [00:00]

So, as for whatever the case - ... its probably fine to ... just "sit down" and ... "reset" ... sotosay.

What so matters is to however find a 'common vibe' of some sense, where now along the lines of previous endeavours and the plain logic itself ... any 'higher order' we submit to, declares an array of choices as 'taboo' for us. So, we can also see privacy as counterbalance to duty, ... where on the one end we're expected to make sacrifices, we on the other side should gain the right to 'enjoy our labour' - sotosay. Or - in the "more immediete" terms - does a more 'common' vibe does take us to a point where we all have to make sacrifices of some kind, which however cannot be 'a norm' opposed unto everyone at all time. That isn't the point however.
As for norms and society - they pretty much come down to how a society works. ... whatever.

So I want to effectively ignore politics - and don't get too involved into that anymore. Or, anything of that kind - for once. And instead I so want to focus on what I think is important for the future.

Thereby, well - I think it is 'firstly' important to think of our 'individual cyber identity' ... because 'the cyberspace' is a natural step of our evolution as it stands ... as part of our technological synergy with the Universe - or reality as it stands.
Well, the cyberspace allows us to do a couple of fancy things ... for instance ... we can track our ressources, demands, endeavours, likes and dislikes ... technologically. So it is in a sense 'inevitable' that 'one day' ... 'one' virtual identity will be something to be used to. But what is truely inevitable?
The thing is that within a frame of 'harmony' however - the 'single ID' would be an ideological value. As for 'system reasons' there are what is so called 'the official credentials' - and in one way or another 'our' network would begin that way. It would be giving you the 'one identity' that you would then refer to as in terms of 'online verification'. As so there is naturally competition about 'who controls the cyberspace' - this competition is also in some sense a popularity contest.
So it is my ambition to firstly grow an IT and Tech sector, from where I would hope we can have 'safe products' - in terms of: Designed and Produced by "us" - (Unified/Enlightened) - as products intended to have certain security standards. Like, no integrated back-doors and Open Hardware access. I would say. Money then finally flows down the stream its thrown into - and in the modern internet also somehow: down the stream you're spending time on. So, your every day 'cyber behaviour' has a footprint that gives and takes here and there so and so. The idea of a 'unification/zion id' there furthers itself into a system component. Anonymity back or forth - surely there were a wall between hidden and public ... but at first the 'content' of any profile is totally not the matter. So, think of it as a more consciously established 'plan' of how you want to economically matter - ... regarding your footprint. Instead of it being passive data, think of it more as part of your voting privileges. As for passive data, well - why not? You can then see how much your practical abuse of time compares to your set preferences.

I want to target a 'weightful' 'single ID' - where for 'official' purposes there were an 'official' segment detailing your education and health for instance. This would effectively correspond to your 'name' as 'in the system' - whereby you so also have the privileges of education and health connected to these. That is so - the thing. When speaking of 'networking' versus 'offlining' - the basic idea is that someone would have a 'terminal device', independent to different 'offline rooted' work-stations. These would contain a separate interface to synchronize with these terminal devices - 'after' login. The 'spine' of this system however should be a 'worse case scenario' centric solution. So, what if you 'lost' stuff?
Well, the stretch is to however say: Take a wide enough embrace. So - I mean ... the more you think about it ... it is in deed relevant what kinds of economic powers we submit to. Quality back or forth - in the end quality is only a matter of wealth.
And so - taken into the system, ... 'we' would like to so 'do' stuff, right? So, ... yea, where 'we' is an financial entity to which the 'single ID' is your individual footprint - which then has economic strength in regards to where this entity ultimately is getting beefed up. This is then dependent on 'priorities' - such as certain cases might require one to distribute a 'common wealth tribute' amongst certain common-wealth branches of the system.

I have no clue however - about how to run anything - but ... either way, lets look at it systematically - as, a flashy vision to be inspired by ... where keep on mind ... you 'can' choose to have an influence on the future!

Lets say you have a "pocket volume" of 100% units. This is associated to a blue "toilet figure" thing - and that is 'you' - in the system. With your "pocket volume" you then want to buy stuff, ... err, so, how much is it?
When looking past the financial aspects of it - do we in the end have a 'net work' that needs to be done to get certain things going. And so I'm compelled to mention the '3 Rings of Esoteric Harmony'. Since, when we think about it - the first things of all are: nourishment, shelter and expandability. Or ... such things. Where, there isn't really a fixation onto 3 specific rings - not yet however. Its more to say: There are always 'three' sides to a thing (not two) - maybe with a bit of cynicism to say 'more than two' actually. But so the 'unknown' embraces all - and exists between two sides. But so - when a compound comes together, the first thing it needs is 'a way to go' - including shelter, nourishment - and the ability to grow. So, uhm, this ultimately comes down to what we might call 'pillars of esoteric harmony' - mentioning 'individuals' who take care of that ... who are the 'other side' of the 'system', to those that 'do the work' of providing the stuff. So - the 'motherly' side, per se. Here so the priorities are therefore also shifted unto children - or sotosay "our childhood" - which then branches off into education and social development. This goes hand in hand with the 'seed', or 'Alpha Prime' ... lol.
Well - it goes further, as we begin to speak of networking. Networking would in a sense be a primary tool to get organized globally. Thereto we first of all shape 'geological' groups - though - for the beginning we would all exist as 'neutral' ... faced to a map of our charted space. Well, 'colonized' space rather. Here we could take a break and start to think about where we want to go. So, all we do is ... spending imaginary money sotospeak - in a something like a simulation.
So ... in the center of it all - well, lets say it, is the core of our social virtual interaction - and that at the base is a collection of data - sorted into levels of priority. 'Priority-1' would be something that would go into an Arch, or ... whatever. It isn't there yet - as, there is nobody to really say ... there yet. Or ... is there?

Thats ... a bit too far in though. Or, stuff that is from least to less likely to change. Stuff 'prior' to history - or overarching history and reality. So even our scientific discoveries in layers of accessibility - though that is then its own thing. It is all work that has to be done at some point, however. Wherever work of some kind is done however, we can recognize that as a 'unit' - which so does come with its own input and output values - as much as an expected range of qualifications. Hereby we can begin to manage our talents - where a 'childhood' oriented 'root' is all about common sense and thereafter ambitions. Well - however, ...

At the base I think of reaching out to a distant group that is in need of help, where the 'primary' solution is peaceful. So, the basic things that have to be done to get a society organized and attached to the system. So, on the one side there is "us" as 'the System' who would want to reach out in consolidation of a global society of peace and love with God - and on the other side 'the locals' of any locality - where I at the base think of 'Homeland Security' when giving that a military coating. This is thereby the 'core group' ... where, well ... between the two, a local group and the system decisions are made about 'where' we want to do 'what'. Homeland Security is to say, that is 'local military concern' - and basically the 'highest rank' of Unified Police, or ... secret service ... in local terms. The universal core is the 'alpha force' - where 'the expansion corps' is a branch as homeland security and is concerned of outreach. Here the basis of 'local interest' is given an interface to the 'highest level of confidence' in terms of decision making regarding the things that are done. The first step for anything to go into the system is its presence in the system, ... and we can say 'empty box' for 'unconfirmed anything', 'diamond' for 'confirmed unification'. So, that is then in local terms ultimately a matter of independent organization, and alongside its presence we can communicate interests and positions. From System Side we want to get organized into a logistics network. This would finally include a map of public transportation - from anywhere to anywhere. The seed is in first place there to support the 'local' community to organize their way - as in terms of interests such as ... protection of land. It is the basis to everything - and 'local interest' in general, as constituted by the workers and everyone in general is 'the parlament'. It is an 'anti structure' if you so will that has its own hierarchy and subset of control, ... as the activity of people in dedication to their local environment, rather than anything else. So, ... what we get?

We can see it as a party of civilization. So, hereby 'we' - that is an unknown amount of people, and its 'realtime' equivalent in the figure. So, right now 'we' is 'me'. The idea is that now through unification this number will grow - and as it grows, the things available to 'us' grows with it. But in order to realistically grow, certain things have to be met. So is the 'what we have' dependent on the 'what can be provided' by the whole. Once we have an 'IT Tech Sector' - that is to be closely rooted to a Hardware sector - and at the base - there would be the 'high confidence' sector, dealing with the general systemic and local presence, thus as closely tied to Logistics and Homeland stuff.
Well, think of it that way: Big Machines - how to and come by?

A Facility that would run X Ys, would so have a given set of requirements, in terms of workers. Drivers and other people doing stuff. So can any facility be recognized in transparency, showing an occupancy and a production term. Anything 'delivered' can be presented as package, added into a logistical network and accounted for as something of a kind for something of a kind ... or whatever. So at the root of everything there is the 'node stash' - which is now at the beating heart of trade, the local market and resource management in general. Nodes branch into regions - and regions into settlements. Regions are the primary reference of any production facility, so in terms of 'local production', thus, firstly following 'local' priorities in terms of resource management - which in cognition of guilds is a parlament thing. Guilds maintain craftsmanship - and at some point go hand in hand with local employment - plus education or 'practical education' - which adds into 'qualifications'.
So, we may want to start thinking of it as a 'postal system' - where we want to keep track of packages that we send around.
Certain packages now have an internal value - so, target: production, where of a bunch of apples some end up on the market, and others get turned into juice. But ... back to the large machines.

What I here propose is inherantly ... explorative. So, at this stage we may want to just say ... let it be a matter of individual exploration, thinking about stuff to do with the personal 'equivalence' in the system. I mean, we can be free, right?
Well - it will take time ... surely, as ... lets picture 'earth' with a shadow figure of people on it - and we're looking at a percentage of people that are unified. That would be 'news worthy' - as for 'regular TV' - or 'basic broadcasting' - to see the image flashing up every now and again - to show that it already has begun and is gaining momentum. And however now the local connections go - on a cultural levels nodes extend into trans-nodical stuffs, while to the core we get to the scientific frontier - where the 3 rings of esoteric harmony mean as much as: 'civilian presence is the central unknown priority' - 'press is an extension of civilian presence' - and 'civilian interest primes the distribution of resources'. Uhm, the last bit ... huhm ... maybe there is space for improvement - but I thought ... starting with the word 'civilian' ... would be good. So, actually: civilian interest would be portrayed by the press - put into social spotlight where now basically funding can be requested.

So, in Star Trek terms: Asking for a shuttle to settle on Planet X - though, that would in the end be its own thing - as - with a given wealth, the ability to venture out onto a distant planet could be warranted as a right - if given planet is ... greenlit for settling, or not restricted for some reason. Well - but however, we change - or so - have to change 'sci-fi' into reality, first of all. We thereby say 'red' for civilian, and ... would 'Captain' be a civilian position? Well, yea ... as a highly qualified scientist or intelligence officer? But ... well ... whatever.

On earth here - we however get to the point where certain things are produced in favour of the system itself - so, not directly as a matter of civilian interest. So, the big machines to build certain constructions, or the facilities for them or the parks, ... well. Here multiple things do however come together - and ... what, ... that does depend.


Ultimately we want to so be able to reward the workers - in that we can say: The system by default is built on a ratio of meeting a housing standard for each employed unit - and depending on lifestyles different ratios of wealth are no longer an issue of global primeordinance. So could certain domestic grounds be intended to become social domains - thus being built to receive a certain surplus of wealth - covering all that the 'free spirit' might want of the system. Well, so ... we want to be open regarding what models we use for this and that. A settlement as 'Ludwigsburg' or 'Stuttgart' would be different than that of 'Manhattan' or 'NYC'.
I mean, on the ground - height doesn't really matter.
But when it gets to density - certainly - structures have to become more advanced. Now - here I now feel compelled to write about social networking. That ... is ... now certainly the thing anyway. So, you might want a 'friend list' - that you further can sort into categories - as contacts of any kind - while ... well, lets talk about 'cyber socializing' for a bit too!

We can grade things into different layers of priority - and ultimately that which would 'filter' everything to us would 'at some point' be the press. The press however is a product or cousin of 'university' - or the 'backbone of professed sciences'. 'United Laboratories' being so the 'living' upper ceiling of practical applications of contemporary knowledge - in close junction with 'University' as the upper ring of education - and ultimately the third being ... well ... the top of wealthy living - or health, sports, ... Tai Chi ..., ... the conservation of wholistic health ... esoteric stuff. So, the exact ties to University are that Universities run at the pulse of technological progress - and they then essentially provide us with the effective tools to do certain things. Architecture for instance. As for social reasons, these go hand in hand with social interests - where the University itself becomes a youth oriented media hub - and any 'seed' that grows to have a 'university' then has access to the University network. The University network is thereby primarily run through a local community - though this local community can be multi-cultural - and so, there is a basis for press and entertainment.

Entertainment would however then have closer ties with Guilds - I suppose. But Guilds basically are the intersection between Church and the University Layer. So, how schools get their wood supply from the local wood guild - or how a forrestry oriented settlement has a strong wood guild to the point of being educational strongholds and production centers.
For the sake of the whole - we want to set the simulation up to account for all the resources we technically or theoretically have - implying all the knowledge we have, manifested through facilities that function as joints to resource pathways to produce something - and to solve that into a logistic pattern to then produce whatever we want.

That is 'Phase A' - think of: Warping a house in using a tablet. Well - in fantasy! We think of ... we want to build houses somewhere - now - think of it and done. Just so the theory. Now so, there first of all are the workers themself - those that will do the hard work. They will thereby have to speak for themselves. And this is the way they 'can' 'become' a part of society; Like - being given that voice to pronounce the own interests by identifying as such - ... yea. I mean, if we identify as something, don't we all want to identify as something in tune with our preferences?
So, here 'technology' is then ultimately a matter of knowledge 'overarching' the one or the other profession - but on the other side - there are the homeless. And they belong to it. We can call it 'begging culture' and support it - they are the crazy folks that should have drinks and smokes for free - that, if they feel well - everybody does! There we also have something as an open culture for speech - art and culture as it is. Though, on the more ambitious end we got higher arts, such as architecture - or specific craftsmanships - and yea, those 'make' the world. Universities then - or as that branches over crossing with the expansion corps - being "the Starfleet" or 'Science and Expansion'. The idea is pretty much that we cannot be free as a culture if we cannot be free with our secrets, but in common sense we should all have in about the same idea. That means, ... University press is the go to thing to get knowledge covered - they report on what is accurate as they run the magazines of interest sponsored by people who love doing their job - and they would factor in as a significant weight when it gets to news coverage in terms of social interest. In ties with the Church that also gets to a next higher social climax - where now a 'Matriarchy' were in charge of highlighting various topics of common interest. Well, maybe I just saw Matrix Reloaded too much.
But what I want to hold forward in defense of my thinking is that the 'strength' of any social collective stems from its ability to function in harmony with itself and in interest of the system. So, it has to be functionally wired in and sustained - ... then it is 'gratified' as 'in favour of the system'. Here the police and the military should orient themselves to the divine authority in that they should act in favour of divine judgement. So, on the logical ending that means: to act righteously as a defender of the people - and on the spiritual ending to pick the side of God. This is however the primary qualification to make it into the Alpha Force and any of its branches - to be practically exalted by God - to be a part of it.

So - as for the social ending - I want to think of virtual and physical topics. Lets put it that way: Whenever there is news, we may want to leave a comment to it. But also - I think we may want to be able to label certain topics as 'relevant' - like, if we feel like it. That then would at some point signal 'common interest' correspondent to a broader presentation of that subject; So - in case you don't want to read through all the detail - you say 'relevant' and so can yet pronounce your interest. This is kindof even so a natural ignorance buffer. Or, counter.

The question will be: How do we want to connect?

So, for that the 'virtual' basement were the more important one. Because - this is ultimately the one that we can design free of physical limitations. Kindof. Here the 'single ID' means some level of access to what is where and why. To leave a comment however - about anything whatsoever. So, even simplify customer feedback. So, customer verification scan - verified customer note. But anyhow - no no - more to the point, in the virtual space we want to form colonies based on our cognitive stance. This is something like a social experiment we might say - where so once you are Unified you can join certain groups and be therefore packed into a social bubble - and each social bubble there has its own subset of relevant issues. Both, internal and external subjects. ??? ... well, a group would in first place 'not' exist 'for' anything of global interest - as the global interest is handled separately. However. For that - we may appreciate to have a 'vote' onto anything - or - certain topics would go out 'as' votes - and remain 'votable on' - as towards a contemporary poll on given items. So, we might want to describe a tablet - or some terminal device - as a desired 'standard' privilege for everybody. Is that a good idea?

Well - focussing on the best possible outcome will take us somewhere ... at least!

But uhm, yea. So, individual social compounds so have individual strengths - as in terms of common mindsets. And the basis of supporting different views on topics comes about through an inherant variety of perspectives - where at the core should however be the 'one unified' perspective. Or, things concerning our human unity with God. Things that have to be pronounced significantly, for all to hear - while otherwise being part of a platform to reflect on the contemporary hot topics.
So, as for our virtual endeavour - lets - then - spend money ... I ... gather.

You are a living organism. As that - you have natural abilities. Nobody cares or should care about how good you are at it - its a part of you - end of the line. You are what you want to be - but so ... what can be wanted?

If you want to be a worker, then you subscribe to a safe housing situation provided you can meet your duty, the 'root' privileges of society - as a good environment for your kids to grow up in. Lets say though that costs you now 50%. Well - thats the 'big choice'. Where, either you're a worker like that, or you aren't. Can that ... be right?

Well - we get to dedicated workers however - our so established 'middle class' - where 'middle class' has different meanings between rural and urban environments. If you aren't a worker - don't worry. We must however all agree to something. One thing would be such a thing as a 'food plan', whereby we account for '3 classes of food'. A: Fresh. B: Good. C: Fringe. This in general concerns products regarding their life-cycle, where from any product some end up being A and others B type wares. A is in general 'local goods', 'local specialties', ... yea - ... and thus also exists in favour of the local population. Somewhere between A and B are luxury trade goods - but we get there when we get there.
We want everyone who is part of the system to be connected to some food plan - and want to expose as few as possible to 'C' class food. That being really the bottom of what we want to consider possible. Or, there would be an 'upper' C class which is 'not fresh' and not 'good per se' - but still OK, actually. And so the agreement goes over into saying that there now are those B type wares - mass produced foods - that can again be categorized into different qualities - and be dispensed unto the "B regulated population". This means on the lower end quality food should be provided every once in a while - so, worse case scenario esque. As for wealth we want to look at our cultural wealth.
See - my biggest problem is, if I realize it correctly, love. It is what many people suffer - a lack thereof. The two guys I've met as I started my homeless carreer in germany, they were like ... haunted by misfortune. So much that once I saw a beautiful image in the clouds moving accross the moon - and I pointed it out, and he/(one of them!) would look up, it turned into a grimace ... literally. Yea, he was a drunkard - but - this stuff happened - and what I mean to say is that we must believe him his misfortune! That is the crux of these issues! There 'is' misfortune! I mean, that one guy - I mean ... nearly if not entirely each single 'bad' encounter with the police I ever had, ever, was because of 'one guy' - who at those times didn't even really do anything. I mean - aside of being around him I barely ever had to deal with the police. He's like a magnet - ... . He gets bullied around ... and ... so gets shoved around from place to place.

So I would propose something like a 'Zen Garden' as a monument for the homeless - trying to make a place to stay and sustainance a privilege. So also the various drugs. Marijuana. The Garden itself is however so about peace - about providing places to chill out - and establishing philosophical knots maybe. Otherwise just about meditation, calming down, and finding a lifestyle of some sort - connecting local groupings ... well ... we'll see.

So, this is where things get local? Well - once there are common interests - and there is management involved into given activities, there is work. So eventually there are certain hotspots for certain things - so yea. One view on it is to see how friendships create social networks. So, nah. No. How friendships within certain scopes of interest 'echo' into other peoples worlds. So the idea of 'background noise' - where between popularity and local there is the own 'clique' but so the 'friends of friends' and the every once in a while stranger encounter. But so, the "player" first wants to 'warp in' somehow - and we want to give workers here then certain privileges, so, they can wear red starfleet uniforms - lets ... so, use that as symbol.
Or starfleet uniforms - period.
Hmm ... well, ... . Works for now.
But aside of that, there are social belongings. Simple as that. If I loved games, there were those that I loved most, and based on those I would be part of certain "hallways" - ... as far as I contribute to that society, which so chips off of my budget, but thereby gives me access to stuff. So, basically, ... I want to buy games - so I put money into games. Based on how much I put in, I want to get stuff out. This might then scale to classes and normities - but yet should generally have a way of open access.
Whether or not that should be considered 'waste' - 'heh' - well, I would argue that certain psychological profiles would flourish within an 'allowed to waste time with video games' environment. Or movies. Art and entertainment. Culture. Anything. Just bold 'consumption' - and in the boldest sense on bold provision. So, people payed to consume - effectively. People that so have the inherant freedom to put their minds into whatever they want, and so have become the 'free thinkers' - to whom we want to give access to the knowledge we have. Amongst those are these that establish independent understanding - spawning ideas that we would consider good as a collective.
As the 'good for nothing's were always 'good for something'!

And if its just freedom and peace!

So, as for the globalization however - we start in the virtual. Here we can by separating the workers from the rest - and categorizing workers further by respective archetypes - we can approximate an effective 'wealth' - and hopefully we get everything running smoothly somehow!
Where - we first want to have stuff to do stuff - evidently. And in the beginning those are places to get onto the spiritual journey of Enlightenment through Unification. These are then the social spine of documented growth too - so - the primary social hub of the first steps - where we get to a rough understanding of primary social connections.
To my experience it would stand up to say: That by Enlightenment we get to see in shapes that work in the higher order, thus potentially leaving 'blanks' towards 'pre-conceived' structures. The straight line from those 'places' were the 'fountain of truth' we might say - the backbone of salvation - so, also all the work done in favour of a living truth, and also something as a 'general fallback' for those that have nowhere else to go. Or so, for as long as it takes. So - at the base then there were first an organization of people to keep something running that can be considered a monastery. ... That is already quite a lot. But so, we can look at every religious municipality - ... and maybe bake it up to them. So, well ... ztrrt ... ouch ... ah. ... - well, where was I?

I mean - we want to live life in harmony with God, so we have to embrace every given form of it. Where would be the point for Him to give us problems we couldn't solve? ??? ?????????????? ?????????????????????????????????
(proudly presents since 2005)

So, I have done something worth ... 'something' ... in terms of ... 'value' ... 'towards' ... 'the thing'.

Despite being, ... whatever the heck.

A good for nothing.

So I guess the lesson to be learned is: Yes it is 'in deed' the 'good for nothing' that is after all 'good' for 'something'.

And be it just to complain about discomforts. If anyone understands more about a comfortable lifestyle, then ... yea, well. We got to keep health in mind though. And there Love is the answer. Hereby, well, we could account for a 'social spine' where people come together that want to be 'social workers' - strictly. And then we do the logic and think it into our system - and we realize - we get to various 'base compounds' that we can 'record' for the 'primary passion' slot. I mean - if we had to put our money into 'one' thing - what were it? So, groups that will then have to however get organized themselves, to then become part of the whole - as something unique. The standing issue of a social worker is that this person is 'expressed' as a person who demands money to be put into wellfare - which is kind of a "I want to get payed for what I want to do" kind of think. So, by embracing the individual who wants to be socially pro-active, we support its interests by giving it the right to distribute wealth of an appropriate kind.

So we have to enable them to provide stuff for others. And the thing with Starfleet and Expansion Corps is in about the same. The ideal is to have Expansion Corps from the picture, as it is really always there at there front - where - resources matter. They provide the connections. Well - though once up and running - ... hmm - ... urgh ... .
Well - maybe these are brain monsters. On the practical side the idea is however that now people will get their calling - so the one thing I consider as reasonably Universal - its, ... fundamental I think. So, what can I 'good for nothing' do? I can give it all my good will - in the end! I mean ... other than that?
I can lend a helping hand ... maybe!
And so there will be social structures that then will seek attachment to "the core" so in order to then get nourished by it. In the virtual scope this can be totally redeemed from physical factors. When it gets to it, we would give some respect to each structure that is virtually consolidated - as another thing we were to agree on. Or, thats more of a thing that workers would 'offer' - actually. As, food would firstly go to those that do some work of some kind - well - whatever. We all have our burdains!
Anyhow - ... - from a 'place' where 'Codex Alpha Prime' is taken care of - to an infrastructure that allows us to connect logistically - and various groups in support of various things - that is then however a thing of how we get organized in the whole.

What I am - is I think in the most neutral sense 'a special case'.

From whatever branch of the system.

But well.
Time for some ... pornography.

The bit that I am ashamed of, that is essentially - something that goes a bit over the top, beyond however all in all - kindof - being in tune with a certain branch of pornography. It is as that I'm channeling porn to thereby give relevance to certain kinks, as it stands. So - in a sense, what I 'do' is porn - and that only to myself, basically. So, my life thereby consists of feeling as though my correspondent feelings were fulfilled ... uh, ... I express myself through sexual imagery.

Whether or not that is something I should rather not do ... that ... well, maybe another time.

"But what else could I be?" - well, what else? Or, what can't I be - yet? I mean, if we set a 50% "settlement cost/tax" - we have yet another 50% left. ... Well. Anyhow. We shouldn't expect that we'd want to screw each other over! I mean, being Unified is all about being with those that do 'most certainly' not want to do that!
That is, if you want to trust God!
The idea with Redshirts (TNG Redshirts) is that companies such as NASA should rather be extensions of Sci-Ex - in that here the civil body gets 'empowered' to make endeavours in regards to what we 'can' do - at the most. Expansion Corps is one step ahead of that. ... hmm. Ultimately mankind needs to build itself. So - the 'strength' is where the 'mass' is at - in this system, that is to be noted - and as that, 'Sci-Ex' > 'Expansion Corps' - though 'Sci-Ex' recognizes 'Expansion Corps' as a higher priority type of organization - as a way of enabling chosen individuals to act 'above' the system. So, whenever there is Research and Development going on, there is always an exchange with Expansion Corps and a tribute to it - as, yea, symbol of empowerment - and so a structure 'built' as additional or even primary stabilizer. Not recognizing that as work is one way of turning a good for something into a good for nothing!

My affection for porn first of all comes impulsively from inward - and a drift towards the sexual has grown independently as well. Hereby, if I had some 'black money', I would spend it on a certain type of porn. So, its probably good that I had to be open about it. For, that is also kindof the point of discussion. What am I, in the all of this, after all? Nothing taken back? Well ... I definitely do, want to ... rethink everything!

In essence I were still "locked up" in a monastery, as without any social context. So, I have nowhere I belong to.
In essence an expression of myself should not yield shame - that so by the/a given social backup/embrace. So, being embraced for something I am allows me to be that part of myself. Then there is no shame in the mutual pleasure!
That is my feeling - or, what basically fuels my hopes. So, implying that there is an atmosphere of comfort - co-existential harmony - wherein we come to exist within private entities ... first of all.

Hmm ... well. Whatever the case, when taking my porn seriously - or that is: the porn I enjoy in context to my persona - then that is effectively part of my 'divine light', encouraging sexual activities. Being basically there as an example to have given up to darkness, ritualistically glorifying sin through being its victim, as having pleasure in being victimized to the glory of sin, ... aand, how far that ultimately extends into my real life ... would be another story - ... possibly.

But anyone who now would subscribe to me - worshipping me - those would be realistically those whom I would control. Well - that is the idea of realized cults however. Where - it is to be explored, for sure, in how far then certain entities come to support what ... like, well ... we'll see.

The thing for me though is that I ... well - I'm growing this shell - but - on the other end, the more I 'want' to be male, the more I fuel a female self-experience, err, ... body. So - that is something that ... defines me. Hence also, yea "duh", my inherant ... thing ... that when I enjoy my male self I ultimately have to cognitively try to hold it to myself as a female experience ... err ... its ... the more I enjoy my male self the stronger the female part in my urges out. So - this means, for any intimate relationship I could ever have, there has to be a strong ... thing for that. Now, is that relevant information? I wonder - I mean, ... its ... the embarassing bit, really. To stand there without anything and to possibly even pointing fingers at people that maybe got no clue what the heck I'm talking about.

So, in the worse case - I would be a really bad example of a kind. OK!

Well, what this is about is the organization into 'esoteric compounds' - as called 'religions' or 'cults' - where we credit for individualistic nuances that we are allowed to have and sort us into given social hierarchies. Here I would be exalted as diety due to being ... on top of things - somehow and because of stuff. Here my life were to subject to the worshipers - in the sense that I am to express joy through captivity - basically - thus becoming more of a work of art. The porn I select as my image would be expressions of ... 'the abyss' ... that ... basically nourishes this type of existence ... .
Well - the question were: How far would I go? And the answer has always been: It depends. Firstly, those that are responsible for me set a limit for how far I 'can' go - maybe. Well - whatever individual interest were - that would be the thing. I don't want to ... preculde anything at this point.
But so the 'gist' of what I were - that as a part of 'the heavenly lifestyle' were always a matter of comfort. So, where we want to optimize our socializing - we effectively want to have ways to connect in meaningful ways. So, in the more traditional sense that is about friendships and family. Here we wouldn't think of 'cults' - but more of standard religion. Within cults we rather speak of fetishes - so, ... well - is it good to be obscene?
Or can it be good?
Well - in that case my image translates my inherant oppinion to that. But OK, lets say that projected image is way too over the top, like ... how can I as a broken man ever ... there is no ... connection. That is ... just ... how it is. But that doesn't stop these cravings from being. Now well - what are they? I mean - if I'm wrong ... I'm wrong. So, for myself however - I get that I'm pretty much an idol. Supposedly. This also means that what I am depends on getting idolized - which ... is possibly however not all about sex - ... or ... prostitution. I mean - lets say ... its a 'cultural stream' ... OK? So, given things that just 'are' and have a footprint in divine culture. So - I don't mind being 'small' - as sub-segment to 'Satanism' - while for 'special case' I were at that point however a 'cultural figure'.

a.k.a. this, a.k.a. that.

The 'real me' - if thats yet finally the concern - and I have to go deep inside of me and ... have to connect to a social network, or stream, or consciousness ... there are truths like how I respond to the 'will' to be male. And yea, it then turns me on to 'want' to be male - just to ... get the feminizing feedback. These are true stories - and should be examples of how far 'divine blessings' can go, so that we speak of seals and runes ... or should be. Connected to that were a University - so - then also a clergy to resemble the ritualistic ensemble that provides the cultural bindings with society. I mean - its so there obviously - once demanded a thing. For sake of better fluctuation there is satanism - as an overarching thing - which is to sustain everything that satanism inherantly supports. So, as my cult exists as around my enprisonment to satanism/the devil/sin - well.

In prospect of 'whatever might go' - I pretty much enjoy the 'my male ambitions are there to get fucked out of me' interpretation of things - while alternately I would hold on to it forevermore. Its - at that point - actually a question of what you/people would want to do to me! And ... what we can actually ... do. So, yea, I would want to in case of doubt be able to refer to 'facts' - and so, this 'University' is one of those 'blanks' - there to be filled by someone. It has to exist at some point so that people like me can be ... categorized ... and understood ... and be dealt with.
As I understand myself, I'm ... "riddled with runes" ... as ... I feel sparks of excitement comming from here and there, when thinking of it - visually tied around my wrists - stretched forward as for someone to do something to me. The point of this porn is about the pleasure ... of this kind. And as I 'get' it - its - there ... where, how public you would allow me to be - ... well, ... OK - so, what about 'this' you ask?
Me being able to submerge into that, would come hand in hand with others taking over. So, as far as it stands now - I'm a placeholder for everything - and would be reliefed of my duties as people kept coming in. In terms of a collaboration with the mormon church, someone else might get the leading act. We ... shouldn't restrict ourselves too much there!

Well - what I on the other end mean to say is that I don't want to really ... 'demand' anything. I mean - starting on a neutral platform - it only stands there as a ... branch that ... we may as well want to ignore for now. That is so, it has a relevance for me that could or should be unequal to its relevance for you. So, 'giving me' that, means as much as 'taking your own' - to say - let your own priorities matter. Then in the middle we have common interests - and where my mind blanks out - you are obviously expected to take over.
So, ... uhm .... peace !? :D ...

I ... in regards of myself end up ... in 'the ditch of depravity' - saying, 'depravity' is what I end up 'beloving' the most - it is the 'greatest thing' for me - in my ... understanding. So, naturally, as comes along with being a passionate victim to sin.
Whereby, it so requires a sinner - to do the sinning. But this on the other end is an intimate concern - one that first establishes something of a consensus about whats going on - whereby now 'polite' is the way of saying: The basis that is inconsiderate of these individualities.

When approached politely I have a reason to expand politely - while intimacy eventually then creates the 'anti-sphere' to polite, wherefrom we then expand into 'that territory' of emotions, ... where - depravity ... well. I would want to have extra space, for myself, just to go through my porn - which to me is a male activity, conclusive to getting locked away. Rather than getting pron blacklisted - I'd get it whitelisted.
Well - I'm ... 'sick' ... no doubt - if you ... wanted to see it in terms of whats "normal" these days - I suppose - and ... you should however come to decide ... what side of the story is true for you! I mean - so, I'm "sick" in some sense - though ultimately ... I'm an expression of freedom. Well, of 'anti-freedom' - kindof. The 'advertisement' is on the 'charms' sotospeak - as for ... kinky ... attachments.
'Level 1' of me are first of all people that ... rather than worshiping me become a part of me - extensions of the diety. How we get to that, or any of that? Well - we could ... wrestle around it ... certainly - ... but we don't need to stress it either!

So - we eventually get to a social structure of some kind - ...
I suppose I will at some point meet someone who, ... gets to take hold of me in constitution of that culture. So - I mean - by being confirmed that cultural entity I am, it is then to the culture that recognizes me that way - to invoke me, correspond ... that such. I could also describe it as "dragging me through the toilet". Or 'flushing'? Well - that is the part where I get to speak of ... my 'satanistic ties'. Or ... well ... we clearly need substance to that. But ... how to?

The idea is the following: At the foundation God supports given ideals such as Lust to those of us who thrive on it. That is - as we connect to the divine root - there is a divine order, where now 'avatars' function as polarizers to the divine light and exalt certain 'counter' or 'alternative' ideas - to so set a divine foundation for individual variety. In that sense ... or another - there is an 'ultimate form' of myself, which is doll/pet - a combination of the two where 'pet' is the part that is 'living and free' where 'doll' the basic ... thing. That is how my pleasures are inherantly wired - and once I'm treated accordingly I have no defense against it. Only God could at that point do something - that would then settle a counter situation. This might come in form of His light - or through the 'individualistically divine' - well ... where we arrange our hiearchies ... for certain reasons. We enjoy ... what we enjoy!

The ultimate, male inclusive, 'pleasure' for me is that of being pregnant - I guess. Or ... its one of those things - well - that my mind revolves around. Its all setup so that within me there is nothing left that isn't sexual - like - inherantly built to exist as bold sexual entity. If that is a mistake, then it is due to some sort of exposure to influences that a sane social footing should help me shield against - but otherwise ... well, in regards to what I could be - we so get to 'facts' about - worship and culture of that kind. Here - well - what else do we have but the influx of each one of us? If there is someone that goes like "yea, and this and that" - then well - we have something going. I at this stage cannot hope to become pregnant - so - how can I make sense of it? And what goes along with it?

'Private Responsibility' were now a term I needed to ... yea, express something important here. As for however I were connected to any kind of group or culture - 'Private Responsibility' is as much as 'self love', or, life beyond duty. It means that I have certain privileges as a private person - or actually, as 'pet' - they do reside with someone specifically. So there is 'Private Responsibility' as ... that, ... someone legally entitled to execute these privileges upon me. So, my owner - or 'captivator' ... 'abductor' ... 'prince' ... 'queen' ... ugh ... well.

So - in terms of rules there are a few things that I am certain about. I mean, ultimately, first of all, there is a surface level of ... clear ... 'spikes' ... of pleasure. Things I experience as true bonds - things that work throughout my mind. These would then certainly correspond to individuals that have their part ot it - and as far as that renders me dependent to them - I am inherantly ... dependent on them. By labelling them I would hope to give indicators ... while I assume that some might be more and others less distant to what I think. But for starters - I'm 'married' by a seal that imposes female genitals onto me - for once into a group of individuals privately - through a public 'external spouse' - as a way of marrying me 'to prostitution'. Things of that kind. Inside and outside, neck, wrists, ankles, ... I'm bound in some form into some way of something like that. And my 'hope' naturally is for those who 'own' me to come and 'take me home'.



And so ... I'm a slut - for essentially I'm hoping for "the worse possible outcome" - when bonding with my partners. So, in my ... dreamworld ... however. Thats where these bonds get further nourished - as by experiences for instance, like ... that it doesn't matter whether I want it or not. So, that contitutes rape - or - a part of me is about ... being only allowed to crave getting raped. It is part of my 'dis humanification' - which 'entitles' me to exist as a pet. So, the idea however. Thereby - the point is about 'social intimacies' that have face and point value before God - that we therefore want to credit within society - whereby we so further honor God as our souvereign light - who can therefore shine better to our advantage.
This means as much to me as that positive possibilities will get saturated - in a sense that ... well ... we'll see.
Psychologically I'm setup so that 'craving for rape' is 'the solution' to an existence within captivity. Captivity inherantly imposes 'absence of freedom onto me' - so that a 'demand' is always - none of my concern actually. This is generally a situation of rape - and to give my consent to it would be the only peace I could have about it. In reality - it is however I guess more practical to say that the whole story of that is just one of many things that contribute to what I am ... and well - ... at the base of it ... I recon something along the lines of social demands. Well, a bonding based on God ... well, as I'm the receiving end to something, there has to be a giving side to it. The one wouldn't make sense without the other and so there are 'layers' of entities that I would find myself entangled within in regards to my sexual self, but none in regards to anything else.

So is my 'private' space basically about ... being a whore 'otherwise' ... sotosay. Where at some point also religious and private relations matter differently. Here we would also firstly go forward in thought. We would try, as a community, to establish a common sense of what we are ... uhm, which ... well. So, for private reasons I have different - ideas - as for the diety part. What I am as diety is just a figment of imagination, ... anyhow - and whatever part I might play to that physically - is a different story.
But through intimate bonding the 'female' of me would get out somehow, as, all the different bonds that shape me would somehow have a way of coming into effect - where I then 'am' firstly ... well 'my harmony' accross those environments. To say - there is a balance perpetuated by love on which we come to expand our social interactions - where, wealth is as fountains. So, where we create fountains of wealth, people can enjoy it. The interest for me and people as me were ... well ... how far sexual services work for both sides. So, yea - if you're a whore - you definitely want to ... you know ... although, there were more private and more public kinks. But being a whore in official satanic terms would connect you to some kind of official satanic abuse - so the bottom line of the idea there. While as a satanist you would inherantly subscribe to support these practices. Plus you would get a certain right to partake in them. Though privileges can differ from rank to rank.
So, professional victims would all be demons in a sense that their divine nature is to cater towards the sinful - which on their side perpetuate sinful practices - which is 'a.k.a.' sinful - as a 'for simplicity' and 'by principle' thing. So for instance the invocation of adultery into a polyamorous setting. As diety I also function as idol of blasphemy - thereby being the 'once' bride of God, 'yet' exalted as queen of the universe, as enthralled to demons excercising their control upon me.
Here God does as much as setting the scene so that I am cast into the realm of darkness - effective in terms of consolidated terms. I am labelled as 'whore for all' - and my abandomnent from the realm of light is regarded by a monument of hatred projected onto me - "hoping" that I would rot in the realm of darkness. This 'hatred' and 'hope' is one way of relating to me - where the 'hope' for me to rot turns into a 'rotten' pleasure to exist in depravity. This however carries over into privacy, in that this constitues my 'religious primaries' ... sotosay. I have an inherant tendency, effectively, to adjust to corresponding ideals. So in the 'ultimate' private pleasure I would seek correspondence to this state of depravity. So the ultimate demand to any of my spouses were a somewhat sadistic 'core alignment' towards me. That is 'second' .. or, uhum, ... 'first' nature.

It is thereby kindof funneled so I guess, that each spouse successive to my primal wedding is in there subject to the demand of formulating a sadistic iteration of how I am at that point. So, basically, regardless of what I am. I then, by blessing of God, get 'bound' into conditions that I then can harmonize with ... uhm ... I mean, we'll find out!


Dogma of the Abyss



What I so am ultimately worth is a matter of true figures. Like - the 'encouragement' ... that may however also function as a warning. Well, ideas once 'out there' are 'out there' -

... but, no - I think!

Despite that being the truth, however it is - (and to maybe say 'selfish' instead of 'sadistic'?) - there is 'clearly' -one- line of 'exagerations' that is ... to say, ... not within scope of reason.At least.

As somehow previously touched upon, there is then whats so called the 'pro life attitude' or so -
...[2017.04.25] ...yet well, it depends!
It depends on a variety of things. But first of all - there are basically two ways - however they come about. Its basically all about what I am - and what else I am. What I do, is a thing - obviously its the whole point that I'm doing stuff so that stuff then can be; Which is however opposed by this kinky fantasy.

"What does God want?"

How do we get the answer? I wouldn't make it up to 'what I want' however. I mean - there is in first place, ...

What am I? Who am I?
[...] - Once people that are Unified - and I can't tell much about how that looks from 'the Outside' - get to answer that question in Synergy with my own 'fantasy' - that is what we can call a 'shared dream' of some sorts. So, that is how 'the divine' ultimately works. God creates a common fantasy wherein various things can become real - based on a given 'theological pretext'.

The next thing is then 'how' I matter. Is it the point to have - superficially speaking - a pleasant life, showing off the blessings of how super blessed (and exalted) I am? Well, it really depends on what people want to make of me! That is the main thing!

But for vagueries - what can I 'myself' - ??? - Well - like, in first place: Were this so given 'social demand' something that I myself would rather reject? Is ... that the thing?

No, I mean - it is either 'the depravity' that I ultimately matter for - or the ... 'honours aside'. So when approached politely - in the sense - its the 'honours aside' that come to matter. This is however where I would then come to do my 'honourary work' - ... . Uhm.
Something else that speaks against it is a given 'rush' - a metabolic shock of some kind - that gets over me whenever I'm ... "a bit too close"??? maybe ... towards ... "perfect depravity" ... and maybe thats a bad thing! But - the idea is rather that ... Gods grace ... eventually only requires me to guide the first few in.

I mean ... OK, to cut it short: Being deprived of my freedom - thus being 'turned into a pet' - ... hmm. No, well - if the 'demand' onto me is that to be a deprived sex slave - deprived for superficial reasons - ... - its ... a matter of 'matching the flow' and 'living the dream' - to 'align to the divine' ... what can I say?

OK, it is "sick" - but, for all the perverts its certainly a 'one up'. Who's a pervert in hindsight?

Well - I don't know too much about it all. But in the sense: Once the 'legal forces' were to demand me to be this or that, ...

