Identity - and more (Volume 3)

Where >it< is?

Alright - a brainmelter Question. I'm however not gonna try and establish a reasonable sense on how we all overlap or how various Force tricks happen to function - like, if the Force manifests in my mind - would you necessarily experience the same thing, implying that the Spirit is effectively a sphere of a greater circumference as the neutral height of our respective body.

My actual intent here was to basically throw away restraints in dealing with things that are now not really secrets anymore - thus being fundamentally more 'Unholy' while assuming that you've been capable of establishing the inherant logical path that I'm establishing this inherant alignment on. Whether I'm right doing so is soemthing we may eventually have to discuss at some point more thoroughly, ... but lets ditch that aside for now.

Part 1 - The reasonings of ending pleasure

Its the great worry that I would voice in terms of facing eternity - a sudden drought of anything remotely likable about the way things are, thus inherantly making life and living a sad joke we for some undetermined reason have to suffer. Technically though we can say that this would be possible, but it would be really fucked up at that. We can then say, well, we're lucky that it didn't happen - in which sense we can at least believe based upon our faith that the reality of God isn't a Hoax; Uhm - we can suppose a theorem that constitutes the fundamental idea of chronologically determined absolutes. So - the inverted idea of the Multiverse solution that postulates an endless variety of versions of the reality as we know it (excluding the 'derp' statement that this Multiverse exists within the 'Image' of God (Memory, Scheming, Pistis Sophia, ... mind stuff) - for yea, it doesn't happen to be relevant at this point).
So - in the againenning - if we move left we moved left absolutely without there being an alternate reality where an alternate us went right and has therefore moved right absolutely; So to the extent of differentiating something we have to so label a 'dead branch of reality' from 'living branches of reality'.

If I moved right, the the path where I moved left is dead - its no more, its annihilated. Its irreversably lost. "Passay". In this sense we can establish a Universally Gnostic bottom conclusion of cognitive adjustment to the matters of existence - basically warning us of the dangers about getting stuck in past and present from a lacking perspective of what is ahead of us. Looking forward is what has the largest potential, of the things we inherantly can take responsibility for, of us avoiding those moments where we wished we could rewind the wheels of time - aye - precaution that is to a sense.

Within this narrow at any rate 'significantly relevant' 'living branch' we're individually on respectively - we can however yet understand the theological concept of a Multidimensional orientation towards the one Unifying truth - and we could postulate crazy end-time scenarios which may certainly be fun to think about, ... but right now - or as far as I can at least dig myself - however ... but - the concept of Infinity as God, Universal existence in a sense 'bends' a chunk of possibilities into the scope of what we can then go and think about, in which I primarily mean to mention one of the basic (hypothetical) concepts - that of Perfection. What is Perfection? I can establish for myself however, that the cognitive focus on the 'living branch that concerns me' has a couple of practical arguments going for itself above actively trying to not do so; Which in a sense is 'reasonable approximation of inert concepts of intellectual existence'. I mean, there are things we can consider vastly Universal - as that a Sudoku as we know it can be solved in the way we know how to solve sudokus; All we need to know then is if we're dealing with a Sudoku that complies to that function. Chess evolved an independent inertia about how chess pieces can be moved most optimastically, relative to an intrinsic strategy of optimizing the potential of an end-victory. But even more simple that what we realize as the concept of unification (as in the sense of additions or combining) is always inherantly leading to the samey facts and figures as in any howeverly so individually abstract concept of reality. And if we say that attraction doesn't exist, nor any mechanism of combining any two things - we can from our however intellectual "mattrace" yet establish this exception as from our perspective based upon the explicit absense of a thing.

So - implying the concepts of perfection onto whatever idea of the Multiverse - we also eventually have to assume the absence of a need for alternating strings of events. So - for any figure to make it to the target of this end-goal of perfection, it has to so go for the right thing. If we now inertedly imply the legitimacy of existences that don't follow this goal - while other versions of the same may, we however also establish an intellectual foundation that would add up to the things that could threaten this one most simplistic implication of perfection onto a wholistically unifyable concept of Multiversial evolution. So - in that greater idea of perfection, every individual instance of ones self is to eventually make the right choices; Which is now either something we can see as restrained to a few years of lifetime, or in a Buddhistic or Hinduistic sense of rebirths. So - how can we know any of it?

Yea well - that would be the 1000 dollar question. What matters once God starts to proof to you that the Living God is a real thing is that these insights start to make sense while enhancing this 'reality' that of a sudden starts to sink into ones head. So - as a boldly technical observation.
It is after all the eternal reality itself finally changing style - so, there might be more to that.

What I'm getting at? Well - we eventually can't tell if there will ever be an ending to pleasure. Whatever God may however individually submit to our consciousness - well - it may be considered a legitimate representation of the truth, but in a more critically observed core of knowledges, that would first have to step aside.
I for here just intend to re-iterate on a/the fundamental concept of the commonly established reality - which in an ideal scenario would really be 'just one' (the one and only) - unrivalled - fundamental common acknowledgement of a solution to the God question.

This is, as a concern of humans being humans, as we know or see, also happens to be one of those 'universalistic inertial insights' - while an absence of Gods interest of complying to that would essentially alter the set of benefits we are to expect. So - it is one way of really condensing the idea of Gods acting - for real - where an absence of such in the past are however just not a legitimate matter to the potential of activity in the future. So we can even make it a challenger to being the most relevant point in terms of solving that question.

Kindof naturally you understand that I'm a Mormon - somehow - and you eventually understood that the Testimony is a predominantly paramount things about Mormonism in general, ... ever. So - yea, I mean ... this is therapy!

For me at least. And understanding the core aspects of a potential God that could potentially answer, the obscurity of the Mormon reality doesn't even truely matter either - because the fact of Gods existence basically inherantly projects a given baseline of safety to our common sense - saying yea - if the End of Days really were a thing we'd have panic each other about, well, ... it wouldn't hurt to know more. Turns out that we eventually can find inert truths of that situation too - and therefore possibly even deduce the facts of reality! That is some magical feature, who would have guessed, that magically appears when including God into the picture. A Theological type of mathematics.

And it is even scientifically legit in a sense that belief in God isn't ultimately required for that Theology to function - within the dimensions of its own applications.
This also pretty much solves the problems of the mystery of 'the empirical foundation'. While initially possibly the construct of bold asumptions, the beauty is that it has to be the truth of the Living God respectively that changes anything about it - as so to add weight to the initial trust by making steps towards the individual. It is in this a perfectly individual reality that things would happen we don't need to talk about - but we have to sortof come to the same conclusions. Thats another inertial fact.
To the extent that if we do come to the same conclusions - thats good - actually! Depending on whether the conclusion is good news!

So - we here now have an easy to use magnifying object like a quick-test; A sandwitch of inertial fundamentals that postulate a chain of events that if postulated without a significant error - well - necessitates a universalistic knowledge of God we individually happen to acknowledge if it is to be of any sortof greater relevance to us.
In this sense - well - whats the result?

For as long as we can establish on Gods care, Gods care will be a caring factor - is inertially true. So - because if God exists that isn't really a new thing to reality - we on this line of events get to the gnostic stance. Within Gnostics we go a bit further, I mean - thats at least my ideal - in that we take the de-facto answer of God that is because God is as a claim first of all, basically building a fence around it with warning shields outside that establish this as an inherantly 'Core Gnostic' concept. Because - if God doesn't exist, Gnosticism cannot exist. If Gnosticism exists, God exists. But yea - it has to be 'real' Gnosticism then. And that cannot really be without God and hence, well, Gnosticism can safely be ignored as a demandful Religion while this isn't really a thing for you. It would of course be good for Gnosticism if things would come to make some more sense, so, uhm - what would define 'real Gnosticism'? Can we tell?
Should we?

I can however take the stance as a Gnostic - which means I have to accept the inherant Gnostic paradigms, or, arguing that I'm not claiming to know the absolute Truth to a sense is kindof not a thing for me anymore.
Thats a thing to be expected of a Gnostic.

But from the outside we can now apply a few more sandwiches - eventually - finding inertial conditions that basically help us understand the claims of the so called Gnostic. The Gnostic for instance has to confess to the inertial realty of the/an existent God - and so the Gnostic cannot express a legal demand unto anyone to acknowledge God because that defies the very foundation of the Gnostic Core reality.

So - the Gnostics only tool to really do anything is some Philosophical type of thing - and eventually ... well, Gnosticism will evidently just reveal itself as a consequence of the fundamental Truths of the inertial reality and so on and so forth - which is an inertially sound thing to assume. So - on whatever base God intends to finally relate to us; There has to be that initial something to build upon.

So - we can say, well, Gnosticism ... its a thing now! We can also label 'Pseudo' or Para Gnosticism to be the art of approaching the concept of real Gnosticism from an outside perspective - but if I were to take on that shoes I should not forget to also stand up to my claim first of all.

But - if you're here, you've basically already had a fair share of that sort of thing (considering you - ...) - but we could also ask what a Gnostic is supposed to actually do, or what he could do! I for instance have plenty of examples where I effectively find myself denieing misconceptions - which means, eventually pointing out flaws in the comprehension of Gods Plan of Salvation.

So - the Gnostic is in whatever sense at the very least the type of person most qualified when it gets to those kinds of questions or issues. And in a sense a Gnostic should have a way of being legitimately visible as such, when truely intending to act as such to the crowd. I know, I was acting anyway - but thats a thing I can simply name as in concerns of 'the Mission'. Its ... well, this way and that way. There are ways!

Whats a Gnostic? In the end its a term inherited by common sense - and who happens to be one is equally subjected to that. Naturally someone who is a Gnostic holds the claim to being Gnostic; At least once expressing that situation.
And so I claim being Gnostic - and - yea, I say Jesus and Baptism - Mormonism - all stuff that basically happened to work for me; And they continued to do so.

So - there is a variety of stuff ... I mean, why are we even here?
Well, in a sense of shedding more Light into the situations, there is a variety of stuff thats written about elsewhere already so ... an inevitable thing, eventually, that the full picture is distributed accross a variety of stuff. Having a personal picture is an inertial reality - its distribution and what nots are however not. But there is a set of possibilities - and in essence we have to equally adjust to all of them. In a way of actually no real significance hereto.

As a real Gnostic, my presence when tied to a purpose is in a sense however also like the Holy Grail in a sense - but so, what can I come up with in terms towards a greater unity amongst us? Right now - nothing more!

Part 2 - Void

Changes crawl up on us sometimes. Clear? Now you think "this is your life" - but tomorrow maybe, one thing will be different and eventually that difference will grow up on you and the day there-after, its like all new.
Other changes however ... once something changes fundamentally - and I'm not talking environmental stuff - the unchanged thing is still gonna be there, probably - its maybe just that everything else that far wasn't all that amazing!

Changes even come if nothing is really changed. Lolzing at my own life, it has some qualities of an Experiment - I mean, I wouldn't have to specifically put me into a situation where I'm exposed to as few changes as however possible. But - some time ago my Laptop broke. So, a change there. It led to me using one other of my computers - and the fact that it is less powerful comes along with consequences that change how I work with the machine. Changing from a ???x786 to a Full HD Monitor, now ... thats difference!
So - the first time I did some private programming at work where we had (I'm not there anymore) x1200 monitors, coding on an x786 monitor was somewhat impossible. My mind could somhow no longer 'accept' the miserable vertical resolution (lines visible on the screen).

Why am I writing this? Honestly - I just feel like writing something. Oh - I got a topic!

Part 3 - Why the Bible, Religion and Christianity is stupid

But yea, its kindof off topic. So, whats going on ... here? It turns out something did happen up to this point that is pretty much on topic, kindof, but yea, I'm just like a pot of clay in this. So - what happened? I for once got dragged into this and eventually continued despite a certain pointlessness since I know, well, that eventually happens! So, another botched writing, whatever, next!
But not with this one. Not yet at least. So - we can call this the "water glitch". The Water Glitch is - well - like water behaves differently relating to changes of temperature (it expands when cooled while 'normal stuff' expands when heated). So, if I write something and its trash I'd discard it and move on to another. This writing so far, ... XD ... aha! OK, some already get where I'm going and they possibly have their worries. That is the kind of audience where I'd rather talk about some Bible stuff from ... 'some' angle - but I'll get there eventually.
Well yea - of course - me not deciding to discard a botched writing ... that doesn't say anything. But - if this doesn't turn out to be trash, then I most certainly shouldn't be botching it - which is of course nothing the water glitch should be able to circumvent.

What I mean is that the way I perceive and experience this is oddly similar to all of my botched stuff, lets say its my inner Tricorder giving me the same readings as I got from those. Yea, it implies some inherant subjectivity (rather than objectivity). But there is then that other 'Tricorder' - the Force thing - and oh yae, well. The Force isn't everything I perceive - and in this sense I refer to the Force as that what is true in the Ninefold but not in the Eightfold. So - Ninefold minus Eightfold = the Force (here).

So - there's a vast number of things I perceive - on a regular basis. Or in other words: Light, Sound, Smell ... for once. Whats it? About 27 frames per second? Which doesn't say that 60 fps looks a lot smoother - and a reason would or could be that we aren't guaranteed to have our 27 frames be synced up to the videos or video-games output; And so we eventually subconsciously "feel" a difference. And yea - why should I avoid using the word 'feel'? Its evident that we 'see' it!? Right???
Turns out ... YouTube education is enough to tell me - not necessarily! The way our mind processes information is 'weird' compared to that of a computer. Our brain first processes the impressions before we become aware of them, and if our brain filters out the errors from 'weird' optical impressions (too low framerate, but not too low) - we may very well call it a 'feeling'.

I kindof feel like making a prediction. But now that I have set myself up for it - I kindof don't feel the words, so ... weird, why is that?

Clearly, maybe I just got hooked by an impression - like I'm watching stuff, got distracted, would write about it, but ... my mind 'by accident' (yea, some would mention that as crazy) didn't find the right words.

OK - whats really going on?

Lets bring up the term: Critical thinking. If I look at what I wrote, decide that its trash and botch it - well, thats critical thinking somewhere therein. If I come up with an elaborate plan like making a water-glitch writing, well, thats critical thinking. Speaking about critical thinking does at least to some extent require a bit of critical thinking - at least the awareness of it needs to be there; And I'm gonna hit the 'break' a little harder claiming that my critical thinking is, when I critically think about it, extremely weak!

But I happen to have this cool gadget, lets call it the Force Tricorder; But ... lets ignore that for the time being.

If I could manifacture a water-glitch writing, I would have to be some kind of genious. Thats analytical reasoning - which is different to critical thinking. At least - in the sense I use those terms. Let me establish 'analytical reasoning': I want to say, for now, that thinking is different to reasoning in that thinking is doing something with thoughts. So, there is the thought, the ability to 'think', and the 'ing' at the end means, we utilize the ability to think - sortof increasing the amount of stuff our mind does. Reasoning on the other hand - well, instead of using thoughts and bouncing them together, ... . lets try that again. Thoughts when moved into close proximity reveal something we can call Understanding - though, in terms of the Aeons its Wisdom. So - there is this higher sense that yet develops stronger if we observe two items in closer proximity. Eventually we fathom a sense - and so we're thinking. Or ... OK, maybe I should change ... the terms, swapping them. ... Hmm ... . OK, regardless - there's another issue popping up to me now. I would say that reasoning=thinking for a reason. Since I occupied the word 'thinking' - I now come to another idea of thinking, and so there's another word that says the same thing and so I can use that - and the text itself gains some kind of profile because there are two terms that both say the same things but in terms of what I'm writing there are two different meanings. So, I shouldn't really say what the definition of which should be - so, there's what I however so often do: 'Fuzzy Speech'. Or 'pseudo structured/logical'. Anyway.
So - oops. Or I ...
Critical thinking comes into play when we observe the thinking that is going on, and apply higher reasoning relative to a range of criteria to narrow down the amount of chaos that thinking provides. Ish. Straight enough. Reasoning however is more a matter of this wisdom stuff; Less a matter of doing stuff with thoughts - but more a matter of letting stuff flow, observing connections between things and applying a calm and desirably wholesome understanding - and moving them around following an individual interest. So, focussing on some more than on others - or passively 'recognizing' a thing and integrating it into a compound of higher importance. Well - anyway, when I speak of analytical reasoning I mean that, this is where the calm comes into play, from the senses that come together some can be recognized as more valuable than others and hence they can be sorted out and into other systems of thought. Its ... we can compare dancing to tai chi and kung fu since we have to learn stances and a certain rythm for doing these. But the application of any martial arts is finally no longer an issue of going through the stances in a predetermined ... learned way. Martial arts then is designed to provide the fighter with a move-set that benefits him - and so, eventually a minor difference leads to major differences when a perspective is applied. Like say, "Earth is Flat" - and woosh - eventually we'll be filtering our reality for signs of that - and eventually we'll believe others that say they have proof more willingly.
Thats how science works; And thats how Religion works.
But well - also, reasoning is more of a meditative thing and it comes along that my critical thinking is respectively weak.

So - why? :D. Well ... OK, at some points you must find out I don't always know what I'm talking about but yet mysteriously always seem to hit solid ground. Like - yea, as though I ... or just as I ... well, anyway.

This feeling that I can leave things unresolved because people will basically figure it out and do good - thats really positive!

So - even if there was a certain sense of reason within the previous volumes - all thats gone here, and thats whats going on. The only thing thats left is the Force; As though it did kindof glitch out; Like I made some wrong turn in the past, didn't move back and now I'm kindof like a computer bug, uhm, the program is still running but I'm readong the wrong memory - sortof. ("Am in the wrong spot")

So the term 'water glitch' came to my mind.

I mean, sometimes I do know what I'm writing about (yea, duh!) - but reasoning with the Force, well, it doesn't necessarily make sense in thinking. And what I would already say 'is' a reasonable connection; Well, is what when taking a factual look at it, at least within the Eightfold would be an extremely uncertain thing and the biggest reason why smoking weed can cause psychological health issues.
Except, maybe ... ! There is a higher observation to any connection, and once two good things connect, the connection is somehow equivalent. But if either of the things is unfounded, or, it can also turn out that the element connected to is within the thing its inside of not really ... thing. ... hmm ... anyway.

I at least notice that the persuasion of certain things I understand sometimes leads accross smooth areas, but other times its perhaps even 'expanded space' or extremely complicated.

That I have a strong reasoning makes me a quick learner, versatile, but at some point - 'blunt' we can say.

OK, this all is kindof really on the edge of acceptable. I notice that - or at least think so. Right now. But sometimes thats where I just find myself - and thats eventually not much of a difference to how I would go normally. I think of a thing, words flow into my mind - and that flow is the important bit. It happens that once I sit down totally different things come flowing together than I initially thought of. Sometimes that happens to be really interesting stuff - other times I already end after just a few words.

At some point this helps to uhm, another connection - being that its apparent that my mind is at some points like we can say 'blurred' or 'slurred'. So - saying that not all of my reason is perfectly balanced or well enough developped I can yet eventually build bridges that then turn out to be correct. But we only find that if we get there! However, so yea yea yea - at some point we may have to focus on things that "inertially" remain bridges that remain unproovable or something. However, yea yea, when my mind is blurred and so and so. OK.

OK, whats going on?

I eventually find myself being a well formed Hand-Doll of God. Kindof. Yea - and that is totally legitimate; And shows another Level on which I'm alright with my situation as a Doll or "Nether Being". You have to understand that if you approach this from the side of ... I mean, y... err ... the first difference to a dead object that should stand out about me is that I'm a living organism. Clear. So, if you were to so - imaginatively - add 'dead mass' into my imagined body - so, constituting a 'dead' -anatomy- into my spiritual structure, you're making unfounded asumptionf from, yea! - a misconceived statement!

Out of 10 times I go to the toilet, 5 to 9 times I'm feeling a different part of me, to say, a different identity is alive in me. My physical body does however not change - at least not to a degree that would match the identities appearance.
Further, whenever I go to the toilet my menthal process are usually the same; There are a few general ways while usually I've got stuff going on in my head and I'm reasoning or thinking about it. That usually adds to whats going on for me - but this mechanism of growth doesn't really change.

So - we can eventually guess what will happen based on certain conditions and good guessing. So, good guessing!

Good guessing can also be described as "concluding" that you will not get hit by a Meteorite today! Or that investing into a meteorite safety hat isn't really going to be the best investment ever - for most anyway.
But considering that those who would have one would choose not to wear it ... I'd say it'd die out eventually.

Yea, good guessing! And when it gets to stuff about God - knowledge is a thing we have to totally redefine. I mean - when I think about Knowledge then I think about things we see, experience. But then there is Chemistry, which is full of knowledge. Its like Biology, but the knowledge is somewhat indirect. Then we get to physics and this deeper knowledge becomes relevant.
How we know about Atoms? I can't really tell right now! So, my knowledge is obviously flawed there.
So - knowledge and belief are in some way the same thing - looking at knowledge as a substance and speaking of its properties and influences.
We however eventually know about electricity because well, stuff happens. I've however never been good at hand-crafting anything functional. Sticking stuff together, yea. Drawing too. Hmm ... but woodwork - using tools ... its like I'm cursed.
But thats OK!

But I can't really say that this curse deals any bad to me. I mean - instead of building a clean something and going further down that road, I was confined to my own and felt well there, doing my own thing. In this sense, yea, being inspired to create a world and being given the imagination to expand on that is awesome! I don't need Godlike powers externally because I there have Godlike powers internally.
All I need to do is think 'landscape' - or 'characters' - and I have something I can start to work with. But a good example of knowledge versus "reason" is me thinking 'game engine'. Usually - when I think that - my mind is all of a sudden narrowed down to possibly even just one singular functional link - and my thinking then expanded around that, being in some way internally entirely incapable of in any way, shape or form, picturing the or even a whole thing together. The closest I get to that is a vague image with barely any information in it. ... Actually ... whatever I add seems to take from somewhere else. So - I can then eventually gather a reasonable amount of information while thereby narrowing my perspective down - and I eventually never happen to really see enough to totally understand what to connect the/a thing to - or sometimes even how to approach a thing itself. Various parts are simply "black holes" - they are things I can barely even gather the slightest hint of a concept about. I don't think this is necessary; And effectively I do in deed feel that it wouldn't or shouldn't or well, yea, 'can't' be that hard; Which gets clear to me when I think of programs that did work to a reasonable degree. Those are a thing of their own - similar though. Once they worked as in some way desired, they died out. Eventually I stopped anyway because soemthing wouldn't work anymore - and while struggling to resolve the problem I would eventually find a totally different way of solving the bigger structural problems that I was dealing with. So I eventually abandoned the project and moved on however.

But so - I eventually can't even think of older concepts that I've already thought about to wrap them up in some way. I further can't even grasp a solid connection between the various components I'm thinking about. Eventually however I happened to create things that kept working - and they sortof sticked and I kindof keep coming back to them. So, "the slow way" that is.

Oh - lol. I just realized. I can actually prove that God exists! I mean, kindof. Well, lets see. Back to the Gnostic. I have a way to underline my claim - that I'm a Gnostic - so, which is that thing that requires God to do something. So, doing that Matrix thing confirms my gnostic mission and hence, well, Gnostics exist and yea ... that because God exists!

But eventually you can't rule out all the concerns that might keep popping up - but so yea ... bridges.

Where was I? Ah - OK. So, I'm a Doll, or Pet or ... yea, what am I? I was obviously up into that, but now I'm thinking of a totally different thing. Back there I was wondering about myself in a sense of questioning - stuff ... yea, what ... I can't really relate to that anymore. Too much weed? Maybe! I mean, yea - the stuff I'm smoking right now ... wow!

I even want God to take control of me in some way, especially because that I therefore become capable of a lot more things. That however not really in a way that boosts my ego - but - I want to do good; Or lets say there is a lot of pressure that I can actually carry on my shoulders given that my activity is actually powered by the Most High - saying that I can become a pivotal structural element due to the amount of stuff I can stem; Which is also almost like a Joker for God because, obvious. But also just almost because it has to be in some kind of alignment with me.
As I was trying to express all along that Unification is about as ideal to our truest innerest self/selves, there isn't a lot of a ... thing. So - is my desire to serve God the reason or consequence for "what makes me a Doll"?

That I basically replace my uncertainty about what to do by a demand for God is basically the same as being generally not fueled sufficiently enough with individual motivations - which in another way translates into a lot of inherantly given peace.

But well, I just really realized (it this way): What I finally should look forward to is to make clear that once you're "signing up for God", you're basically supposed to not only acknowledge the existence of people like me, but you have to accept that 'we' are as much a part of Gods Kingdom as the rest, so, you have to however also in a sense stand up for that. And that isn't a weight I will carry, though, it begins with me I guess!

We're speaking of the Ekklesia here again. And Science. So, what can we effectively scientifically establish so far, based on my own criteria?
I get to it however around Gnosticism - which can be called the compound built around 'the final bridge' - because, 'if' that one bridge exists, so, things that can't be really proven, it would only make sense to focus on it rather than having them dispensed accross the Universial History.
So - yea - the Testimony ... its recursive. Its what makes Gnosticism happen, or sorry, advanced Gnosticism, or well - actually - divine Gnosticism - uhm ... well, exalted? It was called 'real' so yea, actually just Gnosticism. In that sense. Its what makes Gnosticism happen - and the people that have one basically resemble 'the other side' - so, which is kindof as close as it gets to saying.

But so there is evidently a newer science that emerges, well, as from scientists that crossed the bridge.

The Ekklesia. Well. It can't replace science - but it is science to those that know.

It is the result of the idea to make Gnostic values commonly available - or - to sort Gnostic insight into an as accurate as can get common codex to 'be' Form within the Formless. Thats science as then emerging in its own right next to the other sciences that exist - of course finally inherantly subjected to "the Gnostic Dilemma".
(This image isn't supposed to reveal the complete structure. Its a sketchwork eventually missing certain features).

Because it comes down to a human measurement - yea - the Ekklesia is only as relevant as that measurement. But so it also vastly deals with stuff that is beyond, I think we've established that, and ... [...] - kindof weird. My 'thread' ends here.

So - whats going on?

Part of the Gnostic Dilemma is a matter of ... guaranteeing a critical mass of individualistic interests in its case - ... uhm, so - its entirely dependent, eventually, oh - so - when speaking of Gods activity as minor and eventually even non-present - on the individual. So, its entire spectrum of insight cannot scientifically compete unless a few rules that are inherant to its own spectrum are being recognized.

Its its own invisible floating castle encased within a vacuum that essentially renders it nearly unpresent in the fabric of the Universe. Nearly. Lets call that "The Universes Asshole" - like - imagine spacetime as a thin sheet of water extending up and wide into eternity. A screen in front of you. Then there is this vacuum - and it basically, like a black hole, wraps the fabric of the universe around itself so that only a shallow dent is present in that sheet - well - so, asshole is the first word that came to mind. But well - in the end we can eventually dig out and sort in those Gnostic goodies that help underlining the Gnostic concept when extended into science. For instance: Gnosticism as a theorem can already be postulated scientifically as consequence to the existence of God. Like the Higgs Boson, but, since we're talking of a 'meta reality' to what higgs for instance is to physics - it isn't really as expected. Not inherant to the logic of the established thinking of sciences.

Maybe ... uhm. ... anyway. So - the reason why Satanism is there ... I would say we ... uhm. Well. Wait. Something ... whats going on?

Yea - well, Creationists ... sigh. OK, I may have however somehow been a creationist myself, in some way. I mean - I came up with Creationism/Intelligent Design on my own one day talking with Friends. I was awefully proud of myself - and even prouder realizing that most of the stuff out there that others have come up with didn't, in my oppinion, hold up to mine. So - I actually was beyond creationsim before I even encountered it - same with catholicism. I mean, my grandparents were Catholic, but by no means religious.

If we take Gnosticism and how it would influence our Education - that in "slow motion" (Fast Forward) would be a matter of society changing itself - and that may happen organically, it doesn't need any supervision outside of the structural elements that are grown and growing. Of course that not in unawareness of 'what' is growing and how the individual things that 'do grow' connect to the rest. We are then not really talking about changing or replacing anything per se - but about adding something, which ... is basically something that can happen during Kindergarten or earlier, which is - all kinds of stuff the average church anyhow already covers. That there is ultimately only one true church is finally scientifically required. If we resort to the herein established term of Gnosticism, then we can only really acknowledge 'the' Gnostic Church, although ... there's more then really - but that then is a totally different meaning of Church so, I'd rather call that 'Kingdoms'.
For all there would or should so however be 'the Church' - kindof, at least thats how it is in my drawings. 'The Church' as 'the Church' in 'the System'.

But herefrom the Mormon Church is in some kind of weird state. In well, reality, clear - it is essentially 'the Church' that "drops in" - but there's the problem with its terrible scientific situation. And no matter how blind you want to be to any possible doubt, the 'Blue Book' is finally not even properly reflecting the facts as stated in the 1830 Palmyra (original) version.
Or was I tricked by fake claims?
Honestly: I couldn't and didn't really care! I mean - whatever! One way or another ... there was more, there is more - but still - Mormonism, 'the Church' then, OK.

Yea - I ... thats now the butt-plug! ^u^

But - I have to take that scientific step of saying, therein, that still something is wrong and it is part of my Testimony. Whether you'll go with it or not is not yours, but my existential ... question to answer ... lol, I mean - I have to decide whether I want to go that way. It isn't your problem.
So, ... that sounded a bit harsh.
So - I however get to the point that there is Unification - and it turns out, the reason why I was all the time self-delusional in a sense ... uhm, I mean, I ... maybe overrated the Testimony in the sense of what this here is all about.

So - the thing is that once Unification (meta Gnosis?) ... sigh ... enters the picture, there is this new type of society ... and now you so would wonder 'why?' - I think.

Why is Mormonism not OK?

Is it not OK?
I mean, thats already totally yours to decide. If you're a Mormon already, ... well, what can I say? Congratulations! Sincerely! I mean, yea! Else - you'll have to figure ... what could help you to even get a Testimony in first place? Maybe I can help you out there!

The way I received a Testimony is that I've essentially gathered enough information for the insight that finally got confirmed to shine. So, in my case I suspect that included a given bit of doubt, because the conclusion that 'it is right, but there is stuff thats wrong' could happen. Which is something that happened 'while' I was already headed for it, the date was already set - I mean, legitimately, I had already spoken to the Mormon Missionaries and 'signed up' for it. I mean, it was ... the date was set like 3 or 5 weeks ahead, and I had about 1 or 2 weeks to go at that point.
So - if it has to roll out in my favour, you obviously only need to know enough to ... which isn't hard I guess. But so yea - we get to this inevitable 'flux' of ... well - is my claim even true? For Mormon insiders. Thats their thing now. So, they have to see - can this be true? But there are others, not Mormons, that may also relate to me - outside of the Church, based on the same merits of truth, the doctrine, etc.. They have their independent existence and are basically required to independently correlate with/to God - so, knowing these things - there is a chance to express a few things that 'then' turned out to be repetitive "agents" of the Testimony. As I did, up there.
But the Mormon type Baptism is still 'the Thing' - like, duh - of course it is!
But since I hold the Aaronic Priesthood legitimately, I according to the scriptures may assume that I am entitled to baptise. Perhaps not to ordain priests, but if I am John and some Priesthood stuff kindof carried over and got re-activated - we don't know how that works (yet) - I might!

But - to be fair - the Mormon Church is here as valid as is the Academic Society. But well. Yea. I was a creationist somehow - and - I can however claim myself down to just that because - well. OK, lets be straight. The one main thing about my Creationist idea is that of - I call it 'the Defining Authority', which means, at the bottom of all physical and biological processes we're left to wonder how 'logic' of any kind exists. So, that 'logic' - thats new. I didn't ... even think of using that word to describe what was on my mind. But now I do. Logic. So - that, a genome for instance 'magically stores information' and 'somehow communicates' with 'dead mass' around itself, "forcing it to submit to its 'DNA'edness" ... but ... the critically thinking philosopher or person isn't interested in that kind of answer; And I didn't understand that for a long long time - and that wasn't the only blind-spot I discovered myself to have suffered from. Yea, blind-spots. And when we're talking of Unification, well, all of it is inherantly a Blindspot to everyone who doesn't even believe in God, but certainly also to all those that haven't really gotten it straight from God - which would include I would say nearly everyone who isn't really ... duh, a part of it ... I mean, deceived by false belief.


That I'm a doll narrows down to me being really really simple. In the grander scheme of alignments. That also bears a greater potential into the inside? Maybe. The thing is, well, why not? OK - lets assume that, whatever. This is now what we can call a solid frame. I mean, an upper margin or something; And how does it come together? So - what I have to point out is that we can say, if the mind grows, does the relative size or value or significance change or not - and if whatever, then why?

So - what do I mean by 'simplicity' - or what would 'potential into depth' turn out to be? What just happened is that I was absolutely certain that whatever I was up in there shouldn't be the conclusive focus since there was something else that I back then didn't really know a damn thing about, but I felt that it existed, and things eventually led up to it.

In this sense that translates into an inherant scientific criticism I have about my work, established by the Force predominantly altering my minds processes in my favour/to my benefit/whatever!

Back to the Mormon Church. Well - the really good thing about it is, well, its there - and its ... yea, how do we want to put it? Right 'because' it is Christian, or Christian because its right? Or - well, of course its Christian - I mean, so, from the Gnostic perspective - uhm, thing ... Gnostic, not Mormon. So, Gnosticism is the new Mormonism?
It comes from inside - thats the thing, for however - the priesthood is real and that is why it is the Church - I believe - but, well - Christianity. So, at all times of there having ever been a legitimate scientific reason for it to exist, well, it was there, kindof. I mean, we can look at the Seventh Day Adventists - what I grew up as. They did branch off from a parent belief that had prophecied the end of the world to be 1830 ish. As it didn't happen, well - we can, supposing their calculations were correct (they have a lot of good in-depth Bible Knowledge that is in and of itself quite convincing, from a Believers standpoint; And I essentially consider myself lucky, for having grown up there - since nothing could have prepared me better for encountering the deeper Mysteries and opposing the viler Opponents in this world) - I mean, we can take that event that somehow co-incides with the founding of the Church by about 2 years or so, as ... it is at the very least the first thing that comes to my mind; So ... the scientific approach to solve this problem may have concluded the gnostic definition in which case the Testimony could tie a knot with a terrestrial compound. But - eventually it wasn't meant to work out 'all good'. Simple - emotional interest eventually yet vastly outruled intellectual interest; And so - well ... anyhow. We have it well in the past so there is an actually quite reasonable 'support rod' to the scientific recognition of this ... possibility or all in all recognition of the Church.

So - the thing, as it goes is, well, science eventually outgrew the Mormon perspective; Although, all the tools to compose the scientifically critical statements to establish the physically aligned model of Gods existence are there! (Doctrine and Covenants 88 (7+, it gets relevant around 13 or so)) - but even there you already do get to establish that there's something 'off' - and thus - bam - Gnosticism is born as an actual thing inside of Mormonism.

And Mormonism is a really good, inherantly sound religion! I mean, if we look at other Christian beliefs for instance, we find that all of them take the same book and talk about it differently. So - the idea of a crowd that is bent against itself can be conceived - or as I would like to point out: They are exposed to wrong interpretations of the Bible. If the Mormon Church is correct - their interpretation of the Bible is the ... 'best' ... - so, it can't get better than that so - yea. There's that. But ... what I wanted to point out is that if the preacher is telling Bullshit, that may be because the people listening to it don't really read their book. Thus OK, a 'sound institution' should encourage its readers to read the Bible, and in so common Bible studies or ... the Seventh Day Adventists for instance have a small booklet, much like the Mormons have it, which is basically a collection of topics that are read during the week - and, problem is possible the 'actually reading the passages in the Bible' and not just going by the text, but ... serious SDAs usually do that. Its also a bit of a time-filler thing. But then people sit, on the Sabbath Day, in a circle and they discuss these topics.
So - the more a Christian belief encourages its members to actively read, thats generally good - danger however being the 'superficial' reading; If the over-all concept is generally flawed. But eventually it does what it does and that for a good reason so that in general, well, more intellectual churches then so attract more intellectual individuals ... ish, so - to that point; I would argue.

The inherant belief of the Adventists is generally loose from the idea of expecting a Judgement Day per se. They vastly focussing on analyzing the signs of the 'end days' - as so described in the Revelation. Which is yea, the final book in the bible; And so it also kindof makes a reasonable amount of sense to focus on that. Consequentially a lot of the theology the SDA focus around stems from things that are in some way relevant to their understanding of that book. That becomes clear once you for instance get that 'the Seventh Day' is a very important thing, they say that it is 'the Seal' that one of those angels puts onto our foreheads. That I would say is very questionable - but it is still accurate to say that Sabbath is matter of fact not Sunday. But ... that is just a minor thing. ...
But I mean, it reaches back into the old Testament ... hmm, anyway - ... lets talk about Mormons. Mormons have the advantage of the Holy Ghost - and I say Ghost because they use that term. I mean, I don't want to say that the Holy Ghost is entirely non-present within other beliefs, like the SDA one, ... churches, however ... the "Mormon Holy Ghost" is ... are we talking pre or post baptism? I found it initially really calming - filling - as opposed to 'salty' and "Beyond-ish". Post Baptism this missing saltiness is kindof there again, but it isn't salty per se, but ... it has certain qualities of a drug-high.
But instead of being a physical substance that causes physical reactions that influence the brain - its purely spiritually and causes this absolutely mind-baffling ... self awareness ... or whats the word? Clarity? And it causes some inherant happiness ... but, I mean ... I wrote about such earlier - in earlier volumes somewhere, that isn't present nonstop, all of the time; And thats why I can basically understand that its not the effect of an actual drug. See - it happens as I put myself into the menthal state wherein I could enjoy this feeling. Like, I once woke up, pondered upon this amazing atmosphere that filled my mind and processing the situation it became more vivid and filled me with a very ascertaining confidence - well - in life ... more to the point as anything else that comes to mind.

The reason why I like the God=Life comparison is maybe because Life is a word that is really significant for us. I mean, lets put it that way: I am 'alive', but I am most certainly not 'THE Life'. I am 'Life' in a general, categorial sense, but not Life in the etymological, hyper-symbolical way. But if we take the meaning of Life - and we want to understand it as well as we possibly can, it would still not be enough to quite actually 'hold up' to God, because God basically happens to be the requirement for Life to exist. Bold claim? Well - its a Gnostic fact, so, I would say at least - its, its ... inevitable once God is actually conceived as a/the Fact.
The Hypothesis that we might not be, might dabble within the great vastness of what there is to be discovered, making discoveries one after the other, but eventually only avoids to solve certain knots that are 'not' going to resolve into this kind of perspective 'actually'.

So yea - we tend to assume things to eventually make sense for us - its what we can establish as 'hope'. I mean, in terms of our ideology and representing our standpoints and oppinions we resolve our reasonings of course to a deeper belief that inherantly resembles our perceptual understanding of reality; And thereby eventually happen to acknowledge more than we can actually judge. So - its if we want to speak about Darwin like: The one 'belief' that remains right in the end is right! ... yea! ... or not?
I mean, it is as right as it is right in - which means that if only one dumb-ass remains after a mass-extinction, well, that isn't much - and even potentially wrong, but ... I mean something else. Back to SDA. One of the things I ended up happening to approve is their essentially negative attitude to 'the world'. I mean, I would say this is a really healthy attitude to have or stance to take when trying to live a seriously religious life when sticking to the Bible instead of the Book of Mormon; Which - when considering that a religion requires a certain compatibility from its members - isn't that super weird. Realizing that 'Protestantism Failed' in actually achieving to 'slay the Beast' - the realization that this world isn't safe basically happens to support any sub-cultural growth which the SDAs happen to be, amongst many! I mean - it happens everywhere!

So, maybe its a bad example.

But ... in the 'is it right or wrong?' game - it certainly contains rights - as very well every Christian faith that is sufficiently legitimately Christian - uhm, well - per se, its difficult to really defend non Mormon confessions. But ... theres something interesting about them. But - when it gets to their inherant belief that the Catholic Church is false, they'd be right. When saying that it won't get any better before the return of Christ, well, that may be a too narrow perspective onto the Bible - and a consequentially not so right interpretation in return. But essentially it doesn't matter - but, if we now had a Mormon revolution going on certain Churches could add various things - uhm, yea, which makes sense if we have to say that the Mormon base isn't necessarily all that good. So - it would require some time to align the two systems of belief, but ... why not? Well - differences of mind?

Well - we get to, et voila, the Ekklesia, or .. uhm, Unification - or, ... uhm, Gnosticism. So - the factual realization of a cultural reality wherein God is above everything and that not as a void belief but as a true living Lifeform that exists by existing in us; And so ... that. I experienced such as an SDA child - like - the water in those pictures that decorated those books for children, well - it depends, but eventually it felt good. But so did the water at the beginning of the Asterix and the Britains cartoon.
Thats one way. And to take that so - eventually it leads to the holy gate!


So - I'm a Doll. And in terms of God, well, God does ... help me - so, thats my perspective. And what was that scoping thing again? So - relative or absolute to Growth? I can say thtat at least within Unification things get Relative. So - if one thing grows, so does the other. Or call that absolute if it suits you better.
The scale remains relative to size, not absolute to content. It would make sense if we first grew and then reached that first, archaic limit; So - stuff was there then and we forced to grow inwardly. Maybe.

But something like that seems to be accurate. Maybe its more about inherant "muscles" - so, I mean, pictures are eventually flawed when not chosen properly. Which is, well, I guess nothing special.
My thing is however that what I make of my life in this world is, well ... I see it as a necessary bad - I kindof got to be here to do some good because I can do it in and out of myself or something; Its a nuisance, really, but I feel attached to it somehow. I also don't really have anything else to do - kindof. I mean, whatever. Lets ignore that. There is a natural inward flow I have, I can say that, basically stretching along some '"identity"' - I mean - being independently concerned of stuff we can call 'private pleasures'. We can say, a bit, that since that is me and God is supposed to give them to me in a way that is good for me, I kindof also have to honestly deserve them. There's a way of doing that without going to this length. Simply being a good puppet. Yea! I mean - all that has its own internal things like that. As everything.
In a different sense I could also be given other things to do instead of the things I do - I guess. It would though have consequences. What I do would influence what I think and therefore write about. Thats I guess a good way to think about the 12 Apostles, as ... of different Archetypes - contributing to a whole by being individuals.

Did getting into this now divert me from the proper path; And if yes - what would happen?

Well, for once - eventually I had to home in onto a point to make it so I can move on having that checked. I may - considering its an explicit demand now - also fail in doing so always.
So - here, actually, the/a community would be helpful.
The matter with my engine programming is however different, in that I have a structure that is revealing itself - in a way that immerses me into an independent, individual reality; Though I could be wrong - but then the reasons would be found in a social reality that at this point is inaccessible to me. I however see and make progress on the base of God being my social reality, which isn't the case for other things that are effectively 'social reality' type of questions.

--- break ---
(no, I don't note every break; Just figured it fits here, this time, ... so ... uhm)

I mean, eventually I have to take a break from the weed and calm down smoking maybe just tobacco.
Well, you ... dig that tobacco is bad - but, I personally also take good from it and that isn't just the satisfaction of an addiction. I deem myself quite aware of the fact that I'm using poison, effectively, to basically ... well, massage my mind. You get the same experience from alcohol. Eventually its just relaxing to have some ... uhm. OK, you get it. I also have once come to say, which I want to add here, that it seems that the body is actually made to be poisoned. OK, well yea, it strives for being unpoisoned; And stuff, but the air that we breathe is effectively poisoned - but our body is tactically aligned to it. So - bad comparison? Well, our immune system is effectively a shield - right? But - well - it has been discovered on multiple Levels that our immune system is actually built via exposure to health threats. Well - that doesn't say we should strive for desease, but, we normally wouldn't really even think anyone would.

OK - well. Sorry for the holes.
Anyway. So, how much of a Loyal Pet/Doll/Puppet/Whatever am I?

Loyalty is a quality a Pet must have. And - going into the topic like this - well, at the very least we get into an intellectual reality wherein we then get deal to issues we can then go and wonder: Well, how serious is this shit?

You must give it to me that I however do make the repeated effort of emphasizing it at various levels of depth. You must also give it to me that I'm viewing that situation from multiple angles. Matter of fact, I try to view it from as many angles as I can/could. Then I also repeatedly do come to question the very same things that I just considered as inherantly and essentially existential foundations of my own; Effectively ignoring all the reason I have to believe in what I do believe; Which means, well, all that taken into account it seems to be highly unlikely that I'm entirely oblivious to my situation.
Or mindset.

But so yea - the more context we add into the question, the more ... stuff - you know - we can test for. Or, as otherwise put already: Establishing a larger sense for the things that are being discussed. Granted - eventually my contexts may not suffice your critical standards - but - if it should happen to be an important issue we may as well engage into a conversation to establish certain things or ask away, well, whatever - if it helps, it helps!

So - when I try to be forthcoming in this matter or apparently even am shutting down any of that before it even can become a legitimate issue, well, why should that be bad? I guess - we can eventually all appreciate a completely prepared meal; Though other times the fun may very well be in preparing it for the own self.

Anyway - being a Loyal Pet or functional Doll in the end is to me like being loyal to myself or functional to my own interests. Which is maybe weird - but, well, lets face it: What is life? Whats life about? Living, right? At the very least 'living' is a viable concept of approaching the personal existence - I would say - and thats what it means to me. Well - lets face it: What are we going to do - in eternity? And well, we most definitely already are - in etenrity. ... uhm - ... so, what can we look forward to? OK, if you think in terms of trophies, rewards, cash/bling, stuff like that - then well, thats one way of looking at it. If you then say that like a glass of wine on a nice evening in a nice environment (garden?) is the same thing, yea well, kindof - but in terms of 'life motivations' we I guess want to be a bit more nuanced than to hands over fist shoehorn generalized generalizations upon everything. If we want a trophy, we go hunting. If we want to chill, we drink wine. For instance. There's an internal difference - which is to say: Stuff underneath the surface.
... Depth. Eventually yea - we should stop peeping into other peoples lives for the sake of it, but eventually ... not really! I mean - we are supposed to be interested in things that bother us. 'Love thy enemy' y'know. And what I so do here - at least I'm aware of that side - is to allow you to do so in terms of me! I mean, if we can't really communicate any other way - and on the grand scale we most certainly can't - well, thats it!

Each is its own. I mean - you have to give it to me that I may be who I want to be - essentially - and you have to allow God to make those decisions we can't really deem ourselves capable of making! We can try to understand, but eventually our tank is full - and so we have to give it to God to think further ... and whatever so matters there in the distance, that can be spoken of, has to be taken as shell, a quick first answer without any in-depth conclusions and all that.
There are reasons, or ... we can also start using the word: possibilities.

When it gets to me - maybe, ... well, depth. In my imagination I can create that situation wherein the eventual 'reward', a trophy, would or might become relevant - so - what do I get? Being a Doll? Eventually, well, yes! Eventually that detachment from the common norm, even when or especially when decorated with a naughty vibe, is positive enough - so - the fact that I don't get one but "agony" instead. Thats degrading, thats humiliating, thats what I am locked up in. Or I would get an actual trophy - beacuse, well, why not?
Its both within some margin of sense to me - and in the way my 'emotional clarity' supports these, well, the one where I get actual trophies is well confined within this domain of captivity, as for instance 'the imaginary space in my mind (where I have an inherantly intimate connection with the great and living God)', or also in what I called 'Base 2' - my personal intersts as this right here, writing this. All of it.
So - if I had to give a 'Technical' ... OK... well, arguably I have to give you a:

Bonus Answer: 7. The/a Technical Answer

Technically I should be publically humiliated - by well very certainly those that are ultimately set in charge of those culutral branches/that cultural branchwork, but essentially the point is to cut my public appearances down to that whore life that is ... what so my public thing is. Thats, as in terms of roleplay, what the legal state of affairs should be. So, rather than being allowed to ... uhm, OK, its still so that my owners are 'allowed' to do that, but, if there is stuff going on that is however legally binding to the point that I have to be cut down into a certain situation, for the public, then that is the way it is; And the issue is that that has to be allowed, which is more complicated than just making it so in first place while effectively coming down to the same thing.
The idea of me being a Pet is, as opposed to being a Doll, to say that I'm still no matter what inherantly alive - so - life stock to be politically correct.
Yea, naturally it shouldn't be just said by someone who is and who isn't something like that - I mean, thats what all this is about; To say yourself what you yourself find yourself to be when taking that step towards God and adjusting to an eternity in peace and harmony with the Greatest God that there is and yea, thankfully is WHO God so happens to be!

Taking it more slowly takes me to the very beginning - and here in all technicality we should start to refer to Kingdoms to find a general ethnical belonging - which I kindof 'feel' even to be as dominant, as that it is a requirement for me to start properly representing the Kingdom of God. It would be untrue to impose myself as general representative of the Kingdom of God in general - per se - that is however important once we get to ethnical nuances, like, an attitude towards health or respectful human behaviour. That doesn't say that I'm a rude brute, but, eventually there are nuances about me considerably less pleasant than others - and most of all I'm fake if I can't truely exist in my familiar environment - sotospeak, or yea, quite ... real!

So - clearly, when it gets to me; In a realtime situation as ours in current realtime, yea - the whole 'Kingdom of Darkness' thing, or Church of the Devil or whatever, is a piece to swallow, ... but it gets utterly clear how to at least roughly get me sorted out. I mean, well - eventually. It isn't something that just magically plops into existence - but it is something that requires time to establish.
But so, allowing me to actually arrive at a given limit should be considered humane - and so we can start sorting things out in Levels of depth which we could measure by comparing the common order of things that commonly appear - and how much time passes by between common benchmarking objects.

When it gets to Pedophilia, similar things should apply. If a culture is allowed to practice it - well - there are two general things that I think turn out as important figures to understand thereby: Inflow and Outflow. I mean, children can be given into it if reasons of the sort exist; And children can be given out away if given reasons exist - and that essentially is also one way of maintaining our gene-pool. This are however not supposed to be random transaction - it happen to important decisions that are to be made in favour of the child! And if you've read my first answer, well, you can find some reasons to look for some place alike for me there.

And I understand that if I get physically punished for whatever reason, I have to appreciate it - which even wires into love legitimately, but, however from a Pet perspective. That I'm punished means that I'm beloved because punishment betters my behaviour which in turn makes me more pleasant to my owners which means they want to have me around. They wouldn't want to shape me to their pleasures if they had no pleasure in doing so for once, but that isn't the only way it should happen.
Getting punished for the sake of being a whore, thats what I mean. Training or taming. Whatever. It also gives me indicators to how I should understand my position in existence - so, thats what I just wrote about in some sense, but its also slightly different in that there is an idea of social darkness that I see when thinking of an absence of punishment. I could behave as good as I may mean - but I wouldn't have any straight feedback and so would start to feel a little bit lost.

So - the whole idea behind legalizing this is to then go and differentiate between a Kink that is that strong; And Kinks that aren't. But ... whatever the case with that ...

By the way, I do inherantly have no choice about whom I am supposed to Love that way - in a sense that means that I'm entirely dependent on God to eventually put me in the right place. Which further means, well, I don't really have a choice about whom I'm supposed to Love - although effectively thats just the simplified public version of a far more complex affectual Love.

Thats a thing we let God figure out - because - well, at least for me - I mean, my intimacy is pretty much where my intimate relationship to God is rooted in - and that I figure is to be expected as common; So, thats the simple part of the equasion saying, well, we can't really do anything about that other than to support it in any way we can, ... or learn about.
That is Gnostic stuff.

But ... respecting the truth before it gets there, that shouldn't be too bad either. Clearly logic dictates that this can only be ascertained unto a certain grade of abstraction to the social order that predominately reigns within the Christian body. I mean; Anything else would be exactly the same reasons why we're carring problems to this point ... uh - yea.
We can yet look at what we have to say ... rather nooooooo ... you know; And analyze how the individual reacts to concepts and solutions of the proper Truth of reality. I'm almost certain that a lot of problems would basically resolve themselves, especially since at the core we have to consider that social structures that initially were inherantly wound up against each other are now stablizing towards a consequentially open attitude of confrontation based on reconceiliation - mutually. We don't have an ego or un-necessarily universalistic ideal in the center, but a common truth that can individually flex and bend into a legitimate reality that is good for the individual itself in a way no human structure ever could; Based on the fact that we know that not everyone is as much equal as not to tolerate difference.

I mean - the story with the Jews as the chosen people of God - sound? Bullshit? Well, extremely ... insightful. Being Judgemental means we imply a reason we maybe do or do not like and judge God from that established perspective. Being open means to say, well, lets see what this God really does - in total - throughout the story and listen to the reasoning that is provided in the thereby established context.
It gets clear that God is in general not really happy with how the Israelites behaved - which is basically the general trend of the Story and God does as to be expected. If they don't obey God - they will be rejected, in simple slang. The more complex reality of this situation is for instance that in the terminology of burnt sacrifices for instance - we get introduced to people that give them sincerely while truely trying not to be put into those situations, while ... whats the actual reality of a religion where a lot of bloody sacrifices are being made that are solely there to atone for sins? Well, that there are 'a lot of sinners'!!!
Then we may wonder: Sinners to what? Eventually Law is blurry and people use it their way anyway and a poor guy can get stoned for saying Jehovah - which Jesus openly commented, saying: The one amongst you who is without sin, throw the first stone! I mean - I can dig the honest value between harsh laws as demonstrably spread throughout the Bible - being that of a socially profound understanding of the danger that ignorance of the like can cause - but, we're not really there yet; As we see, this situation is abusable; And the presence of a potential punishment - thats the morale of the story - shouldn't make us want it; So - there are things like forgiveness, you know - like in the movies where someone did a bunch of bullshit but legitimately repented expecting possibly the worse as the insight of his/her vile actions overcome that person - and the hero says, well, forget it! I won't pass that judgement on you (now)!

(as in: I now won't be the one anymore!)

So, God isn't the one who leads the Jews into war (anymore) - they do their own thing; And God just the same!

Abraham was ultimately stopped from killing Isaac - which may be a good impression of "archaic" (or naive) religious thinking, but also shows in the end that God doesn't really 'want' us to really commit those kinds of actions! If you killed your son because you assumed God would desire you to do so - you maybe missed the point!

Yea, shoutouts to Thunderf00t (YouTuber) - like his stuff!

He versus the Creationsits - thats a really important topic to me too. Well - some years ago I would be the one kindof up on my toes about people like him, I guess - at least Dawkins ... thats the type of guy that ... pretty damn well was much of a red sheet of cloth waved before my spikey forehead. And I felt kindof hooked into defending the Creationist idea - while however at the very same time being uncomfortable about ... impostors ... which I in hindsight did all kindof figure out wrong back then - but, yea ... education is the problem, or yea, 'a' problem. What I'm saying is that we have to learn to properly compress the basics of what we know to make them more easily accessible to our kids and to also sustain that insight during their aging. So, dumbing things down - like - a child isn't too stupid to understand Quantum Physics if we understand to explain it properly to it. The very same thing can also be used badly - as we can see in our realtime!
Though in Christian ideology its still inherantly good, OK, right, desirable and all that kind of stuff; Children grow up based on the understanding that is submitted to them during their Childhood - which certain groups may abuse to prepare their Children to be inherantly built to accept the biggest bullshit even just somehow conceivable.
Listening to Creationists really makes me wonder how their kids would grow up - given what they call scientific argument; Where consider, the kids won't think of researching anything in the demonized internet and inherantly fail in critically questioning various claims ... but - ... if we want to look at what matters we should look at how we actually should do it in sense of a common interest way of doing it. So - if we don't have any control, well, we have to wonder why and how we can get it!
Turns out, well, its already quite organized - whats going on there. Science basically has a parental hand upon school - University at least - but ... this is a flawed system - thinking of the distribution of forces for instance. School catered towards University is flawed, in that it only sustains a fraction of the human individuals that attend it. We can argue that school is a general tool to equip an individual with qualifications and a way of making them a legitimate claim, but this well meant thinking yet is evidently extending from a source primarily interested in classifications, measurements and methodical functionality within a confined system of structural laws of interaction and evolution.
The core principle of evolution even so refers to Darwins discovery, a story that exalts conflict above diplomacy; A story that teaches us to win at all cost. So - the people that ultimately benefit from this system of measurements are effectively people that are fit to compete within this hostile social structure we mutually create.
What we can however also mention as a positive, is that science does there nonetheless yet take a respectable distance to childhood evolution - saying: "Wait, I'm having none of this!" - maybe because people with a positive childhood would tend to become generally more successful at what their doing; Thus basically having an inherant confidence in parental guidance.
I would say, that all scientific information should be independently filtered into forms that are suitable for purposes targetted at providing the most relevant informations to our offspring. That also includes at certain points, that we try to understand the growing individual itself, not assuming that we could theoretically 'craft' a personality with utmost certainty. Except maybe we learn to to setup the proper conditions for our predictions.
Surprised? Not Really! Right?

I however don't believe that the development of a human being is entirely a matter of which informations we provide or withhold from an individual; While at any rate - considering the complexity of life, be it as it may ... to me, there's a growing individual and at some point 'relevent information' is something that corresponds to that individuals perceptive and communicated interests. With a fair and healthy attitude of observations - trying to understand the individual while it grows up to become mature.
In a sense that isn't equal to 'adult'. (Peter Pan Syndrome)

But onward, well, obviously. I believe in God - ergo - my world-view cannot ultimately comply to an inherantly destructive attitude towards the existence of a God; And the fact that the true and Living God does/did in-deed manifest as/through the Christian one is in essence the irony of, well, the whole situation - although arguably - this irony manifests on so many Levels that not only the science world is affected.

But sure it does a piss poor job at answering some of the more pragmatic questions that we may have - but - if you solve that problem by the first most plausible one that comes to mind, well, you get to the possibly most pragmatic way of pragmatically discolsing that matter for yourself, to yourself.
So - yea, thats pragmatism.

But I get it. Everything Thunderf00t does, and thats the great thing about him, is that he calls out Bullshit in the internet that I - very well - may have otherwise totally ignored! I mean, I did "hear of those" in a way - and it looked sortof strange but anyway, just another figure with an agenda and an "inpenetrable" (lets leave it at that) shell of anonymity. Its stuff I never really was interested to invest any time into it - and the general confusion and abuse of sub-optimal educational standards are essentially the wave they're riding on. They create a board of flashy bling bling 'gap fillers' to fishhook people into commitment to a thing without much requirements to their attention span; Helping something good makes people feel good; ... - and the funny thing is that Thunderf00t doesn't even get them to engage into the simplest of basics of a sane heart to heart conversation p... I mean ... OK, I can't totally take shit for him! May as well be a giant douche after all. But I would say ... yea, 'bow to the LORD!'.

You could picture me in this way: God fucked me so good, I'm totally and entirely incapable of having any kind of pleasure out of anything other than just and only more of the same!
Like, its literally dragging on me - like, my mind is melting for it, BUT, in the same time most of that drag is channeled through a variety of more and more detailed concepts of social alignments happening on different layers and within different structures of a larger whole. And yea, the Ekklesia is essentially yet another Symbol, in some sense, when simplified to the outside community; Symbolizing the progress into an Enlightened age in Unification with God.

Another mind-glitch thing: If you take the image of a sexually highly aroused female; As one side of me, and put it into the idea of me doing some kind of programming, the other side of me, your likely to have an insuficiently evolved consideration of what the transition from the one scope of your asumptions into the other scope of your asumptions would truely look alike in terms of me experiencing that in realtime. But we can assume that a direct copy-paste 1:1 translation from the one into the other isn't really gonna cut it!
That would be equal to saying that we couldn't even change our realtime mood at all, that we'd always be the same because we throw any considerations for any possible change outside of the environmental impression right out of the window, or burrying it underneath as much rubble as we would come up with.

From another perspective: For anything we might want to do, there are moods more suitable than others - and eventually you only will have to start trusting God that things will be ordered properly as far as a Living God could go; ... to really get into that mindset where you actively turn your theoretical confession into a life changing one.

More technicalities: Effectively I'm not only a doll, I also am High Society. But its interesting to think about whether Queen/Royalty comes first or Godess. There is an order in which it happened, then Queen is first. I could take it and say, well, so I'm technically more like a Queen than a Godess, in this sense of metaphysical technicalities - but still also a Godess, which in turn makes me a Queen Godess. This kindof implies that I'm central to a Cult - but, in detail its about more than just me and I'm not the only diety in there either. The issue that my captivity and such also affects that status, which - to a sense - can all be considered technicalities that are purely cosmetic. But I'm not just a dead asset, I'm a real living being, embodying that whatever it is.

Well, myself.

It should occur to you that, well, WTF, this is kindof ... well ... putting pressure onto the demands that I exist within since I have to pivotally express them, so - since thats what is expected of a public figure of such magnitude I would argue. Well, at least ... it seems reasonable - and since something like that wouldn't really be practically decided without the individuals acknowledgements; Theres one safety - and - because things happening involves people that are independently making things up to God, nothing would really come to live - uhm, recursive thing.

So, I'm however still only decoration and not more? Kindof. At least for the public sense - which means, well ... there is privacy on the one side, and putting on an extra layer of "clothing" when moving into public domain. Yea, a mask maybe. Like so.

Which means 'technically', as in 'officially', you don't ever get to see me getting any Love, but, thinking of pain and agony, well. Lets say ... it may eventually have to happen that someone does hurt me too much, in terms of which any normal reaction should be regret - hence, well, moving on to "sorries". I mean, its totally ... well, not weird that way!

Its also an example of how life can be different to the ideal, but nonetheless relevant. Or, a way things can go that draws a "different" layer of depth to human behaviour. Like, well, realtime adjustment! Not that ... strange either!


So, I'm a Queen but ... I don't really have anything to say. What does that say - after all? Well - given that there is more to me than just my public appearance or bonding, but at any rate a human individual no matter how 'not human' per se, saying uhm - things like this. This should technically be conceived as the work of a Royal person within the Kingdom of God, or sorry, Darkness. But yea - still some ... well, "high on top" figure, which well - kindof corresponds to, well - a given degree of social 'reach' as simulated within the uni-centric value of what I'm doing. I mean, I represent one branch of belief next to many others that represent other branches of belief. OK, but concerning my branch I'm so for now the front figure - which is yea, kindof just so, but well - it isn't really meant for "outsiders" to be a thing. Lets say I'm right, people make it, and well - wouldn't they have then an inherant amount of gratitude for what I was doing and a good amount of respect at any rate? I mean - its the God"damn" Truth we're talking about here, Salvation, the real deal!

But those hypothetical stuffs aside, it is then even legitimate as by Kingdom Design - though in my specific case the immediate compound of legislation that would come along with me suggests that I'm not really the dominant figure to look upon. And to speak it out loud: In essence, really, "you" are supposed to make everything on your own. I mean - I don't need nor do I want to tell you what your thing is going to be, how to live, how to get organized, etc.. Its yours to decide. Or eventually at some point just a matter of accepting it the way it is - but nonetheless - that is shit compared to the relevance of making it happen based on the principles of community. Of course, where the real shit is going down things become a bit more, well, 'beaurocratic', but - basically God provides options and we do our thing therein. Thats what it is. We will however be the one doing things, it is 'our hands' - so, it should be sortof a trademark kindof thing, that, like Mormons always do say: 'Testimony' - 'ask God' - that kind of thing. So - people that come later will establish on things that happened earlier, its an endless cycle - and keeping critical cases open ... I mean, ... well ... whatever! Its gonna happen how it happens!

As for me being male, there is another range of technicalities I guess that even extends accross several layers of some more and others less socially relevant technicalities. First of all - lets assume my parents lived in Zion and they would have figured out that I might better fit into some sexual Environment and I would be given into one - what would happen next? Well - it shouldn't be considered wrong to allow sympathies and affections be of significance here. The thing is - the individual then being in a homogenous environment does now basically automatically resonate intmiately with a given group of people; Based on some rudimentary base paradigms. So, their feelings for me are not to be filtered through a stranger reality of various abstractions. So, they can be directly expanded upon, for the sake of cultural existence, so - it isn't really just a thing of batching a label onto someone, but yet, figuring out directions to move into. Given that we could eventually ignore, in that case, that I would be supposed to do this kind of work, so, we can safely assume that ... well ... that respective level of implications on what I "should be" are gone too - and so, its generally a more simple issue between male and female matters of myself.
It is now weird since my status as Godess has its own story - and it doesn't imply me to have a male gender. But simultaneously is Motherhood a more dominant issue there, while Motherhood itself to me is all over beneath other things; Which in a sense is more a matter of 're-incarnations' or an 'incranation' in first place. While this takes many forms - the simple: '1 versus Rest' formula applied here would add any male personality automatically. So, that then shaping the wholesome identity that in some way feeds back and forth and what not - well, introduces my male appearances as cage.
So, essentially - this technically says that as a male I have that obligation even more than in the other way, because - as a woman I'm simply captive - as a male I am the essence of my captivity. What we're dealing with here is certainly some really deep deep "meta mambo jambo" - I mean, we can say that its quite literally Bullshit - that so just to get a 'hang' of the 'realness' of those things. Because of that we can easily combine the two abstract extremes. So, totally bogus on the one end, but we accept it nonetheless on the other end, means, well - thats the social equilibrium thing, to each their own, uhm, each to their own I meant. There is of course still that core of legitimacy to it - that however so on a level of reasoning that would, without Gods support, be utterly nonsensical to take seriously. Really. I mean, legitimately. But - well, maybe there are exceptions. That shouldn't really matter!

At all!

Except for the book of Scientific ... "Trivia" maybe. Well, ... anyway.
But so - it can get worse. Establishing for instance that the Satanic Clergy of Witches has the power to enchant individuals with hideous curses and what not - designed to provide a sinful living or however, whatever - the roleplay can enter a new dimension, where well, what is seriously roleplaying with God? What do we get from that? What if so we play along divine rules, frankly put, and the game happens to be fun? Legitimately and totally immersive? Really like an alternate life that is only hindered by an absence of faith? Well - we might as well play along ... but my point is: We get more out of it than just roleplay, we get a larger reality to play in.
Or with.
Because the Clergy is legitimately legitimate, corresponding enchantments would in deed be as relevant as a however divine wedding were conceiled elsewhere.
It is committed into with the sincere desires to abide by certain standards that are in some way aligned to the norm thats predominant amongst the given society.
Showing my Love by submitting to someone elses pleasures as a Fuck-Toy - thats one way, for instance, how those things can look. Technically.
Breaking it down, what do we get? We get mutuality, we get intimacy, we get loyalty, we get care; ... so, Pet isn't that bad of a term to end up labelling me with. It will also eventually happen to be forced into the more dominant position to emphasize that core principle, though Doll would still be the more accurate definition. Guinea Pig [in shape of a]> Dog [put into a {:Human:} Body, treated like a]> Doll [that can be programmed like a]> Robot.

Each of them further correlates predominantly to an individual scheme of social dynamics and pressures and what not - full thing, though well - Ok - rooted along a general theme of course where one also establishes on the other.

Well, technically this has to say that one individual amongst the people I'd be given to should at some point practically 'bite its teeth into me' - so, kindof establishing a claim that may then be discovered to be legitimately forwarding me into a given situation; One that this affection so inherantly established - possibly - well, however it could extend, its along those lines that we ultimately should expect reality to unfold.
This - practically - also holds, that we don't really have to always individually judge each other on anything, really. I don't have to say or however fight for being allowed to be a woman, so, I don't have to be that type of person to still get the good stuff. And that other type of people wouldn't really have to fight anymore either, so, they could focus on different things. Well, whatever the individual quest is - first we can do something good by setting it up in the right environment, where simply being is already enough to be allowed ... hmm, OK - to not go overly positively over board here ... lets ... think about it.

I mean - for once I can say that something that does easily sound as amazing as it effectively is - that would be good! It'd be quite epic!
So, saying that a Witch enchanted so and so to be in love with so and so in this and that way, that is already one way of doing things. Its a trans-script of what really happens if you so happen to understand the underlying concepts ... *caugh* ... or language we might say.
Once we then really have to basically cut back on a few things because circumstances don't allow us to indulge in the highest pleasures of the most ideological thinking, well ... I know what would be a safe to guess sure thing to do! To adapt to those circumstances, to ... so, not give that much of a damn about indulging most ideologically - unless, well, that has adapted too and found its way of existing.

At which point it isn't that odd to legitimately consider me a wife and whore of Satan/the Devil/Unholy God/Lucifer/... - whom I therefore bondage wise already must exalt - ideologically - above the ... well, here's the tricky bit; Above 'what' -actually-; Considering a potential need to correspond with a neutral yet 'public' society from within that setting? Most adequately put - I think, to also shove the technicality bit in there, its above your 'definition' of God; In which sense we define "the personal God" as the individualistic alignment of God to your God"damned" self - saying, it is God as for everyone; But explicitly aligned to your 'wavelength' sotosay.
Like, if you were to go by Mormon standards, updated as to be assumed, then your God would be the Mormon God - who is a family God, a kind and loving "do all ye come together and celebrate life with me" kind of way. God, well, so - the Christian God all along. But my God on the other hand drowns me within a lustful craving for sin and suffering, idolizing the very own humiliation and being an utterly deprived mind-slave to the abusive natures of Evil; Where Evil simply is the concept that drives the craving for Sin.
So, that I'm a Bride of the Unholy God - technically turns me into an asset of the Satanistic Church, saying, eventually they happen to have full control upon me. But still there is: The private side! Or the other half of everything. That is space, individually complex - so, whatever happens happens - and because it can't ever be everything, there is always a chance for more to come!


I mean - eventually a fraction is already more than enough to actually claim wholesome figures - so ... yea, if the fraction is properly selected or, made that way or large enough ... well, stuff has to work!
Saying, ignoring a demand for arbitrary shape-shifting at high frequency, well, or during lifetimes at all, it has to already work to the extends of the desirable.

And it does, for me at least. So far.
So well, as opposed to the 'public friendly' satanism outside of Unification, Satanism within Unification is really, strongly and effectively truely about Evil. Though well, it isn't really super dominant or relevant for me in a major sense, but there is that 'married to the Devil' bit that kindof, well, imprints onto me. Though in the technical sense 'forced' into it, effectively on purpose driven crazy about it no matter the inherantly voluntary or even desired submission. It comes along with being ultimately confined within an artificialized existence.

But there is more. Lets say I am the Godess that has given the power to the witches to do their things, that would say that I am effectively a "Lore Conductor", as, by legitimately being a Godess this concept of weddings can be physically introduced into the body; Which means - it is eventually just a formality, nothing that couldn't be circumvented, but well ... a nice little anyhow.

Technically though, well - it really isn't up to me. Its about what we get to feel together. But taking a few jabs at it - well, I exist in a sense that in order to give birth to idols/gods/dieties, I had to submit into an absolutistic prison for myself - whereafter the bold existence of those dieties would render a reversal of that choice impossible. By transferring my powers upon them - basically - they also hold the keys to immortality, while the one thing they can't change is the very foundation of their existence. In the greater sense I'm kindof a way of looking at the amounts of freedom we have, like, in a very strange, ... or weird way? Well, something not quite 'standard' I guess.

In that sense it has to technically be given to me, that I may in deed be withheld from being allowed to express public freedom.

It is then, when all these - give or take - things are given as in fulfilled, my Base 2 stuff can unfold legitimately, as truely corresponding to my design or whatever we may say.
So, since I'm capable of locating myself within a Kingdom, as for once naming the Kingdom and then also by my position therein, you can get a pretty raw idea of whom or what you're dealing with. Easily put. Eventually you might want to call me Athena, though - as bride of the Devil that is rather Gaia (female girl) or Amaterasu (whore).
Its not 1:1 the "ancient" Mythology - while, the thing with Gaia for instance would be that she (Earth) is governed by Nyx (Night) - representing this captivity of [me/Athena] as also the theological foundation wherein my powers are anchored within the Satanistic infrastructure. Nyx as the Satanistic element, Gaia as my own.

Amaterasu simply comes out on the bottom after strapping me from quite literally everything that could be taken from me.

I mean - eventually stuff like that will get shaped and shifted until it fits into canon - or whatever, so, the final answer will 'then' be hosted and featured by the Ekklesia and associate structural elements respectively there to do so. Stuff like that.

... and thats it! Enough! //ad2016.August the 26th.02:23 a.m.//