Identity - and more (Volume 4)

If ... it ... is?

Breaking a Lance for Anita Sarkeesian and Such, calling myself out, ... hmm ... Cults ... and Cult Behaviour ... - no, well, I wanna start with Batman v Superman. Or my stance about Nintendo?

Well, the big point for here is gonna be: The Sober "Closure" - though, I kindof have to give up on the 'completionist' idea of any closure because, well, aside of me being somehow done; ... in the same way I get the idea of myself that I'm kindof self-centered, isolated, stuff like that; The reason thereby is that this isn't how society operates. Therefore I also stopped pretty early on to think about a Church Order or Structure wherein everyone or ... I mean, its logical - boldly - to at least try to see what the Holy Ghost maybe has in store, considering its eventually going there. But it wasn't going there; And so it turned out that, yea, there's been more.

But words ... urgh! The reason why Mrs. Sarkeesian has been so successful, I think, is because she really understands how to not - kindof - get her point lost in too many words. Yea, kindof. The thing is - those people who she wins over are naturally - well - we might say 'dumb' or even 'dumber' - in the sense that there is a general lack of education concerning the things, well, that aren't really taught at school, like, the stuff thats really going on. She calls it harassment, while people just have a counter-perspective that isn't even remotely the way this damsel in distress represents them. That is I think the big point. When others say: "I just have an oppinion" or such, people that don't know whats going on will think "Yea, Mysogenistic, Hateful, Childish, .... " you get the point. Thats appearances.

In Unification these appearances stick around - but there's an underlying something that ... alright, lets ignore that ... not!

BvS is a great example to me. But I'll watch Robocop (the recent one) for now.
The thing is - am I getting too far off point? Well anyhow - what I mean by the 'underlying something' isn't as much about knowing who says what, but more about 'what is said' - and that kindof in a sense that speaks of intellectual forces and how they effectively correlate in the big scheme. Yea - sounds cool! But it gets ... kindof weird when watching a movie like Robocop or BvS and ... yea, the public feedback isn't all that great!

These two movies are my top picks I guess for the most "underrated" (flat out 'overhated' is maybe better) movies. Robocop - I think its a pretty 'relevant' movie. I'm now 3 minutes in - and I already can see why people would dislike it, how that isn't representative of the movie, and how you can 'blend the bad stuff out' while ... yea, effectively manipulating yourself into liking it as you have probably been manipulated into disliking it!
BvS - in hindsight - is I guess a bit more of a complicated case, but the same principles come to carry.
For instance: Shouldn't you let the movie speak to you, instead of you speaking to the movie? "This is bad, that is bad - " - thats shouting at the movie for saying things you kindof didn't want it to! Well - 'Art isn't a Democracy!' - its a Monarchy at best, but more definitely an Anarchy! "I do what I want" - ... which is kindof the first rule of doing Art in general!

6 1/2 minutes in. The movie 'falls apart' - it becomes unbearable to allow the movie to speak to one because one already projects the own expectations into the way its going to play out; So, relevant notes taken - the rest, well, kindof irrelevant; It seems.
Maybe. Maybe it does't really matter to see the story unfold on its own, in terms of whats happening on screen, the logical flow of how things move and twist and settle. So we rather switch channels and watch something ... well, thats just flat out stupid - like - Avengers 2. Which isn't relevant in any way. I mean - OK, does a movie have to be relevant?
After a while of binging through cracked (YouTube channel, stuff, something) stuff you get it, no movie - no matter how highly you were looking at it - is really all that perfect! Cracked is like the Skynet future of our world - and once you drop into their quantum reality some redlight flashes up in their HQ and they send some Terminator into your reality that is programmed to destroy every fond and sacred memory you've had watching movies.

12 minutes in. Generic action scene; And I realize, I never really liked Robocop. But this one. I can connect with the guy, sortof, see the technology that goes into Robocop from a more modern perspective ... and yea, thats stuff I would have switched off for, ... an array of misplaced one-liners?

What I mean is that every movie, no matter how smart or stupid, has its own internal 'bottom reality' - or truth.
15 minutes in: Turns out, its a quite interesting Metaphor for the whole Anita Sarkeesian vs. UN vs. Gamergate thing ... uh, get it? Robots as Peacekeepers vs. Algorythms determining the measures of our Freedom of Speech?

I think people like Anita Sarkeesian are dangerous. Of course we may at some point, sooner or later, find that their case is somehow legit; But yea guess what - thats what they would have picked to begin with. I mean, hey - who'd try to move up to the UN and openly advocate censorship and what not just because ... well, money and dark schemes?
There are concerns I could mention in defense of the Sarkeesian position, but ... oh hell, there is sooo much shit going on - and those things, are they any relevant? I don't think so! I mean, pointing out, constantly, that 'we' are some kindof mysogenistic assholes because we like certain games has I would say a more negative influence on young people than telling them that enjoying certain things is entirely normal! Nathan Drake vs. Lara Croft - whats going on there? I simply don't really like the Uncharted concept that much - and - the only real male Figure I could really accept as a replacement for Lara would be a Ninja Type figure. Just by the way. Thats I would say an art question; But, not really the "I do what I want" kind of thing, but so, rule 2: There is soemthing such as taste!
Taste requires harmony and so forth!

What the Ninefold has to offer should actually blow peoples minds once professional profilers, psychologists, science people of all kinds however and what not, get their hands on it. Also in these cases. How certain objects 'legitimately' influence the individuals perception which way - which isn't really an obscured idea in the Eightfold sense - and how the composition; But in a Video Game we also get to the progressive flow; ... well ... happens.

25 minutes in: Well yea, still in the buildup but getting there. I don't think its the right movie for a social evening. Its one to really sink into alone. I would say. Pi times thumb. The thing is that socializing implies distraction - and when it gets to philosophically more profound content; I mean - thats not really what you want! Just imagine that 'one prick' who sits in the theatre and blows a stupid one liner each time his mind can take offense in a scene - eventually you're taken off track and you'll start to see things his way!
Bad choice!
So yea - it even takes 'effort', simply put, perhaps even profound application of meditation techniques that work while watching a movie, to really get that nonsense sorted away.

The underlying truth, 31 minutes in, is a bit complicated to read into though. I mean - I certainly fell for, well, lets call them: accurate misrepresentations. Its easy to hop onto an actually accurate misrepresentation which is, nonetheless, a misrepresentation. Its however accurate to the point that we don't really have a true 100% accurate perception of a movie after watching it 1 time!

But so - then, the next bit to that is Cult behaviour. Theere's this Video (Sargon of Akkad (YouTube) - Cult Behaviour: An Analysis) that basically elaborates on a Book of some guy who did investigate that matter; And while it seems we're all exhibiting Cult behaviour in one way or another, what then goes on to define a Cult is a situation of isolation and ideological detachment from ... "reality". Its a way of social co-existence that doesn't try to compete on the open market of ideas - and well. "Hating on Outsiders" is a thing I however come to experience about myself when it gets to my taste of movies or games. I mean, really - the Symptom of calling other people 'stupid' that don't think like I do, ... I mean, inwardly calling them so, thats something that did happen quite a bit to me. But that in a way that ... uhm, did really get 'beaten out of me' quite literally when it gets to PvP. I mean - taking WoW for instance. I first picked the Paladin, got along well; And I enjoyed the class so much I had that feeling, like, everyone else is stupid for not playing a Paladin. Thats certainly a rather harmless case. But other than pointing it out - well, whats the point?

So back to Drake and Croft - or where was I? 45 minutes in: The Keaton Character made the wrong choice - and 49 minutes in some Bullshit science. Kindof.
OK, healthier children. The point is - sexual stimuli - I mean, is it normal to react to them? I mean - its a real no-brainer, actually. Maybe exposing someone to a lot of it, as in say: Porn, will ... I mean; If you tell someone masturbating is a Sin - and that person has natural urges - its an easy equasion to solve. Not assuming the individual does loose faith in God, the individual either resolves the 'telling' for the problem, or his sexual urges - which is, well, an 'untrue fight'.

57 minutes in: Interesting ... I get a hint of ... "Hunger Games".
(Emotional Arousal provoked through visual stimuli set into an intellectual context of conflicting ideas of morale and ethics)

And no - Hunger Games 2 didn't really convince me. It was that; And only that; And setting itself to deliver more of it in the next film; So - buying into it is in my world practically evidence for "shit eating" ... uhm, a way of addiction. The point is - it lacked in any content whatsoever but to keep that "spark" alive in some way; And in that regard I don't want to compare it to Maze Runner ... which I by the way liked too - (comparing it to HG 1) - but in the end less straining.

OK, the underlying truth. Its complicated because any 'strong' oppinion is in the end constituted of stuff that ... uh, as in the cases of accurate misrepresentations, there is always the other side and once things are already sortof "blurred" - well. Anyway, where was I before that? I should maybe add that its no fool-proof thing; Its just ... well ... 'weird'. But not entirely useless!
I would argue that Unification may in deed have severe influences on your taste. At least ... I mean, OK. To get that out of the way: I do still find myself capable of enjoying dull nonsense! Kindof. Except in the variety of ways I 'never' really could enjoy such, while, in a sense I still can enjoy that kind of nonsense - in a way inaccessible to me before. And in simplicity: The Robocop=good movie position is extremely weak, like, just a few not even 'dimples' - uhm, of something. So - thats ... what I finally get from it, effectively, in a sense of ... well, I can't be any more objective than that! It is even, I would say, Super Objective!

Weird. But I suppose I don't have the "up-front" psychology to properly evaluate these things. OK, Check, check and ... check?

No - I don't have a Checklist. I have still one writing I however botched where I started with 'headlines' (bulletpoints) and elaborate on them; Which is I guess the 'best method' I've so far developped for myself.

Nintendo ... and gaming. I grew up with Nintendo ... but eventually I turned away from it; While I was heavily displeased with Twilight Princess. I can't say though that I was disappointed - or not entertained - but just ... I felt ... I mean, I kindof found myself playing a game, because of fandom, that I really couldn't find a reason for really liking; I even found it utterly unsympathic on basically every Level. But then; I eventually ignored all the little gameplay Elements of the Dungeons, which well, admittedly, is the core of Modern Zelda in a sense that I find myself kindof growing back towards. Which is in some sense an Apology I kindof wanna just shoehorn into this, but is there another point yet?
Well, as of the 'underlying truth' thing - one of the major things that truely stick out is that I/we have to be careful with our emotions; And well, the one reason why I can't really objectively procrastinate anything of that in regards of my identity is that most of the things that influence me are things that aren't happening realtime while I'm writing. I'm establishing on experiences, moments, stuff ... basically independent of when and why - its the moments, the way the impressions mix, mingle and evolve. So - maybe I should, I mean, I have to dig into it at some point; Clearly. First of all: My sober practical stance is that I can't ultimately leave this in any way that follows the 'technical' sense - like - maybe even anything sexual at all.
As general "party line" - I mean, if you're having issues, just understand that this kindof distance is one I happen to take all so often. For myself. Yea pretty much exactly like: "I wouldn't be into any of that anyway"; As per absolution.

And whats up with this IBM AI? Why are we first shit-fed with advertisement of how great it is? I mean OK - this is a larger social problem. Its exactly that kind of thing however that is socially so relevant that I get a totally, totally bad vibe from this advertising! What should it tell me anyway? What do I as a consumer have or get? Other than getting eventually fucked over into being totally hyped for whatever IBM might do; Really 'what-ever' while I happily totally ignore any concept of Good and Evil I learned about legitimately. And by legitimately I mean: Not from the Bible, but from living! Uhum! Yes! Nodding Silently but energetically with a seriously seriously downstaringly serious vibe to it; But still suddle and self-confident!

But back to Feminism. See - uhm, it isn't really big news to some; In a certain way; But - for the greater wider audience: What 'should' the Sarkeesian do? I guess this question really happens to be ... "the Gustav" (Cannon) of questions we can ask here! Maybe not really useful or stable, but still - in theory - really heavy in quite a few ways.
See - we can grow Sympathy for her - if we hadn't good enough reasons for not doing so - based on the fact that she's basically locked herself into a situation where she's a figurehead of a movement that exists for, well, some arguably strong point. Actions ignored, the thing is, at some point we as human beings just have a standing position - and at some point we're even expected to defend it no matter how wrong we are. But ... with a ... lets call it for simplicity: a positively enlightened heart ... things happen. I mean, thats just the way it works! Motivation translates into action. So - investigating these tropes vs. women in Video Games ... its oddly one-sided and narrow to only think about drawing a general idea of the gaming world that is totally nonsense, utter bullshit; And I don't know how many ways of putting it I have to cue up here to really express ... what it is!
If it turns out - so the positive heart thing would indicate - that it isn't all that bad, this feminist could come to the conclusion: Well - perhaps tell the people that haven't gotten a clue that gaming isn't really all that bad! And from there - it'd be an uphill fight I guess, still, but thats what making things better in a world thats totally miserable is about! All good in a bad world is an uphill fight!


I however don't even have to take the 'taking actions' route to somehow see where this would be heading and so I can save myself some conscious steps and get prepared for that. So, still picking the feminist position in this now 'open' attitude towards gaming means that energy will flow into investigating the 'real problems' - if any - so, what are the 'real' problems? I have things I might be looking at, like, well, lets start with how many gamers are there, what do they play and how many of them are mysogenistic; And how old are they?

It may not be easy to figure that all out, but when hitting the right tone I'm sure that support will somehow follow the lead. And if we game addicts could need something, its a bit more support - be it critical or not - as opposed to getting abused as the magnifying scum of the Universe!

But well, whom to then go and victimize? Lol!

Sorry - I mean, back to emotions ... that Nintendo thing. I can't seriously say that emotions are bad! Its soemthing you should figure out for yourself, but my oppinion on the matter is that we for instance sometimes need strong emotions in order to make difficult decisions. Being emotionally attached to the Nintendo Franchises would suggest, if the E=mc^2 formula can be somehow applied, that I would need a similarly emotional reason to move away from that. Eventually. That can either be "hate" (dislike, anger, upsetness, ...) - or maybe something more like being fueled by a distraction.
So - in the general scope, I consider it to be normal that I get emotionally engaged into arguments where I maybe put my emotions above reason; Because ... well, thats the whole 'defend your own position' thing. When executed properly, so, if two people of opposed oppinions clash in an argument, this situation will only lead to the betterment. Even if the argument reveals no real conclusion of any kind for anyone in whatever way; There's still the set of things that have been discussed that can now be discarded from approaches that might help. By 'executed properly' I mean, well, its a 'positively enlightened heart' thing. It means - well, unless one has a hidden agenda and is therefore genuinely improperly involved into the argument, both will look forward to yield positivity for everyone; Even if biased by the own perspective and therefore emotionally attached to seeking the own good primarily. I mean, if we learn to acknowledge that everyone has the right like that, as otherwise we could scrap the whole freedom of speech, social and cultural diversity, tolerance and what not kind of thinking. Entirely.
I mean - thats the vibe I get, eventually; And is a thing I also have to call out about me when looking at my past. But yea, screwed minds ... I have no problem admitting that I ... well, ... lets assume that I had a chance "back then" to become a YouTuber instead of writing Letters to people I didn't really know ... catastrophy! I actually did make "selfie videos" with my cell-phone (yea, not smart-phone ...) back then (that was, 2008 or earlier) - rambling about stuff; And I even had a green piece of cloth on my wall - but, that just for decoration. I mean - that era, maybe ... uhm, but anyway - point being: Looking at it today, well - definitely catastrophical.
Very emo ... in a way, confused - ... but yea, ...
The thing is the 'emotional stance' in this. Science is kindof immune to that because the matter that is primary subject of interest is 'dead' - effectively. There is no reason to have an emotional stance other the setup of motivations to do that kind of work. If I can't consciously align to the other persons perspective ... its a right vs. wrong kind of thing; And sorry - I was and still am Ultimately right in all of those things! But on the market of open ideas, that doesn't really matter unless some official thing of some sort could generally shift the value of what I'm saying!
When properly done my way of expressing myself were to change because I can move from defensive towards neutral.

I had to evolve towards neutral "myself" - and while I'm certainly 'biased' through and through, I consider myself having accomplished a lot in terms of growing to sanity. And the big turning point for me are two things: The movie 'Melancholia' and the TV show 'Twilight Zone' (Black and White). Maybe also some works of David Lynch (Wild at Heart, Lost Highway, Twin Peaks). But also that guy named "Lee" and the other guy named 'Martin' - as two people I happened to talk a lot with, about a lot of stuff. Its "that kind of" intellectual relationship that moves on from topic to topic and can't really settle on anything. So, throughout the times we've been around each other we'd just have a new thing to discuss like every day. Which eventually also leads to the awkward moment where there is nothing left to discuss, but ... anyway. The reason why I liked talking with these guys wasn't that we inherantly agreed on everything - rather the opposite. Lee was Christianity Sympathic - in a "I'm still making up my mind" kindof "I want to make an informed decision/find my way" kind of sense, while Martin is flatout Atheistic, or well - thats wrong! In his words: Antichristian. That because Martin, well, he's ... pretty much like me. We could call that 'elitist' but 'snobbistic' were the better word. We have our taste - and we have some genuine problems with people that disagree with that! Martin and I have a similar taste - although - he's more of a 'radical film lover' - which is where I am more of a 'casual film lover'. So, I mean - I guess the only reason why he can/could accept me, although I loved or like Independence Day, is that he knows enough about me to see how that works with him; So, he knows my general taste and sotospeak can 'forgive' me. In a sense I looked up to him. I was curious about the stuff he liked - that for similar reasons (intellectual attraction?) - and well, one of his favourite movies being 'Bullet in the Head' - well, thats ... yea, I can dig it ... but ... well, a very very silent and small but ... but then still a but ... it isn't really my thing.
Small because, well, I can dig it more than just "OK". Its a shockingly amazing film! Shocking because ... weird!
But Melancholia was that kind of movie that basically redefined what a good movie 'is' for me. And Twilight Zone, ... thats anyway already more of a "Holy Scripture" like thing within the world/reality of motion picture. Its ... common sense! Or ... its definitely valuable! It belongs into my shelf of great cultural works humans have ever made!

Yea - that kindof belongs into the Education segment. As so - for me - in the sense of broadening the own horizon. Its ultimately logical that some stuff simply does a better job at providing a ... 'proper/good worldview' than others. Some things exist in a grey area between being simple bullshit and contextually OK. Christian propaganda for instance. Its bad, but, in a situation where the bad stuff doesn't really matter; But ... after exposing myself to the general current situation as mirrored in YouTube, I strangely enough find myself 'wanting' to step up in defense even Mr. Richard Dawkins himself. Because stupidity in the end just and simply hurts; And the pain scientists inflict on me ... it isn't all that severe compared to how Christians do really really do a generally good job at making Christendom look as stupid as possible. Like - "if" there is a God, lets say its the Christian one, what does Islam do for this Gods reputation?
Well, yea! Easy stuff!
To get to a better idea of what I think what a 'proper worldview' is - well, lets ... move away from the paradigmal stigmata of words and towards the inherantly conclusive reality of the thought. For starters: Spectrum! If I have 3 hours of time to get a proper worldview, whats better: 3 hours of one-sidedness, or 3 hours of diversity?

Yea, eventually we have to sidestep this one way and look deeper into this and that - and here we need scientists to sortof, well, put a hat on this to say: "But Science!".
But yea, then also priests to say: "But God!".

(Or: "And God!")

Science however has the lead because science doesn't really give a shit about oppinion!

My conversations with Martin have been really profitable for me. By the way, I got my hands on a copy of Magnolia and Twilight Zone from him; But the thing is: Despite our inherant differences regarding Religion; Both of us could talk about the own beliefs with the other - and its been all good! In the end, we kindof even have the same concepts of life! A very very similar philosophy all in all. He labels them as Antichristian, I label them as Enlightened/Christian. But - in the end, I also have to conclude, from my perspective, that it could have come worse if I wouldn't have been ... the way I was. I mean, I eventually learned to not "heat up" - to, let things be - to not try to convince everyone of my belief. Doing so will require that my belief is good enough that it may really suit everybody; And - as it all comes down to the acceptance of God, well - ... give a shit. So, ... what I realized is that Martin yet kindof hat a lot of issues that were or are stuck in a way of thinking I kindof suppose the vast majority of the Unenlightened (here Enlightenment is used as unequal to Unification) has. Its, well - some ... the problem I would say is ... it comes down to the right hat to put upon things.
So, ... sometimes we have reasons that are boldly emotional, other times we have reasons that are intellectual; But in both cases we have that higher "vacuum" of ... how we tie certain knots. So - Martin eventually came to accuse me of a couple of things - which essentially is a topic of its own, I mean, the kind of issues - lets call them "Metaphysical stuff" for now. So, The idea is basically that at some point of having "higher reasons" we eventually find delusions, or weirdly connected ideas and ideologies. So - if I'm pro-God I have an inherant attitude against contra-God ideas; While - what really set Martin off was that I seemed, I guess, to have a rather unfounded attitude towards various things. So, for instance, arguing about the way 'how' various film critiques are to me already sortof indicative of whether the film is good or bad; So, judging from the Bullshit factor of the given article.
Which also means I was kindof open about what I believe, all in all; But not like: "Watch out, I'm super Enlightened" - but, well, just not hiding my oppinion no matter what.

So - that also led to the situations that I explained myself in how my observation comes together, like, "this is suspiciously odd" for simple cases, rather than to go all out Esoteric on it.

What I'm saying is: There are ways to get along despite what some might consider 'major differences'. And ... believing in God doesn't have to be equal to talking about God! Talking about 'oppinion' or 'belief' should be a conversation about 'that'. Not that I'm more right than anyone else. So - I eventually got to realize that yea, actually, God created this world for Unbelievers, legitimately! So - God is giving us the tools of disbelief - generously. So, I have to acknowledge that I eventually don't have a real ground to argue against anyone who out of simplicity or the most basic and simplistic educated sanity doesn't happen to believe in God.

And thats how it looks like if a Christian takes an educated position in the argument between Atheists and Religious folks.
If I may say so myself!

Kindof. Though, I do kindof feel uncomfortable pointing the finger on myself in this way.

What am I trying to do?

OK, I ... want to review the situation of Gods position in the field of science as it stands so far, in my oppinion, as based on my work - globally. So, doing that 'underlying truth' ... checking thing ... not! But ... kindof. But not getting into the forces, but into the content.

I get a more negative vibe here, which makes me think that some people will just skip on the other stuff and get right into this or these things; Which means - there is a Tsunami of unresolved questions that have somehow been answered previously elsehwere. But that situation, lets call it: The Scientific Credibility of God - in a sense, I mean, I say ... I'm getting some serious backup; So - but, this is essentially kindof pieced together from bits here and bits there that lead to an all in all convincing whole that generally causes the Science world to ... well, take a pro-theistic stance. Even Dawkins.
But so - how is this pronounced, exactly?

The cool thing about natural sciences is that it doesn't matter how we relate to it; Physics does what it does anyway. So - it doesn't hurt to take a counter-stance to the facts; Although, it does hurt if ... you know ... you're thereby causing yourself to be blind unto the facts in a way that ... hurts, or is hurtful; Where I'm not speaking about physical or emotional pain; But ideological, metaphysical, metaphorical pain.
So - this comes in well because ... be it good or bad ... I generally dislike the idea of abandoning the own past for whatever reason; Like - I mean, its a balance issue. If we're jumping into a new system of belief we're basically starting at square 1 - and eventually this can consume us; Which is possibly good - but it depends on the persona and the belief. Although, in my grand book of life the belief is larger than sanity - which is like saying that essentially ... well, perhaps that can be contributed to some weak alignment of mine, I mean to encourage everyone to stick to their familiar way of life. Kindof. I mean, thats ... just ... OK, I try to avoid any possibly conflicting confrontation I could possibly think of! Just take me for that weak! I so won't dare to come out of my tent until I'm encouraged to do so.
Henece most of my formulations are inherantly passive statements. This allows me to further cover more ground; While so being all in all more philosophical than scientific and thats really the "big secret" about me.
I do find the position of the philosopher essentially more comfortable and familiar to myself - and yea, I therefore should not go and call that science, kindof. There is however what I would call 'scientific philosophy' - and thats what I would say really describes - the Matrix stuff excluded - what my work largely matters as. What I do can be compared to what is called 'scouting' - in sense of a Real Time Strategy game like Starcraft. That means, sending probes around to uncover the map; And the science compared to that is the movement of the armed forces - so - the action that follows the information, eventually, gathered by the scouts.

And what whoever then deems important to do, well, effectively negates my purpose - which OK, takes me back to my so far established identity saying that eventually my purpose will be entirely gone. But the thing is: If we can't properly resolve something publically, we can't really resolve it at all!

OK - not abonding the own past is an issue of re-conciling with the reality of personal belief. There are reasons why you believe or think or even know what you do - thats just you - while, if you were to abandon that; If that were what "this "Religion"" is about, we'd all have to become kindof the same. Yea - I mean, if the answer for "what you should do" could be mentioned in a book that is equally valid for everyone, what would be written in there?

I also want to say: Gnosticism isn't a valid Religion - at least so that 'Religion' is what can emerge within Gnosticism as it does emerge outside of it - but the Religion itself isn't representative for everyone that is a Gnostic! That also kindof solves the Cult problem! The Gnostic Cult isn't required to somehow shut itself off from the general public - but to provide that environment of ideological safety, familiartiy, etc. - as opposite to the idea that the demands of "darwinistic competition" aren't really everyones thing! Yea, like I wrote about our educational system.

By the way: I just figured that the best solution to my extremely unbalanced ... metabolism once I eat and drink too one-sided is: Vitamins! I become weak after a while ... but Mango Juice for instance totally works - that simple! So, eating only toast, cheese, meat, ... Yoghurt/Pudding/Stuff ... then mostly just drinking Coffee or Coke ... all that combined force of unhealthiness - and a few sips of Mango Juice are sufficient to redeem me from the perceived negative consequences. Kindof.

OK - what I'm getting at is, I guess, a matter of balance and exageration. I don't expect that I'm more healthy than someone who does really "exagerate" health advises to the point of living 'a healthy life' - but my doctor was surprised about my Metabolism being totally fine! So - I went there because I felt somehow sick, but ... now I have to believe that it was just an imbalance of some sort. So, Vitamins are good - one-sided nourishment is bad ... and these facts eventually came haunting me. But I really can't help it ... healthy food kindof makes me sick! In the heart that is. Maybe its a social problem, ... like, I'm too depressed to not feed myself with yummie and feel good; But ... not being panicked and sticking to what actually 'serves' me showed me - in my quest to still counter the negative consequences - that "so much" is needed. Depending on how negative some more might be good, so; I'll eventually buy real fruits.

But I know that my case is strong because the people I got into real conflicts with have been sortof looking for it! I do usually get along with people really well. The strongest issue of conflict I can write about was some guy whom I eventually came to discuss Video Game/IT stuff with - and he eventually believed that the Textures on Models are essentially projected onto there using a Matrix; While also contesting the general idea of Video Game graphics being generally relying on Triangular Polygons. I didn't want to argue against the latter too much; And certainly - there are ways to use Matrices to get Textures mapped onto stuff; But still - we were talking basics, to my feel, at least - he kindof didn't seem to understand the concept of 'Texture Coordinates'. And as I pointed that out he pulled back agressively, yelling at me: "I won't allow myself to be lectured by You" - and ... then, he was kindof Gone. He didn't show up there anymore (employment measurement) - and people were already jokingly assuming that he's been put into Jail.
But yea, nobody really knows what happened. He deleted all the stuff from his folder - so, I assume he just ... well ... figured it'd be the best to just disappear.

I mean, by now, to really have an argument with me that would end like that - you'd have to make the issue of Gods existence the dominant problem and kindof just disagree with me; So I for once have a motive to continue throwing arguments into the room - which is a thing I've kindof learned not to do; So ... I mean, what can I say? I certainly am not sorry for ... well ... lets use the words Lee like to use to describe me: my superior intellect! (OK, Lee didn't really say that I have a superior intellect per se, but, he liked to describe my behaviour as "loving to showcase my intellectual superiority").

But yea - thats what I kindof expect from God ... its, the only thing I have - after all! My own growth! What I am and have become. Not so much what I was though. So - being not really different, but older! I mean, yea! Age leads to wisdom!
But wisdom isn't really coming for free! You kindof have to apply wisdom to yield it! As you have to apply knowledge to yield even greater knowledge!

So, the situation of a legitimate believer - independent of the science standards - is inherantly humble. That however has - I strongly believe - the side-effect that stems from the fact that the human being isn't a legitimately 100% humble being. I mean - humbleness is one thing; But, self-esteem is one other thing; And - believing in something is usually a thing we individually do all take seriously because what we believe is essentially a mirror of our intellect. We don't want to be considered 'dumb' - and so, eventually, we're not all that humble anymore when it gets to prooving that. Except you kindof 'transcend' reality in a way I did, which is kindof how Scientists can get away with their 'non Religious Atheism'; So, 'transcending' the social reality because 'science'. Science thereby really is its own little Terrarium of wonders, but, yea - getting intellectually involved with this society - uhm, not really all that good! ... Throwing bombs vs. building them? I mean - I don't mean to really elaborate on this context. We all do have our Terrariums that we resort to get a break from people that believe nonsense; And because the general public has to be therefore submitted to rather neutral ethics, well, the scientist wins there!

I'm writing about James 1:5 here. No matter how unclear the Bible may be about certain facts, this is one of the mostly independent features that in a normal Christian environment cannot really be eradicated. Every (legit) Preacher would at some point eventually come to make a cermon of it - while, thinking about ways to negate the independent good of that verse - well, yea ... that is some crazy bullshit.
Take it: The verse advises us to pray for Wisdom in case we lack the same. Saying that we need wisdom to yield wisdom; We here somehow get it as simple as it can be. If you're wise enough to follow that advise you've sortof 'booked it' - and so, as a believer, to the Atheist, not seeking passivity, thats one of those things I would most definitely propose at the very least - as something the Atheist might try - as, well, response to boasting demands for Miracles. So, denial of God based on the apparent absence of a Divine regulator - that is the kindof hurtful bullshit I am tripping about when it gets to atheists. But - can I denie their position? Well, no! But - thats not how God works! And because of that, ... problems. But - yea, eventually its hard to see the own error; Especially when we lack the proper frame to realize them; Still - the case here is: So, take the step towards the factual way God operates and derive the pragmatic solution/alignment from there.
But "debunking" it isn't impossible; Given there is enough idiotic ignorance to accept the respective nonsense. You only need to establish 'the belief' that God wants us to use our reasoning rather than to just blindly follow along; And you can generally place the argument that perceiving this verse as I put it is counter-intuitive. You then can even lock people into their own stupidity - a cycle of recursive perpetuation of general foolishness.

But how else would you put it? Perhaps claiming, that 'of course' it isn't wrong - but consider: You can't just pray for wisdom and then lean back like its all done! Thats ignorant! It requires diligence! So - the 'it requires diligence' argument is a way of simply moving the proposed accomplishment into the distance, or simply 'out of reasonable reach' - as by generally kindof "easing" the believer into believing that its OK to be stupid, that "the leaders" are 'the leaders' because they are qualified to engage into this kind of practice.
That does very well defy every idea of pragmatic simplicity of faith, except the one that heavily revolves around peoples wallets!

Ah - and yea ... thats a thing too! Money! Cash! I have to say: I do not approve - thats in first place just me - of giving up all that I own! I know that the Bible has this one story and that one sentence of Christ from where we can establish that your understanding that Christ is the Saviour necessitates you to give me everything you own - but, take it one step further and you get: If I now own everything you once did own, whom do I give everything I own? I would say that the general significance of this 'giving everything' is a matter of functioning as a whole - but you giving me everything you own; In this current situation; Doesn't really add up to anything even just remotely like that - outside of a new Computer I might want; And even that is even just a secondary asset - uhm, I mean, whether it does really 'directly' contribute is questionable; If not flat out wrong!
But I could with enough money buy an apartment or house or castle and continue to live from that money which would ... yea, kindof help - but - we could also get there without you giving me 'everything' you own! 1 Dollar from a Million people each would still be a million; But - you'll not really find a 'Donate' thing on this site! Because - well - it should at the very least be established right now that there are certainly reasons for various things to be. Considering that the Apostles did, according to the Base Scriptures, have the authority to use Miracles to their advantage - the general 'thing' of Christendom was beyond the shadow of a doubt. Then, owning everything would be helpful to be capable of managing the growing body - as, to so say as a Governmental institution where people 'can' work - as also, I mean - growing as that is generally bound to having the property to expand upon.

Clearly - that is past! Nowadays we have an economy where we can realize 'most' if not 'everything' in a less totalitarian way. Matter of fact, the Mormons happened to manage quite well just based on 'the Tenth'.

What I find scary is that so little public Christian figures however actually don't seem to understand the Bible even just a little!
But then again - being unprepared for a stranger concept of reality has a tendency of making us fall to our own blindness. But eventually - well - its about our hearts and what they ponder upon and therefore progress towards.

So - another thing I kindof have to para-debunk; Well, this is about Gnosticism. Or - the sources from where I take the more significant pieces of Unification propagate 'thinking with the heart'. Whether you know about that or not, in any way, now you do!
But - what is that?
How does it work?
Instead of saying what yes and what no - I want to just give you one concept you can barely avoid either way: Imagine your Heart, first of all, as a Rock. Then as a Boat. Then as the needle of a Compass. Can your heart think? Is your heart capable of processing thoughts? I would say 'no' in a sense that it is generally passive to our spiritual/menthal/psychological alignment. But now, think of what is ahead of you as a gauntlet that tests your heart - so, perhaps a water current that takes your boat through a harsh landscape of boulders and falls. Here your Heart as the boat will be the thing you have to somehow 'steer' - but if its just a rock, to begin with, it won't even swim. While your heart has a strong influence on how you think - thinking with your heart may as well take you to the general conflict between your intellect and your heart - and learning how to "open" your heart, well, turns it then into something more like the compass. You specify the "north pole" - and it will kindof follow. You should however be able to imagine what the consequences were, if this would be super-imposed while basically dumbing the James 1:5 situation down. You're then kindof bound to the imagination - kindof. Though - 'opening' your heart in a reasonable way will simply show you that you are, matter of fact, ideologically more flexible than you might think!
Eventually you'll find what there is to be found - but if you think you don't need any of Gods help; I mean, let us imagine how a person that doesn't believe in my version of James 1:5 would pray: "Thank you God for making me superior and please have mercy on those people that ask you for Wisdom as you advised us to do in the Bible!"???
Thats oddly similar to ... !
Another verse in the Bible that criticises various ways that humans do or did behave!

Also - the issue with this 'thinking with the heart' thing is that its something that is ... I maybe best quote, but - I generally want to keep those sources 'off public' - although they are public material. So, some dusty books in some shelf that nobody might even look for kind of stuff; But not quite like in the 9th Gate. And at some points that movie is rather paranoia inducing to the whole subject. Though, when beholding the 'fake version' vs 'true version' plotform as a metaphor for the higher inspired reasoning that can see beyond the illusion - quite tough!
'The ... introduces Authors that have practiced the open Thinking with the Heart - as free of Speculations as of ...' - and the text generally emphasises 'Desires' as the source of betterment; The 'wish' to proceed - to move on. So - its essentially a more complicated thing considering that there is no 'straight guidance' - and yea, in this sense I have no problem refering to myself as guidance, because well - I am most certainly a guide considering that I do have experience and you don't! I mean - in these 'waters'.

About these books, well, I have to say: Rereading certain parts now, years after I firstly did so, ... well, I find the words are strangely clear! Back then I however lacked the ability to properly understand what to take for granted and what not - so, vast passages would eventually appear like a riddle while its alsmot entirely 1:1 right. So, why would I want you to not go and read that stuff? Because of that little bit of problems that remain. I'm not really seeing it yet; While I in a sense do especially therefore not want it to gain any sense of credibility; Or significance; Simply because thats just more words, in one way or another, while - in independence from those books Unification stands in the foreground - and because I could simply say: Everything wrong about those books is essentially wrong - its like saying that "I take everything back you have maybe a problwm with!" - like, yea, being extremely overly unrealistically passive.
I mean - there is no legitimate authority out there - yet - that could tell you whats right and wrong, or how to take this or that; And I deem it utterly pointless to go down that road!

And by the way; These Books doen't even 'directly' reveal Unification - so - technically ... well, I mean - aside of having an inspired access to them, they are entirely written to be understood by Unified people only!
And it takes time! Its not like getting Unified changes everything; Like me getting Unified did lead me to those things I didn't understand yet - as I really started to heavily invest in investigating those sources therafter.

But then, its not a secret that these sources and exist; And actually not even how to find them. Lets just say: The great advances of our civilization happened as we moved away from sticking to the letters of our holy books! Even in science! I mean - certainly did Einstein not figure what he did figure because he totally ignored everything science ever came up with; But there is still some general 'out of the box thinking' that well, did help 'expanding the box'.

But on to something else ... ?

I just found a real problem about Feminism - as in: Why it is fundamentally flawed - and that in the somehow 'patriarchaic' 'biblical' sense; I mean, it may eventually appear somewhat retarded or backwards at first, or - I mean, yea, the Bible puts it bluntly - and when I say I go by that, well, I would at first put it just as bluntly - but so, it turns out that the acceptable Level of understanding emerges 'eventually' - so - we can't ultimately go by the book assuming that we will understand everything "that easily". Therefore once again devaluing the scriptures? Yea - definitely! Thats even what God and Jesus did! At least Mormons but that more bluntly - calling out "the manmade Law" as flawed. Or as Jesus criticised the Pharisees ... same thing!
Well, anyway. I'm currently watching the 'Ana Kasparian and Thunderf00t hangout' (2013) - and yea, Robocop - I found it still really good!
Anyway - yea, I like Thunderf00t because I can listen to him passively and it doesn't make me feel like I'm exponentially loosing braincells in progress. I mean, there's a difference to the bit of this Akkad guy for instance because Thunderf00ts atheistic statements kindof work for me. But Akkad is a bit more extreme or fanatic; Where, when it gets to fanatism I'm really more the pro-religion type of guy.
So yea - with a lesser perspective I could find myself shelling out really fundamentally fanatic religious pro-speech; Uhm - anyway, thats not how it is nor happened - and eventually its just a matter of sanity or basic Christian standards that somehow takes that away from me inherantly.

SO - problems that women have. I can relate to that in the same sense I still prefer my male situation. But that aside, theres something about attractive women - and thats the bottom line, kindof. So far. Thinking about it: Whats the difference between getting a Blowjob from an attractive woman, compared to the blowjob of an unattractive woman? Instead of 'attractive' though, lets say 'beauty'. So, why do I bring that up? Well, sexuality is generally a matter of intimacy, ... and when we speak of intimacy we also deal with stuff as shame. So, the reason why 'whores' are 'whores' is because they've sortof thrown their dignity so far out of the window that bukkake gangbang stuff is so the homogenous environment of such a person. So - we're talking about dignity now. So, the attractive/pretty woman in the end decides whom she would give a Blowjob - as any other human being, kindof. And so the Blowjob from a pretty woman adds a sense of being special to the experience. Translate that into the perception of a woman thats trying to get along in a vastly male environment; And naturally first of all there is this "wow!" moment - and what I would label as sexist or mysogenistic is forking off from my line of reasoning onward here. The respectful male would say: "OK, I don't need to want her" - period. Mysogenistic were to go and say that women are supposed to serve the male desire - or just being too immature; Or culturally incompatible in a sense of how the process of coupling/courting is approached.
And Rape - to dip into this real short - is I would say a really really destorted term right now; In sense of the 'forces along the underlying truth' way of looking at it. Rape is most definitely bad - and the situation that terms such as 'rape apologist' even exists is a symptom of this distorted reality. It also shows how 'unreal' the public domain eventually happens to be. Naturally the main intent of labelling people that way is to harness the peoples general disagreement with such an attitude - I mean, it might seem trivial; But when you really get that into your brain you will start to see less 'real' rape apologists and therefore get a sharper vision of the 'dark corners' where Rape occurs independent of any apologies. So - people that find various accusations wrong hare fuel that is being used to make it look like out planet is crowded by bad people only; But yea - excluding you of course - and the people you have to rely on!
And it are by the way those dark corners that the 'bad' people want you to ignore!
So - how? First, there are more 'real' or 'tangible' ways to approach this wider problem - and bam - you're stuck messing with problems that don't even exist!
Maybe there isn't a problem to begin with! I mean - there are just people that eventually do something bad and eventually get convicted; With the rest issue being: Well - encouraging positive behaviour is as good as it gets because bad people will always find a way unless there just isn't one - and then they'll eventually search for them and ... how to stop that? Thats waaaaay beyond the problems we can legitimately act according to because those are things that as bad as it is have to happen before they're a thing. But back to my, well, oops - rather convulated (so far) point here.

By the way: Women are intellectually superior! (Multi-tasking!)
To get to my point though: Lets call it bluntly: "The act of desecration". That is boldly disrespectful, to take it like that, but then disrespect is something some people like. Eventually we tend to believe that once we accept that, we also kindof accept that women in general are to like the way males excercise social dominance - and so also the male subduction of women to that paradigm. But no - nononononono - no! Well - it eventually happens that once you're a 'slut' and thus socialize with 'pricks' - you kindof choose to exist within these paradigms; Period!
Which is apparently what some feminists really want!
Whining about the male population until its eventually just sick of shit ... but, my point of view is that we'd have better chances of colonizing Pluto during my lifetime than that to ever happen.
Anyway - I mean yea. Its a dire situation of our mass media, that Feminists that speak about how bad this world is overvoice those that are giving practical insight into how to deal with this world for real. And because the male population is matter of fact, lets call it a remnant of history, the dominant part - this feministic attitude causes some kind of alienation amongst men when the woman is up-front labelling all men for pigs.
So - lets call it 'bro behaviour' - as the thing that primarily 'strengthens' the male society; Which is equal to the whole entirety of ways that woman socialize with each other. If you come into such a world, well, you can't really expect to fit in seamlessly unless you understand to practice this kind of 'bro behaviour'; While 'the struggle' in the end - no matter how things appear to you at first - is the process of learning that. Well, not in sense of 'becomming a man/bro' - but finding a way of adjusting to that, so, '"sis" behaviour'. So, being inherantly, sexually unavailable isn't wrong! Its even partially required. Or totally. Thats how it is amongst 'bro's!
But - to not overly complicate this - what does a woman want, compared to what a man wants? I'd argue that a Blowjob is something that works well for men, but that the woman has more complex desires. What the man ultimately 'demands', legitimately, is a woman that complies to the way he is - which is in the way I mean it a bit of a 'trial and error' thing. Yea, same for the other side. So - I'm back to my point where I think that there isn't a real problem; Which doesn't say that there is no room for betterments!

In simple terms: The problem with Feminism at this point is - as I wanted to put it - that the 'normal man' is kindof left cluelessly regarding what the fuck he is supposed to do!
Except maybe repeatedly chanting: "Sorry that I'm white! Sorry that I'm male!".

What women might appreciate is that they nonetheless inherit the matriarchaic position. I'm really guessing hard right now - kindof - but aside of a bunch of assholes, ... or let me rephrase that: A thing that men can do is to start to make space for women in recognition of their "skills". Which isn't about Secretaries, ... uhm, I'm really worried right now that I might cause more damage than good!
So, lets get this straight: I confess that I may have swallowed more than I can chew right now, yea - against possibly better advise. I mean, thats another thing. This silent voice that says "Noooooooo!" as I try to write about something; But sometimes that isn't loud enough to override the mode of operations that I'm used to. Clearly a mistake - I should have thought more about it - and yet, this problem I'm getting to here, that what I'm worried about, it comes up once you for instance try to care about what I wrote (sorry) - like trying to learn 'bro behaviour' - but then find out that its not that easy; ... and then you're in over your head - and you then need some downtime to catch up with the most recent experiences. Thats the same thing as I wrote about earlier, the ... 'reconceiliation with the own self' bit.
But yea - men are like children and should be treated like such ... thats good enough I think!

And thats another thing wrong about Feminism!
But well, there is some other point that came to my mind that somehow moves this further while moving back into more general waters. So - lets do that!

Or, OK - how is this so far now written in the Bible? I would say: God understood gender differences. And in terms of what human beings are - this is just a duality imposed upon a much larger range of differences; While the human minds 'spiritual gender' ... thats a complex term. Eventually we have both qualities, iredeemably, which doesn't say we're equally find with a female body and respective physiological factors!

However - this is halfarsed from me. But ... so, back on point: Self-entitled dominance isn't good anyway! And the big thing with why the benefits of Unification aren't as 'super magical' as some might wish they are is because ... well, you might wonder yourself anyway - at some point or already - ... uhm, lets put it that way: The need to communicate about our society means that we can't just say what things have to be like.
In the Unified sense that means that yea, on the one side I can see the things God is giving me as things that I may demand of society and I will get them; But - There are areas where that doesn't really apply anymore. So - what works for me as a Satanist are things that should similarly work for others that are; So - I'm merely expressing a thing that should be relatively common amongst a certain breed of individuals; But since Satanism hosts so much more than just folks of my 'specific' type - there is 'that' much more about it that isn't really my business!

In another sense: Things that socially don't really touch me are unlikely to have a basis in my Holy Clarity - therefore I cannot speak of (owning even an inch of) Clarity when attempting to contribute to those issues. And that once again says: We inherantly learn what we are and therefore should be. We can take it as a tool to contribute to society, but also as a measurement 'of' society!



Yea! - and if your measurement reveals that the society you live in sucks - you have to point that out! Analyzing Feminist activity under this frame then reveals: Yea, some women have a legitimate point; But the Sarkeesians of this world - well - they kindof don't! Or - whats their problem?
That guys like boobs? And if we were to remove female attractivity from arts, wouldn't that encourage guys to go out there and rape? Or to become gay? Either or!?

I however do find - or did - my 'sexual vacuum' rise once I found myself incapable of seeing exactly that kind of porn that eventually fits in!
So - that is true on an even more complex plane! So - Clarity development as in a sense of '3 Levels of Clarity' is herein an issue of resoling such problems. For instance: While I haven't grown to Level 3 yet, I get to that later - eventually, I was even sortof against it. Thats the reason why I hadn't grown there yet. So, its like ... by growing I eventually so prioritize stuff above the other, but I don't delete the less important stuff; Which has the effect that things are just shifted around and so eventually a conflict buildup as the stuff thats shoved around gathers in certain areas. Unconsciously. So, at that point one is, yea, self conflicting - and - I mean, the concept of Clarity expressing truely who or what you are may seem blown apart here - because - there is no way anything could be part of my Clarity that is this distant from me, right?
At Level 2 I wasn't quite 'satisfied' yet. I was struggling for formulations, not noticing that I just lacked a deeper clarity that would wrap all those things up into a simple sense. It sticks out - because after I have found that Level of Harmony, I was simply not really interested in looking any further for anything whatsoever anymore. And it turns out I already had the one or the other comic of that sort; ... which is - stuff.
Stuff like - instead of struggling with an accurate depiction of the type of self-rapist submission that I love to indulge in, its easier to just say that death torture is where thats eventually heading to and all the amount of respect that I would have to find formulations against is gone with just a snap!
But ... yea, lets analyze this a bit further.

For once - I have reasons to believe that this Level 3 stuff is a good reason for me to actually stick to the party line - in a sense of, well, there are lifes like this and lifes like that - where remember: Clarity isn't only about one lifetime! Its about the eternal Lifetime!
What this Level 3 Kink does for me is that it wraps my life expectancy up really well! I'm a boldly sexual entity there - and submitting birth and death to the same is just the most logical thing for me to do/want/desire.
But the party line argument does function here like taking stance against Christians despite being a Christian myself.

Yea - I see where the potential for chaos is, in what I just expressed. "Crazy". But - let me remind you of something therefore: In the same way how social situations are portrayed in mass media - I'm just 'one' ... but without an alternate example this 'one' equals to 100%. And to go any further I either return to the previous 'absolute submission' technicality - or I just say 'no' to all that, for whatever reason!
Thats what I as a free individual am or should be allowed to do! There is no law that requires me to supplement my decisions with reason! Its a good virtue - undoubtedly - but sometimes its just a nuisance!

But more to the party line, as non-Sexual interests are more dominant in me right now (than actually embraced by my total clarity), there is the situation that taking that from me wouldn't be in my interest. Further, the direct context of me here and the things discussed - thats a really harsh social contrast; In which case I'm also dealing with totally different problems as other people would/do/shoul!

Technically, for my Level 3 Kink to ever become an issue, just by the way, I would first need a dominant position within the realm of sexual entertainment - I mean, passively dominant. So - as I would refer to myself as a Sex-Object, that would have to work out first! And people that this works out for already; And have the same alignment as me? Well - that isn't much of a different thing! And making such things work ... well, I'd say that this question exists in terms of an intellectual demand for comprehension - and is only relevant in that sense since a practical answering of it isn't really the largest problem we have!

Which in a sense takes me back to the Sarkeesians of this world - or, the next Gen version of 'bad' - where, to show you how silencing an opposition that exists in an active disagreement with you really works: Win over the majority and cause those to just be ignored!
As simple as that!
But eventually not!
It depends!
But - as pointed out in the previous volumes, to me the answer: 'because: Kink' is sufficient!

But so, yea, there's also that part where I said I have to introduce myself in reference to a Kingdom and such; Which also reveals where I inherantly belong and therefore also allows you to effectively have an accurate expectation of what my speech kindof tends towards. Kindof. Although, I believe I'm generally reasonably distantiated from that.
Ough ... hmm - OK.

Back to Martin and the things he accused me of - part of the issues is kindof something you might find about me, here. I'm using the "Thunderf00t"ish argument of 'teach not to rape' above demonizing the rapist. Is that now because I adhere to his every word, or is it an independent consideration? Get it? I mean - there is a pattern that sticks out - it makes sense - but does that say that its whats accurate?
Pough - well. More Thunderf00t mentionings? Why the hell not!? He's kindof funny! 'If men acted like Feminists'! Instant classic!
But well, in this case we just happen to have somehow individually arrived on the same page!
If you never heard of him - never mind!
The point is - forget about the words and the direct interpretation of them and - no, this isn't ignorant! Quite the opposite! Its a way of 'expanding the intellectual volume of the expression' (considering that it is capable thereof, and no, you can't just ... OK, you can just arbitrarily apply that on everything - but ... - ... hmm - OK, anyway) - uhm, its easier to explain in terms of the underlying truth and the corresponding forces.
Here the idea of 'teaching not to rape' is maybe not the best thing to look at, but more fitting would be to ... uh... yea, teach not to rape ... I mean, OK - in terms of screen-time, sotosay, these Sarkeesians kindof get 100% of it - thats the general problem to be had, or one of them. So, in this reality where the female has a/the voice to represent reality, its 100% Sarkeesian. Which is that part of our Media Landscape that adresses female rights or interests. Replace that by more accurate depictions of reality; And we could all be more happy about how well we function as a society - and yea, where people laugh about this asessment, yea, there are people that might wanna say something; Doesn't ... work with you?
This is anyway not really a big deal anymore. Its now however, on the expanded volume of the expression, still just one way of saying what the statement is meant to say. So, you can rephrase the point to still say the same, ... but not changing the expression itself and to do so it is important to understand the relevant context. Thats why once someone doesn't right away understand something that person would ask and eventually rephrase the thing talked about to get that "yes exactly!" in return!
Anyway - point being; Teaching not to Rape is equal to - well. In context it is setup against another way of approaching the problem; And yea, big poster adds that read 'Don't Rape' or 'Terrorism is Bad' won't cut it - so, there is anyway some development of the idea that has to be done. And here I'd rather want science, affected people and other relevant factors to factor into - instead of somehow trying to balance it out on my own.
What I 'see' is my perspective and as perhaps not really affected; Yea - how can I relate to any of that to begin with?
Hmm ... this is quite a tough subject! Yea - and if I make it sound easy; That doesn't change that it simply isn't!
Eventually. But - OK. There is already a lot of pro feminist stuff - lets put it that way. Its a problem that affected me because when I try to think about it I have to say, well, things aren't all that bad - over and over again; And what initially would seem like a big problem turns out to not really be that big of a problem; Except for things like, well, the 'Sarkeesian screen filling'. So, what Sarkeesians do is much like what the Roman Catholic church is doing for Christianity by demonizing the usage of Condoms. The Catholics worry Sexual abnomalities we assume once it were to say Condoms are OK because it then advocates ... freedom of Sexuality. Which it doesn't. A direct correlation may happen to be difficult to make, but the point is that ... the more that Video Games are criticized from the feministic perspective, the more gamers are encouraged to be 'anti-feministic'. Kindof. That isn't really what happens in the bigger scheme - and another showcase of how such conclusions don't really happen to be all that valuable. Although, well, it happens - but because the fact is that 'that' feminism is bullshit - there are those that see that and point it out; Which makes it all in all more difficult for the real pricks to show their faces and that eventually 'pinches out the pickle'. Men seeing where the majority of man is subjects them to the corresponding peer pressure and bam - problem solved!
And thats 'how to' teach not to rape!

And pretty much does the 'Bandana' thing fall into this category - the - peer pressure via a visible majority.
And also, the Veritasium Video I posted in YouTubes 2 points that out really well: The more you expose females to the idea that they're inferior in society, the more they will come to conclusions of that sort! Is that correct?
Anyway - to my experience the 'narrow worldview' vs 'wider worldview' thing is most certainly and unshakably so a thing! Its essentially the same thing! You could even draw a graphic of some sort, where you take a vessel and you fill it up with color-coded squares representing ideas and ideology. That in the end, provided you could this way symbolize the entire content of an individual, draws a good approximation of what the individual 'can' think about!
Essentially its ... an old hat!

So, check, check and ... check, check, checks?! Hmm ... so, whats left?
Nothing left! Except maybe ... taking steps back from the general or at least drawing some solid links to my corner of the Universe?

:( ... I don't have a picture of myself as a Kid playing Video Games :( ...

And that kindof makes me less of a Gamer than the Sarkeesian; Which makes me wonder ... is that where this odd feeling I have comes from that ... I kindof have to emotionally deal with all the accusations of not being a real gamer?
Alright ... this is weird nonsense that doesn't belong into the public realm - ... yet!
I mean - just think about the chaos that were to break loose if we were to inproperly deal with the whole 'Jinxing' topic!
Not good!

Oh, a side-issue with weak women in Video Games: I have the impression that its true when thinking about Street Fighter ... although, lol! Cammy! I mean, you can't take that issue into that community because in the FGC (Fighting Game Community) the issue of balance and who's stronger and who's weaker and who should be nerfed (weakened) or buffed (strengthened) in whatever way is a bit of a ... well ... lets call it 'toxic'.
But after all? The stronger group is the 'learn to fucking play the game!' one! Its common sense! Don't whine about the apparent weaknesses - learn how to improve on the strengths! In SFV I for instance currently "main" (primarily picked character) Karin - and the issue with Karin is that her special moves are vastly nonsensical when applied as a direct confrontation. They have to be really applied with skill or at least sensitive consideration to ... well! Don't judge that by playing against the weak AI! Try to play 'ranked' against 'real players'. And Karin in reality is really strong Character! In my oppinion! But "Ryu Anti Air Jab" is still a thing! And why not!?

Oh dude, Angry Joe ... you can sortof feel or see the actual 'normal' Jinx effect in his defense of the Sarkeesian! He's oddly ... nervous? I mean - he tries to crack down on a matter as he's used to, but ... he seems kindof stuck on this 'wave' that he's been riding, harnessing the 'gamers concent' which ... well ..., isn't the feminist wave ... so, its ... a nice little detail I think. Maybe ... the problem can be explained by other things ... which means, yea ... maybe! Maybe isn't science, but probability is!

But well, lets say he's serious about it. To not ignore too much too early, there's a good point he has to point out how 'sad' it really is to read in which ways some people react to her - but - that would be more effective if he wouldn't try to slander the truth into oblivion!
And Lol! I guess in the end this whole thing is a real thing that causes some major friction/tension amongst THE Anti-Christians!
I mean, the Anti-Christ is a moron ... while the fact that their entire case is a lost one ... well, it may be partially because of that and not solely their God, but ... yea well, sorry connections issue broken ... brrrp ...; But the way I get it the Anti Guy is a person that doesn't back-off no matter what! Hmm ... wow! This ... wow! I mean ... hey ... the echo of that guy in my head is ... gone! I mean, its ... oddly silent up in here!

Well, the obvious issue is: Who rules this world? Thats the big issue! They stand up there making their silly points and gaining momentum by doing so - and we ... what can we do? Who are 'we' even? To begin with? Nobody! Yet!
And yep! You know just what will help us cross that bridge ... uhm, which bridge to cross ...?!

Which bridges to cross?
Its interesting to see how things actually line up 'after' the math has been done by, woop, not only me! Or in some cases totally without me! Thats the way life works! Thats how its gonna work! I do my thing, others do theirs! And because of party line; My thing shouldn't be misrepresented - so - I have to make an effort of providing you with material that allows your honest reaction to not do that! I mean - hey, if I failed to mention various things, well, then your bad was actually my bad!
Kindof ... ?
Nah! I mean ... anyway.

Its kindof in my first answer/question. Video Games and TV defined the majority of my childhood and youth. My younger Brother had all the friends - I was the loner sitting at home torturing our electric devices. OK, Lego also plays a major role in my childhood. Even to the point that I built a hideout of Lego for our dope as we had that idea of dealing with weed. But ... well, kindof silly now that I think about it!

So yea, when moving things back into perspective ... I kindof did not fail at that, in core principality. But games ... for me, right now, -kindof-, feel like they take up too much space for me, in a way that I'm tired - without a reasonable counter-balance of intellectual, interactive stimulations.

Well - #Gamergate - why not? 'Gamer' + 'Gate' = how else to express a gaming oriented oppinion that is to move 'out' of the scope of 'gaming' to the so 'outside world'???
OK, what was my previous point? My life is one-sided, but ... I don't want this to take a spin into the wrong direction! I mean, if you add that one side that is so obviously missing in my life - well - you don't add a lot in terms of anything that however so remotely changes my relationship to gaming! Except a time-vaccum that possibly changes the way my time is distributed - though - in a healthy scenario, ... who cares? ;)

I'm listening to arguments right now that are a bit against what I just wrote. Am I feeling Enlightened - in hindsight? Sure! Point being? The problem of using labels such as Gamergate or SJW for communication - and matter of fact; And yea - totally! Kindof! It would be nice if we could focus on ideas rather than labels - but I feel like we're lacking the Forum for that kind of stuff. The Base, foundation, ... and that regarding a lot of things.
Thats the core problem - or, the difference between those that rule and those that "harass". I mean, ... the amount of elaborate planning, coordination and what not goes into these Bullshit movements ... there is organization. There is a "hidden Forum" ... which however should ... I assume/strongly assume ... imply that whatever movement you might start; Well, it has to be designed so that dumb hate-speakers stick out like a sore thumb and therefore can't succeed at their trolling!
On the other end, if I had to somehow wire my head around to think of the Sarkeesians as some really big fish in the pool of good folks - so, "High Profile", then I'd have to understand that ther knowledge of gaming is vast enough to professionally tick people into upsetness nonetheless - which may be where her Education flows into. Targetted ... professional attention whoring - that even paved her road up to the UN.
For what? Proving a point? My problem with such excuses though is, well, they sound to me like silly excuses!
But so yea, #UnificationWithGod!!!

I mean, can I wrap this up now?

See - the problem with Free Speech these days is that sanity doesn't rule quite yet! There is no even ground for discussion - obviously. Open ground sure! But even? This Sarkeesian is staninding up there on top - and every same criticism is kindof shallowly dissipating in the noise that comes from below.
The same is my problem. I'm communicating to/with a crowd that misses that 'central authority' thing that everyone however so keeps to look for; And because nobody is stepping up to take that lead ... there's nothing!
The reason why I'm not doing that is that it, for once it hasn't really crossed my mind properly yet. I don't have a striking insight of how I could do that. But also because this 'central authority' is evil - or: Evil is stepping in to fill that void - saying, ... well, its possibly not really that important!
The point is that nothing about that is wrong because ... well, the social rules and stuff that are supposed to help us move on are already in place and effectively doing what they very well are supposed to! Its just a matter of time as some would say.
But still the problem with gaming is that gamers aren't trusted, we're considered 12 year old pre-pubertarian jerks that love talking shit on 4chan.
Which is untrue and eventually that will be "revealed" - and yea, mind boggling! It isn't even hidden, but to the public still all happens in the dark!

I mean, legitimate research into crime rates in response to the Sarkeesian nonsense - like - less rape while more people and more games being sold - that is then counted to the negative stuff next to the 'positive responses'. I mean, everyone and their mother can see what is wrong with this! Technically!

So - outragous the response: "What my fucking problem is?"!!!

What could that be?????!?!?!?!? [sarcasm]

Yea - bummer. The only study I've heard of so far - trusting that the people reporting on stuff wouldn't withhold proper studies the Feminists offer (I've seen examples ...) that sheds an inch of Light on the gender/sexism issue in gaming tells that gamers give a shit about what they play as! And yea - if I can build my own Character ... I'll try to hit my own fancy. Male Paladin here, Female Warrior there. Whatever! I mean - anyway, Gaming isn't relevant enough; But on the other end - what even 'is' relevant enough in our world that is at the same time socially sane?
I wonder what would happen if we all of a sudden started to ignore Muslim terrorists and mained Video Games in generic TV News instead!!!

I mean, this whole Bullshit is just like made for full-on mass media coverage - and THEN we'll be having discussions that I believe are gonna really help us move on! Because: The more these fake individuals wanted to shell out their nonsense, the more they demand the individual to think about, BASED ON the then common sense knowledge - which would lead us to a more widespread and beyond the need for statistics gathering crowd that will feedback - but in a world where Trump is rolled up for President ... yea, I can see why people would be skeptical about this course of action being all that successful!

But anyway ... I've been way over my head in this topic so far - and I want to apologize for any inconveniences this causes in progress! I would welcome some feedback on these matters - but I kindof gave up on expecting such kind of stuff to ever happen. I mean - maybe I'm just doing it wrong - and looking at these writings - yea ... I kindof can see that there is still room for improvements and what not. But something is still nagging at me ... and ahrw ... OK, break, sorry for the clutterfuck of topics and issues and arguments ... reboot! Sortof!

Quantity above Quality - I

OK, I figure - you generally want 'more stuff' and you don't really care if quality suffers because I ... am a bit like those Bible Characters but as opposed to an Archaeological finding I'm pretty well alive. So - we don't have that problem like as though you must worry (... although ...) that some canopy full of scriptures got loaded onto the wrong donkey which then drown in the mediterranean or whatever - and neither are we these days restricted in our verbal output as people used to be back then. You know, paper and ink stuff.
And writing with a pen.

And so - the more thoughts I shell out, the better the quality per se. OK - so - I mean, I arrive at 1000 lines and think "Oh my gosh! Thats too much!" - ... I think about, well, this isn't really 'short' in any way; But - I figured that a good reader can plow through that real quick and then you don't want to feel like "thats it" and wait for like ... who knows ... until the next really ... perhaps even depressingly short iteration.

Then realizing that scientists don't seem to really care about how thick their stuff becomes, well ... I figure, K ... Quantity might not be so bad at all!

For common sense then - I mean - eventually I can ignore catering to that part in a sense that, well, I guess I made it pretty clear to myself that the real ending to that isn't really any of my business - or anything I could as a single individual have any hope in helping out that much; So - I'm relying on 'You' (Uncle Sam motivational poster) - which should also be clear to everyone with a legitimate interest in my writing. So ... with that established I guess I can indulge in my own words ... maybe for the first time ever - ... but so yea, whats on my mind?

Links Adventure, the second NES Zelda game; That little piece of Art ... its amazing! Its amazing from the perspective that it didn't really grab me all that much during my early childhood - but over time it sortof progressed to the top of my favourites although I wasn't even playing it. It was always a bit fascinating because of the odd game-design (the switch from bird to jump'n'run perspective) - but I didn't really understand the concept of Levelling up and all that. Even in Mystic Quest and Secret of Mana I totally failed at embracing the concept of that. Must be the general Zelda thing - the expectancy that you get stuff from going through a dungeon and beating the boss. Mostly. Straight Forward.
I noticed that one of the main reasons for me to like that game more and more is its Soundtrack. And for the same reason Mystic Quest (SNES) is soooo much better than just the game that it is!

Similarly did Secret of Evermore grown on me. Kindof. I mean - the memory is kindof fond enough as I don't really see the need to constantly replay these games; But ... I just started the Secret of Mana lets play by NintendoCapriSun because I felt like watching an SoM lets play just for the heck of it - I mean, and NCS because ... also just for the heck of it - and yea - he even does that ... listening to the opening score until it runs out, like, I don't know how often I did that! And if I were a Feminist and a Gamer ... ;) ... I mean, Damsels in Distress? "The Girl" (the Characters don't have any name in that game) - quite the opposite - which is also kindof clear to me because, I mean, we can at least mention the fact that the player 'gets' the 'Melee Weapon' (Karate stuff, Fistfighting) because she is equipped with that weapon once she joins the team! Then her quest further is to save her boyfriend who's getting lost saving her place from the clutches of an evil (or not so evil???) Witch.
But he continues being lost - and so the journey of the Hero guy and her journey to save her boyfriend intertwine; But well. Once we have that kind of stuff sorted out, what good is gaming? ;P ... yea ...

Well - the focus on Soundtrack so far ... shall receive the prominant position first! May I declare a game epic just cause its got an awesome musical score? Arguably - the companion AI in this game is aweful ... which is like 1 thing about it - compared to the entire rest of it ... well, ... watch the Lets Play!
Its so peaceful ... at first ... and it really goes through all sorts of different scenarios; Some threatening, some are encouraging, ... - and warping back into the time where I first played it ... ... that was just the most epicest and coolest Adventure I ... prehaps even ever embarked on ... ever!
Even so up unto this very day!
I would totally support a proper remake of that Game!

I maybe have to shed some more light on me as a person here; That at least seems like the thing for me to do! Zooming forward in time - there was that Game Cube title called 'Metroid Prime'. It was/is the first Metroid game I played, by the way; And I bought it from some cash ... I don't know ... there was something special; Anyway. I wanted to spend it on something else or something; It was more like no ordianry purchase though. However, I then remember my Brother asking me if I wanted to go out - but I declined. So, he met our friends while I was home alone playing Metroid Prime; And I remember arriving at the Ice Desert of Phendrana ... and ... I was suddenly overcome by a chill feeling of Melancholia mixed with a bit of a saddening self-awareness of my lonely existence - but - it was so fucking calming in a way ... I guess that was a key moment that impressed me on some under the surface kind of way and ... isn't too difference from how I totally dove into SoM initially. Yea - that music thats playing right now ... its so ... I mean, it makes me happy in a way thats just ... I mean - if you imagine a child thats easily impressed by audio-visual impressions ... with big eyes totally invested into a fantasy reality that is totally disconnected from real life concerns ... yea! And whats going on in that childs mind 'becomes' reality to that child! Definitely!
And most of my Artwork as I grew older was strongly influenced by that Game! Yet I played a lot of other 'impressive' games; Like, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Final Fantasy 8, almost every Zelda Game, ... Wolfenstein 3D, Mystic Quest, Donkey Kong Country (1+2) - I mean - those are games that impressed me and stuff I can think of from the top of my head thinking of 'the variety' of Games I played in terms of diversity - but its SoM that 'stuck'. So - influenced, Yea! Arbitrarily influenced? I don't think so! But maybe the game is simply that good! I mean, who knows?

Secret of Evermore is essentially the same game; But a really different Art Style and a different general Musical concept - more, ... pastel, less contrast, more texture less crayon, ... which is totally appealing to me too - but in a different way.
And I actually finished it before I finished SoM - while, I didn't really understand the concept of Levelling either, kindof. At least I wan't really 'grinding'.
But then it has Alchemy instead of Magic, which is also a totally different System or way or concept - also so the Dog and its ability to sniff for resources to do Alchemy with ... its ... totally awesome in its own regard.
Yet the story is a bit more trivial compared to SoM - I mean, you're not really saving the World, ... you're just trying to escape from a Dreamworld (???) of some sort - which involves saving the dreamworld ... but yea, its an "otherworld" ... with no real implications for the real world ... ... I guess!
Its been a while!

The next big game for me would be Final Fantasy 8 - at least in the context of time; Which then also drops into my Civ II, Colonization and UFO and X-Com era - and yea, UFO/X-Com ... I can't say that its the Soundtrack that fascinates me about that game - and here its the more dirty looking X-Com that I prefer, not the Crayon looking UFO. Though the Soundtrack is amazing - its kindof generous to actually call it a Soundtrack. So, Graphics and Soundtrack - I guess these games defy the idea I earlier established about that ... while TFTD is in total right next to SoM my absolute Favourite - and its more of a game that seems like it has an intellectual value; Though, I was really young when I first played SoM - and the first time I played UFO or X-Com I didn't really get even just a bit what I was supposed to do. I had to watch a friend playing it to understand ... but then ... I wanted to play nothing else anymore ... for a while at least! And I played the shit out of those games!
But - when I think about it - there isn't anything I can finally put my finger on - as in SoM - other than the Mechanics themself; And the Interface - I mean, I guess it is to me the game with the best designed UI ever! At least or especially considering its an old DOS game!
And it isn't Sexist either! I mean, you get to recruit soldiers - and these get a random look, name and gender once they arrive at their base - which means, men and women are equal! In that way that doesn't make sense - but - if Women were weaker the game would be weird! I mean, you'd try to get rid of the women because they're weaker!

So, this horrible mysogenistic game industry ... if its an issue, it at the very least wasn't back then!

But hey, I mean - if you wanna talk gender equality, Final Fantasy man! Or woman! I mean - how on earth would one skip on that franchise like in any educated coverage of Video Games in general? Ever!
Yea ... ... Uhm ...
Yea! Spikey! That Tiger Boss in SoM ... I mean, Tigers are kindof my favourite animal - and that Boss was tough ... and all in all that made the game just so much more f*in epic for me!

But evidently, with UFO/X-Com I grew older - and gaming wise what went on was nothing that special, vastly Smash Brothers, where the next noteworthy entry is Wind Waker (Legend of Zelda) (which is by the way one of the Zelda Games where Zelda isn't the/a Damsel inthe distress!!!) - and then - I'm already a Whore and playing World of Warcraft. Then Starcraft 2 - and theeeen ... Street Fighter 4!
And theeen ... hmm, some honorable mentions? Antichamber, Atom Zombie Smasher, Torchlight 2, oh yea ... how could I forget Minecraft? - N+ ... !!! - Jamestown, Hammerfight ... and around that time I came to play Super Metroid for the first time! I guess, thats also beyond honorable mentions as it was pretty much of a growing up thing; Although ... hmmm ... anyway ... after that we're already in the now; Thats Destiny, Dragon Age Inquisition aaaaand ... Dark Souls 3!

Oh, and Street Fighter 5.

And in all that, Street Fighter is arguably the most sexistic!

Anyway. Yea - Duke Nukem 3D is one of the games I should possibly mention more prominently - but I don't really have a scheme for these mentions, so ... next thing on my mind: TV Shows - and the first one I want to mention? Stargate! SG1 or Atlantis? ... why not both?!
Yea - the main reason why I possibly watched both shows up and down and back and forth is its well, very well presented ... considerations of Good and Evil or ... Morale and Ethics. It really gets me that in the last two Seasons of SG1, the entire Ori Saga I mean, they have all these quotes from the Book of Origin and those Philosophical discussions and totally faith-relevant themes all in all - which makes those two shows most easily the most Epic TV show(s) ever!
Oh yea, and fucking Atlantis!

Then there are Lovable Characters like Bra'Tak, Teal'C, McKay, Todd ... though honestly the whole Michael Character is a bit annoying! ... Kindof! But I wouldn't want to easily dismiss as discard him as a legitimately interesting part of the whole; He's just I would say the most Boring Villain of them all.
Ba'al is a very interesting one though. He's to my experience the first of all the Charismatic bad guys - though I'm sure there were quite a few before him. He for once isn't the ordinary Goua'Uld (damn, I can't remember how to write it properly) - where, the ordianry G'Uld is just your average megalomaneous and insane power-hungry false God parasite you're pretty much used to; And Ba'al kindof diverges from that formula - not too much and in a sense even tops them all in that; But ... he's the one also closest to the humans/protagonists ... which makes sense in the Lore. He's been that guy in the Background ... bothering his own business while the others would contest for being the ... is there a word for the ruling System Lord? I can't remember. But anyway - I dig him as the strategist that doesn't want to risk too much and so ends up being the one who survives them all. He also isn't that unreasonable; He cares more about being in charge than being worshipped - and that is I would say whats really making him the most Dangerous of them all.

Oh yea, Thor ... great Character!

If the Tok'Ra weren't so anti-climactic all in all I might also mention Selmak. In the idea though ... Selmak is a really cool figure! Human being symbiotically merged with a millenia old alien species fighting the G'Uld ... being not only in touch with Earthling customs but also one of the most influencial Characters amongst the Tok'Ra ... I mean, he has his moments - in that very anti-climactic sense; That is actually really impactful when looking beyond the appearances.
But the Tok'Ra are kindof arrogant I guess; And ... damn, whats his name? His earthling name I mean. ??? Anyway - he wasn't really all that humble either; But ... in a sense that all in all made an amazingly not all that arrogant symbiosis; And I can buy that - I mean, the arrogant Tok'Ra, which is possibly a cultural issue linked to their history and evolution, mingling with an arrogant Human yet meant the clash of worlds that couldn't be any more different; Which is also a new influence considering that the Tok'Ra for the most part only had access to humans that were vastly exposed to the G'Uld dictatorship - that would for once humble Selmak, the Tok'Ra symbiont; While also showing the Earthling guy (...) a much larger world, possibly memories of struggles that are just beyond human comprehension - so yea, Selmak!
Further - Selmak turned out to be that strange that the Tok'Ra started to distrust him eventually - which isn't really good I guess, but its a repeated issue along the show that the Tok'Ra have that weirdness about them, being kindof paranoid and hard to trust others, extremely defensive and kindof fond of their stuff and legacy. So - they've been the ones fighting the G'Uld for a loooong time; And so they are supposed to look at the human enthusiasm with a little bit of caution and skepticism.

Not the Jaffa though. They've had enough of all that Bullshit - and thats why ...

Anti FemFreq Reloaded!

Because, making a big deal out of it is the only way to make it a deal big enough to outweight ... why have I gotten so bad at words? Well, maybe because English isn't my native language, so, I wasn't ever really good at them actually ... ?!

... big enough to outweight ... their Bullshit! ... no, not a language problem!

Anyway ... but, more selfconfidence ... so, 'if' I'm supposed to "save the world" the thing is that even the most smartest people on this planet need to sortof ... agree with me? Well, yea. So - I don't try or want to be condescending here. Clearly, my issue with FemFreq would or should just be an example; While the problem all in all would seem to be much larger. Thinking ..., YouTube seems to be at war with Science; And honestly - I find it hard to take any sides because some points seem legitimate, however, ... using movie tropes: It seems a bit too easy to say Science is all bullcrap just cause there's Pluto on Pluto.
I mean, amateur Astronomy is a thing; And there I kindof highly doubt that it could be a thing if the whole motion of the Planets thing weren't a thing! And the main thing with science is that its science because it makes sense and it works!

Buuut ... yea, lets generalize and call "the Problem": Silly arguments. What qualifies an argument to be silly?
Without trying to say more than I'm intellectually factually capable of, I would say they come in handy when just that happens to be the case. Let there for instance be a communication problem between two ideologies. Or lets get a bit more specific: The argument that Abraham only heard voices in his head and therefore went to kill Isaac. The one side would argue that Gods will has to be done, the other that killing cannot be justified. In this stance of things, the first is right because killing can in deed be justified. But that isn't the point. The thing that God is invisible and remains passive is practically an open invitation for vile individuals to abuse that to impose as Prophet; And that for me kindof implies any individuals claim to understand the will of God! Going too far? OK ... so we have a third silly argument here.
The idea that Abraham only heard voices in his head - so, that Abraham was sortof Schizophrenic - thats the idea that the critic of that argument will point out. That would however totally not argue against the actual argument that is being made, which is that killing is bad! This furthermore is an education problem. The un-educated doesn't necessarily understand the concepts of the educated individual and way around.

Hence, meet Senator Kinsey - another Stargate Character. He pops into my head as I try to understand where this problem takes us. Surely - the solution ... there may be more than one. We shouldn't even really think of a solution in the sense of solving a generic problem; Like a war isn't won by a single battle. But yea, kindof not being a dick about everything and making a huge hiatus while throwing out death-threats ... thats kindof a good start and a basic pre-requisite!
The reason I get to Kinsey is because he's that kind of guy that abuses the situations of unclarity about a matter, spitting more unclarity mixed with Bible-statements into the arena and thinks that he'll come out on top in the end - because he's "playing the game"!
But in the end he's nothing! The SG teams walk through the gate on a regular basis, socializing with the rest of the Galaxy, making Friends and Allies - and all that vastness 'out there' is totally beyond his grasp, reach and ability to really connect to/with. Which gets clear in that episode where Kinsey finally managed to get the other nations on the Planet that were introduced to the Stargate program to pressure the SGC into a civilian oversight that he would have control about - but that is avoided as the Surpreme Commander of an Alien Species beams into the room and convinces the "SG Nations" to rather roll with him and his assessment of who'd be more qualified to be in charge of the SGC.
Kinsey especially furthermore is a magnet in the show for all kinds of shortcommings that his kind of menthality so posesses; Which is basically off topic; Maybe. For instance his dislikes regarding O'Neill. Whenever O'Neill or anyone in the SGC has an agenda that Kinsey doesn't like, he mentions his own agenda - while well, SG1 has the agenda to stop Anubis for instance, the most powerful System Lord ever, and Kinsey ... wants to be president or shut down the SGC or whatever. And those aren't even hidden agendas!

The problem with Stargate lore in this context is publicity - to some extent - because the Stargate Program is Top Secret and no one is to actually know about it. But looking at Stargate Atlantis we can circumvent that a little when saying that Atlantis is a metaphor for the Academic world. They are located in another Galaxy (the Atlantis people, obviously) doing their thing; But whatever ... the whole whining about people who disagree with others on the Internet - we can say OK, they're both equal, but ... it gets obvious that its not! See - person A says something, like - A like Anita - person B figures what A said is wrong and points that out; But A then goes on and whines about B, having the tools to make B look like a moron and ... so, whats happening?
The truth is effectively hidden from a given crowd of people. Lets call it "the wall of screens". What I mean by that is for instance that the things that are on my screen right now are most likely not the things on yours. What I see isn't necessarily what you see.

Lets visit 'feministfrequency' on YouTube for instance and get to the Tomb Raider review. What do you see? Are you a gamer? If not - then ... lets get it straight: Its a Video Game. And no - I'm not gonna say that ... well, what I am gonna say is that Video Games function, usually, because of something thats generally called an 'Engine'. What that is - its a collection of Functions. You have to imagine it like a clockwork. Just like a clockwork an Engine would have something called a 'main loop' - thats a sequence of functions thats repeated over and over again - each repitition generates a Frame, thats one picture - where 60 FPS means that the game runs at 60 frames per second. Anyway - the thing is: You have this toolbox then - the VR - and the Levels, Characters and all the Stuff is functional or interactive because of the Engine. The key-term is the repition, or in other terms: The systematic logic. Like Chess. You can't make a Chess figure do something that isn't allowed in the rules of Chess - kindof. I mean, you can - but thats cheating. A Video Game isn't cheatable in the same way a boardgame can be cheated - and so, tell me, how do you want to take the killing out of a Video Game that has been an Action Oriented Adventure from the beginning? Or take 'war units' from any Strategy game?
There are examples! Adventures without Violence exist, as Strategy without war exists. So - 6 minutes into the review and I've heard the narrator of that critic repeating the very same thing at least trice. What thing? I guess he only has one point all in all, so, which one could it be?

Another hillarious thing - more of a trivia - is that the critic for instance marvels at the Technological Advances - essentially saying that the only reason why Tomb Raider can be redeemed even just a little because we're not living in the Dark Ages of 3D Games anymore!

But 9 minutes in - yea. That I can kindof agree with. Its a general issue I'm also having - kindof. I mean, it is to me a very special concern, its ... a challenging concern. A thing that one can just take out of an Adventure game without making it a dumb Action game - or just an empty landscape. So - yea, good luck trying!

Its oddly difficult to find feministic material that properly addresses all of its critics!
Thats ... kindof the same point.

I mean - the reason why 'the Colbert Report' doesn't cut it for me is because Colbert isn't really that involved of a critic, she is sidestepping his arguments. He runs down his questions, she gives a straight answer - but then still all the hate is shoved unto Gamergate. We're still the haters, harassers, etc.. Thats the whole point! But ...
I mean, sorry! I can't help but seeing morons in these figures that so blindly defend her stuff. I ... my brain implodes or something - its ... hate and harassment ... and bla. But ... the thing is the following: I would have been falling for her. And why? Because I honestly wouldn't care about what stuff she's producing - I get the idea! Thats the point! And for that point I'm having sympathy. And this 'underlying truth' thing would tell me that there are people that really don't like what she says - but once that compares to what I'm hearing her say I don't really get the connection! Or why! But now - after having heard a lot of the counter-stance; I ... I have to throw up or something.
I can't - ... ... - its personal! Yea - thats perhaps the best way of putting it! End of the line.

I felt obligated to check her channel and stuff - but I can't! I've seen enough I'd say! Its not that the anti-femfreq position doesn't have a solid point! So - next topic. Extremist/"Fundamentalist" Christians. Thanks @ Thunderf00t again - but, I just see - I wouldn't want to argue with those people; I've had my fair share of that and I do from that already know where that would be going. Like ... Homosexuality. I feel much more comfortable writing about it than having a discussion about it, with a Christian who believes that being against Homosexuality is a legitimate Christian position! 4 Minutes in and that woman is already shouting. Kindof! I mean - yea. Getting louder, falling into the other ones sentence, ...; But ... anyway. The video? Thunderf00t -Westboro Baptist Church (full interview).
Its interesting though!
If I would talk with that guy ... most of my responses - just to put that into the picture - would ... based on that flow of conversation ... vastly be "Yea yea yea yea ... but". I mean, ... fuck it. I mean, the underlying context is inconsistent with the imposed context. The thing is that TF wants to have a ... good discussion. I get the vibe from him that he's willing to hear legitimate ideas - as, he never really moves out of his boat, that boat of having an educated basis (it swims); And before leaving it, he wants to know that the boat he's stepping into does the same.
There's a reasonable foundation I have established here so far. I wrote about Homosexuality already - and that comes down to the generic Christian fundamental idea of forgiveness, the Law of the Holy Ghost, the flawedness of the Law, ... .

(Oh, and it is Luke 17:32 ... ahw, OK, ... lets try this again)

Back @ the SoM LP. :/...
If we're having, first of all, problems establishing even the concept of something such as the Book of Mormon (another Testimony for Christ) to exist ... theologically ... there is no reason to really focus on anything else. If it ends there, then it ends there - right away without a pointlessly lengthy discussion. So, once we can understand the concept, we're back at 'the' Testimony itself because we have to wonder: How could we know of its legitimacy?
Once we can properly connect to that, we're having the tools to move onward.

I better get into another Volume with this.//August the 28th, 18:25