My position regarding Child-Abuse

Its gonna happen at some point that you folks may wanna have this. You'd read my stuff - get your indicators here and there - and you'll be annoyed about my way of not being clear enough about what you wanna know or read/hear from me at this point.

"The Matrix has got me at this point" - saying, I'm actually just seeing some Video about how Islamic Children are raised into extremism. They have their own Micky Mouse telling them ... shmuck stuff, lets put it that way ... and I don't see their - the childrens - position or situation as much different to Children that suffer pedophilia; ... uhm, kindof. When it gets to violence you might want to get disgusted about me saying that, but if we're powerless against Islamic/Religious Child Abuse, which is more public and legal, how are we gonna do anything about the other?

Well, to get to the raw meat though: The way I feel about pedophilia - to start with that - might be relatively common. Well, like the ordinary Pothead feels in a world where the usage of Marijuana is drawn into a negative spotlight because of Morons that probably don't even love the weed - but just so happen to use it next to all the other stuff they do and take.
If you've studied my parts on this topic so far thoroughly enough, you'll have a somewhat passively accurate understanding of things like 'mental transitioning' - though I never called it so before. You could compare that to the melting of ice, in that burried part of myself begins to feel warmth that it aligns to - and in terms of now that leads me to an all-over positive feeling about it, wholistically ("full body") positive, or to keep it simple: awesome! But this feeling is somewhat disturbed around the outlines one might say. Damn right are those disturbances more comprehensive when highlighted in the context of ignorance. That I ignore what horrors (can) go on - but if you can't think beyond such appearances you'll - in my oppinion - honestly be lost in this time and age.

I did mention that - and as I'm re-growing awareness of me thereby being somehow as walking through the fire, I understand that I'm in a position of being taken more seriously than your average guy. I'll however publish this with the awareness that the effect on my life might be rather negative. And so, why stop here?

Its easy to say "give him what he wants!" - well knowing that it couldn't possibly be what I have wanted; And how were that true to the value of what I'm trying to tell? But thinkin of what else I 'could' expect - I'm really having a problem with how what I would want could be realized within any of this worlds contemporary establishments. This worlds institutions and foundations and what not - the beurocracy - if anything they help making things more confusing; And I don't wanna dare a foot into that snake pit! So I in essence would rather keep quiet about it than have it going that way!
My motto there is pretty much "All or nothing" - either we learn to live free, or we screw the idea all along. This would only work on mutual trust - or in realms of secrecy. There are however problems with secrecy, like, why keep it one; And how to make sure it stays that! Like, for that reason its likely that this won't ever be required - because what would people think?
Even so - with nothing illegal going on - me and everyone who'd privately associate with me would have to go into hiding until we're ascertained that its safe to come out; And in a situation like that there were no reason to just do what we think is best! Alternatively we could live a transparent live - or both. Well ... anyhow, lets leave those awarenesses, considerations and stuff aside.

I guess what you really wanna know is - ... uhm, I mean, if I could figure out how I would want things to happen and why, you'd get a decent enough idea regarding what you're curious about.
To begin with what we all rather want to ignore, there is child-rape; Which begins with fucking a pregnant woman - and is rather open ended. There is honestly quite some desturbing stuff out there - but so far there is little to none that I as of how I feel would reject per se. And "the Matrix has got me once more". Right now I'm listening to psytrance - and the video to it shows submarine life ... arguably at its prettiest, but that so by showing some of the most disgusting stuff to be found down there. I mean, me personally, I'm creeped out by images of vast submarine colonies of wobbling stuff that seems to have eyes or whatever everywhere - and I get that we humans, to a certain extent, were or yet are like that to God. I mean, reality is Gods mind - and we come in at the point where some of the things in "Gods house" all of a sudden start to move on their own and evolved driven by some inherant unconsciousness of existence. So, how would you react to that? And don't tell me you'd be like "Oooh, an eye, how interesting!". And so we're potentially all disgusted by each other, ... and how this passage would or could go on might be rather obvious. So - this isn't an argument of defense - but a segway into being a bit more deliberate of what this 'wobbly yeeeek' - to put it that way - of my kind practically "does"; So you'll have a better base understanding of what to make of us.

So - on the one side you have that horrible image of what people with power do to people with no power; Or so: what Adults do to children. I guess its somehow engrained into our western "post enlightenment" civilization that psychological concepts are a thing, such as that we basically expect such horrible things to emerge when people are free to do whatever they want, for as long as those things are better kept secret! In a simple way I guess it goes a bit like that: After a person raped a child, that person will be afraid of other people finding out - so, the child would be locked away; And once it so isn't just one person that is involved, but many, this situation is attracting exploitation. As a boundary has alraedy been crossed - further boundaries are somewhat vague - and so we expect the extent of what emerges from that to be relative to the amount of people involved; Generally. Eventually that crosses a line where the childs suffering isn't occasional but normal - and in crossing that line, the culture that is assembled around that would by continuing to cultivate that situation exhibit a larger interest in the childs suffering than its wellbeing. Those kinds of transitions are basically visible all throughout life. And most of you should have at least a subjective idea/experience of both ends of that image. Be it that something grew or shrunk.
Where I would draw the line for myself in that image isn't in that image. Not yet at least. I mean - there is more to that.
So, in that image we're dealing with a pedophile ring - to imply some sort of professionalized exploit and a respective interest in its maintenance. And what really upsets me is human behaviour as we see it influencing our planet! Well, there are - in comparison - natural catastrophies that are arguably worse than what we do - but its not like physics/nature has a choice! Or reasoning! Well, maybe it does and it just wants to slap us - I mean, why not? And yea - as there are people I heavily assume I wouldn't trust with our planet - the same goes for pedophilia!

What you or we might wanna call taking responsibility - thats something we can also generalize into the word 'Love'. And the way this Love works - in my oppinion - within circumstances of Child Rape is actually rather simple. And my hopes for this to help where it would matter have just been shattered. Well, there is a problem some people apparently have with Love, which is that not everything may wanna go as you/they want! Love - unto a human being - is about giving them a choice or not - dependent on whats best for them. If you assume that this "Love" however is a way of making others do what you want, well sorry, your a ... I'll spare me the bad words and the cursing.
The magic of Love is not that you 'make' people comply to you - but 'find' people that do!
Then - in essence - the boundaries within such a society don't or shouldn't matter to the outside - because internally everyone is roughly if not exactly at the place they wanna be! The big difference between children and adults in this situation would of course be 'choice'. But, we adults are in that the ones that are more biased - though equally less shapable. And thats I guess the point you'd return to - being skeptical of me and what'd come of me. So - maybe what I'll tell you next ... uhm, I'll just ... . So - I've heard this statement of a woman who has reported on having been abused as a child - and one sentence went like: "But how people have responded to that was an experience worse than all of that". Which brings me to the question: How many of the victims of Child Abuse that apparently manage to somehow live an ordinary life do need counselling 'because' of the sexual exploits - as opposed to needing counselling due to the wild effects of our society on them? Well, my concern - my approach - were not the one of setting our societies norm as the premise of what is healthy! There is more universal good than that! Like comfort! Comfort certainly were a good starting point until that person ruled it out for itself. Paramount to this approach were however to also accept answers we may end up disliking!
"Likes and Comfort" are in some way however somehow subjective or superficial terms. At least in my realm. So I'll describe comfort as a personal state of harmony with ones environment that yields a fulfilling satisfaction. And the idea of comforting children that belong into my realm; As myself; Is in first ideologically that of hateful opression. This, to me, if I were to put myself into the role of the rapist, comes to a first moment of choice at the point where I must realize whether I have that kindof hate for a particular child or not. As we in the end would want that hate to be the guiding form of Love - it entirely depends on whether or not a child would seek to be a part of that or not. Clearly it wouldn't understand much of the all alternatives it had - and so the matter has to be approached inherantly differently.

As for me, now, in real life - I'm a bit torn back and forth between expectations. But the short conclusion is: I'd cross any line I'd have to cross to express my belonging to where I belong. Thats ... not coupled to hope though. As for hope - if I can't hope to be a victim or rape I'd rather hope to live a relatively normal life. What intrigues me about that is that I would still belong to where I belong, and the prospect of being however involved in that is kindof consuming. I am however not really like those dominant entities of my real; Else - well - I'd be that! But I have a Love for "the abyss" - as you'd expect from someone like me in regards of growing smarter and wiser about reality. That means that I wouldn't want to 'love' people 'out' of my "home" - but the opposite. Which doesn't say that this is the only way I 'can' Love. I have a very destinct feeling of kids that don't feel right, for once. A feeling of discomfort and some 'yeek' that disallowed me to love someone into my realm.
But well, sorry, this doesn't add up to reason.
My situation regarding this topic at its whole begun at some point where the issue of pedophilia has entered my mind while I was thinking of "my Utopia". I did take it as a thing I would have to find words against - but the more I thought of it that way, the more the images on my head evolved the other way. So, the intention of freeing children from their oppression became a room that went darker, more isolated and more ... depraved - which in comparison looks/looked worse than what I would express as the harshest of extremes that I'd be in for. Further down the same road the imagery became more and more ... evil ... and I mean: Resident Evil/Biohazard kinds of ... not good! And also there was a feeling of pressure to it - that by going further down that road I would increase the fortifications surrounding that evil. And so I had to look the other way. And at least for what we may wanna call 'harmless pedophilia' I think there are a lot of convincing arguments - once we stop to fortify against even just the idea. So - for instance call it 'Love' instead of 'Abuse'. The simple effect were that 'brutal child abuse' would not also be what satisfies the harmless pedophile. But - if you are pedophile and wander around the dark web - there is no safe line to draw. What you might think is harmless could as well be brutal - and because you're conditioned to 'want' the harmless stuff but imagery of rape is everywhere, you'd eventually conceive that as a normality and your mind would seek a balance - and the emerging 'Love for the reality of things' then still feeds your Love for what you'd want!
Power is a bit different. You realize that you 'could' - and depending on your affinity for it - you're eventually getting obsessed until you 'would' and eventually 'do' - whatever it is. Of course the only real way to deal with that, in this world, is to 'pull the plug' before its too late. To go out and find subsitutes - like hiking. In the middle of nowhere. Or playing Video Games; As however learning to get along with what you got - and pray to God to not lead you into temptation.

But so - how would this play out? Or, how to tell or ready the world for the legalization of Child Rape? Well - I don't wanna call it legalization to begin with! Legality implies Law; And while there is nothing wrong with Laws per se; There is something really really wrong with Laws in general. Now - this is, as always, a rather inspirational oppinion than an elaborate idea; But - if we made our future dependent on our concurrent legislation(s) - ... uff ... - I mean, let me ask you: Are you happy with this world? If the answer is no - I'm sure that you don't even think about Child Abuse to count up what you generally dislike about it! If you however are - I'm sure most of what you could say boils down to the case that you've found your place. Whats left is what we could call 'suckage'.
It'd be a bold move to make this whole thing dependent on trust. Sparking distrust against me is a matter of sparking disbelief in general - and if you feel that this disbelief is appropriate - you should stand up for what you think is right. On the other hand I'd just propose something of a silent agreement - as to allow us to do what we think is right. Whatever evil would try to align to that ... well, there is a Parable in the Bible. Its about a field of crops with a lot of weeds having grown on it. The servant comes to the Landlord and asks whether he should go and tear out the weeds, but the Landlord replies: Nope! You'll unroot the crops by doing so! Rather let it all grow and separate the weeds from the crops at harvest.

I mean - if you're legit you'll have to justify your actions or non-actions before yourself and God. And quoting this Parable is as close to a response to any skepticism as I can get. You then think about it - and I'll believe we'll all end up on the same page! Yea thats bold - but - what are the alternatives? I guess the only one I can have a sense of agreement with is the one of locking me up until ... sometime. The rest leads me to one main concern: Who of us is going to take responsibility for the uncontrollable nature of our society? If you take this one Level up, you better have an idea, or plan. And I know I don't have one! As it stands I can only be sorry that I exist, or am the way I am; And yet - I'm an ordinary baptized human being - and thus share the hope that we all might just step into a better tomorrow. And the rest I got to make up to you!

Child Abuse Statement

by Christopher Nikolaus Sonnberger | 2016.12.16 - 00:30