When you take something for real that isn't

... I mean ... talking about conspiracy. The one believes it, the other doesn't. One of them believes in something that ain't real; And is it 'always' the one who believes in Conspiracy? That'd be shit logic!

Yet the thing with any Conspiracy 'Theory' is, that there is an inherant caution to be had - regarding conclusions that aren't "sure as Hell". There's quite a large gap between saying that there is a Conspiracy going on, and telling exactly what it is - yet the latter is what would bring us all the goodies. Any movie that has you guessing until the end who the bad guy is happens to be a good picture to what I wanted to say there. Though my interest here isn't "who's the bad guy?" - but - "what the fuck is going on?".

I've ended up watching a few Star Wars - the Force awakens reviews, ... and practically found myself wanting to voice my oppinion against how Episodes I-III are shit movies. But ... well ... the first thing for here would be the question: Is Disney Evil? Well - in my head it is, but ... thats a different story. I figured that, so anyhow, if that were so - I'm still bummed by how shitty the film was - but what I couldn't make sense of is: Why would they want that? Because they couldn't have done it any better? Well - yea, maybe. And it makes sense. I mean, JJ was "the man" of making movies of pre-established stuff - so, he was the 'Champion Pick' for getting into Star Wars ... but, the movie isn't just shit - its Episode IV all over again, as though they've taken the EpIV script and just slapped 'the Force Awakens' on it. Thats like begging for a shitstorm. Which is another thing, I mean ... where was it?

And so - yea - I got to come to what I was gonna come to anyway - but, I didn't expect this Link. But so there's more substance to it - reasonable substance. Well so - shitstorms are real; Which I would at this point compare to rallyes, so, some common emotion we have is taken to trigger us into ... not even shitstorming but voicing our agreement - but Star Wars was perfectly fine! So - there's more to that than that we're legitimately oppinionated about something - once we join a shitstorm. Or, otherwise, there are some 'real' feelings that ... well, lets ... dig that another time.
So, what I actually meant to 'suggest', is that 'we' say about everything - generally - that its good. I mean, as a default. If something sucks - let it suck, nobody cares actually! Anyway! I mean, I basically feel like this "other people have an oppinion" stuff has become part of our culture - in a way that some folks rather care about someone then having an oppinion and to join in, rather than bothering to watch it themself. Or in another way, take Shitty movie X, let Shitty YouTuber Y love it, and the dumbass viewer is gonna thumbs it up, go to the theatre, enjoy it and pretend he understands why!
Or, only have an oppinion when its profound.

I mean - its a matter of cooling down - and - sorting the goods from the spoils. And yea - most of this might just be me realizing where I went wrong, but ... as a cut-off, ... I'm still not done with it then.
Or - maybe. I mean ... technically SW-TFA is alright. I mean, I cannot accept it as part of the Franchise and cannot respect anyone who likes it; ...; And I'm not sure if I want to hear anyone having good arguments for it; ... but, luckily I feel its something most can agree with and we don't need a shitstorm for that. I mean, the point is, its real without the shitstorm already. ... UHm, well. I don't think that I just have to tell it here and things will happen accordingly; ... but ... I mean, I understand that my psychological/emotional context for writing this is odd. Its ... the future maybe? I just feel I have to tell this and that because - thats what feels like its gonna draw things together rather than fucking things apart.

Yea, I'm the man!
I know that, by the way!

I mean, I'm sure this whole writing so far is full of holes - so far - ("already") - but seeing it one way or another; Its for instance the sometimes 'not' doing a thing that lets you understand what doing it means, from looking at "everyone else" doing it. Then you would assess whether you wanna be a part of it or not!
Shitstorming is anyway not really "hip" anymore - when was the last real good shitstorm we had? I guess that by the time it first got mentioned in a hollywood movie - well, things changed. Though on the other hand - I myself really wanna rain hard on some things - I mean, really really hard, like, diarrhea levels of ... - while, I guess what everyone actually expects from doing so is to shift the balance of oppinion by educating the uneducated.
Which on the other hand leads to smartassing. Which is - well - what might cause a shitstorm depending on what oppinion is being shared there.

But well - there is no wrong about the one or the other, per se - its basically just one group having an oppinion, another side pissing them off and there we go. Like, PS4 vs. X-Box One back in the days. "PS4 has the better specs" vs "I don't care, the X-Box one has the Kinnect and Multi Media" ... well - sigh - ... which is an argument of perspectives. It depends on where you're coming from - and whether its specs that matter or gadgets and gimmicks, its in the end kindof subjective.
However - things like DRM politics are not! DRM means 'Digital Rights Management' and encompasses things such as copy protection of Films and Video Games. Since games up to some point relied more and more on an internet connection, some people thought: "Great! Always-on DRM!" - so, the person has to be online to play the game - which works because today you basically need some kind of internet account for almost everything! And so the hook back into Conspiracy, as: The wondering about the fact behind the fassade. What we are sold as 'service' - I mean, to put it this way: DRM has proooooooooven to be in the way of actually legitimately experiencing it as a good or useful service of any kind - at least so to the consumer. And I guess games that get pirated a lot are more successful in general, yet! Which ties back into yet another topic: I would 'love' to be able to play the boycott card. I mean, I - as consumer - I day by day feel like what I can buy, including food, is full of more and more shit - and I'm growing anxious - and maybe paranoid - and I wanna break out. I wanna ... I feel like I'm stuck in some bad dream I won't wake up from! But we're in this boat together, and jumping off board ... may be an option - but eventually thats just gonna be to the advantage of what you're actually against! And here we are - at the crux of this whole thing.

See - to my oppinion Star Wars is a movie that is meant to be a piece of shit; And its just gonna show us how powerless we are. So, by driving George Lucas into a corner, he called himself out; And thanks to "you" guys we now have Episode VII - and I don't mean that as a 'thank you'! But so - by actually fighting against how corrupt and bad and fucked up or whatever Hollywood was or is in "your" oppinion - you made it a little bit more so! Just like with Donald Trump! (Fucktard! Who even voted that guy in? Can you actually fuckin' believe it?!)
"Maybe its good! ... what he does!" - yea, right! Its too late anyway and I'm not a US citizen - so, what do I care? Right? I guess, we germans have American politics to be concerned about because we have given up on ours; And, getting involved into outside politics we have no influence on whatsoever ... doesn't turn out to be vastly different! Its even better because the people who voted shit in your oppinion are living in another country!
"Think with your heart" - to turn it from a plattitude into wisdom - would be about syncing things up. To have both, mind and heart in it. Its not an objective science I suppose, but if your heart is angry and your mind vastly dislocated from reality or real 'greater' problems - your oppinion is gonna be part of what is gonna be fucking us up as a whole! Because you're for once not having a healthy 'intellectual' oppinion - and a heart only craving for what can be shitted upon easily - which all those other fucktards that do nothing but crap all over the place will surely work out for you!

And so, what am I getting at? I'm not trying to tell you some ... I mean, its all about the big picture - ... or, the practical end; Or goal; And how to get there.
Which ... yea, the more we shit about each other, the more stuff is getting fucked! And we have seen how Star Wars didn't get what it deserved! It got 2 billion dollars! Thats one of the reasons I actually didn't want to see the film - because I don't wanna be part of that number - while ironically that kind of emotion - that of not wanting to contribute to its success - effects me when I think of watching it illegally. Like ... what? What the heck is wrong with me? I'm sure these are thing that affect us all in a regular basis - things we don't think about; Which became a function of this world since everything is so short-lived! I mean, it gets me every now and again once I'm playing certain kinds of video game; That I initially put a whole lot of effort into micro-managing things, just to give more and more shits as the game progresses and keeps throwing more shit at me that I got to micro-manage; ... like ... what was the most recent one? Well - the most immediate would be Destiny; Though, more in the "Everything Flows" kindof normal way. So, once you first hit Level Cap and got legit equip - some, including myself, would go and kindof ... treasure that 'state' - where everything is well and dandy and perfect and you wouldn't wanna change a damn thing. You put love and care into it - but the more good stuff you keep getting the more difficult choices you'll have to make. ... W.o.W. would be another example. Back when I was a noob I was proud of the low tier stuff I got - and at some point it was just low tier stuff - and you'd let go of that to move on. But, those are not the kinds of examples I was looking for. Hmmm ... . Now that I think about it - I'm not sure if I even have one! Civilization maybe! Yea, ... where you in the beginning spend a lot of time micro-managing your towns until you got an empire thats just too large and you just start to build random crap.

If I were to make that something I should be upset about though ... I'd be going down a road that'd make me miss a lot of other, more positive things. Sounds boring, but life just sucks less that way! Kindof, until you kept quiet while you shouldn't have. So - clearly - there is no right answer other than ... you doing what you would. So, why am I writing this again? Oh yea, I'm ... worried ... or ... concerned.
If you're feeling like me there, ... then you're basically meeting everything with suspicion. Everything is in first place rather bad and terrible - and it takes something short of a miracle to proof otherwise. That establishes on my own oppinionated conclusion that the goal of those that fucked up Star Wars is not to get into business - but get us 'out' of it. They don't care about movies ... they care about things that, regarding an ordinary person, were none of our concern! I mean, so, what would they gain if we just ... 'succumbed' ... to ... uh, ... what exactly?

Uhm ... I mean, yea: If we just take it that everything is good - or has something good about it - we won't have to scavage the world for those few gold nuggets anymore that are really good! And you may end up giving things a chance that you then end up enjoying. That was my recent experience. I mean - I was chatting with a friend who had bought Uncharted 4 and I was a bit hyped to play it - but then the conversation moved on and the more I was told about it, the more I found myself thinking about that information and my hype went down. So I wouldn't ask him anymore if we could start a share-play session; But luckily he asked me - and ... it yet was everything I had anticipated - just that those thoughts that were having some weight or feeling to them had the upper hand. I mean ... I anticipated it to be a movie-ish "typically Uncharted" kind of game with good artwork and stuff; But without any of the 'sensations' from actually experiencing that. On the other end - there was him mentioning that its good, but that something was 'missing' ... ish ... more specifically pointing on the lack of a Levelling system which he's used to as a really active MMORPG player.

What I mean is - we don't care whether or not something is good or not if we base everything on the premise that there is only good stuff. That would take us back to where we were before everyone and their mums had internet - which arguably isn't all that great either. But, trying to bring back parts of the "good old days" that work 'today' - that is a thing that I would say has worked out quite a lot! I mean, "Retro sells"! Except ... you're fucking up Star Wars with it!
Oh, pardon, it did sell quite well I understand!
So - this is possibly never even gonna be of any use - however - lets do it for science then. Its the nature of fast-lived things that informed decisions are like the micro-management of a Civilzation end-game scenario. You have your ressources; And the rest is just about doing what you want - mostly!
I mean - if you really wanna know whether something sucks or not you should check it out yourself! Which isn't the golden advise either! It sucks - actually! Because once you're getting informed anyhow - you're already biased! But still - if you see something you want - you should go for it. Uhm ... fun fact: If we get used to living in a world where everything is good, even though it isn't, we're actually contributing to the greater whole in that we're getting prepared for living in a world where everything is good for real!

I like Episodes I-III, but ... I mean, I categorize movies into three groups: Silly, Profound and Beyond. Silly is everything unprofound (Episodes I-III); And 'beyond' is anything a David Lynch or Lars von Trier would do. Oh, yea, 2001! Check out 'Lost Highway'! ;). Those 'beyond' Films are profound in the sense that its interesting what kinds of oppinion some people can come up with. Profound is that, just, more accessible. Silly is profoundness either rubbed into your face, or the lack of any of that whatsoever. So, Independence Day for instance - for the one or the other reason. On top of all that is 'inspired' - which can be any of the 3. Star Wars IV-VI is profound in an inspired way - and I believe that it is this inspiredness that may as well be considered 'beyond' that adds up to the general profoundness of it - that makes it work so well - as in appealing to a lot of different audiences. Episodes I-III were doomed to be silly because the entire premise is silly. Its the origin story of Vader - so, everything form beginning to end is already layed out - and all the mysteries that we'd be going into Episodes VII and on with - except, now we won't, I guess - couldn't be solved or even be an issue there. So, its really just a silly space operah. And once you look at Episodes I-III that way, I'm sure you can enjoy it more - as for what it is! I mean, yea, technically there are a lot of ways the story could have been told that'd work better - like yea, silly George!, ... more about the Jedi lifestyle - more exposure of what the Sith actually are in the eyes of the Galaxy - with some less political 'build up' to make the senate scenes more epic ... but ... I can't tell you how this all isn't just 'hindsight' ... while yea, the lesson I learn from this is that we're not living in a perfect world; And I suppose thats good! Too many smartasses believe that this world is everything - so, its neat to see their world falling apart inevitably; Not so neat though that it happens on our cost!

My theory about the Force is this: As we know did Luke basically fail Yoda at various occasions - which isn't bad ... because Yoda is a Master of the Old School - practically. The polarized one, where the Sith are the more powerful ones. Luke was or is the one that crossed the Line to becoming a Sith, but refused to succumb to the Evil. Where: Dark and Evil isn't the same. It is rather a "power consumes reason" kind of thing that makes Sith the bad guys. And I'm surprised I only ever hear/read of this theory from my own self! So, it was the Evil that came of the Sith that made the Jedi kindof scared - so they evolved away from going down that road - as: Their passion isn't within the Force, but within their noble intent. Luke united the two sides of the same Coin; While neither doing the Sith mistake - because I'm the author of this theory and I say so! That there is a Sith mistake! Which is: they are too consumed by their emotions!
So, I wonder - does Kylo Ren fit into that? Maybe. Being taught by Luke Skywalker - as one of the first desciples - Luke may have underestimated the dangers - while his ... 'emotional eruptions' may be deliberate on his part. But I don't understand his motives. And ... I totally agree on the points that Rey is a total bullshit character. She basically comes in and is yet another chosen one - except maybe, she's then going to be this one super-powerful evil Force being that I heard about in some Video about the most powerful Force Wielder in the extended Universe. I mean, yea, building upon my theory - its extremely difficult to expand that into a trilogy I guess - without having someone like that. But I guess those things wouldn't redeem that movie for me. Yet by the way: If we start shitting upon stuff, we risk getting dirty ourselves. I mean - once you start tearing stuff apart, you might end up also tearing the good stuff apart. I've seen a video where the guy speaking shitted all over Rey only knowing how to 'stab' with the Light saber, though stabbing would be the go-to strategy with a saber. You don't wanna endlessly slash and deflect - but get straight at the enemy - forcing the enemy to defend - read the opponents motion and getting ready for a counter strike. But hell - who invented Kylos Lightsaber? ... sigh ... What a show-off!

So - its at any rate pretty much established that Kylo is a moron - hell, what am I even doing? And rey is just a feminazi icon that tells us that yea, we can just grab a sword and be better than someone who practiced his entire life just because we're feminist! I mean, there was a time where the "National Organization of Men against Amazonian Motherhood" ('No Ma'am' for short (Married with Children - in case you didn't know (shame on you!!! shame!!!!))) was just lighthearted fun - ... and playing by the rules I have established here so far, well ... lets see. Feminism is good - great! But so we could also expand that onto ... Hitler. And yea, maybe a few bad jews died along the lines of that! Combine that with Hitler having improved the german infrastructure ... and ... yea, still not quite a redemption. But so - looking at the good sides works! We don't need to be told by Nazis about them anymore!
Its more complicated though if you wanna tackle contemporary problems that way. Build a wall or not? I mean, people have been making pro/con lists since ... I guess since we learned to argue about left or right - I suppose.

(grumble ... I mean, some documentaries about World War 2 leave me thanking God for Germany not winning - but then Trump happened; ... thoough ... it'd be silly if Evil lost in WW2 just to win the next time around! Although, this forgetfulness! Its almost like, well, I should want Evil to succeed just cause everyone seems to want it! Although, not really!)

Indiana Jones 4 destroyed the profoundness of Indiana Jones 1-3! Similar to how Episode VII shits on its own legacy!


Article abruptly ends.

Profound Pointlessness

by Christopher Nikolaus Sonnberger | 2016.12.15 - 07:21