The Bias ... Bias ... ??? (Bias Overlay)

What is Bias? Have you ever heard of the Coreolis effect? We might say that particles are "Biased" ... there ... right? But how come? They don't have a choice, right? On the other end of talking about Bias, we might also want to talk about 'Prejudice'. Prejudice in regards of the Coreolis effect would be to set the water up to flow against the direction it should - and it'll eventually gain Momentum stronger than that of the Coreolis effect. But - thats just trivia, though, ... .

The 'Batman v Superman' controversy

I hate to admit it, ... so, before I actually will - I need to kindof run through the mechanisms as far as I can understand them. "Thank the Matrix" or ... uhm ... "the Maker" ... for this, as there is another 'effect', in common terms/sense known as the 'walking water effect', which at least helped me find a foundation for what went on. Imagine your mind/"heart" to be a sphere of water which contains all that you are, mentally. I guess you would lie to me if you told me that you're not inherantly looking for some sort of inner balance. Simplifying the complex processes of mind by comparison to water leaves me to realize that we also have what is called 'surface tension'. That means that you don't consume every piece of information equally; Which is why we kindof "need" the 'walking water effect' to add that aspect of filtering.

While I was occupied at, I found myself having a lot of 'downtime' - although I should have actually spent it on working on my project(s), and the main reason I had that downtime was of course me, since I actually didn't. Usually, that is. Whenever I mention that I don't or didn't have the time for something, or that I'm busy, it usually doesn't primarily imply that I'm actually doing anything. Metaphorized via the walking water effect you could say that my mind is vibrating at certain frequencies that do and don't allow me to do certain things at the time being. So, its now for instance 4 a.m., while I got up around midnight. So - I did have 4 hours doing stuff - but I didn't. During those 4 hours I watched Videos on YouTube, though, based on what I had on my mind once waking up, well, I should have written this. First I watched a video about the Prince Ruperts drop, at some point got to videos on Tesla and Levitation; And then got to the video about "the Truth of the Toilet Flush" by SmarterEveryDay, which is about the Coreolis effect, by the way. Thereafter I 'felt' that its about time to write this, not really knowing yet that I would mention the Coreolis effect to begin with. While I was writing that upper paragraph the Video on the walking water effect by SmarterEveryDay was running; And it kindof distracted me from writing - so - after I was done watching that I decided to run some 1 hour ChillStep video that I didn't get to enjoy yesterday. While you could see something of a deliberate plan and corresponding choices that occured here - I'm not really contributing to any of that by being aware of whats going on. Its just my mental setup.
And yea - what did I know? The reason I mentioned my time at was to actually get to the point that I spent a lot of time reading articles on kotaku; And the main reason being that they have a really ... 'dense' influx of news, like, a new article every 1 or 2 hours. So, it'd keep my busy reading about all sorts of different things while other news sites, like Daily News or Astronomy/Physics related ones, are ... 'exhausted' pretty quickly with not so much big news coming in on a regular basis. At some point however I decided to literally 'quit' reading kotaku - as I kindof experienced it to have become something like a drug for me; And controversy amongst readers and between authors and readers becoming sortof too toxic for my taste. So - eventually I got an "Anti Kotaku Bias" there-after, which is why I hate to admit that I guess that I've been Biased to enjoy Batman v Superman based on a kotaku article. The specific article in question was published before Batman v Superman came out; And its basically set Batman v Superman up in comparison to Captain America:Civil War - trying to dig into the thematic similarities of those two movies relative to the political situation of those days. And from that article I've already been sure, back then, basically, that I'd enjoy Batman v Superman more than Captain America:Civil War.

As I woke up this morning - I had to think about it, again, realizing, again, that I might not enjoy that movie as much if I would see it again. In other words though do I just not happen to be in the mood of watching. I've seen it, I know what to expect, I know what I liked about the movie and I realized that I don't really need to see it again. Especially since I could already tell that I wouldn't like "watching it 'right now'" - it'd be a major waste of time and utterly silly to force myself through it; Just to maybe proof a point - like that I actually enjoyed it.
More to the point did I come to realize that any other person might have come to see that movie on similar premises - though - I find it extremely difficult to accurately formulate what this realization has been; And that mostly because I now have a different perspective on what went through my mind earlier - and by the way: For what I enjoyed about Captain America:Civil War, none of it is anyhow because of the possible subjects it might treat; And most of it is because I've been into Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. at the time I've seen it. And by the way: I found the startup to Season 4 being extremely weak. Colson wasn't sympathic anymore - and he started to come accross more like a major Dick than someone I would wanna work with. And I don't really like the new Ghost Rider either. But anyhow ... back to business.

The main reason why I rambled on about Civil War and Agents is because what I was about to write about didn't fit into a single sentence that easily. I have to take a wider swing around. And now - trying to re-enter that topic, I must realize that instead of getting at it from my perspective; There is the other side to it; Being the "vocal stronghold" of criticism that has actually been voiced about that movie. Which we might say are 'the things bad about Batman v Superman'. There are two major things I wanna mention/pick-up-on here; Number 1 being Lex Luthor - and number 2 being the resolve of the fight between Batman and Superman. Maybe you can already tell what I'm gonna write next. As a vague start, its kindof self-explaining to suggest that those were things that people had expectations about - or were however curious about - and they didn't quite like it. Similarly, thinking about watching that movie again, I understood that I had my 'gain'/pleasure out of watching it the first time while thinking about what else I might enjoy about it I somehow find myself focussing on those parts; Which I can tell aren't things I would enjoy! To put that into perspective, you could make a compilation of that film; Only taking the scenes with Luthor - and the resolve of the battle between Batman and Superman, ... hmm ... now I'm actually curious because I think there are more scenes containing Luthor than the one at his party. I guess he also talks to Superman before Superman flies off to face Batman - and that one scene might make that compilation actually worth a while - as to say: Coherent. And what I just did there to myself was to work out a 'Bias Overlay' - or "prejudice" (prejudice as in the initial example - which is still just some form of Bias I'd say ... or, Anti Bias ... hmm ... whatever).

I'll admit - and this I don't hate - that its silly if some piece of entertainment does or would require something as elaborate as that in order to be enjoyed - but, it adds a whole new Level of stuff to be considered about Movies/Art (or not so new ...) - as, its only 'bad' if you get into it from a discomplementary angle. And yea - there is no point in arguing against it - that if you don't wanna put an effort into changing that you won't truely get to enjoy it. In regards of Civil War we have the same thing going on - only that the Bias Overlay is entertaining itself (if you wanna sit through Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. until you get there); And, we might say, that the movie is less "splintered" - or in other words: Glued Together by the typical Superhero stuff we've come to enjoy over the last years. Which yea, does arguably make it a better movie - per se; Though actually multiple times more terrible "actually" - kindof.
And I guess that similar things could be said/found about Mad Max Fury Road. Or Godzilla. I mean, getting into Fury Road I was extremely skeptical about whether I'm going to enjoy it. Most of my concerns revolved around the Mad Max Character - and I had doubts that a re-representation of that Character would work out. But - that was basically the movies saving grace - simply because it didn't (try to)! Instead its just ... a Blast of a Movie - I mean ... Mad Max is such a superficially shallow Character; As the movies usually worked rather because of the setting he's in - and not because he's such a nice chap!

Another thing floating around my head as I got up this "morning" was that throughout the last few years I've come to establish a Bias Overlay that ... . It kindof started in where two guys talked about the movie 'Melancholia' - and the way they talked about it made me curious about how come they liked it so much. But actually it began much sooner. Basically thats an individual thing about me I guess. On the one side I'm a rather emotional being; Yet on the other end I'm also a rather intellectual being. My intellectual side picked up on the Stargate franchise - and because my only ambition was to make some progress on my Video Game I kindof dragged myself into social isolation where other than doing my thing I was watching Stargate. But eventually I've come to see various seasons so often that I got to the point that I wanted something new - while Stargate had been the one thing amongst all the things I knew that kept me entertained. So - of all the "types" of things I knew there was nothing that I was remotely interested in. So I watched Melancholia - and I truely liked it! Though - it isn't the kind of movie that I would have enjoyed before I was hooked into Stargate; As Kubricks 2001 for instance - I usually discarded "these kinds of movies" as "boring shit" or 'inaccessible to me' - and, ... I guess the main thing that made me enjoy Melancholia was that it basically happens to be a story around nothing. Antichrist might be a better example of that though - and that mostly because there is something of a deeper meaning you could find in that movie - but doing so doesn't really do it any justice. I visualize it as a Sphere made up of points (vertices) - and thats the actual content of the film. While usually that sphere would, thinking of other movies, contain some "core" - like - a whole lot of action or comedy or what not. Though - Lost Highway I'd say is an example of how other movies for instance contain a 'road' of some sort; Like Hunger Games, where each plot point establishes a foundation for the next - just that Lost Highway is more like the opposite to Hunger Games - in that each plot point that follows does totally make no sense - kindof - relative to the one prior to that. And I experienced that as really entertaining - in a way that also kindof explains why I still don't truely like 2001. Or well - that I dislike it is an exageration - but, I'll get to that. What I enjoyed - retrospectively looking at it - is that this 'nothing' allows the mind to kindof 'free-flow'. As previously mentioned regarding Batman v Superman vs Captain America:Civil War - there is some kind of mental gymnastics that leads up to the entertainment - eventually - and Melancholia is different in that there is nothing of that sort to even begin with. I'd even say that calling it a Drama is wrong - just as the title of the movie makes no sense. Similar to Antichrist. Its eventually so shapeless that the best definition or label is already kindof counter-productive. The real art therein would be to make the journey yet worth the time - although - 'time' is I guess the wrong word. 'Space' would fit it better. And thats where 2001 fails for me - except for its ending.
But anyhow ... enjoying these kinds of movies changed me - or my mind - and I think my attempt to explain those things is also flawed in some way. Something else I had on mind as I got up this morning might be the best way of doing so though. Growing up I kindof didn't have any Bias Overlay - I mean - I was just too young and inexperienced - and so I enjoyed the things that I enjoyed; For no apparent intellectual reason. I mean - a flashy intro was already half of the deal. "Bionic, Bionic Six [oooo-oooh, ooo-oooh]". And I wasn't really into Spiderman until I was in 9th grade or so. The Simpsons are another good example - as - aside of the Characters looking funny there wasn't really all that much entertaining about it. But once growing older I got around understanding more of its content - though, listening to how Mathematicians talk about Simpsons or Futurama really tells me that I only get a fraction of the whole. Southpark is similar - only that its reasonably silly; In a way that really talks to my inner child.
Stargate then - I have to write some more on that and these "mental gymnastics" - but in regards of my concern right now; It really does take all of that "mature topics" stuff into Sci-Fi; As literally - its all just Pseudo-Science. So - its all Fiction. But the Goa'Uld aren't really that far fetched of an idea. Matter of fact can we see such structures already emerge in our society today! I mean - yea - we can also see that in our past, but 'High Tech' adds another Layer to the problem - like, if you removed all people that know about how to construct a micro-processor from the equasion you'll get to the point where you have to deduce that we'll enter a situation of demise - and if you just isolate those people, you get that shift of power that renders one group extremely powerful and therefore respectively dominant upon the rest. And I guess this is the most accessible example of what I mean by how Stargate takes all that "mature topics" stuff into Sci-Fi. Aside of the daunting real world implications there is all the other pseudo science; Things you as a person basically can think about and wonder: Would it work? Does it make sense? And there's a really fun episode called '200'. Part of it is poking fun at pseudo-science - and another part is, well, we might say 'criticism' at how the profit-oriented industry is ... well ... full of shit. The specific example is that part where the main Characters are swapped out by Teenagers. While you could technically compare that to Agents of SHIELD - it happens to be so that Agents has more in common with Stargate itself than those scenes. Those scenes are, so I take it, rather showing a Version of Stargate that I guess no real Stargate fan would be happy about - as a replacement for it!

But I digress. I guess ... going any further really bursts the scope of good - and that mostly because at the end of the line its something that ... well, one cannot 'easily dig into' - mostly because its a matter of years, maybe decades, centuries or even millennia of personal evolution. To the point that I guess the very same Stargate episodes that do exist, may still be around as entertainment in Heaven/Paradise/The Afterlife. Which might just be where we'd finally get a real Episode 7 of Star Wars; And not one that is "just done by God".

Anyhow. Now, the real point of all that is that the concept of a Bias Overlay changes as we look at a minds growth over a time of years. There we'd rather have to speak of ones general mindset; As of how any specific product "caters" to it. It'd be silly to expect a few arguments to drastically change someones mindset ... in relativity to which the 'Bias Overlay' is rather a thing about perspective. This again implies that you'll need a mindset that is compatible to a given perspective; Where that mindset now is a matter of a whole lot of different things. So - to come back to Batman v Superman - well - the question, as an experiment or to form a theory, would be: What could you do in order to come to an appreciation of it? The 'go-to' method of doing so would have initially been to read that Kotaku article I was mentioning. But relative to that, if you read it and can't really find a "prejudistic alignment" like that, it should become more evident that this isn't the way! The real solution, to me, sticks out as a bit more complicated than that - as we have to start with the things that are philosophically interesting about the film and take them as goals you'd have to basically saturate your mind on. Another case were that you're already 'there', but your "system of belief" being somehow a factor that contradicts. So - what makes Batman v Superman a good movie - in my oppinion? I at first would claim that I am a pretty open-minded person; But in the same time I'm also somewhat stubborn - or - unflexible; Which I, humbly - mind you, ... uhm, mention because I think that it makes me more capable of saying whether or not something is legitimately 'good' - as in terms of a higher common sense. In other words: I do have a very strong Bias or Prejudistic alignment regarding certain things - which can only be good if what I thereby adhere to is good. And as for what matters more, well, there is I guess "Mistake number 1" people can make in terms of relating to each other: Assuming that we have generally equal mindsets! So, I'll need to make another detour to explain that a bit further.

So - we've had it in the previous article in regards of George Lucas' stance on that 'family matters' are more Star Wars than Spacecraft - and those are in the end just two 'terms' that are to express two different concepts that some of you might heavily disagree with - so - if Star Wars to you is only about Spacecraft and that stuff. Or more simply: If I told you that I'm an artist - your mindset might be prejudistic to the point that you'd 'discard' me as someone who can be taken seriously because up-front you know me based on my writings - so, you'll see my art as shoehorned into my agenda; And not as something I'm actually passionate about. If I rather told you that I'm more passionate about the stuff that I'm writing about than about my art, you might get a different grasp of it. This now might seem to be more about "taking someone by its word as opposed to being skeptical" - but chances are that if you understand me enough to see the artist in me as based on what I'm writing about, your skepticism is already satisfied. Or, the few samples of artwork that I share might be enough to supplement my claim. But on the other side could the same things leave you stuck at making any sense of me whatsoever. It all depends on your mindset; And thats a problem. A problem because if we consider the effort required to understand each other based on our individual mindsets alone, well, we might never come to agree with each other. So unless we learn to make steps forward, to understand that we're all flawed in our own way - or the opposite - depending on the observing mindset/perspective.

The 'Truth' thereby eliminates the 'core problem' though - and while you're relentlessly trying to oppose it ... well ... there is only a peripheral agreement we might get to; And that also only dependent on our repsective ability to adjust. You eventually wouldn't even need it, if my ability to do so is sufficient for me to align to you! But - chances are that once I'd return to my own ways you could perceive it as me changing in a way thats bad - and if I were naughty, my response to that could be: "No shit!?!". But yea, it is one core aspect of my ... 'belief' ... that the stronger one is to look after the weaker ones - but that naturally can only work to a certain capacity; And even can be a bad thing if the weaker ones end to lean back and let the stronger ones do the work (stressing themselves out)! I mean - in some way does the selflessness of the one person fuel the selfishness of another. I mean, technically one way of resolving this were to beat the selfish person up and then some more until it somehow realizes why; As to further pave its way with obstacles to eventually make that person loose its way; To then eventually beat it up even further - as yea, to deliberately try to make that person a mad villain; ... as thats for once the influence they have/had - and further the circumstances that would show whether its a good or a bad person in there. There is no justification for evil! - kindof.
I guess there are some people that'll be upset about this assessment as I feel like I'm punched in the face - getting my teeth knocked out - which is a decently immature, arrogant and ignorant reaction - perpetuating all the negativity in this world. This would be one way of adding context to 'Return of the Jedi' - as Luke had all the reasons in the world to desire satisfaction from killing Vader and the Emperor - but he refused to resort to violence up unto a certain point; And it basically came down to which side of the force was superior. And it was enough for Anakin to see the Light! Maybe it was due to the Emperor; Or Anakin beholding the Emperors attempt to extinguish this Light - to say, if what I just mentioned previously were not the 'only' way, there is no need to be fixated on that. "But how do we know?". Well, we know that its not a particularly good one! Yet - "ironically" - I find myself in that situation - as the victim. And so - the deeper you want to dig into figuring out my true motivations, ... I mean, how would you react? Lets say you're rich, so, what if the "Tax Police" or whatever peeped up your butthole every day? "Enough is Enough" - and for choosing the 'better' way - I eventually came to give a shit about what you might be concerned about! To my own assessment I've eaten the world, digested it and pooped it out already; And thats more of a punishment than an accomplishment - which is basically entirely abstract to what we might say is worth respecting or so. I mean - how would you feel if I acclaimed you for having gotten beat up? So yea - eventually we don't know what we do trigger in others; No matter how apparently harmless your true motivations may be.
I could go further - which basically means that I could further in terms of things that stress me - because maybe that is the question you're asking, what you "demand" to know more about - but to what end? And with what consequences? Depending on how deep I am we may get to points that are way beyond what we should be concerned about these days, as eventually you're only increasing my stress and I wonder if you could endure these kinds of pressures! And as I've been at this Level of justifying myself quite a few times before - maybe I'm left to say that there eventually comes a point where there is no justification. Yet; Rather than being an accurate picture of me - that what you'd find there would be a picture of "you"! The explenation is relatively simple! I do things my way - MY way - which you eventually don't understand; So - I'd be forced to do them your way - eventually - and in the same way that you may not want to accept that; I may not want to accept you not wanting to accept that. And now what?

I had/have a nice metaphor for that. The Level of detail you can get about someone depends on that individuals expressions. The deeper of an insight we want to generally have, the more sophisticated "tools" we need for that. Relative to God there comes a point where the question for which side the person is on is more relevant than the things that are being found - because whatever that is being found yet ultimately supplements the individuals choice of which side to stand on! And if you're on the same side as I am - you and I both won't really care about how heavily we disagreed about something because chances are that its totally irrelevant - as at the core of it we're still on the same side! But yea, thats kindof beside the point!

Back to BvS. So - we can't really tell whether or not you might even ever come to enjoy that movie - in a best case scenario. So - more importantly is there the controversy - so, people hating one another because he or she or it did or didn't like it; And there I am motivated - which isn't the only reason, but one of them - to step in; Which I'll obviously end up doing -kindof- as good as I can; Which is to say: The way I can, to the best of my knowledge, which - and thats the point - may even be totally counter-productive. So - I would look at the situation and see, well, the movie is good - so those that hate against it are wrong - and so I'd step in by commenting on the criticism, well, saying that its a good movie. Or more politically correct: I liked it!
Eventually the whole shit gets thrown back and forth - and turns out to be some kind of competition about who has the 'smarter' oppinion - and so I would happily jump into that and give it my best, but, eventually you might accuse me of taking things too seriously; And at that point, "dear Friend", you totally pissed me off! So much that God eventually ends up doing Gods thing - which is to step in for me and ... that's ... usually the part where I end up winning! That, well, because there are things that you couldn't have seen coming - and the best explenation to that is that Gods ways are higher than ours! "First of all" we're taking seriously whatever we want to take seriously - and while the human being is a being of error, God is the BIG Guy Masterchief of all Masterchiefs - so - regardless of whether you see that or not! If you don't see that, well, chances are that you won't see things coming either!
See how there isn't much of a reasonable deeply elaborative analysis to that? Well yea - eventually thats pointless! I've been there - and - eventually you end up explaining things that are only specifically interesting to "that sort" of people that wouldn't accept it anyway; So; Wasted!
(Just a nice picture and music to give you a vibe of the mood this article is rooted in. "Sighing instead of Saying")

But so - lets take some of the other "BvS is bad" arguments under the magnifier - and, one or two things are that there are too many plotlines; Generally established through the example of 'the Flash' appearing in the movie for no apparent reason. This statement kindof doesn't make any sense to me because I experienced the movie as rather having no real plot other than that of setting Batman and Superman up against each other - or to put it differently, well, I don't feel like there was a whole lot going on to keep track of as this scene occured. Thinking about it however takes me to a more general assessment of the movie - which is that the structure of it is practically episodic. You see various Characters portrayed at various points in their life; And the actual progression of the plot unfolds as these start to converge further and further. Kindof being little stories about nothing - mostly - which really complement - to my experience - that nimbus of realism wherein the 'in movie' controversy unfolds. So - this 'too many plotlines' argument is dissonant to me - kindof - which I can only accept as an oppinion/experience that exists - and any oppinion based on or relating to that 'always' has to imply an 'if'; So, 'if' I am to take that argument seriously because I inherantly can't relate to that! A similarly discardable argument to me is the one that we didn't need yet another Batman origin story. It was a well done one! Its the most touching one I've seen so far!
That said though - there is one side to that 'if' side that I 'can' relate to; Which is somehow related to why I started this whole segment by mentioning that I deem myself a rather open-minded person. Being stuck and upset about issues such as the amount of plot-lines or the Batman origin episode - to my impression (as of this movie specifically) - rather speaks volumes of overthinking it and being 'not' open-minded about the movie itself. So - 'if' I have to take those arguments seriously; And maybe - MAYBE - I'm too narrow-minded; I'd say that they are looking for more where there is less while seeing less in the rest than is actually there; Though, in some sense of being violently ignorant.
Well - technically there is a Bias Overlay ... as, you might so come looking at the movie looking for those plotlines and you'd end up confused and stranded. Or, once the Batman origin starts you're already in the "oh my, here it comes!" mode, just waiting for it to pass by. And that impression "ups" the 'violent ignorance' impression I get to a 'hostile motivation' one; Which is upsetting! But ... thinking about it this way requires me to understand that there are then those that are victims of these crimes - which also happen to have an oppinion about the movie that would totally contradict to mine - but is nonetheless totally legit! "Boring", "Confusing", ... what can I say about that?

Nothing, I guess? Well ... kindof. I mean - at the end of the day its just a movie, ... no doubt, we all might not be able to care less about. To me though its becoming a serious issue if that means that we'll get less movies of that kind; Which on the other end I'll however have to accept if thats just how it is today - as - "the mindset meta" sotospeak. Yet ... I can't let it rest that way because I'm getting some strange vibes that trigger me into heavily opposing that as the final words on this!

So - whats next?

Not much in terms of a world based empirically logical approach; But more of a Holy Ghost based empirically logical approach. As, there are things going on in this world we as ordinary human beings can't take for granted; Like ... whatever is going on beyond our notice. What I might call 'hostile motivation' could after all just be 'violent ignorance' based on some chain of unfortunate events. Either way are those conclusions that aren't easily verifiable - so, thats where the empirical path ends. We can not build on them - outside of making suggestions that might as well be futile; Or in another sense grow into a witch-hunting.
Though - thats kindof exactly the vibe I'm getting - the one that triggers me - as, I'm the one thats being hunted; Or, anyone who liked that movie - kindof. Or - at the very least - those that "dare" voice that oppinion on the internet! Which is a thing - since - if you wanna 'build' on the public oppinion you shouldn't be satisfied with just listening to those "that have no life" ... and further down the road there is also the 'Jinx' - and oh my, ... a whole lot of stuff that technically happens to be "unsophisticated bullshit" at this point.

So - based on what I'm inspired to write about next; The one big and primary bullet-point is 'Zen' - which happens to be a thing we can empirically build on and get back into ... well ... "How to enjoy Batman v Superman" from there.

"Unsophisticated Bullshit"

by: Christopher Nikolaus Sonnberger | 2016.12.22 - 9:44
(Oops, it may have been 3 a.m. - rather than 4. Depends on which clock I was looking. Totally forgot that one of them ... I missed to adjust so far!)

Or: Sophisticated Bullshit?

Well - I've been out buying some food, eating something ... and I was alreasy afraid that the last bit was kindof ... weird - or, not supposed to be there ... that I was heading the wrong direction ... well, but, ... mostly because I felt that continuing the way I meant to wouldn't work out. Which is kindof similar to why I stopped to begin with, though, I thought I'm just getting hungrier than I should. Anyhow, its all good/fine!

More importantly though - I have to stress that this isn't just about BvS ... obviously. But so - its a problem, kindof ... as, sometimes - its rather so that each individual case holds its own challenges - but it isn't really my intention to solve those types of problem. So, this "unsophisticated Bullshit" I mentioned earlier, well, 'obviously' its 'there' around more than just BvS - yet, it wouldn't look as though it were the same thing(s). Mostly due to the fact that it aren't the same -things- per se that float around; But the same 'type' of thing when tracing them back to their source; Which is problematic because at some point they are just words - superficial crap - and not everything that is 'said' is even attached to that source. Which makes it a quite ... evasive problem. A "phantom menace" - as I called it from time to time.
Well - I guess you got to be a bit cynical to see the next bit coming - but, yea - I got into the mood of doing something and that basically gave me the stuff to write about next. And it happens to be something that concerns me more intimately than BvS - and thats about my joy in playing Street Fighter.

So - normally, when I play Street Fighter, I don't follow a particular goal; Although as of recent I didn't play it for a while and just got back into it playing versus the CPU to work on my skills. I'm still a bit torn about there being no Arcade mode - because well, ... well, isn't that right on topic?
I mean - maybe you're not familiar with the game - Street Fighter 5 - but you may have heard that there wasn't an Arcade Mode and that the Story Mode was added something like a half year post launch, ... though aside of that I'm all in all ... neither really happy nor unhappy about the game so far. There are a lot of things they did right - in my oppinion - and if you got entirely no clue about the game other than that it exists, well, thats fine. Thats basically kindof intended. So - I mean - usually when going in-depth with something like that, as earlier with BvS, its kindof an implicit requirement that you're at least somehow familiar with it; And in Video Games, well, being familiar with it can only happen via hands-on experience. So, just watching some Videos won't do it. You would really need to watch an extensive amount of Videos - to basically "breathe" them, where, it'd be easier to just play it for a while. It by the way seems like Capcom has even implemented some features that I suggested back in the days where I was more active on their Forum - but I'm also a bit torn about how exactly they realized it.
Anyhow, the reason why its good if you're not familiar with the game - well, is kindof difficult to explain. So - I'll get there, eventually.
Anyhow - for those that are familiar with the game, I'm trying to avoid explaining why I feel this or that way about it. As to, yea, keep it superficial. Superficial enough since the detail doesn't really matter. Although, the detail is kindof exactly what matters.

Anyhow - one thing I've heard about Street Fighter 5 all accross the board and I'm pretty much on the same page with is that the Gameplay is really on spot - it feels right - it feels good - however you wanna phrase it. And that isn't something I would want to tell 'you' - but something I wanna tell Capcom, though ... since SF5 launched I haven't really been active on their Forum. But so ... there is a 'but'. And that 'but' I guess is a thing that, well, something about Capcom ... I mean ... like some fear about having done the right thing. And that they did the right thing really matters more than you might expect! And its more serious/important than you might have anticipated.

If you're not really new to the internet you know it - "the Avalanche of Shitstorming" - which, I would compare that to a structural failure/collapse of some kind - as from a 'we can trust that these companies make good games' mentality to a 'everything is trash' mentality - which would make companies desperate for solutions; And thats where the unsophisticated bullshit part comes in.
See - in essence the thing is that if you do the right thing wrong, well, you've still done it wrong. If you don't know where you've made the mistakes you might discard the whole thing for wrong - and end up making further mistakes in process. As for voicing my oppinion - I'm not sure - but ... well, seriously, SF5 had a 'rage quitting' issue - and I had an idea which I never even got close to writing about, but as of the recent update they've kindof implemented it. So - I'm not sure if they came up with it first and I just felt like I had the idea myself or however - but - around some axis its the only logical thing to do anyhow. So now, if you're getting disconnected a lot you'll get a symbol that'll tell others that you're getting disconnected a lot; And you loose points for disconnecting. Thats where my idea would have been a bit different I guess, since, the most logical way would be to just treat a disconnect as a loss. But anyhow. I guess its debatable - either way, its in about the same thing. Anyhow - I personally feel like I basically attract controversy - at least so as I get closer to the "hot spots" - and whenever I hear someone talking about a thing saying what I wanted to say I'm kindof happy, although, more specifically once I got to say that I couldn't have put it any better. But anyway ...

So - if you do the right thing wrong its wrong nonetheless - and so, doing the right thing is about fundamentally knowing what the right thing is - or what the right things are, or, what the wrong things are. Its not always that simple - but - generally thats how it is. And so - you should kindof understand already what I'm getting at! However - I mean, yea, first of all doing the right thing at all is like starting to 'cure' us from this toxic dillemma on the internet these days. And the right thing in this case wouldn't be something you could easily put in a book as some kind of manual - aside of really focussing on the general principles of artwork! Things like giving artists the room to breathe that they need. Or "taking risks" as some would put it. That way you'll create things you generally won't regret; And so on and so forth.

But ... doing the right thing these days isn't really equal to ... 'an expected' amount of profit. In other words we could say that you'll get 'legitimate attention' - which means as much as that you'll get a fanbase that is "so large" - and if you're smart about it, thats what you're gonna deal with! Trying to cater to more than that would eventually work, as for increasing the margin of profit, but by going out of your way to do so you're already gonna mess with your product in a way that rather harms than it does any good; Which becomes more obvious once you overdo it! I mean, I guess thats why Indie games are usually held in high regards - as - they usually don't have the ressources to compete against AAA titles and so they have to come up with original ideas. Which sometimes, in my oppinion, can also be done wrongly, but ... good games will be talked about - remembered - and "succeed". Now, I did put that into quotation marks because ... I wanted to get to the part where this is about that unsophisticated bullshit.

To me that is really, firstly, a matter about the things or games that I personally enjoyed. You may have read me ranting about the recent X-Com games; But ... I kindof got over it because I recently found just the game that ... now is basically my new X-Com, I mean ... Invisible Inc.. I totally Love that game! "Addicting!". Beginner Mode/Difficulty is also reasonably easy, and 'experienced' really boosts the difficulty to a point thats really challenging, as quite literally almost every decision you make can decide about whether you'll succeed or not. The campaign is relatively short - which adds pressure on you to make the right decisions - because - if you're not ready for the last mission in time - its game over! Because its randomized for the most part you can get better and worse starts; And - so you'll eventually keep on loosing until fortuna decided to smile upon you. Which won't make it easy either! I mean - I recently had a really good run - the first time I got to the last Level in experienced mode - which is actually not that hard, but, I yet made a mistake because ... I mean ... the last Level in beginners mode can hardly be compared to the last Level in experienced! I wasn't prepared for that! While it would seem at first that some of the mechanics are too forgivingly simple - like that various actions don't cost any action points - its not like they make the game easy!
Well, thats the good side. The bad side ... is ... if its success isn't 'enough' per se. But ... I won't claim that I know all that much about how bad or good certain companies do - or whatever is attached to it - and so, I sometimes can't help but feeling a little bit egoistic for wanting something that is really really 'good' - or 'doesn't suck' - if the people making it can't really survive on that!

Which sucks! !!! And I guess I could stretch this a lot further - but - so, to come back to my original point; I sometimes feel like ... I can't play the game (SF5) the way I want. I feel like someone is curious about our behaviour in response to winning and loosing - like - what makes us play the game longer. But I don't get why that should be anyones business - and sometimes I feel like I wanna quit playing although I don't want to quit playing. Other times I feel like I wanna continue playing but I don't want to continue playing! And sometimes I feel like I want to quit playing and I do want to quit playing - but all things considered - that makes me then not want to quite quit playing yet! (hehe!).
Yea, because obviously I feel like there is some fake nonsense going on! And I also mean that such data is entirely useless if you have no data as to 'why'. One day I feel like this, another day like that - as - sometimes I'm in a good mood and I can handle one loss after the other; And other times I'm in a bad mood and I really need victories to keep me entertained. Sometimes I want to challenge myself to get better and earn some points, other times I don't care about how many points I loose. And although I don't quite understand how that data would be used - I ... get a bad vibe ... and thats the bottom line for me! So, its possibly some convulated bullshit that I wouldn't agree with - and my oppinion is that keeping us blind about it won't help making it any better! After letting it sink in I guess the idea is to figure out whether the game is too difficult to keep me entertained or not - but rather than that does the game suffer a lot of down-time in between matches to really keep me entertained either way! Further should it not be a big Mystery that I like picking those Characters that give me a challenge - while, if I wanted to win I'd pick Ken - simple as that! I mean, OK, thats a bit cynical, but, it isn't a big mystery that some Characters are at least on paper better than others; Like ... nobody will be surprised if Ryu or Akuma end up in some Tournament finals - ... (but it depends! I've seen SF4 tournaments where Rose was the absolutely unchallengable dominant Character!) and ... I need to ... paddle back a little and not pretend that I'm entirely happy with SF5s gameplay - but I guess I won't be able to make a reasonable statement about that until Rose enters the game. I mean - every Character so far feels entirely different to the other. So far I've been quite happy with Dhalsim and Nash - but Rose just and simply is my favourte Street Fighter Character - moveset and gameplay wise. I mean, Soul Reflect, Spark, Throw and Drill - complemented by Agility and a mean Punch - its a composition that makes sense for me! She can hard-counter Fireballs - and I hope she makes a comeback to 5. Buuuut I digress!

Or ... do I? Well - I wanted to avoid too much detail - and getting into balance issues would be way too much of that. Which at this point kindof leaves me with no point - but the one that I'm feeling some stress and tensions going on behind the scenes that I don't have a real insight into - which reminds me of the dream I had last night. So, we were in an airplane flying to some location - and then we landed in a river with the intention to swim on - but instead of the river going on as we expected there was soil and we were kindof stranded there.
The dream was all in all full of niceness - in both, poverty and luxury, but every scene also had something oddly ... weird about it. In one scene for instance I was in a shop - and the setting was one of poverty - though in a sense that everything was provided for but as I wanted to buy me pen and paper the pens were oddly large and didn't seem like good quality. As literally there was anyway only really 'cheap' stuff to buy - quality wise. In another scene I've been in a really luxurious hotel of some kind - everything was nice and open - and then there was some fountain/pool area in the back of it; Yet what at first looked like soap or a rock then turned out to be the corpse of a dead mouse. And I guess thats at this point me just getting to my limits; As in regards of what this here is all about. As to say that I'm sure there is more to it that I eventually have to mention - but as the soap/stone or the pens - those are things that are not within "the frame" anymore. So, back to simple.

Unsophisticated Bullshit ... its, nothing to be actually concerned about if you can focus on the right things! And as the guiding light to this has so far been "'Luck'" - mostly - the only thing you could really do in that regard is to have 'hope' - you know - because you can't force Luck to come your way!
Except you can kindof glitch the System, but, we're not in a Video Game, you know!
In the end ... I mean, take for instance a cup - insert sugar, a little bit of milk and fill it with hot water. What is it? It sounds horrible! It was supposed to be coffee though! So - its just one or more spoons of something else away from being ... not that horrible anymore!

But maybe its even good without the coffee - but - sometimes you gotta let things go - you know!

Back to ... Stargate

Oh well, what was this detour about? In some way I guess that ... although, if we take BvS as shining example for instance, everything looks dark and grim; There are reasons - some of them beyond grasp and control - but there still is good; There is hope; And for the dark corners left, well, we can blame our mindset meta. At least thats been the final note so far. To not leave it standing like that ... that may also be dependent on what context its standing in. Naturally, if we could take BvS as shining example - as an indicator of some sort - ... hmm, well, I mean ... it doesn't really suprise me - lets put it that way. The more I think about it - the closer I get to understanding the various things that matter - and so I get to understand that, well, thinking of what the movie 'demands' - or demanded - I'd rather be surprised if it got broadly accepted; Or that such a controversial movie could even exist!

Its weird! Its ... really really weird! To me. But - its kindof similar to Stargate in some regard; Except that Stargate could grow before the internet was what it is today - where every oppinion has to be shared and wants to be confirmed. I mean - if I think about Stargate ... its apparently 'bad' - when for instance thinking about why it got cancelled - and I don't really know a lot in person that are vocal fans of the franchise either - ... "aand ... Limit". What can I say? I mean, ... whats a world without Stargate? It ... it is possible, but meaningless! And this is also - maybe just me as a Stargate fan, ... but I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way. Matter of fact that "possible but meaningless" phrase is of a german commedian (Loriot), except to him it was a pug dog instead of Stargate. So yea - eventually I got to get over it and agree that the "the stronger have to support the weaker" statement also applies to entertainment - as the "smarter" people have to lay lower for the benefit of the whole ... but its kindof diffiuclt when compared to a world where everyone would be a Stargate fan!
I mean - lets take BvS as an example - as anyway, its the prominent feature movie here. The troubles that Superman faces in that movie - are the same issues that the movie is facing, or Stargate, as: A Blind crowd corrupted by Mass Media!

As of which I kindof get to "Mistake #2" - which is: Usually there is more to the apparent than there seems to be! I mean - the more I'd get into my Love for Stargate the more I'd basically get blinded by myself - I guess - as to say that all the "smartsie" stuff is all there is. But - there is more!
But still I guess that its kindof more generally true that expectations/prejudices/biases have to be dropped before something that doesn't specifically cater to someone can be enjoyed! That should however never be expected to go beyond certain fundamental principles that we need in order to exist as a society; Which is where I'd rather speak of good and evil. I myself am thereby someone who is an advocate for the "good evil" - but not the "evil evil". To say, yea, some people would choose 'evil' as their preferred side - but in a world where God isn't taken seriously thats more just a matter of picking a color - or banner. Preferences of style. As even Satanists (non Gnostic) today try to emphasize that their belief isn't about being wicked, but just their own take on righteousness. And I'm sure that some people do only worry that becoming a believer would go against their style - or something - where, I don't think that its enough to just say that there is a "good evil" - simply because getting there is the same way of getting to the "good good". There is one page we all got to be on - or one book we all got to be in - and I don't really think that this book isn't also the book of those that will possibly come to Love Stargate or BvS - as yea, there are some things about Stargate that I dislike but they don't really bother me that much. Though ... not that it even really matters to me anymore. But Love is also too strong of a word I guess.

'finding it Good' is better I guess - as it being even more neutral than 'liking it' - as a simple intellectual assessment of the content; Which would however require that person to actually be capable of assessing it - and I don't believe in "enforced entertainment" anyway. And so I get to the last "variable" I can think about right now in regards of the BvS controversy - which is the "if you feel like you've been dicked into disliking it, what can you do?" - which is really the crux of it all!

I mean, that'd be the point where the Unsophisticated Bullshit comes into play - but ... not that it matters. Ordinarily you wouldn't bother - and maybe, at some point, you'd get to see it again and find that you all of a sudden like it. It happened to me - it might happen to you. Maybe not in terms of this movie - but - its a thing. A simple matter of Growth! But - this isn't quite the point yet. There is that kind of growth - but there is also flat out personal stupidity. And I guess that what I was looking for has actually been hidden in plain sight all the time! So, whether there now can be stuff that is just and simply undisputably good or not - that would mean that there can be a harmony - which would require us to be capable of existing without controversy. I mean - controversy however seems to be what keeps us talking to each other - at least on the internet. If we all just agree - what'd we do? Its a good question! A question we kindof can't really answer for as long as there always is some controversial oppinion thrown into whatever ... well, lol, 'ongoing conversation' ... to the point that I yet can't tell what life would be without it! I would feel extremely odd if there weren't a 'but' around every corner!
But for what has been hidden in plain sight ... its all summed up in one term: 'Bias Overlay'. In essence - well - its first and foremost a 'thing' - as just Bias in general - and mostly we'd just "roll on" the way we do - not thinking too much about it - ... and the real danger obviously were the social counterpart to a hurricane - as - once thats spinning out of control.
Now, what you 'can' do - at some point also contains things you obviously 'should' do - as a responsible human individual. That can't be about liking or disliking a specific franchise or movie - that would rather be the symptom than the actual thing. And if there is soemthing to cure, which I'm sure there is, I'm not trying to make you like BvS or Stargate - but give "it" a chance, that if you're biased against it - you could yet be convinced of the opposite. And thats really where the serious implications are at! Because - if we can't ever be convinced of something thats against our Bias - well - I might as well just hang myself.

Now, obviously what we so 'should' do is where the main focus should be at - and that can't be a thing thats too far out of our ways. So - rule #1 is there rather simple and obvious - which is: Sometimes things need time to unfold! Where I believe that its wrong to put this rule up against someones inner tensions; I mean, curiosity or whatever, but to keep it simple: Calming down also needs time. And calming down is what will ultimately lead you to a stronger awareness of your real ambitions - your effective 'unbiased' self; Which sure, is inherantly biased nonetheless, but - better 'that' bias consciously steered into a good direction than being blindly dragged around by "mainstream randomness" without a way of however steering or controlling that!
(So I wonder: Is Stargate potentially like medicine? If yes - then you would come to really like it once you start to just try to get into it by relaxing your mind. The science of it would be: Your first concern might be: Is that already manipulative? And in some way yes - but - you're firstly not 'hyped' into it, so, you don't have the ambition to blindly say 'yes' about it all. Then its sprinkled with things that then get you thinking, even so the arguably most boring episode of them all: Season 2 Episode 19, so, you're not "dumbing away". Also you're forced to kindof 'deal with the Characters', even if you don't like them, as to kindof develop your own perspective in relation to the stuff going on - which is evidently "major political crisis'" - like the Joes and Fel..ger..s whatever ... or the Todds and the MacKays - or even the, oh damn ... whats his name ... though 'thinking' - well, is perhaps too strongly charged. Its not a 'major scientific breakthrough' kind of thinking, but more of a passive reasoning which would eventually take you to the point where an episode is actually too short. But if you don't wanna end up being into nothing but Stargate for years - ... you need to some way of 'discharging' yourself as well. Alternative you may end up becoming a real Stargate superfan! ... hmmm ... so far this is just a script of a hypothesis)
I guess its yet safe to say that however you do it - you'll do it wrong every now and then. But on the other end you can draw confidence, matter of fact, from God being oddly silent! God wouldn't be that silent if that wouldn't be right! So - it means - you can be sure that the answers you're looking for are either somewhere out there, or somewhere within yourself. But - the more obvious part is the part where you, if you feel like your pitched into liking or disliking something, should take your time thinking about it. But that isn't as obviously simple as it might seem - and is the main reason why I come back to mentioning Stargate. See, there is this way of 'verbal thinking' - which is where you need a 'word' to start, and more words to continue. Thats like thinking of earths ressources in terms of cars - and - well - nature doesn't produce cars! As for a beginners technique, well, I guess what you'd end up doing once doing it right would be a good start; And essentially thats 'meditating upon questions you have'. That is to calm down to see what your mind can actually provide. And the better you can silence your inner turmoil - the clearer those things will come to you. So, obviously the other side to that is that you potentially lack the information you'd need - so we'd suggest the obvious - with the problem being: Where to start?
(And if Stargate were now 'the' Medicine - it should basically work as some kind of "Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick" - while yea, the 'God' question is actually there all over the place! Like, why fighting the Goa'Uld? So, there are various moments for instance where the Heroe(s) gets really upset about those people that kindof moronically play into the Goa'Ulds hands - which appears one way if presented to you like this, but different once you've actually come to that very same fundamental attitude. Its a "no brainer". And the Heroes are full of flaws - while some are obviously 'more capable' of being leaders than others, so, you can come to Love them, but you also know that they are no Gods!)
And so - my 'desired' answer to "How to enjoy BvS" is actually to watch Stargate until you feel like you're open minded enough. I mean - there is something for everyone. I'm sure. For instance: If you're into artsy movies you might be repulsed by by its total lack of originality when it gets to the artistic aspect of filming - but every once in a while you might be surprised about ... where you can actually find something truely amazing, to however not say 'inspiring'. As a sample - check out the episode called 'the Naquadah mine'. Its one of those "place-filler" episodes, ... . But yea, I guess its obvious that the most difficult part of this "sketchy theory" is to put a finger on "when" you're 'done' - sotosay - and I'm sorry if this seems to you like it doesn't help at all; But ... the 'Zen' issue - thats what it keeps on coming down to me. As its obviously the opposite that keeps fuelling the toxicity of all the controversial stuff in this world.

Technically even ... issues about Sex. So, I know of a Stargate Episode that could be taken as touching on the issue of Pedophilia - in a way that isn't really new, as, I guess it got clear that its not the big issue to be all new and exciting, but rather complementary. So, there is this Stargate Atlantis Episode called "princess Harmony" - which essentially is about a Girl that is about to become the Queen of her people - and right away she has a crush on Sheppard. So - it doesn't say that its good or bad - or what to do and what not to do - but certainly, beyond the shadow of a doubt, are kids that way!
If you wanna take it more seriously you might wanna think about Vala - the "Sexy Alien" - though, in the Light of what Stargate is - there is 'never' - never ever - aside of occasional nods at human nature - any kind of affirmation of whatever kind of potentially wrong behaviour; To the point that its their motto number one to never leave someone behind even if it were the wrongest thing to do - except there really isn't another choice! So - its kindof totally setup against any kind of confirmation bias - and catering to the one ideal being that the only confirmation you should aspire is independent to what you truely want for yourself as an individual! And furthermore - well - I got to be honest: I 'hope' that you take this seriously; And - expressing this is actually more difficult for me than you might think!

I mean - I understand that this, once asked of you, is asking quite a lot; Although in essence I'm just asking you to pick one random episode to start out with and to pick up from there (yea, perhaps try the last one, which leaves zero to continue with ;) ) - and try not to be prejudistic or biased about it. Maybe - treat it like a situation you're somehow forced into, whether you like it or not; Though - I guess ... I covered the basics of what 'should' work sufficiently so far ... and actually trying to emotionally participate in whats going on might be counter productive ... as its rather an act of closing down than opening up. And, for that point alone there has to be something; Though the Bible or the Book of Mormon would be the more practical and less problematic advise - the next best thing I know of is Stargate - as also the answer to the questions that specifically exclude the Holy Scriptures.
I'm quite confident that you'll see the positive return - and even if its just like this horrible tasting medicine you'd want to puke out. On the other side, if you so chose to ignore this advise - any no matter what good of a reason you'd have - I'd not really be happy about it as to me it would be a "one up" for ignorance. If you take this advise seriously we're getting one step closer to getting an objective answer - or, intersubjective - not based on the idea that we all agree on totally loving it as above everything else - but in first place as a starting point about the "Zen effect". In other words: I believe that there are many ways of agreeing with each other, without controversy, and: The better something is, the more angles it can be liked from. Its like beauty. So, only listening to one, or making things up to one - is worse than, saying that sometimes 'more' is actually 'more'!
On another note: While everything is turned into a competition there can be no peace! And if from peace there comes strength, we will be utterly powerless! What I think is right now may as well be an exageration of the facts ... but I guess ... guesses aren't the best options! Irony!

Anyhow - I'm stuck in a dillemma - and I would like to give you hard and solid facts to close down this rambling - but obviously I can't. So ... for now ... this is the best that I got. Obviously I could go on, putting more attention on this and that that is within reach - adding some details here and there but I don't wanna be like you're all matter of fact mindless morons, so ... 'Godspeed!'.

May the Force be with You!

by: Christopher Nikolaus Sonnberger | 2016.12.22 - 17:39