Anti Anti-Christian stuff

If I have to acknowledge a biasing influence of God/the Holy Ghost regarding my world-view, then that I'm continually told that the Antichristians are worse than I would expect. I tend to argue stuff in my mind - eventually get to points where I can't tell how someone could disagree, to put it bold, and eventually gather a sense of 'believing in the good in them antichristians'; At which point the Spirit pops in and goes like: Wrong!
And it does come down to ... a strategy that ... I actually believed that Microsofts reveal of the X-Box one and their dealing with the backlash would be a great source of examples; But it turns out: No, because ... we expect a profit oriented company to do whatever they can to save their botched product. The point that Sony was about to drive a similar line does to me really cast a shadow on Sony too - no doubt - but, to take a few steps back - there are also two sides of the coin ... telling 'why' someone would want to pursue such DRM politics. Here ... I'm not surprised that Microsoft actually was the one who expressed the "good" side, though I believe it was Sony who would have done it for those reasons, but ... thats just me ... maybe. Main argument? Well - Microsoft seems to be 'bent' on 'conquering' everything that ventures into 'that direction' - so - saying: We're entering a future where everything is connected to the internet 'anyway'. So - there then is Apple as doing some 'frontier' kind of work on this kind of interconnectivity; And until Microsoft realized that they have no way of moving up against it - they really meant to 'take over' by throwing 'sophisticated' (no longer just "frontier") products on the market. So - they want to take that spot of 'being' that future Monopoly that 'has it all under one roof'. I however believe that 'if' we're gonna get "there" - it can only work by 'open standards'. But anyway - you should be able to understand what I'm getting at. The dangers of a technologically focussed civilization however lies within the possibilities of Information Technology. Thus I'm also a bit ... concerned ... about how "our knowledge" of IT progresses. It moves 'away' from 'down to the ground' knowledge and is more in favour of what I would call "second hand IT". In this Second Hand IT you're dealing with totally different rules and possibilities. Yea, for once you there get to the 'advanced' possibilities - but that eventually without any proper knowledge of the 'root/core possibilities'.

(Fine! I consider myself an artist. Furthermore however an artist that 'tries' to do art with IT. You can call me a looser on that end if you want, no problem! But if we want to advance into a 'socially correct' future - you can't 'demand' anything from an Artist either. Its the artists duty to show that he is of use - and once he's ... well, anyhow. There are looser types like me ... and I at least happen to have some idea of what I'm talking about - at least ... I see as much as a difference between "Core" and "Second Hand" IT! ...)

Its the same as with politics though - and Trump really ... Trumped it all. I mean - the 'big example movie' I want to mention starting this topic is Montyh Pythons Quest for the Holy Grail or whatever its called. "The Knights of the Coconut". More specifically the fight between King Arthur and the Black Knight. Alright, Trump won after all - but in my eyes legitimately by nothing other than "being the Black Knight in that example". I mean, I dare you to "rewind" (in case you're/were pro Trump) and examine the PR. Yea, its all PR - but what else do you know about? And what is your oppinion then - other than PR like this or PR like that?
The point is: He "Black Knighted" it - and one of the core principles I learned about it is: Never admit defeat! If you got beaten in an argument, just pretend that you won! So - the effect is that those who were sympathetic at first are getting 'pacified' - as the contradicting statement does at first cause 'cognitive dissonance' (google/YouTube it!) - and those sympathetic are given a way to directly undo the dissonance; Although that means buying into Bullshit!

One of the 'core images' that reflects my all over 'understanding' of Antichristians - which I admit is mostly guessing and inspiration, since, I don't know of a place or book where you can actually have legitimate knowledge of them; As they simply put aren't even mentioned anywhere - as, whenever you get to hear of secret societies - Antichristians are rather myth/fantasy than reality. Anyway - one of the core images is a rather symbolic picture of ... 'the Antichrist' being 'verbally defeated' - as, practically beheaded, ... yet, with just one or two veins still connecting torso and head, the expression on his face would be for once 'a smile' - while emphatically expressing an aura of confidence, like, as thoug this situation doesn't even phase him, with the impression of an ego that is just about to say how superior he is and all that gigubadoo. So, he's basically taunting you while being practically more than dead already. And that 'empathetic field' that he creates thereby is like the wind-shadow of a race-car, or a shield, behind which everyone who supports him just goes on and 'boosts' this 'taunting ignorance' ... which has the nasty side-effect that its really aggrovating to deal with that! It really makes you wanna take out a pump and aimlessly shoot everyone that has that sort of face or ego or expression ... 'aura'. Even so much that once you bump into a table - once you're not in a good mood already - you'd go an accuse the table of conspiring against you.
Therefore - I mean, that is the bottom line why arguing won't work! The only thing I can fathom that has a chance of working out is to find a way for all of us to peacefully co-exist, established so that any antichristian agenda will be revealed so that the respective people can be excluded from society. And that implies: Yea! Social paranoia is important - and even required! So - it means for instance that we would tell: Trump is a no go - and everyone who is even just in the slightest 'pro Trump' has to apologize or leave! Put bluntly! In a sense: Tolerance yes - but tolerance of Antichristians: No way!
That to the point that we're on some kind of witch-hunt; Even against the ideals of free speech - at least: To the point of excluding 'specific' toxic particles. Sounds harsh - maybe - but if you've got open eyes you'll realize that our society does already function that way! Kindof. At least in science you can't go in and have an 'oppinion' about what some Cosmic Constant should be - other than one that is specific to 'the accurate' value. So - we need a 'track' - to move along on - so we can tell that whatever tries to divert us from moving along - though exceptions can never be excluded - is bad!
So to the point that you, as a person and individual, have to watch out for what you're saying or believing in - as in the sense of: Encouraging self-cricism about your ideals. And no matter how humble I wanna be - in the end this comes down to 'a 'somene'' - "the One" - who is basically 'the' One who moves 'in the front' - the one who's furthest down 'the Track'. There we may want to speak of a 'thresshold' - specifically being 'the goal' - where ... "the path of the one ends". In Symbolic speech that is 'Zion' - while everything else is 'Babylon'. So, you wanna become competent at knowing a Babylonian from a Zionian - and we don't wanna deal with Babylonians. That because by following the rules of social correctness we give them the chance to 'grow in' - but whatever we give them withers away - so, ... screw them/that!

A lot of these ideas have some prophetic value to them, as - in a sense of probing out what the 'worse case scenario' would/could be and finding practical ways of preparing for them - things that aren't too far off the beaten track. So - if we for instance come to the point where the frontiers harden and we have two worlds; And our outreach to a community shows that the other party also tries the same - we may wonder about taking Military action.
However - for now that means: Being Right-Wing is only OK with focus on introverted growth - yet essentially being 'Nationalistic' is an out-dated good! This means that if you were to reveal yourself as republican - everyone in the room who heard that would have a yellow exclamation mark flashing up beside their head. The question is: What do you want to achieve by telling us that? If it turns out that you commit intellectual sabotage, we have all the rights - should have - to send you out flying in a high arc, ensuring your landing will be as uncomfortable as we need it to be for our own emotional health.

This is extremist - but it is extremist like encouraging self-defense. If you get this right, you'll see how many groups actually 'try' that, but do fail horribly at it because they're actually crooked. Mysogeny for instance. I mean, feminism. Feminism criticises behaviours of our society that aren't actively perpetuated by 'us' - alias 'the common people' - but larger social entities they don't seem to care about. Even more so the opposite. The shout 'white mysogenistic patriarchy' but 'mean' your average Joe ... I mean, if that isn't worthy of tasting ... Lucille ... I mean, its intellectual pollution! We're at the point where we don't have to explicitly say that 'this is for everyone, men and women alike' because we - duh - have no proper concept of making a difference. In the contrary! If you're gay you may be used to disrespect here and there - but once you get somewhere and all of a sudden have no rights because of it - that'd be a shocker! And that is why we don't have a problem! Except for where there still are. Like, getting legally recognized - in areas where the dominant thing is heterosexual (marriage). Ooops, that missed the point entirely!
So - in the end this however is the opposite to all of this "white supremacy" stuff - as: We 'do want' everyone to know what we believe - so they can tell whether they want to be a part of it or not! And that we don't want to tolerate bullshit that goes against our line - that at the very least in the core is something we need ... like a home! And yea - no political party can piss against that because they're guilty of the same!
Or, what do they ask us to do? What could they ask us to do? "Freedom of speech"! And yea - we don't want to forbid Antichristians to speak, we just let them know that they speech has no place 'amongst us'.

If you've screwed up your public image - finally - all you can legitimately say to redeem yourself is: "I want to be baptized" - and once you are baptized, then that you want to enter Unification with the Allsurrounding spirit! Thats the beaten track! Thats the gates wherebeyond Zion is to be found! If you're an Atheist however ... you have to accept that you cannot take away 'our' belief either! Being an Atheist there is basically comparable to ignoring the Holocaust. God just 'is' - and therefore there is no way around acknowledging that in order to get there where ... well, "it is so". Anyway - if you have a Testimony you're not gonna claim that there is no good. Thats one way. If its however 'the good' that draws you in, or the safety, you have to understand that whatever we give to you is a thing we also give to Antichristian(s/"Spies"). So, you have to ask yoursef 'what' we can legitimately give you at all, actually! We can give you "points" for saying smart things. That is then your thing from trying to be a good person. But if you're defending what is for all intents and purposes a 'no go' - then its just that! I'm trying to convey that it isn't really encouraged Christian behaviour to be exclusive - but 'inclusion' is, via Unification, up to God! We don't have the 'right' to embrace you as one of our own if God doens't! And anyone in their right minds wouldn't dare to claim otherwise!

If Unification however seems too distant or mythological for you - then yea, lets move back to the initials of this ... which is where some people have walked down a road. This may just 'sound' different to 'set up paradigms' - but it is more different than just by the looks of it. Paradigms are to lock you into some scope of behaviour, which is, totally not what I believe in. Telling you what I believe in is going to be paradigms like that however - which is what I say at least. If you however look at it as at a road - you won't care about how we decorated our houses - but you'll look for the markers along the road that help you getting one for yourself. Thats the bigger difference! Its simply put: About the implied value of 'our' words. So, the only thing I can really 'tell' you - if you so cared about some words of guidance from me - is something along the lines of "You'll see it when you get there" (I see you when you get there!). [If you ever get there!]

So - yea, we can basically 'disarm' this quite a lot without compromising the core ideal of goodness/social correctness. Its in my oppinion even kindof bad to stress anyone into 'belief'. And such talk would be basically at the 'common sense core' - for everyone to meet and exchange - yet, ... if you want a leadership position ... or something as an oppinion for others to care about ... or ... lets put it that way: Believers are 'above' everyone else first of all; And then there is only 'one' true Religion. Lets imagine that it were so, that Unified Christians were some 'Elite' that takes care of everything, ... then the primary 'thing' to know, what those "Archons" would try to convey, ... hmm ... it doesn't get to any other point. It would be/is undesirable to keep such a situation - which is I guess why Jesus sent the 12 Apostles out and today we don't have a faintest clue - kindof - about where they are or what they did. In a sense of speaking: They are amongst us. More directly: We don't want to be different! At least not so ... I mean, except for the 'facts' of being different as everyone is different from each other. Uhm, ... pardon me!
Lets ... think this up differently. The first 'real' no go is being a catholic! If you are one - then we don't wanna know or hear about it! It has no place amongst us because not only is the roman catholic church the 'worse' Religion of all - it also is the capital of Babylon. As an atheist you might want to point out that it is therefore unfair to claim any religion your own - while others would come in saying that this would suck hard! What we want is however an interconfessional peace - where the thing with Christianity is the following: That the roman catholic church is bad is easily accessible. So - if you expose yourself as a catholic you're exposing yourself, to the educated crowd, as a moron ... which were kindof the most tolerant definition. Here we get to problems of 'Christian accuracy' - so - because Christianity is a religion that takes itself seriously, it has to also externally be taken that way. So, Christians have their book - and in the center of peace there are a few things that can be established - as a sober understanding of that book. This is different with Mormons, because Mormons can elaborate on their faith without even needing any of their books. And its accurate. If you have a Testimony you are Mormon, else you can't be! And from my stance it is important to understand that sometimes it takes time until the Testimony can happen to someone. But well, in the end there is no way around the thing that with me - everything is Christian/Gnostic from the get go. So - it kindof depends on 'when' you're looking at these issues. Is it now that there is not much of it all - or later where we've become 'the' majority!
Technically you must say that we try to bait you in with 'socially correct politics' - yet at some point you have to give it to us that we're actually quite good at it. That is where we are in danger of becomming these "Archons" - which isn't what we want. Whether we try to convince you or not is another 'bad question'. For instance: If you asked that way, what could we legitimately do? Good? If we delivered perfect artworks to show how awesome we are ... thats that kind of oppressive display of power that God has always been so keen on avoiding. Rather than convincing you it is about showing you a way, allowing you to open your mind for the possibility of making peace with God (which implies acknowledging Jesus Christ as 'HIS' Identity, in the sense that there is no 'successor' to Christ. If you take me for instance and believe that I am "Christlike" in the sense that I get my insights directly from God in a way that describes me as close to God as a human can possibly be, something like a mirror maybe - the point is still that I have 'myself' - I'm an ordinary human being for all that I know - yet I am most certainly not the Truth, Life and the Way. You can compare me to that - but only up to a certain point. Beyond that point I refer you to Christ inevitably ... so you can also go ahead and heed that 'now' already. Christ is in that synonymous for the 'tear' in our reality through which God revealed Himself - and for some cases: You can consider yourself lucky to be an earthling ... kindof).
So - I don't want to take away your "rights" in being skeptical. More so the opposite. That would lead to chaos as we know it - as it is - but with progress this means that rights and wrongs will become more evident and the ultimate outcome can only be 'the Truth'. At least thats the optimistic way of thinking about it.

So - I guess I can boil this down a bit further. In this sense we basically can 'abuse' the fact that Antichristians exist. If you just live on and you yet 'watch out' - so that you at points start to be paranoid ... embrace it! Embrace your paranoia! You can learn from it - as it is an urge from within yourself to be worried. Ignoring it can't be good! That is however different to 'panic'. For instance: If things start to move out of control - you will be paranoid and wonder if there is some Antichristian agenda in play ... and bam! You withdraw yourself from panicking ... for once ... and you'd have the ambition ... hopefully ... to reposition yourself. This repositioning is something that I would encourage you to do - yet Antichristians are little less flexible in that regard. They want you to reposition yourself in a certain way; Which we arguably want too ... but we have the confidence in God, saying, we don't have to sell you Bullshit to somehow trick you into a mindset that is beneficial to us. If they got you into a position/boat and you quit - you're kindof lost to them. If I got you interested, you stepped into one of my boats and you quit ... chances are that I always kindof knew you would - and I can be happy about it, or at the very least 'respect' that ... totally understanding that this is part of the deal! The thing is that we have no schedule. The only thing that truely concerns ... 'me' at least ... is the Antichristian progress. And it'd be a lie to say that I'm not, sometimes, really scared to the bones about what I see.
So, ... try to point out that I'm trying to make you buy my honest way. Thats one of those things - because I know how dumb people can be. I know that I sometimes am that dumb - but I have a rescue line, which puts me on the safe side. But ... like ... I had to condition myself to not use phrases such as 'honestly' ... because people may take that as an indicator that I'm lying ... which is that kind of nonsensical pattern checking that I find is totally useless. I used to start sentences saying 'Honestly' - and yea, it kindof is because I "lied" - but ... its more so that I don't need to tell everyone that I'm a Christian in order to share various oppinions I have. So 'honestly' - I use that word once I dig even deeper into myself ... or if I have a growing demand to myself to be accurate in what I say. Honestly!
"But honestly" I don't really know or care! I however realize that I have multiple 'layers' of philosophy - some are just more generally philosophy, others are more specifically science. Yet, in my case its a shame if you had to resort to such things to analyze the worth of what I'm saying/writing - and even if there is a confusion for a while, in the end I still stand by the Testimony and ... yea, "there can only be one!".

Which shows you a bit about the struggle 'Mormons' do face in "combat" with other Christians. We have the Testimony, which is like 'being Joseph' - in that story of the sons of Jacob. So, the one guy with the special garment from their dad that all the brothers are jealous about, and got sold to slave-traders in process of having been gotten rid of. Its beyond competition. Even amongst all the other religions! In a fair scientific world that meant that Mormons are specifically different to all the other Christians ... and that difference would ultimately win us the gold cup!

Kindof, but fair enough! And ... what I figured is ... uh, I mean ... it isn't bad to be a Mormon and yet skeptical of Mormon'ism'. I mean - if its the religion of Truth you should be free to roam around and flip everything upside down just to see ... so, once again: Anarchy above Dictatorship!

As I'm out of words now ... I'll label this writing with the last words remaining on my mind!

Religious Anarchy

by: Christopher Nikolaus Sonnberger. Friday the 18th of November - 2016 - 13:58.