The information war - a.k.a.: How I plan on winning

Honestly, I think it sucks once I'm misguided by myself. And ... "this "Colbert" guy" (some TV person) ... did put it amazingly well in his closing statement on the 2016 elections. There is this 'silent High' we get from condemnation. My most recent experience was this election "too" - but prior to that it was all about X-Men Apocalypse. I personally get into this mood of opening myself up, going to the theatre, enjoying it, until I kindof ... see something like - Hunger Games 2 - and from there on its just like "Force Awakens" and nonsense like that; ... and I'm thinking to myself: "Thats not what I wanted to pay for!" (except sometimes, as in TFA, where I'm kindof just trying to ... be fair) - and then I'm feeling great about myself. So I try to judge a movie before its even out - and justify that because being Unified with God is different. And - it is! There is sometimes just too much input ... or not enough. Its a bit like in an asessment test; I mean - like finding the one picture of five that is different. The more detail is stuffed into those images the more difficult it gets; And you eventually get used to looking for patterns and then come to one image where the pattern you're used to doesn't take you to the problem and so you're lost for some time. Except you're allpowerful and perfect.

What I have to learn at this point is that being wrong sometimes doesn't falsify everything. The recent Ghostbusters is 'still' a desaster (although I've seen it ;)) - and its 'still' not because its women; Its more because its 'feminist' - and feminists and republicans; Ironically the same thing. So - I mean, this is now one of those statements that come crawling up inside me that are just the kind of things I'm trying to tell you about here. In other words: I have this feeling that there are those feminists that would be all for Hillary in public, but still voted for Trump. Its basically, ... a "dead givaway". ... not!? Well - anyway. I'm trying to get my glitches under control and; Be my foresight as it may; I've had to learn, well, its not all that important. I mean - whats the use for you to know that? ... Well yea, "on topic" - thats kindof the direction, but ... not quite.

You need to understand - probably - that I'm not thinking like a PR guy or a publisher/producer. I sometimes think like that in the written form; But those are just thoughts that shoot into my head. What I mean by 'that I'm not thinking like a ...' is for instance that although I am aware of the impact of "product placement" - so, all those manipulative little tricks to "amp up the volume" sotospeak - well, first of all I don't have a handbook available so I could do that in a real sense (so, if I wanted to ... I might get things done here and there ... "but"); Neither am I a big strategist. Having playing Starcraft 2 for a while I mostly just had a fancy fun strategy to play, eventually an idea here and there to a different approach or change things up, but for the most part I couldn't compete in the silver league already. So ... I guess, for me, that means "Bronze for Life!".

So - I also do very little self-censorship; Even if I feel something is a bit too edgy or controversial. I just barely actually delete things - and then usually much rather abandon the entire writing - despite all the good that may (have) come from it. But at this point I'm reasonably sure that there is just too much information to really give a shit about all those writings. There is a simple way - as my most recent phase has shown; And thats the same old: "God->Testimony->Baptism->Unification->[all the rest]". Yea right! "ALL THE REST" comes, in my Book, -AFTER- Unification. And thats I guess one of the bigger lessons I've had to learned - speaking about 'when to provide which information'. In some sense this is that PR type kind of thinking; But there's more to that. For instance: I'm still bothered as of today why I've dropped out of "Technical College" here in germany - though I understand pretty well why. Even better as of recent. And I blame the educational system; Or effectively the lack of such. You may all know or understand that/how school is about learning. Well, in that school I took things as I've taken them up to that point. We were told that however we're used to dealing with school doesn't help us there; But I've been told that before and yet things worked out for me. I miserably failed in math because I had no clue what the math was about! I didn't get why I was doing those calulcations - what practical use there would be. The teacher told us that we've had to learn it and we'll eventually understand. Then, the most important class was basically ... well, our project was to build a Stirling Engine and we had that teacher in physics, IT and elsewhat - and nothing made any sense. IT wasn't IT - it was ... like ... I mean, that guy was like 210 years old ... and classes were a snore-fest ... and yea; So I failed because I couldn't learn. This further is something ... that actually has good reasons. See: As school up to that point didn't really catch my interests; I - as everyone else would, I guess - sought a satisfaction of them in my privacy. But well, that means: Less time for school. I get it that this kind of knowledge really soothes in slowly, but it does. People see it. What bothers me still is that there though is no place where I can go ... that ... uhm, well - that place would effectively be school the way I'd like it! "NOT THERE TO SCREW YOU OVER!".
The way that I've learned math like the math that I up to today still don't understand is because of 'context'. So, in a different Universe the project may have been some Simulation maybe - some IT stuff - and IT class and Math could have worked together - as to allow us to get an actually conclusive sense of what that math is about! ... sigh!

And that sigh ... I'm ... I'll skip on my comment up to the point where I'm closing my argument: So - we are all forbidden to make presents! Because nothing in life is free! So, if you give someone a present you're a horrible person because you're screwing that person over by making it thank you for giving it something for free. Well, the only safe way around it is to gift bullshit! Clear? Yea - nice world we're living in! I know! (*sarcasm*)

Or do we want to put that to an election? A vote? Better schoolsystem vs. getting screwed over! Your choice!

What I'm saying is that information ... well, its like poetry, or a rhyme. Once delivered at the right pace, in the right order, it can come accross more magnificent than elsehow. Or am I so terribly misguided at this point? I mean, apparently! Apparently 'productive', in this world, is just a "wolf in sheeps clothing term" - another thing, like presents, just there to screw you over. There is no good in being productive! Withdrawal of Information is the real answer to everything! It seems. Because you thereby force the others to put in more effort, of, whatever nature. So yea, beating up a preagnant woman in public space is good then! It is good to build our social courage - its, a ... more poetic way of practicing 'social critique'. Now that I put it this way, yea! We should have a party each year where we burn all those that didn't graduate. "Spartan Style" - survival of the fittest and all that! (SARCASM!)
Yet, this is really close to the center of what I understand 'politics is all about'. You come up with such controversial agendas, while trying to make them not too controversial. Like, what did politicans learn from the french revolution? If you wanna have an orgy, don't let everyone know about it!

Antichristians are like a Virus. I mean, quite literally! Not in the way Smith portrays humans in 'the Matrix' - but in that they exist in a world that is built by: "Not Them" - invade the body (like feminists) and try to own it, screwing up everything in progress and then blaming all the others. Examples? The American History! People fled to America to 'get away from the Roman Catholic Oppression (The Catholics going into a war of faith against someone who did proof them wrong and those that acknowledged the information he provided)' - eventually found independence, shaped a country - while the Catholics were stuck in Souther/Middle America. Now, they "were unlucky" - I guess they say. I'm sure the thing about the 1000 years of peace is in about the same thing. They will be casted out, we'll live 1000 years in peace; Until they kindof have a "strong case" again in saying that they just didn't have the chance to proof that they could do it too! And the fact that I mentioned it won't change that! Because this means: Their 'end-victory' won't come! That means: We'll flourish beyond their reach - and they need to wait until we forgot about our past again. Which won't happen but ... they'll try it anyway and thats when the end-credits will roll. That Part of the Bible however is reflective of a tenacity in an agenda that I at least find very hard to believe in - it doesn't make any sense if you're supposed to believe that there is always a way of talking about things. If those conversations go like those debates between Trump and Clinton - not a chance!
Anyway - so, here's a diplomatic thing: There can only be 'one' order - within an Entity. If there are two orders - they yet need to work 'together' - making again: 'one'. Like the human body. So, essentially they need to accept the consequences of their actions! But all they seem to care about are the consequences of "our" actions to 'their' agenda. And, what is that agenda?
Why should I care?
If I give it to them, I'm taking it from me. So, why would or should I do that? My thinking process there however gets blocked as I'm stuck between two lines. Either we give it to them and let them screw up and then we're to blame for being counterproductive. Or we don't give it to them and we're to blame because we're not giving it to them! And thats what 'they' "call" (???) a "Win-win situation!".

The point is: For them to change their ways you first have to get them off this kind of thinking. I'm sure they're ashamed of admitting to it - I know how that is! After I've found my faith in God spark again, well, I got to these moments where I felt ashame for my confession. It starts really simple that actually saying that you believe in Christ is already the first obstacle. Naturally, well, because to some people that sounds like beliving in Santa Clause - or since apparently there are Aliens on the Moon and so there is a (codename) Santa Clause, well, the Easter Bunny. Or Hollow/Flat earth - whatever seems more ... unlikely to you.
But even without any religious context - to get that misconception out of the way - this happens. If you're a person with all-over good intentions; Have you ever gotten to the point where you had to sortof mention it? Well, there is this Southpark Episode where Cartman blackmails ... Kyle (???) ... to smell his farts or otherwise he'll reveal his lie and thereby endanger world-peace. It starts by Cartman making a Ginger Cow and all World-Religions celebrate that as a prophecied Sign to come together in peace while Kyle is upset about Cartman keeping the lie up. And because Kyle doesn't want Cartman to reveal that he painted the Cow he suffers Cartmans demands; And his friends criticise him for thinking he's some kind of special. You get the idea? I mean - I've had the situation where I was in a class and some guy who had a big mouth all of the time accused the "teacher" of just doing it all for the money - and she had to reply that she was actually there, in that institution (Its a training/support center for unemployed to get their paperstuff together for a clean application), out of goodwill. But the "dominant crowd" at that point, two guys having a big mouth about how everything is just ... yada yada ... average street talk ... where as "people from the street" kindof bringing that in as common sense so that a counter position was hard to maintain. Thats my analytical standpoint. However, once they/she did speak about their motivations more ... relaxed ... normally ... these teachers ... and I'd argue that all good teachers have a few things in common there ... do find it interesting to work with a lot of people, to be able to help, ... as in: They have a pro-social attitude. It sounds different once putting it that way, but there isn't a factual one. Except, in the latter way you can "excuse" that by arguing that they just do it for their own satisfaction. And yea, why not? I mean, its still the same thing!
And here's what 'Antichristian Productivity' is all about: Making yourself (them) appear, despite doing nothing whatsoever, as someone who does really put a lot of effort into doing/being good; And then even excell beyond that by professionally exploiting 'the goodness' while making it work with their all in all system of corruption - which by the way: Isn't really anything about or like corruption, it just looks like that to us. Like, I should totally be able to forgive all their crimes because they commit them in favour of themselves - which is a good thing, because if I were to join them I could have the same benefits! Until we're all on board ... so yea, ... the plan/agenda isn't perfect I suppose!

I there have an anecdotal thought-experiment for you that I can't really proof or back-up, but it pretty well reflects my oppinion on Antichristians: For this, we take two isolated groups - in a fictional separate Universe. In the one are all the good Christians, in the other are all the Antichristians. So, both groups, apart of each other, so get teleported into a seems to be underground complex. So, for sake of argument: The same place - just at different points in spacetime. So, they don't have any contact. What will the two do? In my oppinion the Antichristians will now think in the way we all think; They'd do what we all would openly agree on to be the right thing. But first of all there is no food. Then eventually someone will stumble upon a room filled with supplies; And here's where it starts. They now think they'd be polite to each other, rationalizing their food and all that - but that only works if they are all pulling on the same rope. And because they wanna convince us that they can be good people too they will try all they can to make us understand that I'm wrong here. Well, maybe I am. But I'd say that there is one key thing missing to make it work out that way for them: Someone to screw over!
Clearly it herein is the base asumption that if you can stick a community into a situation like that, and they come forth in peace, they are a good bunch. If they start killing each other of the supplies and what not, then not!
There is no way, I guess or pretend, to know for sure what'd happen (or WOULD HAVE) - but there's more factors in play than just the challenge of finding harmony (which, to re-emphasize: I don't think/believe that they can't get organized; ...) - as for instance 'personal freedom'. This idea of being the good guys is just a masquerade for people to feel good while abusing the shit out of the system. They are nowhere encouraged to actually 'be' good people. They are rather 'drilled' to 'pretend' but to EXPLICITLY not let it get them!

Personal Freedom is a thing. The way I feel about it: I do have personal interests that make me want to lock myself away. I wanna be alone and "indulge" - and this tendency is then leading to 'privacy rights' that are strongly in favour of the powerful ones. They wanna have their space to indulge - and people like me have to then listen to "all the work I put into my wealth" kind of trashtalk. They get a little stressed and all the world has to suffer because its incompetent and they are so perfect and you have to be sorry for not respecting their efforts. But what if things don't go 'my' way and 'I' get upset? Or in other terms: What if you did put a lot of effort into something that then nobody cared about? It was futile, you've been unlucky, ... and whats then your "all the work I put into my wealth" speech gonna be?
I would go as far as to argue that this 'elitary indulging' is one of the most dominant emotional streams in this world. The ordinary person usually doesn't whitness it because it doesn't have a chance to; There is just too much bullshit we are to face every day; So - that once we have money we're either just used to "indulge" in it (my indulgence nets to 2 or 3 pizzas a month or such) - or the experience of poverty drives us into saving it up. But for what? Yea, what else is money good for? Things! But ... anyway, I digress.

Technically this thought-experiment can be solved. Make it so: Let there be some magical message which only demands to cooperate with the greater goodwill - so: technically entirely neutral to the point that all you'd have to do is to join in; And make it so that once you do, you couldn't have done it for another reason but the greater good - while, I guess it then also has to be a really 'low-demand' kind of thing all in all. However - point being, what would happen? It starts with the question for the greater goodwill, who says what that is or why "he" and not "he" should say what it is! You'd have a messenger, no doubt; And people who disagree with him might end up killing him. Never happened before? Well - ... this being a Christian article, well, you might see where I would beg to differ!
Its even worse. We don't only have murder, mass persecution, witch-hunts (all still "just" murder), but there is an 'abductive abuse' of the message too; And an attitude of self exaltation that puts pride above reason. So we end up with a lot of confusion and that partly because this attitude makes it so that the best idea ... is only good if you have the right connections!

You "can't" (I suppose 'they' -could- (in deed)) wash that away! I mean, yea, OK - you're saying that an idea is only good if it did hold up to being a good idea throughout the processes of taking it from just being idea into something thats getting done; Darwins Law; But what a lot of people are missing, I guess, about Darwins Law is that 'survival of the fittest' is also something like a 'survival of the luckiest'. So, yea, this idea of Darwins Law in terms of ideas is right, but its then: Survival of the fittest amongst those ideas that were given a respective chance. Furthermore does this attitude of self-exaltation yield that the whole thing about giving credits to the one who came up with it isn't always the best thing to do! Well, who knows - maybe else I would be president today? (Not saying that Trump did exhibit any sign of having a good idea in any way; Except you include those that are yet 'highly depatable' and 'morally questionable' - I'm thinking more about ... things way out of the picture).
So well, anyway. Its not that I'm not trying - its more like they just always find some bullshit excuse to be upset or however turn their backs on us. Then yea, again, I'm the one to be blamed. As is that black kid for standing in the cops way; Or everyone plus Gandhi, but them. I mean, Gandhi is a good point to get more into 'Antichristian Society' - obviously. Violence makes people upset - so - doing it as Gandhi did yields support 'plus' - you can't destinguish good from bad behaviour that easily!

What I'm saying is that it is really 'them' - the Antichristians - that make up the whole problem; And they succeed(ed) for a bunch of reasons. Mostly because God let them; But that isn't really a smart answer. Next to that mostly because ... we/you let them. You blindly accept, for instance, that there is no right or wrong; And that at your own convenience without properly thinking about it! And I could try to talk sense into you, there would/might be no use! I did try! When it gets to God - its just easier to convince yourself that nobody can tell. But in my textbook thats logically flawed! Because 'if-then' period!

You can blame me for the cognitive dissonance you may feel at some points from my writing - but really - once Truth Hurts, what is to blame? The Truth, or the conditions that make it painful?

One more thing on my oppinion about Antichristians: If it so happened that due to this the 'to indulge' term were the dominant term to speak about unfair conditions in our world; A heated discussion between 'us' and 'them' could be condensed down to them being at some point ultra pissed and therefore 'giving it to us' - in some sense. This example is however one of those cases where that doesn't work so easily. I mean - they can't 'advise' us to 'just take it' - because, if we could, who wouldn't? So - this may at some point become one of those good ideas that I won't get any credit for - but someone else will therefore bathe in the glory of ... it.
Or, as is their sense of community justice, not only 'one' - so yea, "they share!"!!! ... really!

Uhm, well, ... good question: Is the Gospel just there to screw us over? Never thought of it - yet, to answer it, I'd have to dig into another topic, which takes me back to the beginning of this: Information. Well, sorry if I now look like someone who thinks he knows it all; But it so happens that I've written quite a lot of stuff so far already and I've thereby written about one specific topic a few times; And essentially we're speaking about pre-terrestrial existence here. Thats where the issues 'began' - and so, to really get a good understanding of 'why' all the 'why's, we have to start looking there! But, that is a 'Gnostic Agenda' and not really one of those 'easily accessible' topics. Well, it'll become easy - at some point; As really, it is possibly the one "Advanced" topic that requires the least knowledge to get into - but for you to do the science there accurately you'll need information you can't/won't get from my writing; Or anyone elses writing. Its a matter of understanding what you yourself need to understand - as I benefit from understanding what I need to understand. And so - realistically wondering about our pre-terrestrial existence isn't really 'the golden choice topic' in a world where not even the existence of God is regarded a fact yet!
It might sound cheap, but distrusting God is the worse advise someone can give - ever! And thats one of those weird statements - as in a real-life situation. Lets say you and I met, you not knowing me, we'd get along, talking about stuff, then eventually religion and out of some twist of fate I'd have to tell you that I really trust in God. I mean - there are people who are baffled about the wealth of my knowledge in the sense that it makes them wonder; Outspokenly; How I can believe in such a thing as God! What I respond(ed) is - well - what I also kindof have on mind for here to add: "How can I not?". Just maybe not exactly like that. Practically the thing is that this knowledge doesn't have the logical capacity to disproof God. Thats one of those other "there is no right or wrong" kindof misconceptions. Its like 80% of academics don't believe in God -equals- saying that there is an 8:2 probability for God to not exist. Totally unconnected. On the other hand - looking at the information itself; Quantum Physics actually rather proofs that God exists than anything else! But, because 80% of the academics are atheists they won't see that; Ergo they're baffled about what they find, have no explenation; And now we have people that believe that the Moon doesn't exist if you're not looking at it! Folks take that for science-fact; But the facts their point to thereby only tells us that the physical reality we're living in is established on rules closer to that of the mind than those of ... particles. Period! (Which to me means that God is mind, or existence is God and Mind - and that God therefore isn't some "illuminated magically floating old guy who angrily looks down upon creation".

But so - the information war. Or, how I plan to win this. Firstly though, I don't really 'plan' this - as to me, there is no plan. I mean, I for myself don't have one. I have ideas, I have understanding; And putting them together I could come up with a plan; But in the end it really all comes (should come) down to just common sense.
And yea - thats my Plan! Although - more specifically right now it is to be really cheap - as really low on ideas anyone could make any kind of practical use of - other than by talking to misguided believers that will stay misguided for some time!
Or are you just here - to find this! A point to satisfy yourself on your belief that I'm the one who's actually misguided? I mean - whenever I mention myself and the word misguided in one sentence - implying that I am/might-be/supposedly-am I feel kindof ... good. In the sense that I don't feel socially rejected. Therefore: Fuck You Too!

I mean, its a thing: Some part of those mysterious books holds a passage where something like a Prophecy about the end of all this contained. I assume some people yet believe that this is some kind of race. Whoever solves the riddles/puzzles first gets the trophy. Part of this puzzle is that prophecy. It reads, pretty plain, something along the lines of: There will be a fals prophet and people will believe in him while everything is turning for the better - that false prophet will have success until the Baptism he bestows upon his believers will feel ... sticky, in a bad way; Like; Some 'Fat stains' just seem to be irremovable. And I kindof started to feel that way some time ago. Every now and again it turns up - where the closest suggestion were that this false prophet is Mormonism. But here we already go and change the plain speech a little bit to our favour - since Joseph Smith is dead alraedy. And the whole point about a virtually unsolvable puzzle is as this one. What to change and what to keep? I mean, wouldn't it be too easy if we just ... I mean, in this way there is 'the broad way' and 'the wrong way'; In a sense of 'everything is right' 'but'. So, I would go and change the interpretation of what this stickiness is about. Can you intellectually have peace with God and your Baptism? ... just ... asking! (By the way: In my oppinion the Puzzle has already been solved 2015, by me, and "YOUR" problem with MY solution is that its Mormon, that its supervised by GOD HIMSELF; And that you therefore can't turn it, legitimately, into yet another bullshit religion! -> Unification is the Answer! Except once you stick to the Nag Hammadi Codices only - then there is no answer at all (and if you're yet looking for one, well ... I mean, I don't think I have a real problem by you trying anyway ... I'm just trying to be ... "polite" here! I mean, reading those scriptures - I know how much of a mindfuck that is/can-be!!! Basically I have a scene/quote from Stargate for you. The episode is the second encounter with a race called 'the Ashen'. And in that Episode the US government tries to seal a deal with a fairly advanced species capable of defeating the Goua'Uld - and pretty helpful at that. Their thing is however biological warfare - and as SG1 discovers their dark secret they play a Ruse on them; At the end of which the Ashen leave with the blief that they have ripped "us" off - but as O'Neill then puts it: The first gate address leads to a Black Hole, and from there on its only getting darker!)! As the Book of Mormon tells: The 'things' will be given to John (the Apostle) and others who will write about them and 'seal' "it" - to come forth in its due time! (1 Nephi ... 14))

But it will go on! Some next thing I didn't consider; Or an old thing that I have considered but is now kindof from the desk and forgotten. And that way I can turn in circles endlessly - and thats not how I'm going to win! At least I don't think so. However - that/this ignored - it really feels good to have gotten that out of the way.
But yea; Anyhow - not ignoring it, this is part of the plan: To leave it to a writing like this. Maybe quite specifically this one. I believe in it as a great medium to - well - basically break the ice if you so will; But most of all: To open a perspective into the issues we're facing as a whole and where I see myself/"us" in that spectrum.

So, for the information war: Instead of going to battle armed to the teeth, I rather just let you know that there is a war, ... which means that you'll be kindof starting to look at things that way. Instead of seeing two parties that are bashing at each other for no apparent reason; You'll see reasons; And ask your questions accordingly. So - in terms of the build-up to a presidential election this has to say as much as: Less polling, less scandal-focussed reporting, but more in-depth analysis of the candidates agendas as to a point where the voter is actually involved into the thinking process of the Government (to be). This can go well, but also horribly wrong. Video Games for instance. If you so went on to ask 'experts' on the matter - you'll have those that blame Videogames for all the evil in the world (harshly put) - and those that contend these claims. Somewhat famous by now is the statistic that shows how ever since we have videogames, the rate of violent crimes in the US has been declining!
So yea - the politicians have to then more thoroughly communicate with the press, instead of dragging folks to the booth by offering them a Pizza. (I feel safe with this idea because whoever would earn the credit for it - its worth the loss! But ... I may be too optimistic there!)
I mean - I guess the thing that ultimately won Trump the election was a smart 'last second reveal' of some scandal involving Bill Clinton and Sex Slavery ... which is 'information warfare'. The information is thereby a tool, a weapon. Something you keep until its time for a release to then have the desired effect which doesn't set in if you're totally true and honest about everything. That on the other end makes people like me an easy target. Or maybe not so easy, but, what can I do to defend myself? If I'm thinking about all those so called "SJW"s - and how that kind of folks fits so well into what I believe, but are thereby noway near in tune to what I actually believe, ... my head is drawing an image of how a lot of people that are upset by the shit-talk of those folks project their agenda onto mine and if I tell them that they're getting me wrong they won't accept it anymore because their heads won't allow them to logically separate me from them. So yea - what I'm saying is that the war is certainly not fought in the open; And which person belongs to which group ... or which group to which organization ... I mean, its not an issue anymore once it isn't an issue anymore; And I'm looking forward to that! Therefore I have to say - and also stick to it - that there is, as of my interest, only 'one' group - and everyone else just isn't a part of this. Anyone who claims otherwise, by whatever convincing argument, is talking shit!

So - the next thing on my list takes us a huge step forward in time. I don't believe in changing the system by simply replacing it! Neither do I see myself as a great politician! While some people may believe that being someone who's like always trying to rush with the head forward through walls would make a great politician, ... I don't really think that! Such a person would make ... someone who can basically get along alone ... while causing a lot of unnecessary damage otherwise!
So - the threshhold I'm looking for is like an 80% approval rating, in an ideal case 90-100, while nothing under 66-67%. Naturally the first step is to change the System by using the Tax money to invest in what we need as a species, as, so, things we need if we want to have them in the future. So, in the beginning that would be politicians that would approach their agenda with this new world in mind - as simply just trying to make things a little better their way; But with growing influence more and more can be done. Once we're at 2/3 we can ignore the minority 'safely' - technically already at 50%+, but, 50% isn't really a symptom of unity. These are just the numbers that I connect to the idea of things getting serious. And these in a sense mark the time around which we want to have a solid model of 'what' to actually be doing - which backs me up in my plan to keep things simple for the start.
This really isn't a highly detailed plan - and thinking of one I have the problem that I don't really find an answer to "the Question(s)" that ... uh, ... "what is this going to be if those numbers will be unreachable?" - or "what is the beginning gonna look like and what is it going to be if it won't grow beyond that?" - so, should I prepare to be satisfied by just winning a minority that is to then eventually just get slaughtered anyway?
You may figure that I'm not the best at that!

Well, I am not gonna be happy about a "small church" - I won't be happy with 60% or less (and this isn't just a USA thing, I'm speaking: Worldwide - in the grand scheme of things ... at least! Technically I'm also implying Aliens, although, Extraterrestrials don't really matter to me in terms of numbers on earth. Except their legal earthlings in which case they aren't Aliens anymore, technically, so ... I'm just concerned of Earth right now. .... Hmmm - ... . But ... dear fellow earthlings: This is a great perspective. We might be the first species in the Universe that makes the step from industrial to ... technological ... not only based on Democracy, but also based on an Esoteric peace with the Laws of God! The latter feels a bit off. Hmmm - this is weird, but, ... thinking about it, we are a civilization between Part-Culture, Famine and Maniacs in Charge of it all ... which in one way sounds really cool, if taken the 'Idiocracy' "lets become a Rave-Civilization" kind of way, or really horrible if taken the "red button" and nobody cares kind of way. I mean, how large are the odds for a species to essentially become deep-space travelling? If we are to believe that aliens are small and Grey or, to our sight, freaks of Evolution (sorry) - the answer is really a question about 'who' 'does' survive; In the sense that unless we are capable of sustaining our variety we're eventually going to devolve; Which is basically what happens/happened to the Legend of Zelda (Video Game Franchise). As - "back in the days" it used to appeal to a more mature audience. Links Adventure being a good example of it. Where nowadays - even Zelda turned into a brainless open world "collect it all" Lootfest (pile of garbage?) ... a.k.a.: "The Witcher Light (with Darksouls/dodging in it)" - and really, sharing my ideas with/into that industry is one of the things I really don't feel good about doing! I give two flying shits and more about how they want to have evidence for whatever ill-fathomed paradigm they understood from what I'm saying; They don't have the ideas - and if I had them they "would have had them" too - so, I'm ... not having any ideas anymore, not for them/that anyway). There's a lot more 'wrong'. For instance: Nintendos stiffnecked attitude to cater with its games to Kids or "the Kid inside" of people that refuse to grow up is a thing that I find being harmful. The simplest of all pictures for that is: You are for once industrially locking generations into "being kids" - while excluding a great portion of the society from the experience. On the other end you then have X-Box and Playstation - and the only source of inspiration all of them seem to have is Blizzards work; And all of that can be boiled down to just one gaming experience other than World of Warcraft; And that is: Call of Duty. OK, thats not a Blizzard thing; But what I see is trie-hard and trie-harder; ... nourished by the mindset that Nintendo is for Kids; And everyone who tries to make that stuff appeal to a more grown up audience does for some strange and mysterious fail horribly. And that maybe because folks very well know that I exist and therefore try as hard as they can to avoid supporting the idea that my ideas are actually good!
Uhm, no. That wasn't what I had on mind. Anyway - there is a reason why Kids wanna play what the grown ups play; And Nintendos position there is that there are grown ups that also play Nintendo games. But whatever. I feel a lot better by just leaning back, not caring about what you think after all and enjoying to watch you all go to shits. In the end you'd want to blame me because I'm the one who could have possibly helped - but you couldn't blame me because I actually tried! What you need to be bothered about is: What would this magical help be about? What would be the effects of it? The raesons? How the fuck would this help look like? And that is ... yea, kindof hard to tell considering that we don't know the exact way of how you'll eventually go to the shits; But this is a problem like one of many others - where the solution is simple: Find "THE ONE" right answer rather than sticking to the entire rest and hoping that bits of the ONE RIGHT answer will drop to the ground and keep you going for a little longer!

OK, back to the thing. So - my plan, ... I guess I'm slowly getting one. I mean, there is a way that I found I can intellectually settle on, makes me feel alright, does keep the hope flowing; And isn't really too much of an information warhead to be worried about. Its right down my alley. Except maybe once I miss up on delivering it - and the biggest error I think I can make is overcomplicate it by thinking of how that ... ... yea, ... sorry.

But lets be straight and blow out the "Fire" (the manipulation/PR vs. me thing) - and ... so, that 'flow of hope' ... that really comes down to this/me/those-with-me quite actually not caring about you. Anyway I have to stress at some point that 'loving the next'='helping others' is a misconception of the idea. Helping is good - but you know the saying, maybe: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. These days all the goodwill organizations are really in a bad position as they're mostly just solving problems, or trying to, that we basically create for ourselves. And as those troublemakers even grow in their influence we make it harder and harder for them. What they do is pouring, in the pessimistic sense, a bucket of water into a volcano. Its ... pointless. Its like trying to cure aids with Anti-Baby pills. Saying: I guess that wouldn't work! They are free to proove me wrong! I mean - as opposed to what some might think: I love to learn new things - except I am really not in the mood for learning - and that in some way is even a weakness. So, I'm maybe more open to things I didn't know or think about than I should. Buf if you accomplish something good although I didn't think you could/would - thats great! However, lets not get this the wrong way! There is a difference between good and bad - as there is good and bad and both are inherantly different from each other. So, I plan to not care about you - thats pretty well established right now - and the way I let you know about it basically reflects a bit of my attitude in doing so. What I mean is that me not caring about you is more of a symbolic thing; Although in 'reality' ... it should be a reality. This ... however still comes with an open invitation - and the gist of it is that if we could exchange our minds to share information, we might at this point come to the conclusion that I cannot 'drag you in'. So, I think of numbers like 90%+, yet how am I guarantee to you that the remaining 6 billion people are in for it too? I mean, wouldn't I also have to make it a guarantee? Or else you'd sortof ... have to expect joining a flock of sheep waiting to get slaughtered. And by the way: I grew up as a Seventh Day Adventist, ... and from what I learned that is pretty much what they expect of the latter/end days; To the point that 'horrible news' (politically) are, amongst SDAs, actually sortof 'good' - because its a symptom of the end. And I don't wanna say they are wrong! I just believe they get a few things kindof wrong though; But yea - its easy to miss I guess!
The first obstacle all in all would be to let you know about my existence and why we're letting you know about it. So - this whole, well, you know ... the "Whaaaaaat? Or ... What the Fu(uuuuu)ck?" moment - I mean, yea, the ... entry appearance or what. The original plan, in my head, looked like that: Tell J.Lo about me and stuff, she's gonna pick me up, people are gonna freak out and there I have my stage. By now, well, we would have been through a lot - like, since ... 2005/2006 ... but instead of having a stage I was plagued by "visions" of ... for instance Nas laying next to J.Lo and being amazed of all the power they have, in my head implying 'with the information I gave them' - as for instance more specifically my solution of the 'Temple of Ezechiel' problem (the proper layout). Its ... so far there are a few interpretations of how the Temple is to be constructed according to the account, but I guess I found a better one - one that is closer to indesputable than all of that nonsense - and that is definitely an information warhead that once placed properly makes 'me' the guy who 'didn't' come up with it - which spins on into easing all the suggestions about all the other things I did or didn't do.
Right now I don't think I can count on J.Lo anymore ... and basically have to think about getting settled in which case this 'me not caring about you' may actually be happening to the point that there is no invitation nor place nor anything of that like ... but that then just because I 'can't'.

However, lets assume there is a magical group of Celebrities that has kindof gotten a hold of my crap - which right now would wonder about the what ifs, although by then they of course wouldn't - or would so in a different context - ... - anyway; And we made a party church or whatever and you then read this. Yea - so - weird. I mean - 'You' don't need to project or pretend that this were the case because in whatever way you would get to this, most likely there is already that something that is "us" that you so don't have to imagine; While "now" there is only me and 'you' basically wonder where being with me would take you. That is genuinely different to being where its 'not' about being with 'me' - but with whatever else 'God has in stores for you'.
So, the real point here is that this isn't going to be any political any soon I guess. The fact of the matter is: If enoug of you make it an issue, in whatever way, it does inevitably become political. Picture this maybe like some communication with a distant Galaxy, ignoring time-delay issues. I mean - you have to see yourself as part of 'the many' (who are not 'us'), and the progress of 'this' as a matter of communication. I'm not speaking about Helicopters with Flashlights though. And neither do I really know what I'm speaking about because the rule that: "First things come differently, and then from how you expect" is also true for me, sortof. I mean, what 'we' are does depend on who "you" are - and what we'll make of it. But at any rate - ... once its time ... this won't be the only thing we have here ... so, ... thats a thing.

What I mean is that as any other church we'd grow by acquiring new members that again share the word and so forth. Eventually we're so growing to higher levels of organization; And maybe we can that way even conquer the worlds without any politics; In which case the voting could either be ommitted or commited in a somewhat rather symbollical way. All without harms done! Thats the point! The only thing, really, that stands in the way of all this is what I would now go on to describe as "the crack" (amongst us) - or in the speech of a conspiracy theorists: The gap between us and the elite.
While - however: In case these magical celebrities exist this might blow up right away. And yea - why the hell not!? So - then - you may have to piece a few things together yourself, eventually, but yea, welcome to the new world! From my perspective, what I need are IT folks, media designers, moderators, admins - ... in which sense, yea, ... this isn't open just yet - its just a hint at what a higher stage of evolution would be like. As we'll try to build something, we'll need people to get the work done! So - being a Church we'll then ... be able to manage your individual interests right in terms of that question: What you wanna be? Once we're yet small we can tell you what we need - if we can't get it satisfied from within already. If an offering then is attractive to you - and you're Unified already - that is already pretty close to what our reorganized culture should work like. But first we'll need people to manage the whole thing - also time will tell about how fast one can expect to get used to the Force and all that in a way that makes sense - and so, in the most minimalistic way this church would in the beginning just be a rather un-ordered and unstructured pseudo-club in style of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster for instance; Or Dudeism (that one's actually worth checking out ;)); Or yet even closer to a College Fraternity; ... And the idea of starting anything like having something resembling a church-management does make sense to me when thought of in a way of childs-play. So, I at least did like to play "official stuff" - I mean, pretending I'd be an office worker doing some officey stuff - for instance. And thats the kind of work you get from building your work on your own likes and desires. Otherwise, if you care about other things more; You'll probably care less about 'what' you're working as. So - thats the 'fair trade' there.
As for growth, hope and all that: The only real 'POWER' that -should- be in play is ... basically between your understanding of what I try to tell you and the reality of it. So, ... in the 'J.Lo' picture you'd have reasons to give credibility to my 'with God you succeed' philosophy, but ... thats old crap! I mean - it isn't about success! Who needs it? Only one! We as a whole! So, scrap all of those ideas. Nobody will care about it! Will everyone take us seriously from the beginning? I mean - technically, in the beginning, nobody will give a flying shit because "you" are just some celebs and I'm just some guy; So what? How you then wanna let people know what you wanna let them know is your thing. And yea, that is valid for everybody! I don't see why I should take it any differently 'now'. Also - that I'm telling you that you should trust in God isn't gonna magically disappear once we're there. But well, to be fair: You will seriously have to basically throw all your concepts of society, social structure, hierarchy, responsibility, obligations, attachment, love-lust-desire, authority, etc. over board. I mean, prior to entering. Not as a demand, but as a challenge to yourself if you so care to "dig it deeply enough to make an informed decision (as to the degree that I think you would agree with with afterward)" - uhm, which ... basically, if you can trust yourself with drinking liquors, can be compared to a shot of whiskey or a glass of wine. "Loosening up". The point is that 'your' social existence (as you know it) is that of a species of freeminded individuals - one that doesn't have immunity to trust issues. So - you, ... basically expect that you need an education to know and understand how to behave and what to do within lights of what is expected from you within the what I so call 'establishment' (what sotospeak emerged from millenia of trials and errors). And thats where all of this is really seriously more like "just a Religion". This religion however is more like a 'to go' version. The point of being centralized somewhere somehow is about knowing that it is ... about being ... its existential. But generally I wouldn't speak against you to just come in to get Baptized and Unified and then to go your own way; And I don't know why anyone should. And this is seriously a thing. Not just PR. Well, it is a good point that works as a PR thing - but so, its also a true thing. The thing is that once you feel an obligation to "stay" - you're gonna do that. And that is usually weird without having a purpose. And whatever that purpose is, well, is yours to find out about!
That really is a thing that needs its time to grow. Its a bright light in the future - for everyone - but to help everyone see it, thats gonna take time; And ultimately I wouldn't want to just write about it - I basically want it to be 'alive'.

And - the main reason why this is now slowly coming to its end is because I'm hungry and I don't really perform well after eating. So yea - right now I'm kindof starving my way through this. Its a first - so, I'm not really sure but once I've eaten I'm unconcentrated and then loose my head in thoughts that occur to me while eating - thoughts that I may have probably written about and ... yea; That is actually more serious than you might think. My time management. Essentially you would want to keep me as undesturbed as possible.

Right now I believe we would rely on you sending us an e-mail; And us figuring out a way of how to get managed. We'll ask some sane/clear degree of respect from you; As to the point that until you're unified you're only taken serious based on your progress towards Unification. Thats the only thing that matters. You have questions, we may have the answers! We have a checklist, maybe, of things you have to know ... which will be online at some point ... and so, don't be upset if we basically treat you like animals in the sense that all we care about is Unification.
And that wraps it up for now - I guess! //Christopher Nikolaus Sonnberger, Wednesday the 9th of November 2016. around 8 pm.