Seriously, ... socialism issues

Get it ... that I ... "get it" ... uhm, that ... "socialism is bad"! I mean it. I want to though take an extra step to clarify that some more. There will be cases where you simply refuse to acknowledge any given however solid case - like, someone has convincing arguments more than enough, and you lack the ability to counter any of that, but still you refuse to acknowledge. That is, my opinion, normal. See, ... arguments, no matter how convincing, can yet be flawed. Or however right, but still, somehow wrong. And not everyone is effectively 'skilled' enough to adequately formulate whatever is on his mind and mocking someone for this inability is certainly not really helpful, friendly, fair or even reasonable!

So we sometimes choose to disagree - which can by no means weigh in as complete denial unto the provided issues. See - the wright brothers - they certainly believed in gravity but still believed that flying would be possible! Many that went with Columbus did possibly fear they might drop off the end of the world at some point - but maybe there was still some ... border maybe ... who knows?

What I mean by "socialism is bad" is what I mean by that - but at the same time I also mean that "socialism is good"! So - "Identity Politics suck" per se. Anyhow - this is a bit beyond that. So, socialism. Well. At the current stage of my manifestations the issue ... is that: Certainly its gonna be kindof bad if there is some "Socialist Government" esque "rule" of who "may speak" - so, essentially saying that while some Game Developpers were a part of us, we'd kindof be compelled to give their games better grades than anyone else out there. That however is the worry. And that is what we have to acknowledge - to say: Yes, its bad! Yet on the other end it may happen that maybe 'all' game devs may be joining us - eventually leaving certain publishing houses in progress, maybe, just ... saying - and then we're "there" - where we kindof want to be. Then its 'all' "in house" - and again - an open market and a legal competition in progress.

If you're however 'Enlightened' (in Unification) you possibly don't want to hide it. At least ... thats how you would feel - I'm rather sure - yet you'd come to question yourself how you wanna go about it ... and that because of all those issues and maybe not even as "directed" by God. God would rather just ... ... ... hmm ... should I? I might want to skip on this expression.
I personally however don't get much direction - I just get stuff like: "You might not wanna do that" - though sometimes also like: "You should definitely do that even though you feel uncomfortable about it right now! Trust me!". And yea, that did so far work out for me. I mean ... not that it brought me fortune and fame - but it made me feel a lot better of having ... gotten things off of my chest - and I've an upcomming article on that matter seriously!
Anyhow - to me so far God ... well, has been kindof demanding. He's like the guy that would smack me with a wrecking ball rather than giving me a break - just to 'help me' getting stronger. And yea, well knowing that I'd be up for that and such.
So, there are clear issues about labelling yourself Enlightened - which may be totally different from case to case. Someone who is already well established would have less of an issue against it - as more of an obligation to share it. And these are no Mysteries either! Its ... common sense. I mean, everything 'you' can outside of Enlightenment already think of is certainly 'reasonable' to consider - next to which there is you, your personality, how you wanna go about it - while - using the 'Enlightenment' "seal of approval" would only truely 'work' if it has some inherant value already. Anyway - uhm ... I mean, ... its at some point just crazy politics I assume and being just front up at all times on purpose shouldn't really be all that bad - so, rather than just this 'plain and simple' issue - the cases get "more complicated" in terms of, how to go about it exactly. Like, there's the bluntly simple way that I'm exposing - or to be more critical about it - like, I also sometimes have to ... be more mindful about how to approach a certain thing.

OK, that was confusing enough! What I mean, or have to realize is that 'socialism' isn't truely the right word to label my position. At least not when setting socialism equal to a dictatorship. That would be the way of 'all being censored' - like acknowledging and denieing stuff, like opinions maybe. Well, being Enlightened has for sure no reasonable tolerance for Atheism - internally - because thats just the nature of it. Warm is warm, cold is cold - as there is a clear freezing point for water.
Effectively my first concern for instance is money. I mean - if you had the choice between two games that are somehow equally well received - but the one makes you give money to our enemy and the other makes you give money to us - what would you do? But more than that do we want to have a world that works for us - and my hope, I once expressed, is that the Label of being Enlightened will become a pleasant thing to see. Like, "yea ... that person makes sense" ... and all those other opinions that go without it ... ... well. Consider: There's a new movie that is clearly made by Enlightened folks and people claim that it is good. Then you might wanna go and see it - as your first time to actually test if our opinions are any good - and so, we automatically have that 'extra pressure' on our credibility - in regards to which I refused to add Mad Max Fury Road and BvS to my recommendations list because they're somehow special. Its maybe an 'In house' thing - like, from Enlightened for Enlightened - or something like that. Ghost in the Shell on the other hend I can fearlessly recommend.
Whatever ... this kind of stuff. You'd come to get familiar with what we deem good - if there even is something as a universal taste. More so, you would eventually come to join and thereby add your taste to ours, sotospeak, at which point you couldn't possibly agree that you now 'must' like what I like and so - although you might come to a change of taste in some regards - but - not necessarily quite like mine. At which point - I really really do/did Love Resident Evil Retribution, well aware that its actually more of a "B-Movie" - I mean - its maybe 'trash taste' - but its fucking epic ... 10/10.
10 what? Ten ... Cheese-slices out of 10. So, a whole Chese ... thing.
I mean, its a great movie - what can I do or say?

And yea, on the Amazing Spiderman 1 and 2 - there's a thing: Some tastes are more niche than others, or ... more 'nuanced' ... lets say it that way. So, there are certainly those movies that only get to a certain niche audience - where, if you wanted to mainstream everything you'd get rid of that - and that would suck hard! I mean, think of all those bad movies that you like ... like, literally every Quentin Tarantino flick (XD) ... .

So, back to the shady politics issue. I just had an insight. Something that may be significant for you when taking on the 'Enlightened' label is to share certain insights into why, or how come - or - ... I mean - I'm watching some 'boring' Leonard French video now - and he looks like a guy to me that doesn't do too controversial stuff ... seems relaxed and all that ... but ... that doesn't tell me what he'd deem relevant. I just have a hunch, ... which maybe doesn't apply to him but the idea applies to his appearance, ... uhm, to for instance take some time to speak about the experience from first contact to Enlightenment - to explain how that tag comes about. Sorry if this is kindof too boldly put - and it should maybe be something of a general act of reason ... but ... there is no rule in place to do so. It may be the rule of good advise - but - maybe you have a more individualized rule of good advise - like maybe to not comment on it at all!

The thing is that my proposals usually ended up being issues that are kindof 'socialistic' - and this even works to the extent that you could call me a Marxist per se - except that I would take his ideas through my own individual filter and apply my own reason and experience onto different things - and except that I haven't really read any of Marx work. So, in "virtual speech" I'd draw a possibly totally Marxistic "frontend" ... or in terms of social issues would generally be all in all a socialist - where the issue of reason and experience would add a little bit of Libertarianism (free/open market) to that. And yea, this means that eventually I don't fully understand to break free from socialistic flaws - but the core philosophy of my socialism is that we do not need competition to the consequence of our detrement. We're after all reasonable human beings ... capable of cooperation ... and where's the good of a strict hand if it struckens us into the gutter where we may never see a way out of!?
Yet I don't see Socialism and Democracy as two sepearte things, but rather as two sides of the same coin. Like, if you mean to lean against my political ideas ... well ... as an Enlightened individual, well, you may want to consider this: How much of that intention is actually of your own energy? This is one way God comes into play. You might inherantly lean slightly against me though inherantly being totally on my side - which God might transform into an energy that does inherantly lean against me. This wouldn't change much for you - so the idea of the argument at least - as, everything else in your life would be as it were either way - and that to me were not a matter of us splitting up - but a matter of there being a larger space for people to live in. So yea, the point ultimately comes down to one question: Do you trust God enough to enter an intimate synergy with Eternity? I mean, no matter how weird my persona may seem to you - it most of all things should tell you one thing: Individuality matters! There are things where God needs me to be certain ways - though I suppose that I got chosen because I already am in certain ways so and so - while there are other things where God couldn't care less! Though God does care - and that care is a care of Love!
I mean - this is really how it looks! And is! Theres the one side that drags us together, but the other side that is strictly good for us individually, basically making sure that we don't loose out on any of it. And yea, you wouldn't want to defend this position in regards of me I guess - I mean, that ... I should at some point just have a page to summarize it all and link to all possible content ... ... where yet again ... my individual stance is still perfectly objectionable - uhm ... reason, sometimes its hard!

And I mean it. The recent silence ... well, a bit more than a week so far ... I spent programming. And I would basically write about this in the other article I'm still writing on, but ... generally I find myself breeding maybe longer on certain basics than I should ... and eventually end up doing "nothing" most of the day instead of actually making progress. And thats good! I mean - I matter of fact just had to throw a big chunk of some of the code I've written just during that week over board ... basically returning from a functional base to a blank screen ... because I had to relocate a whole bunch of stuff that this large chunk basically depended upon. So, I have to rewrite all of it as all of it turned out basically useless. Its been built to basically test certain things as to have a visual feedback to some of the stuff - so, not too big of a deal; Yet, if I want to keep such things to a minimum ... I have to make sure that I won't have to! And well, to put it into some better light, I have done stuff that I'll certainly need, which now has to change to actually fulfill its purpose more effectively - so, its about polishing those elements up for their intended usage - but its not that simple - as taking it for that simple made me end up with a botched end result ... kindof. I have backups of this previous 'end result' and will make one of where I am right now so I can at some point highlight just exactly how things stand and are - ... - and effectively those experiences also add up to ... my experiences. Knowing the mistakes I can make based on things I'm actually kindof certain about or don't think that I could vastly go wrong with tell me how unright that attitude actually is - over and over again. Matter of fact does this experience furthermore enable me to think more about what I do ... already ... as to help me get to that point where I can actually have this and that actually polished as desired.

I understand that most of you possibly don't have that level of experience - and so it may be difficult for you to see through my reasoning - but I mean it when I say that I am only human too, am certainly flawed; And to make sure that things aren't going to be screwed over by my own fallability you have to be yourself and be you instead of me - and you may be no less flawed than me yet ... to say: Putting too much on the back of just one is ... more like most of the time never a good idea!

Well ... isn't that really controversial and offensive to say? XD
Opps ... is ^^ better?
Than XD?

Yea, actually it is! :P

So, how would we not fall into the trap of struggling against each other over bullshit dick issues? Obviously - reducing the noise by being Enlightened to begin with! LOL! OKOK ... this is ... repetitive talk ... so ... I guess, I'm done here?

Echoing Backstage Talk


"Dennis Prager's Weird Objective Morality and God Boondoggle" by TJ Kirk - on YouTube ... you say? Yea, its kindof a cool back and forth between two oppinions that couldn't be more different - but - on some Level are perfectly even with each other. And its a good display of how now the extrapolation of one side of the coin is opposed by another ... like, if this is true than that is true and so on and so forth and in the end we all have to do something and be somehow because its the only objective solution following that one line of sentiment - like, if you followed mine we'd end up in Hell ... kindof ... I'll get to that in that other article, I mean, I've been there before. I'll get to it again.

The real significance here though is that once there is a dominant ideology that is too narrow there's always gonna be some contra, and that contra is 'good' as hearing of it adds substance to your personal ideology - or truth - and both are wrong at some point! And TJ with more words because ... he generally uses more of them!

Some of this maybe will become more clear by the other article - as, if the one thing doesn't resonate with you, it has no value for you! And as that its worthless. Not in general or per se - but certainly for you. And while both sides are objectively good - there is no shame in being on either side of the coin! ...
