Its true. @TL;DR! I'm not going to watch Star Trek Discovery because all this Diversity nonsense up front already yells "SJW Bullshit" so fucking hard (and introduces itself with maybe the largest SJW faceplant ever to make sure it isn't overheard) I wouldn't even want to pirate it if I knew that it would increase some counter somewhere that would allow some shithead to claim that it works in attracting viewers. But, how about making an interesting show?

Another dude was about to say it - triggering in me something of a defense matrix which sums up as: OK, if I'm going to watch it; I'm forewarned that the Character(s) is/are going to do something extremely stupid and the whole point of the show is round about how this nonsense is spiraling out of control and at the end of season 1 I want to jack a bullet into my head because I wasted all that time of my life. I mean - literally!

I'm hopeful though that this era of history will be looked back upon; Where we then can look at gems such as Ghostbusters and this Dreck with sufficiant "pseudo political" distance.

Here's a thing: I did mention here and there that I had ideas to a Star Trek show myself. And yea - thats a common issue with me it seems. I have an idea; Some people go out and make it but ... fail miserably. Dragonball was the first, then came Indiana Jones - or was it way around? It doesn't matter. The reason I bring this up is ... I don't know. I feel like it. Its pushed into my mind and yet I'd thereof start to say that I wasn't really comfortable about mentioning anything too specific because of horseshit like that. Not that "they" ever even just remotely heeded my "advise". So - to say that I have 'issues' about voicing my ideas although that fear might be irrational.
The thing to me is that Star Trek at this point is one of the many symptoms of "our" cultural regression. You only need to superficially skim through the negative videos on star Trek discovery to get a pretty solid idea of what this might be about; But it goes further. The point is the issue of rebooting Star Trek versus continuing it. It seems like there is no future beyond Voyager - so - maybe Janeway did after all fuck things up big time!

But yea. It would take a visionary in the likes of Gene Rodenberry ... to really make this work out; And if you know me you maybe know that ... one of my issues with 'today' is that I believe 'true Talents' are being ... bullied out of the business. Sortof. And this is basically ... also where I stand in regards to Sex issues.

It is difficult to get energized about issues that are like dead in the water. Saying that I'm a whore doesn't show me a lot of problems - but then there is that ... something. Well - its odd. There is a counter-voice that is all upset about the notion because whatever; You know the deal, probably; But ... there seems to be something else I don't fully grasp because of these destortions. Before I however try to "solve" anything, let me tell you that I don't believe that this is a single person issue. As my point here is going to be concerned it isn't. But ... what do you know about Whores? Yes - exactly! If all you know about it is fantasy and SJW propaganda - chances are you know jackshit!

So I did stumble upon this YouTube channel 'RedHeadRedemption' - and listening to her Rant about why she quit the Porn industry I was reminded about what bothered me about the Red Light Business.

I think it is an easy line to draw, that when you read about me and what I'm wanting that the Porn industry is this shiny thing that faithful Christians built for those special kinds of people and its all sweet; But how does the bible say: Where the carcasses rot, vultures are around. Or something like that. The point is: What'd you expect?!

Think about every dictator or powerful person ever that is known for some Sexually dark stuff. "What'd you expect?". I mean - power+sex-drive; equals ... what? Bread for the People?

You maybe know the feeling: You've seen some of the Matrix stuff - then the next day you're afraid to watch it again because you worry that its somehow going to ... have vanished. There is a lot like that I feal/. This feeling that it might vanish however - I would suggest it has the opposite intent. This feeling keeps us from looking into things because we worry it might harm our faith. Or we stop looking at amazing things and so they get forgotten.

Outrage, outcry, ... hemrhoids.

Games these days. ... We live in an era where 'arguably' everything has been around already. All one needs to do is shut all creative endeavours down and that person can pluck from the past and never run out of options. It seems. But it also seems like that isn't going so well. Then he may wonder: "Why? What?". And unload a steaming pile of bullshit theory as to why that is. However or anyhow - we see Video Games getting held hostage nowadays; Held for 'ransom' ... you know! Microtransactions.

But I don't care about those games anyway.

The point for me, I was going to make, is that within the 'power logistics' of today you won't find that 'shiny kingdom' anywhere. Certainly not in "Hollywood" - and the Star Trek Disaster is basically ... "the Last turd" sotospeak. Star Trek is like Stargate - but more and less geekie. Stargate - its one of those classic shows that just oozes charm, has likable Characters, interactions ranging from funny and lighthearted to serious and deep - its a Nerdgasm - and being a Stargate fan gave me that feeling of belonging to a group of people I could genuinely enjoy surrounding myself with. Kindof. Maybe not too intimately - eh, the thing is: it was different. it was ... intellectual. Seeing gave me hope that there is something like reason and rationality in this universe. Same things Star Trek is known for. Its ... "like stuff" made by smart people for smart people. Or openminded? Progressive?
In my oppinion: If you can't understand Star Trek nor Stargate you can't call yourself Progressive!

But where are these people now? That ... may be responsible for the next good stuff to come? My feeling: They don't exist (anymore). They have been expelled from the creative community. That people only look at me with their butcrack is kindof ... related to that. A lot of you would or might say that I might be that person; Or at least ... somehow a good influence. But it ain't hard to figure out why I think that I'm not wanted therein - and it has nothing to do with my weird sexuality!

Its an industry - most likely representative of other industry - that has totally gone batshit! I ... I ... have a vision. Had. Just now. Of sorts. So, there is this industry you're a part of if you want to be famous. This industry is basically composed of stories that contain characters - and Star Trek ... is just one of those many "formats" that have always worked out and when it was time for "another diversity cast" someone just pulled it out.

As said. To me there is that "place" where its just that. There is no 'vision'. Its just "star Trek". So the new Captain does what many other "Badasses" have done in the past; Resisting Order; Like its a trope. A star Trek trope. Like it is something that 'defines' Star Trek Character(s). And sure - such moments have in some way always been part of the Star Trek legacy. And it was never looked at favourably. By anyone. The most you get is a very very reluctant Nod at the good job the rebel has done. And why? It seems outlandish that someone had to explain this!
But it comes to say just how stupid ... some people are!

And we have similar issues as with other "SJW nonsense". The idea of being special despite not having any qualities thereof. It mirrors to me what I think of "those people". Their take-away from Star Trek 'so far' was 'that' - that we have our heroes that we look up to - and instead of looking at it and wondering why; It would seem like all 'they' can see is that "we" (Illuminati, Christians, Shiny place people) turned them into protagonists and by the "magic" of God, having the 'superior' formula regarding an environment to settle these in have artificially turned them into role models. So, according to that people only debate Kirk vs. Picard because its Star Trek and not because of deeper 'nerd issues'.
And now you get to write Star Trek and all you got to do is call someone special and Bingo!

I ... have no hopes for the new Stargate series whatsoever! None! Nada! Zip! Nil!

The next Star Wars movies are going to fail as spectacularly in my oppinion. They'll surely succeed financially; But in the long run won't amount to more than any other average/sub-par summer blockbuster (that aired during winter).

Clearly us nerds aren't important! This new star Trek is obviously aimed at people that never saw Star Trek before - and because of us Nerds Sci-Fi is now mainstream - and now we're not needed anymore. The dumb crowd will buy their shit anyway; It seems!

Or thats what they hope for. ??? IDK!

In a reasonable world we might just say: if you can't appreciate Star Trek or Stargate you have not a position in this conversation!
You have a non-position!
A not a position!

I mean, Star Trek is legacy! Its ... "State of the Art" ... where "by the way" ... we lived in a world just like that! And I haven't heard or read anything that would substanciate the idea that Janeway isn't accepted as one of the big "heroes" of the Franchise! She isn't perfect. Neither were Picard or Kirk for that matter. The point is - some people just didn't get it!

So, what these Conspiracy Theorists that dabble in knowledge of the Occult say about "the bad guys" not having that 'female' half of the brain and therefore a psychopathic mind - there seems to be a lot of legitimacy to those claims!
I wouldn't compare it to halves of our brain though. I wondered myself. I'm not the only one. Some seem to have wondered further and harder than I did. So - I'm not even the best source when it gets to it. And it seems that however you put it, its ... somehow off. I heard one statement that goes like: "You can't argue with them because they know their position is weak" - and I would say that it goes to say the same thing. That in part they can't or won't let reason into their heads because it will shift their alignment in disfavour of their psychopathic habits which however are the things that make them work as a unity.

If there is something like that. I would though say that its a ... false unity. One part of the body not knowing of the other while all involved are involved on base of selfish desires.

Selfish desires can disguise as unselfish ones. Makebelieve!

All you want is to better the world; But first you got to earn some cash and rape some women - just for good measure or whatever!
And while at it lets just exploit this country because there may be some good reason to doing so!

And those people have a 'huge' umbrella underneath which they can take cover and believe that its common sense that all human beings are narcissistic assholes with no motivation to be any good to anyone around them!

But sorry; That is the main issue! We aren't like that! And if you want to think we are - you're part of the 'bigger' problem!

Yet - I got to say that at times I feel like I'm popping into some bigger thing that is going on that I have "no" knowledge about. Or is the whole part of the story I'm upset about from a perspective of: "Please don't!". Its this whole issue of success - or - if Star Wars' succes was because of the Universe that Lucas created (visually, obviously) - or because of Plot and Character; For instance. And for that I have to somehow ... take a step back and say "whatever" ... and "Sorry, I'm biased and therefore shouldn't speak (neither would I because in this setup I am/we are the idiot(s))". But it weirds me out that there is this level where to me there is a 'we' - that I'm not actually a part of. So, take these things with a grain of salt.

Another thing that gets me, on a sidenote, is that all these things I'm sortof invested in and kindof end to fail - I have to look into myself and find myself sortof moved; To - ... solve the problem, basically. I mean - to not get this confused - in general I end up looking into myself and I get to wonder about what I would have made differently. Such stuff only adds to me feeling exploited. Leading me to say 'silly shit' like: If you want my advise - fucking PAY me for it!
I could use some money!

The thing about what I would have done differently is a silly issue in and of itself. The issue is: WOuld I have "wanted" to be a part of "that" project with "these" premises? Like - a silly plot is silly because its "rotten" in its premises. What would I have done different? "Everything!".

Just ... a tiny thing: The Voyager acquired a shitload of new Tech. So - .... . I give you a moment to let this sink in. #Transwarp. Ish. How about that Tech is kindof ... you know ... and ... then just think it through!

So, lets see if it 'could have' really been 'their idea'. So - I'm not going to!

(LOL! They really think they might accidentally come up with a story that has been used before! Apparently! This is ... hillarious on so many levels! But oops; Now I turned in to a snob! ...)

I mean; I haven't seen the show and I guess I'm one of the first to voice distrust about YouTube media coverage - but there are things in this world ... that will never change! Sotospeak.
But here we go: What does lack of knowledge (these insights) do? At first I was cynical about how to use my time regarding Star Trek Discovery - and now? Well, there at first are some things that basically "tease me off". I so for instance have an idea about Klingons; And I'm not saying that a redesign would be aweful 'period' - but if I see a "Klingon" and 'think' Romulan; Something is wrong to begin with. If then they basically differ to the core concept to what Klingons are to me 'fundamentally' - as in every way - there's a second issue. While at first being pointed critique about 'one' particular thing in a whole - it soon enough gives me a vague "idea" of the creative processes behind given ... "obstacles". Its like watching Star Wars and realizing that there is some generally progressive thing going on. Something of a baseline for me to 'sit down' having some kind of comfort. I know what I spend my time on - sotospeak. It is my life; my leisure - and I watch stuff out of my own convenience. If I have none of that - I'm not going to watch the show 'period'. Kindof. At least thats ... normal. These days things are different it seems. These days there isn't much that generates this sense of comfort. Walking Dead is as close as it gets! And so each time I am about to possibly dedicate my time to something I feel a little like in a hostage situation. "And dare I not like what I see ..." - I suppose, if some people could as they would, I'd be captured, put into a cell and questioned. What I so get, as for what they want, is some 'high end' philosophical conclusion that otherwise however only emerges within a fan after elonguated exposure to some content. Arguing that we don't know 'why' we like things we like. Basically.

And this is the type of answer that I feel get "them" sortof ... upset. Its not what they want to hear. They aren't into "esoteric". They want solid handles, 'formats' to just twist a knob here, flip a switch there, and done. And thats why "it" will never work out! Its like in some cartoonish slapstick segment. They make something, fans say its too much this, too much that, too little this, too little that; And then they make the next thing, based on these critiques, trying to deliver something; But again its too much this, too little that. And so it goes on. And on. And on. So I would go on my usual rambling and write about artistry, talent - 'inspiration' most significantly - to out of my "peonistic" simplicity just say: "FAIL!" or in other words: I don't want to see fail after fail to have my feedback turned into yet another desaster. Thats not what made these things great!

It are issues like that - though seemingly unconnected - that I don't trust their science. Or is it the way around? Well - the two basically iterate on each other. It might be a common point of agreement that if certain things are missing within the mind of someone trying to be considerate - the conclusions are certain to be flawed. And the issue between left and right is mostly one of compassion. But if we look at the "weird left" - I don't think I can be as ... 'polite' ... lets say it that way. "Offensive by nature" ... whatever.

There we see 'exaggerated compassion' - and there somewhere is a point where I can't easily detach myself from the subject ... either. Its like saying that if "these people" in deed have a factual interest in doing arts then I'm not going to stop them. And that to some degree to me feels like some Stockholm Syndrome-ish thing. Its a flaw in the inherantly ... adaptive?, well ... tolerant, open-minded, helpful "vein". Its an instance of compassion outruling reason - effectively. Its one way of handling the dilemma between not knowing and prejudice.

Another problem is awefully more complicated. There is no 'way out' per se. I mean - lets say I'm an established artist that criticized some of their work and after some heated argument they would step back - ... and ... then? The thing is that although the tensions might relay it that way, that wasn't/wouldn't-have-been (part of) my intentions. In other words: I had nothing to replace them with either. Sotospeak. There may be instances where I believe more in knowing better than other times - to a point where I might just "want to" take over - or 'could' maybe - but thats not how it works; And in essence because the 'point' of creative freedom for me at that point has come about by conflict. What "we" can do - or try to do - is to try and tackle the given problems ... somehow. It is somehow arrogant though. But so for how I see it 'demanded' by them; For the lack of any alternative. We so had issues - and we could challenge ourselves to tackle them as our own. To what point?

From another angle this story looks simply like 'them' trying to "lock" them into creative processes - and shut "us" down because we're too successful at it. Which originated - so I see - from an issue round about just that - regarding the argument of God, diety status and what not. The argument then goes to say that Jesus had planed ... IDK ... Star Trek ... out since the dawn of time and the Antichrist only had a few years since the invention of cinema. So his ambition is to proove that he can do better than we can - and therein is the whole comedy of this issue. Basically.

I mean - face to face, if I met "the" Antichrist; I possibly wouldn't react to that. I'd try and approach him as any other person - which is saying: I don't know if my feelings are correct. They certainly get me cautious though. Thats just how it is. But so the thing is that if you are/he is into arts for reasons of power, influence and money - then of course none of the "organic chemistry of fiction" stuff is going to matter. It is that kind of perspective onto things which in my oppinion leads to non-starters like hiring a group of people to ensure that certain things are in order - just to then go and ignore them entirely.

But thats how art works. The visionary who creates a cohesive universe is well aware of the fact that certain things imply certain other things; So on and so forth - leaving a little amount of space for "more" creative freedom. How the artist sees it - that is his shtick. His lot in life - sotospeak. The kind of fun an author has while authoring a reality. And 'still': "Political Correctness" isn't the flawed perceptive. It isn't 'just' "Illuminati Propaganda". It doesn't work 'just cause' it happens to be in Star Trek!

In the end I want to be able to criticize all and everyone. While to me it is an Illuminati vs. Antichristians issue - I don't really know which is which. So, "Illuminati" = Good - and if I happened to false like something - 21L00 - its a compliment, right?

Except ... for issues. Maybe. Like, it might be this, or that - and so and so; Which is another problem I have ... I probably mentioned some times before.
I refuse to believe that there is an 'end' to creativity.

But yea ... steams ... vented.

Oh yea - 'but' - whats the thing now? ...///... what did I have on mind again?

Oh yea, it was about first being OK with a thing because of arguments - and then one's caught up, maybe liking something after having basically been forcefully stripped of alternatives. Its like with Microtransactions in videogames. Or overcommitment in a strategy game. At least thats the feeling I get; And I get it because I have a position I'm comfortable in from which I express dislikes about something I then have to realize I know little about; And as of that I'll leave my comfort zone. That ends up being bad if some raid team is just waiting to come in and occupy the places that I left.

Its about being given the little finger and taking the whole hand. So overcommitment in Strategy games starts with the belief that one strategy is going to work because of little indications or concepts - while thereby missing the signs that signal that these openings are just the enemies little finger. In a strategy game the negative consequences are just a little bit more obvious.

The main reason why I enjoy the Walking Dead but can't be arsed to watch Game of Thrones is first of all because just thinking of watching Game of Thrones makes me wanna vomit. Arguably both shows are about Political bullshit - and it is exactly that what turns me off from giving Game of Thrones another chance. I can't! It ... makes me wanna puke! Perhaps because I have too strong experiences with bullshit like that which make me rather glad whenever I don't have to be bothered by such nonsense. The Walking Dead on the other hand is different because of the whole survival aspect, building society/civilization, getting along and stuff being the dominant aspects. I mean - isn't it the whole concept of Game of Thrones that we're constantly to be offended by questions around who rapes, humiliates, kidnaps, kills, betrays, whatever and etc. whom? LOL - it seems like SJWs do watch this show and project it onto reality.

But anyhow. This has derailed into its own type of shitshow where wild accusations reign and a clear point isn't really there to be found. The point though simply was for me to smack a crack into some wall to have some air to breathe. The issue is that to my understanding there isn't anyone/thing 'in place' per se that I think would constitute something as a counter to "the Patriarchy" ("Papacy") - and that I'm just a single individual that eventually doesn't always know what the heck he/she/it is talking about when it gets to the "theM" of this whole bullshit. It are after all individuals that act - and those acts that matter will have to be acts that matter. Emphasis is on 'acts' and 'matter'. And therein the emphasis is on 'and'. And so that 'acts' 'matter'.



Hindsight ... - sure! Some dudes in the Porn industry should be douchebags - I guess! It makes sense, ... as it depends on the Woman to get along with that attitude. But its easy to see why this isn't really a good standard to go forth from/with. Just take it as as shitty as it is. If you're not involved otherwise - I think its good enough to just stay the heck out. If you're Amish - nothing wrong about that I guess!
