Is it personal?

Have we really learned to live and grow in this world? Well - what? What does this even mean you say? No? You know?

I had to think about it - and so I tried to remember things I've learned in school to help me get along in this world (of germany) - and what I remembered ... kindof had me laugh about it. I remember: A projector projecting something at a wall, something our teacher was discussing; And it was a fucking form, ... uhm, paper thing, to fill out. I don't know anymore what it was - it surely wasn't the only time, maybe I get things twisted, but thats what comes to my mind anyhow.

But this ... this is only one thing. The tip of the iceberg!

To be clear and transparent about it: Conceptually my impression of this world, as it is, is ... we could call it "predatorian" - so, survival of the fittest 'ISH' - 'ish' in that anyone who isn't a predator is kindof lost! And I don't like that. Maybe I think too far ahead - but the gist of my thinking there is (possibly bullshit, but) to think of the far future where we have "evolved" into "things" that aren't really human anymore - so, we're kindof about to become reptilians. Sotosay.

But its not like we're Klingons! We don't have honor! Those predators aren't warriors! Whatever.

But no, what I mean is that we never learned certain things ... because we don't even have a proper concept of it! Thats why this headline is aksing: "Is it personal?". Since, we "learn" to live in a world of friends with Poo the Bear, Smurfs and co. where all is dandy - we learn to be empathic, to have common sense, be respectful, so on and so forth ... and when a politician holds a speech, or I express an oppinion ... we either discard them for "stupid politician"s - or we judge them on the merits we know! And ... how would we do that? Concerning someone so far away from us, hiding in a tall tower, ... who then reads his speech from a Teleprompter?
And yet another thing: Where is the branch, in school, that would prepare me to become a politician? Oh, yea, silly me! Thats not how it works!

And while we grow up surrounded by speech that politcians are morons - who would even wanna be on that road? And yea - so, what people are gonna end up on it? Well - I don't think that its that simple - but ... how did Trump become one? Connections! He got 'asked' in, maybe, ... where to me there is this shady background organization "a.k.a. The Governments" that 'invites' people to be a politician, those then get promoted, etc., ... which may not be the entire pie, but its certainly a part of it!

Politics these days has a lot in common with Gambling. Gambling in the sense of ... Russian Roulette! Like, you get your voting bill, most people never heard any of the names on those bills (here in germany anyway), you make a cross and thereafter hope that it won't blow up in your face!

If you even have teh luxury of living in a country where your cross matters!

We're scaringly close to actually worshiping our leaders ... you know ... "please don't screw us over!". "Politician X, whom though artsts in the wealthy places, thy will be done, thy kingdom come! ... and please redeem us from evil! ... maybe?".

So ... Gua'Ould were it then?

Would work! You know - 8 people have as much wealth as the bottom 50% - and Gua'Ould ... there are a few System Lords who have some minor Gua'Ould beneath them, ... and the vast population of Gua'Ould is actually in the wombs of the Jaffa soldiers to eventually get a host ... maybe.

If they aren't eaten ... that is!

We're ... on the grand scheme ... certainly not on the path of the Ancients/Lantians ... who eventually became really Godlike beings. With freedom and peace ... and all that good stuff ... sortof. I mean, actually. They look down upon humans, yea, but, they don't enslave us either! So ... they don't wanna be called Gods ... and be that sortof thing ... so, yea, whatever!

Is it a co-incident that "they" killed Star Trek and Stargate? That they 'rebooted' Star Trek from being a progressive, freedom loving, pro-science, pro-peace, pro-good into ... popcorn Kino? And now they wanna make a TV-show out of it? I'm gonna be curious where that goes!

We were on a good way! And for that I mean to add: Not everyone is a Star Trek fan! If we wanted to exclude people from the Star Trek fanclub based on what 'made' Star Trek great ... we certainly could. But the 'motion' was certainly there yet - to speak of its success as a success and not a political thing - and every other smart person who knows even just a bit about Star Trek turns around and loves it! Or not? (Continuum 1). And being more skeptical on the reboot: There's a difference between old Kirk and new Kirk - which is a thin line I guess ... the line between turning a person like Kirk into a positive example, or making him a bad one! Maybe the new Kirk isn't exactly 'bad' ... per se ... and yea, it kindof 'works' with the audience that doesn't care about values and just wants to be a "Badass" (who sits in the theatre eating popcorn).

What I however want to get at ... I guess its for once statements like these ... that make me feel uneasy and make me wanna ask: Is it personal? ... but more importantly: There was a motion ... and where did it go? Well, realistically, it went into science! And the population that weren't trekkies - they weren't part of that motion! They don't have Starfleet values and virtues! They maybe do need a Kirk that is a bit ... worse of an example!

I stated over and over again that I'm just another flawed human individual - but maybe what I actually meant to say is that I don't see "the Answer". Maybe not even to anything ... but religion. I kindof got used to writing 'answer targetting' stuff because I learned that no matter how clueless I was, ... it wouldn't ordinarily stay that way. At least ... to my understanding. But that is mostly Religion bound stuff. The stuff I should legitimately stick to!

When I cheer for peace and take a stand against war ... thats just ... who I am ... or what I believe. Later I learned that what we believe is what gets shit done! Look at our governments! What they do is nonsense all accross the board - but yet it somehow works! Technically the US government is a Scam at this point ... yet it somehow works out! They believe that the people can't touch them, act accrodingly ... and ... yea ... sad face!

There's a thing that I'm utterly allergic against - personally. Its possibly silly, but thats ... me! I hate it when people remind me of stuff I "should" do. (Not that I couldn't use someone to remind me of certain things). But I hate it when I'm just chillin, getting ready to do stuff; And get reminded that I should do that stuff ... before I get to do it on my own. Its silly because I'm not that reliable - although - I don't have the chance to proove it. Proving it is important, as that builds ego through affirmation and that ego then knows what it is capable of. Uhm, this is bullshit - I shouldn't be a dick about it - yet, what I mean is that if we go to war, we hinder the progress of the people we attack!
OK, you'd have me if you argued about the "Bad Guy in Charge" that we have to remove for things to get better there - but who's ultimately deciding about it? We are provided with fake reasons to support a war, and once things got rolling they don't even care about conceiling that it was all fake ... and we eventually forget about it! How is that ... OK?

And of what political orientation are the Jihadis anyway? Aren't it the same people who once voted for Obama, and then for Trump? People in poverty who are 'sick' of 'western oppression'?

I'm not ultimately a pacifist ... I once told you. And yet some people may wonder ... how are my ideals gonna help anyone?

Hoping that the bad guys all of a sudden become good?

No, I have greater hope in the Military of all nations just saying "Screw you Government! I'm on their side now!" - same as with the police! But then, how would that work with ... China for instance?

War ... its a last resort. God waged wars ... but times were different! It was a battlefield of equal opportunity ... we might say! And David beat Goliath. I love Stargate ... and I'm always glad when some Gua'Ould wacko gots his ass handed over to himself. Or ... herself. Whatever. Gua'Ould were/are wackos. Wraith and Replicators are different! And there's always that one good guy ... where I appreciate how the writers manage to use that as a buffer ... to show us the other side of the coin ... to ... buffer the thematic warfare, or to 'polarize' the two sides ... the good and the evil ... showing us why the bad guys are the bad guys ... like ... the Wraith aren't actually bad guys, they ... just love to eat humans! Sotospeak. Actually they suck out life energy, but ... details!

And when I take my knowledge and understanding of good and evil ... I have to say ... I do in deed sympathize with the Jihad!

I wouldn't with Assad, Saddam and Erdogan - but that also basically just because I 'heard' they do bad stuff. Yet here at home - are our politicians so much different?

So - this isn't a round argument - OK! But ... am I really causing damage? I mean - thats how I see it. I started seeing it a while ago, but now its actually a conscious perception. The issue that my 'leftist' ideal is more bad than good. Yea, ... lol! Says who?
But I got to wonder: What is it that makes politicians change the moment they are in power? Is it the "finally I've done it! I can do whatever I want!" thing, or the "Oooh, I didn't know about 'THAT'!"? So, intransparency ... is good?

Maybe! I mean ... there are a few things I could think of that would at least allow me to say: "OK, you got a point there!" - like - that we're essentially in a food crisis and even if we all were wealthy, financially, we still couldn't all get healthy food! But, see, I don't like how I have to come up with such weird reasons and explenations for these things! And, thinking about it! If we so started to panic about it ... what could we do? Summon food from the sky? No! In a reasonable society we'd look at the problems and see how we could fix them! Stargate is TV and there thats a matter of warfare ... alright! And I defend it rather because I like the show and so differenciate now how I like what I like ... while, if it were real, if we really had a Stargate, I'd have to totally think differently about it!
To put it in Stargate terms: I'm worried about all the Kinseys that actually benefit from secrecy! Or ... a strategic reveal!

We don't know jackshit! Thats the point, the bottom line, the end of the story! We have to come up with weird explenations - while the weird explenations of our governments aren't really satisfying! Except you want to call 'them' the bad guys! Then they make total sense!

I mean, don't we deserve the knowledge we need in order to make informed decisions? So we elect a politcian - and we for sure don't expect any of them to answer/talk to 'us'! We expect tham to eventually give us a smack bollocks reason for whatever nonsense they're planning on doing next ... like here, "in my homeland, Bada Wuerdabeag" ... (to pseudo Quote one of our great politicians) ... here in Baden Wuerttemberg, or Stuttgart to be more precise, they have decided on rebuilding the main station ... for a tremendous amount of money that we don't have and would much rather want to be spent on better things. In turn they're also getting rid of the nearby park! How awesome is that?

There was actually a vote about whether it should be aborted or not ... or was it 'continued'? Anyway ... things had started already, ... and I was too lazy to vote! Yea ... thats how it goes!

Yet it was political bullshit from the start! Planning on something that expensive basically behind the scene - and then just going for it despite massive uproar from the crowd ... thats the sort of thing ... that shouldn't even exist in first place!

The nature of this project, called 'Stuttgart 21', is ... "that kind" of project that is extremely controversial, yields massive contra from the people as there is basically no reason whatsoever to do it - except for those few "fringe" explenations that allow people to eventually agree with it. We might call it 'the Trump phenomenon'. Like, building a wall between the US and mexico ... explained away by "Drain the Swamp". So there's the argument that Stuttgart 21 boosts our economy! That a drive-through trainstation will be better than a head-thing ... so, drive-through is the ordinary thing, a head-station is the trains roll in, and leave the way they came from. So, a Y rather than an I.

I'm not against progress though! I, in this case, however just don't see it!

I'm sure we here are better off than most people elsewhere ... and yet we want things to be even better for us! We also complain about issues, luxury problems to others it seems, also regarding education, child-care, ... that sort of thing ... we're extremely green and progressive here ... while ... as of recent ... our contemporary social issues are things like better aid for drug-addicts, ... and the question for why poor people are less into voting. We don't even have legitimate homeless problems I guess. I mean, those hardcore homeless people I know are hardcore homeless per se ... as a matter of their own ... free will? Kindof! I mean ... they have a hard time fitting in. Whatever. For being unemployed ... I'm living a dream right here! For how long ... will be another question! But I'm not scamming the system, so, I'm confident there will be a way thats OK for all.
I mean, I technically have rights and privileges I might reach for - ... anyhow. I'm ... not entirely sure - which is another part of the problem! The all-over problem!

So, Baden Wuerttemberg is awesome! I love Stuttgart! And to me the old trainstation belonged to it - while to some it might seem shabby and old - and - not ... "hip" enough ... not enough ... concrete sterile monotonistic modern artsy bullshit-esque.

Uhm, oh yea ... but ... to not loose my head over it ... I, and most people are probably with me on this, had and have no clue about our Budget and how what goes where, when and why ... and then they smack S21 onto the desk which costs ... uh, "more than we have", ... and ugh, ... how does that sound like a great idea?

So, as far as I'm concerned Politics is a "no thing" ... its just there, somehow, ... and whatever the issue else were, before we want to fix the world, we got to fix ourselves! Simple! As it stands our governments are ran by ... baffoons ... and we somehow trust them to make the really big decisions ... decisions that maybe wouldn't even have to be made to begin with, if our governments weren't ran by a bunch of idiots!

I guess the main reason why I'm against war is that right now ... war is the last thing on my mind ... we're not really in a situation of real immanent danger ... while we're kindof forcing North Korea to build nukes. And yea, South Koreans might think differently about it! Sure thing! Yet another thing ... that has to change! I mean ... not their oppinion ... our relationships! Those changes are things, well, that have to be made at some point to 'be a thing' - while, what can schools teach us about this world? If this world doesn't even really know itself?

And that is clearly the part where nobody can actually be blamed - its - an evolutionary issue!

Aside of the greedy/creedy rich (wo)man bad guy/chick maybe!

I dare every rich person to lock up the stuff they got and be homeless for at least a week! Maybe thats overkill - and unrealistic because a celebrity ... might be recognized. But in principle ... there is something ... a feeling of freedom - that some of the rich folks might actually know! Being broke - having no need to hold on to the few pieces you got. And in a sense I think that being rich these days is its own kind of being screwed! ... depends! I mean ... people who don't know poverty!

Yet its more so just rhetorical here. Giving me all your money would be more in my favour ^^.

More to the point: its an issue about holding on to stuff that makes you not understand the value of giving. Thats what is called 'greed' I think. You take, you have, you feel better - that sticks - you accumulate, you grow ... thats easily put: 'life'. Like, ... we eat!
Can I fat shame people considering they can thin shame me back?
Well, however ...
I mean yea - I'm 1.83~85 meters tall and weigh ... 60 kilos max!

They used to call me 'walking stick'!

(In english ... uhm, in the philippines! And ... thats ... also got to say something!)

Anyhow ... I guess you understand my point here. As I'm however just watching some Thunderf00t video on the Hyperloop - I'm getting a vibe of ... I can import some wisdom from there to here. What shocked me the most recently, in regards to the science ... "industry" ... was an article some time ago that ... I don't recall the exact wording, but the gist of it basically was to lower the bar for what is considered a scientific paper. In essence ... saying ... as long as you got a nonsense idea you can call yourself a scientist and ... start "discovering" what you would have learned in school!

Solar Roadways anyone?

But more to the point: The money grabbing! It boggles my mind ... as Thunderf00t can with simplest means show me how bogus an idea is, that ... any of this nonsense even exists! What has to be going on in those peoples heads? Its though ... got a lot of similarities to warfare! Like ... people say: "No, we don't want war!" - but they say "Maybe it'll work!".
The problem I'm getting at is that science has kindof become ... attention whoring! That science at least. Where I rather think of a common trend ... sadly ... which isn't universally bad, but rather than doing the math first and coming up with a proof of concept, you first go and spend millions of dollars anyway. Like, maybe people will believe in it enough and the laws of physics are gonna change!

Is that legit? Uhm, nah! Well - see, yea - Jesus may have said that with the faith and moving mountains thing - but as I understand it, thats ... more like a trick-question! See, first of all: What is 'enough' faith to move a mountain? Maybe I have enough faith to move a grain of dust on a scale invisible to our eyes ... . On the less physical range, the issue is: How to 'acquire' enough faith? I mean, the more 'belief' you put into it - you have to choose: Close your eyes or open them. Closing them means: You ignore all the doubts that come to your mind - opening them means: You actually use your insignifcant amount of startup belief to gather doubts, which are equal to 'issues' that might tell you why the mountain doesn't move! Like - that God made physics somehow strong. Anyway ... it ultimately gets to that point where you have to deal with the chaotic nature of the human mind - where imagine what if we could just sporadically think of something and ... for instance all of a sudden spawn Godzilla. Or cause an earthquake. So then we're getting into the range of legitimate miracles ... not the type of stuff man can do out of the God-given methods - but actually "Using" God to do stuff. There, well, God is an individual ... where my understanding is that unless does give you the power to do stuff, you're not going to ever have 'enough faith'. That to me is the upper bar, where you got to realize: I just won't happen like that!

We might wanna try - like - lets come up with a date where we all try to believe in moving some pile of dirt - as a proof of concept before trying to change the laws of physics.

Yet so again: First comes unity - and then we eventually get to where we were prior to the big confusion - so, where the Bible tells of us: They could accomplish anything!
And maybe because they understood each other enough to never try to accomplish something that just wouldn't work!

On the other side: If you have enough belief you can alter peoples behaviour. Like, Trump ... kindof shows us. But so, thats where this 'faith/belief' accumulates into arrogance. See, that "I believe you will bend to my will" thing, thats like a shield that eventually makes you impervious to external opinions! Which is maybe a good in some areas, ... but in my book that makes you a bad person!

And what is it all about? Taking! Whatever the cost! Step upon heads, trample on children, use your ellbows, scratch, bite, rip on hears, do all the dirty tricks in the book! Like some sperm thats at the end of the stream and desperately wants to move to the front!

Oh yea, that is something I shouldn't do! This does give 'them' a picture to associate with, the "Duke Nukem Sperm" sotosay that is so cute and badass and adorable - it should be supported! But the sperm is not yet 'you' - mind you! Its 50% of the cocktail thats gonna be you then!
Hmm ... so, just saying. Thats the vibe I get. Fighting to the front - but not by fair play! See ... I make no claims whatsoever that I cannot back! I could declare myself an expert on religion; But what ultimately stops me from doing so, kindof, is that there is another concept of what it means to be an expert on religion; And that is to know all the religions and what they are about ... like, an expert would. But I'm close to that in that I basically have a tight entanglement with the divine - but - 'divine' is not rightly equal to religion! So ... I however wouldn't really call me an expert on that either! When I consider myself an expert on anything I mean to do so on a base of ... personal experience as much as life could provide! Like ... being an expert of some sort! Smoking weed for instance! Though, with science, ... smoking weed could be lifted to a whole other level. Anyway ... if I ever said something alike ... it might have happened and may have even been catastrophical. So ...

Nobody taught me that! That level of thinking! And thats a problem - kindof!

Anyway - it isn't a problem because I'm well aware of the few things that I can without the shadow of a doubt claim to be true - which is all that this is about! Expert or not! It kindof does make me an expert - relatively speaking!

And so the 'predator' thing. The harder you fight to get to the top, the more difficult you make it for those that actually know what they are doing - and so would only work where there are people that don't really care about what you actually can do! Its a simple principle! Some people, like me, are introverts - and these are more likely to not resist any douchebaggery ... not forcefully enough. Sometimes it seems they even pack together, give each other backing, so you are - in a worse case scenario - outlevered socially!

And it is my ambition to hammer down on any of such bullshit coming my way! My role is gonna be ... to be the sun ... that when you fly too close to it, you might get burned!

Nah, I don't feel comfortable making such claims!

However ... Where was we? Giving and Taking! So - what you get when you 'give' stuff to a smart person you can expect smart stuff in return. If that person is a sociopath for instance, you can expect that person to be more sociopathic. Or let you in on some of its secrets. Its essentially simple. Its how our society works! Smart people getting payed to do some work. What you get from supporting Chinas economy is a stronger China ... and we may wonder if thats actually what we want!

But I don't mean to get into this way of looking at it. We can though also think about bribery. You give, and you get something in return. Or blackmail. And of course any smart modern day bad guy should know that! Give people what they want, or think they need, and they'll be happy to support you! (And maybe thats why I'm actually going out of my way to do the opposite!)
And yay! Saw that? I typed 'maybe' - as the Bible advised me to: When I'm gonna brag, I'm gonna brag with the Lord!

Well, I ... got to add: This problem is "the desease of innovation". I, you might stumble on it somewhere, hate innovation with something of a burning passion. OK, that you wouldn't find. But - that because I wasn't convinced hard enough that innovation sucks. But its one of those things a part of me uses to look down upon, ... its a bad substitute for all things good about art. In essence its about taking something that works, wiggling it around, bending this and that and calling it thus a novelty. Every moron can do that - but those morons that get financially backed ... they are gonna be "respectable people of our society". In a sense I want to ask: How desperate must one be to resort to "innovation"? See - once something is called 'innovative' ... because its new, previously not thought of, works, is good, ... like Dark Souls for instance; I'm sure the people did more than just taking something and wiggling it around. I'm sure there is always a source of inspiration somewhere, by which I mean: Some divine blessing, a vision of sorts, a guiding line. Well, there's a blurr - clearly - like, innovation can once be used as an 'after the fact' assessment of a product, or a 'prior to the fact' demand. In another sense 'its innovative' is however another way of saying: "Its right" or "good". Or 'it works'!
I'm however not entirely convinced that 'innovative work' cannot or does not work. Eventually being 'innovative' would be making you a good inventor ... certainly ... like, 1 thing out of a 100 wigglings might yield you something. Then innovation is also a matter of taking an insight to a practical application, like ... the Telephone might be one of those cases - where an 'innovative idea' coupled with massive ambitions brought us closer to global union than anything before that. And the internet is based on that!
But so all those 'big' innovations ... its kindof clear to see: The kindof come as a matter of luck! Its rather someones lifes work. Someone who had an idea - we might say 'inspiration' - went on to see into it, figured out it might work, came up with a proof of concept and 'bam'. (To me: I am my own proof of concept. You possibly realize that there is a problem like that about the stuff I propose ... but oh yea, "what is the Matrix"? It is totally unrelated - but practically yet still another pillar of the building).

This whole innovation hate I have goes hand in hand with propaganda, uhm, ... public relations. I know it works, but I don't believe in it! My understanding is as much as: The more energy you have to put into promoting a thing, the sooner its gonna vanish due to a lack of interest! Seriously! If you have to push people into something they don't want ... they don't wanna be there for too long. The way advertisement like that would or should work is by showing people something they may want! But thats the catch! If you have got nothing that people 'do' want ... yea, the best you can hope for is a quick spike of interest!

And yea, ultimately all that hate pops into one over-arching container: Abusing the confusion of the modern day. I mean, how does the 'after the fact' assessment become a 'prior to the fact' demand? Concurrence maybe? "We need something new and innovative! Do it!".
Its like an army of sperm thats sent out in the hope that one of them might make it to the goal. Oh yea, and hipsters! They basically are to me the face on that container. Sorry dudes!

I mean, the fashion of a hipster does to me cause cognitive dissonance! Seriously!

But ... I got to add: Its not a me vs. hipsters thing. What I mean by hipster is here a more widespread thing. Its all connected to propaganda. Like, looking all neat and sympathic and being all like "oooh, ain't I cute and clean and neat and all that? Love me!". Where I got to look at myself and realize that for the amount of work that I do I have little to no time to actually take care of myself! "I'm just a Buffalo soldier!" (and eventually, ultimately, reasonably proud of my stench!).
And so there's the 'edginess' as opposed to the 'smoothness' - an edginess so edgy you take a huge detour just to avoid getting hurt by it!

But yea, ultimately ... these ... statements ... they cannot really stand or stay. Its just ... still a thing. I ... have this idea that "Hipsters" are something like artificially engineered fashion types to meet certain expectations!

To the detrement of people that do actually love their beards! ^^

I mean, there is the 'natural hipster' I would say - who has that type of personality that works with the way he styles himself. And then there's the 'assassin hipster' - or - wolf in sheeps clothing ... sotosay.

And if you don't think the same way - I don't care! It isn't that - its that you couldn't tell me that you got no issues like that. Maybe you're allergic against Baggy style, or Hells Angels ... except ... those are well proven styles that have a lot to offer for in about every personality! ^&^.
You got your metaphysical mumbo jumbo preferences and aversions - micro or macro paranoia - where conspiracy theories are a good example to get some objective data on that subject. Some are more "realistic" in that they generally avoid "unfounded claims", and others are more "unrealistic" in that they maybe even actively 'look' for "unfounded claims". Thats just reality. We don't know whats going on where we cannot look! Like, when I get into sexual issues ... and think of a celebrity audience ... they might be this or that way. I might be like begging to be allowed into some high gangbang society ... or ... like a moron assuming stuff that isn't there! I know very well that its a matter of individual sympathies! I'm sure that to some point of view I'm a hypocrite when it gets to those matters. Like, how offended I am by the whole "I just grab 'em by the pussy" thing while on the other end thats one of the things I can welcome. Its one of those buttons. But that is in my being - ... - and I'm not a fulltime slut either! I have higher ambitions ... or, lets call it 'attitude'. So I want to make utterly clear that I myself do give a shit whether or not you, whoever you are, are into this or that or not - I don't want to become part of anything that does exist already - I want something new to come of my work! Clearly at some point this will be mostly a matter of 'importing stuff that works' - like science - where things like the BDSM scene ... that is to my understanding not comprehended well enough on a sophisticated level ... to be any more serious than a spare-time kink. And technically it should be totally irrelevant to you what I think, believe, do or not - because thats eventually taking you to overcomplicating things. Too much politics ... and too much ... personal issues!

And most of you aren't gonna be supposed to marry me!
And for some cases of the matter I would also happily abstain!

Anything is possible though! Some people may have the right guess on something thats actually hidden from the public, ... while others may even be just too ignorant to really see stuff thats actually going on! And that works for both sides too! Like, even a hardcore realist does in the end just assume that a bunch of things are correct - and a hardcore conspiracy theorist might just be too much into it to see something easy and simple for true!

But luckily we're many. I assume that with a larger cognitive capacity we might become able to be more like everyone else, you know, that we can wrap our minds around both sides of a thing - but eventually we yet have to make guesses and take a stance.

And thats also something about giving and taking. You here got to 'give' others sufficient freedom to be themselves. Where 'taking' on the other end, so, assuming control and making decrees and demands upon the rest to so called 'establish order' - that can have detremental effects! That is how Christianity fails these days! Its not that people don't want the light, or that people do look for evil, ... its just that the available Light isn't ... bright enough! Sotosay! Like, God created "so many" things, like, Marijuana for instance. And thats where 'I' myself started, ... and yea, I might have gotten to faith and said: OK, I got to stop smoking weed because its a bad habits and gets me involved with the wrong people and all that - but - since the event itself got me spun right into an independent quest for the Biblical truth ... and I right away found convincing counter arguments in it ... yea, and nothing actually or even just remotely contradicting ... . Yea, the Body is the Temple of God and we shall not defile it! OK, where do we find, in the Bible, according to Jesus, what defiles us? Oh, Matthew 15 and Mark 7. So, we shouldn't expose ourselves to Bullshit! And what if we do? We go to hell?
No, but yea! We do go to hell in the sense that Bullshit has a tendency of spreading in an unclean environment ... as ... nobody has properly scientifically established yet but I'm quite optimistic that my assumption here is correct!
Except maybe that 'nobody has figured that out yet' part.
And so there is 'Light', like, the psychedelic, coloury one - you know, 'Trance cendence' - and - Hip Hop even, Raggae, ... Rastafari, ... and you'll have a hard time explaining to me that God doesn't or didn't know about those things!
Like, give kids a few firecrackers and a lighter and don't consider me shocked if they go and blow them up!

Its not a big deal either to understand how scientists are the smartest of us - they "brave the challenges" of our existence - or - take advantage of the way things work. Its a thing about reality - like - at first we just get a picture of about 2x2 pixels, and that being metaphorical for all of mankinds combined knowledge; and people begin to speculate what each of those pixels might contain. Religions emerge around them, some only focus on one, others on two; And the really crazy ones take 3. First plants grow by magic (and actually that never changes/changed) - but still - observers figured: OK, you got to water them - so, the one pixel becomes sharper - and the more you look at things, the more concrete data you gather as opposed to superstition. There we may contend with each other; But ultimately thats an idiotic endeavour considering ... those that disagree with reality are idiots!

The reason why I'm so "hype" about Science and Scientists is because they are 'my' heroes. I mean - they are that bunch of people that are smarter than I am in regards of things that fascinate me. And I happily 'take' from them what they got to offer. And yea, its what they 'offer' that makes it. If its possible to use a telescope to proof that earth revolves around the sun, if they can predict when Jupiter is visible in the sky and how come, ... and things like that ..., there's at least that concrete part of it that I cannot ignore - and - the Universe isn't particularly ... unimpressive!
On the other end, if it were true that the earth were the center of the Universe - that'd be more boring to me, because it'd just be a silly miracle ... like ... calling a dude that can spin around while moving both feet a master of ballet ... on that base! Maybe not though ... because ... maybe I wouldn't know anything that could be more awesome! But imagining that the sun is a ginormous hydrogen fusion fireball that is so dense it bends spacetime ... that the milky way is tied together by myriads of complex gravitational pulls all tied together around a supermassive black hole in its center ... and that beyond those stars there are myriads of those galaxies ... the entire 'bragging' of God in the bible, you know ... "who measured the sky?" ... comes around as actually rather humble! That there are millions of particles in a tiny tiny sample of matter - that the entire functioning of our world is due to lots and lots of things that happen because they happen - because we know they'll happen - that things happen as they should - that ginormous clockwork of clockworks - it 'smacks' my ability to comprehend the naturally incomrpehensive nature of God!

God has time! Like, whenever God says "Just a little" ... like "I'll be back soon" ... you can tell that you wouldn't really call that "just a little". "Almost there" ... OK, ... so, ... I'll ... get prepared for the next winter then!

And what that does is actually quite interesting! If on the other end God were to relate to our frame of reference - "a little bit of time" all of a sudden became a "huge amount of time" - and we'd think about what to do with this time - instead of just going on as we used to!
In that regard I have the impression that some people are gonna be sad, a little, about the potentially nigh return of Christ ... as ... what about the Starfleet spirit? What about all the things we could discover and accomplish as a species? Is there even a point left to science?
Thats the same type of effect, just, in reverse! The "oh no, the end is nigh ... how to spend this time usefully?" reaction. But then, time passes by, nothing happens - ... - while, in regards of science 'this' is the reaction because science doesn't have a straight goal as opposed to, ... writing a book for instance. If the end is there 'soon' you're under more pressure to do good things ... . But yea - understanding that I'm sent ... "sent" ... or 'called' ... makes it so that I'm part of Gods agenda ... and God didn't tell me yet to herald his coming! On the other end - I have a theory about it - and actually Bob Marley had the same idea! The song is called 'One Love'. If we do well enough, God'll just pop up and say "yea" ... "here I am!". The thing is that I have this image of a future where we all lament about how boring our life is ... having actually stopped to do anything ... while the only thing we do were waiting. Maybe thats even realistic! But thats the 'darker' picture I have. The brighter one, that ... actually takes me to a passage in the Bible that does kindof support it! The statement; I guess its somewhere in the revelation; States something like "the earth will be renewed" ... in a sense of ... transformation rather than destruction and recreation. Which fits the more optimistic image I have ... which is that there isn't really a need to just 'cut off' reality as it is and plam us into heaven where we then "may" worship God for all eternity - which ... some might find that actually good! That, eternal worship! I mean, God created Drugs, so, why couldn't worship be connected to some psychedelic experiences?
At any rate is it my "core ambition" we might say to make sure that 'we prepare' for eternity! To not look for the end, but to go about as designed ... to get along ... and ... why would God want religion based hatred outside of those few points about 'the truth matters'?

Like ... Jesus did in deed bend the Laws of physics ... but not the laws of society!

And yea, to come back at Thunderf00t, ... there's this argument: The Universe from Nothing is Bogus! And whether you call it are singularity or not ... you can't get rid of the 'something' there - and as a believer I 'know' where this is going. It is however yet right how Thunderf00t argues ... that this doesn't proof God! Its ... a fallacy! Its the same 'with' God for sure. Whatever that something was that existed as the 'cause' for our existence. To a believer thats God, to an Atheist an unknown!

What I'm getting at is that these "Atheists" have that notorious property of being a terrible pain in the arse ... and that pain is supported by physical reality! Like, you can't argue with that! "Science works Bitches!". And my stance to it is that after God created mankind and figured out what we're like ... there was this chaos perpetuated by "free thinkers" that wouldn't easily accept what God would tell us - ish - where there is the evil side; The Mischievious; And the good side - those that actually demand satisfying reasons. And what would God do? Well, so far he didn't throw them into hell - that much is clear!

And when reading through the Old Testament there is something else you may discover: While sometimes more and other times less ... well ... 'offensive' ... God generally takes distance from imposing his will onto others! Its not propostrous, its written!
So, the most hardcore confrontation between God and Mankind is most obviously the Exodus. First God demanding the Pharaoh to bend to his will - and then the people occupying Canaan. God however never just assumed they'd simply follow suit - and so we get to the plagues and the Israelite invasion; Which to me is however more simply put: People that challenge God! Well, they may not know that - which is bloody obvious - like, if God wanted to be known by everyone that easily He'd be floating in the sky instead of the sun! And for the war: If those people that the Israelites defeated had a choice: To be swept away by a catastrophy or to be swept away in war ... what you think they'd choose?
God in relation to Nebuchadnezzar or those that followed - thats another instance where God was realistically present; But only in key moments. And those "foreigners" that did benefit of that; Those were open minded individuals willing to hear of the other peoples culture! Not even considering that the area where those events took place is really just a fraction of the entire planet!

And I got to say: God made me this way! Maybe a part of that was not because of God doing anything but me simply exposed to things that made me change my mind accordingly - either way - its - if God wouldn't have wanted that to happen - I'm sure there would have been ways! Like ... if I had succeeded at the very start ... being surrounded by people that demand me to mindfart ... my oppinion into reality ... uhm, ... yea - it sounds bad and thats not how it happened; And it may not even have happened that way as sooner or later I'd come accross someone with reason and ... yea ... that however would blow a dent to the "if you walk through the fire you won't be kindled" side of things.

Anyway ... the position of God is as scientists would say: Untouchable! You can't disproof Gods existence - but that is no reason to conclude that he therefore exists. Sure, that is then the Atheistic take from it. And respectively is my solution for all the Bible vs Science problems as simple as that too! "God made it so". (And there is no actual Bible vs Science thing - if you don't try to read things into it that aren't written there! Maybe there is ... so that stuff is wrong then! Whatever ... God made it so!). Like ... I don't need a scientifically realistic explenation for the problems with the Flood and Noahs Ark - because earth back then may have been fundamentally different to how it is now. OK, here scientists have the continental drift picture - which is totally ... irrelevant if God just swapped stuff around and made it so that we now have a scientific explenation. There were fewer animals, all land was connected, ... and then ... when the Babel thing happened stuff got remade.
But it doesn't even matter!

Its true that there are issues like this that are jaring to me. It ... kindof requires me to think harder than I want to! Its like Love! Its possibly a topic I have some opinion about but most of the time when I write about it ... I actually 'suffer' - realistically - cognitive dissonance if nothing else. Its like I'm supposed to pick a side while I can't ... except that on the one side I ultimately believe in God and that won't change ... and on the other side ... "God made it so" ... and whether that changes or not ... for now ... things are the way they are!

Yet making a choice - establishing first of all that I'm gonna be a believer nonetheless ... I am quick to pick the Atheist side - or rather: The scientists side. Christians might call that Antichristian ... and Atheists might call it unreasonable too. And yea, it doens't make me feel warm and comfy either way either! Being surrounded by people that don't share my belief ... it'd be hard to find a girlfriend that I could be with ... but so ... I'd go to church anyhow ... and all thats needed to be on this "Atheistic" side of things is to look at what people claim ... critically ... and see whether you 'can' slap a yes or no onto it, and if not, to see whether you can find an answer. And I'm quite sure that we won't find God within the matter that makes up our Universe!
We will 'see' God therein, if we see God to begin with!
And so, sorry to all the 'believers' who feel ... betrayed by me! I mean, its a bit of an iffy subject. As far as I'm concerned I'm supporting believers of every kind ... against those moronic fanatic Atheistic bullshit spreaders ... but as much as Believers have been right all the time, ... Atheists aren't particularly wrong about everything either! And when religion takes the same shapes as the religion that Jesus condemned back in the day ... you must appreciate you your science stuffs ... for being something consistent you can rely on! (Most of the time!)

(Matthew 24:7 doesn't give us a sign for Christs comming, as Matthew 24:8 states: That is only the beginning of shit!)

So I debunk Religious bullshit using the Bible. That is my thing! I'm not a scientist ... I've been a Nasirite though!

There's a difference between the Moon turning red because of Physics - to the Moon turning red like ... nobody has an answer!
So, we don't see these signs today. Uhm ... and so ... ?

The end can however not come before 2020 ... because ... not all the prophecies have concluded. There is still the Phantomtime Theorem possibility and the 3 1/2 times given to the beast ... so ... depending on how we count a time we're getting to an end of that around 2020 ... give or take ... when setting the mark for the beginning of the beasts reign at the success of Leo the first. (Council to Calcedon).

And then it may still take 1000 years at least - depending on how we are to understand 'that' part of the Prophecies!

I think, what I got to come back to is 'personal'. I, to be honest, don't really like it when I'm too much in a position of ... relevance. I believe what I believe, I see a point in sharing it, ... and I'm not unwilling to satisfy the obligations of my divine duties - which I'm beating myself to myself because ... I guess thats just the type of person I am! I don't mean to offend anyone - but - ... - lets face it: Being realistic ... whenever you say that something is right, someone might be pissed off about it no matter how right it really is! Or how am I on the other end supposed to respect stuff that my brain just struggles against to the point that I'm quite literally feeling pain?

And how is this simple fact not offensive?

And Jesus wasn't exactly always peace and calm either!

And God the Father ... yea! Right!

I'm quite lucky though I guess because most of the offensive stuff against me doesn't arrive at me ... and most people I have had the pleasure to be around with used to like me! And usually, so I feel, when someone offends me God is there to punish them! Even if I woudln't want it ... God kindof ... seems to make it His duty and obligation to settle that score ... end of the line! But this may just be some appearance, or maybe even an elaborate plan ... so, totally wrong actually!

So, if you're wrong you're wrong! You got to deal with it! I had to deal with my errors too! Now, those may have never come around to haunt me - big time - and I have reason to assume that they never will ... but that not ultimately because God is gonna punish everyone who dares bring them up ... but because I actually corrected or upgraded myself where I could!

Some might take offense in that too! I mean ... where's my consistency if I can just say: "Yea, I was wrong! Shit happens!"? How can you ever proove me wrong?
Yea, that sucks ... I guess! If you're really got an agenda that way!

And thats the pretty of my confession! When Science doesn't have the answers I have God, and when Religion doesn't have the answers there is Science! Whats wrong about wanting to be right? I ... kindof don't get it!

All the Atheists that talk smack about Religion, they - they won't be able to escape the truth either! But they have points - like a picture of God that is so absurd that it can't be right ... ! Oh yea: Proof we have free will: Think about lifting your arm ... and then apply energy to it - to lift it. You there have that control! Freedom!

Anyway ... I think its reasonable to say that I'm not supposed to tell you rights from wrongs - but to close the gaps between individual social streamlines that have developped apart as result of unfortunate circumstances. It seems counter intuitive that God first created confusion that caused this development in first place - but so - it turns out we didn't have that inherant property of getting along! 'Now' it might suck - but thinking of the time ahead of us ... so ... 'forever' ... thats kindof a basic thing we should sort into the 'high priority' stuff ... where I want to think of God as ... well ... kindof playing with the idea of there being other Gods in some absurd alternate plane of existence ... in a sense of ... well, like with Pokemon. Which God has the better human society? Where ... common sense ... Humanity is the inherant offspring of God!

But I'm sure this idea is nonsense! I don't believe that God has urges or needs as we do! I mean, God is one of a kind - and somehow thats got to work out for Him!

Hmm ... here's a thing: If someone made a decision and something is therefore done a certain way - how can we proof that he or she could have made a different choice?

And how does that look in the scale of God? The way I see it, this Universe got created on the same principle we do exist: Inherantly imperfect! And making things up to us - thats as much of a non-deterministic approach of God as it gets!

Yea, well. However. To make ends meet - I'll always be wrong or correctable on something! Expecting anything else is ... insane! Its so hard against human nature that you could alternatively just right away go, come and kill me!
And of course the bad guys need(ed) some blessings - or else they wouldn't have come out!
"God made it so" ... whatever!

And the real reason why you can't proove me wrong is that the things I'm sure about just are not wrong!

Yea, fuck! I mean ... why do I let myself be dragged down into that "I'm so bad" sinkhole ... like ... I actually never was serious about finding the Truth?! I suck! Damn!

And shit, damn, Godamnit, fuck, horseshit, bollocks, idiotocracy, bitch, slut, penis, asshole, dick, douche ... yea, cursing feels good! It helps getting some of that stuck up your ass a bit further out!

If you don't like me ... I pitty you! Peace!



I mean, whats the point of this? I ... yea ... kindof digressed at some point - a fair bit!

There isn't really a big point though. I just felt like this would piss someone off and I didn't want to miss out on that opportunity! "Because I can!" ... if that impression was correct!

Yea the whole "there's a point to this" "part" was actually bullshit!

But ... I just figure ... I once had that issue on my part regarding order. Nowadays I would consider that a lesson to be learned - the point being that whatever written order you can come up with ... its bullshit! Its bullshit if you thereby have to talk common sense into people! Its bullshit because if that is the case, you won't succeed either way! Thats why ... I kindof turned Anarchistic. Not to say that there are no rules - but to say that rules are bullshit if the people around are idiots! But ultimately there is a general rule I think ... works! If you're kicked out of somewhere ... thats it! Good, right? I mean ... its common sense! I mean, if I had to formulate rules so that they give me the right to kick someone out - I got to realize that I want to kick someone out who pisses me off; And if I'm as volatile as just randomly throwing people out - it'd suck for you, maybe! But thats how it goes anyway, either way, anywhere, anytime, ever! So, why the bullshit?

And thats how you shape a society!

Rules are only good once you want to be exclusive! And yea, so, intimate Christianity is inherantly exclusive because there's that rule called 'Baptism' - or, in the upgraded sense: Unification. Other rules wouldn't work - because rules are also something of a manual for someone who doesn't belong ... to somehow fit in. And I have a problem with that! (And by intimate I don't mean 'Sex'!)

Although it would be something to think about! ... Maybe!

But so, on another note: If you don't like me, I salute you! Peace!

Err ... whatever! ...

I guess I'll be better off being offended by it and whine about it!

But yea, there's wisdom to listening to those feminazis! They show us how its done! You just have to understand that they aren't for 'us' ... but for 'themselves'. Their 'us' isn't 'everyone' ... its just ... yea ... the "patriarchy" ... actually!

I can't help it sometimes ... but some videos seem to be like 'info material' for all those 'professional morons' ... like, ... though I actually appreciated it because Grimgar is quite a good Anime to recommend ... there was that video "Why the fighting in Grimgard works" - and ... clearly ... nobody who enjoyed that Anime actually needs to know that! And the fighting isn't even the point! Its just a well written story, a well thought out Anime, choosing - like any good action flick - for a realistic-ish depiction of the fights! So, maybe I'm off here - but thats the kind of material that seems to me like someone is lecturing a moron about how to make an Anime that sells!

And no ... the Force Awakens wasn't good!

Seems to be the product of some "Crowdsourcing" like that though! So, Pseudo ... uhm ... "Cool Kids" that have no clue about Star Wars but ... are 'Cool' because they've grown up with video games and that shit and therefore have an informed oppinion on mass media. I hate it! And yea, I'm possibly a snob that way! But you know what?! Its 'my' taste - and if it sucked - thats my problem!

And I have a right to look down upon you for having a bad taste in my oppinion! Why? Because thats just how it is! I have no need to sympathize with people that have a genuinely different taste than me! And ... end! I got to sleep now! Its already 11 a.m.!


[11:25] to be precise (SJWs suck! OK, what ... in the hell!? SJW isn't the right term to be correct. Its cynical! Its obviously and openly cynical! Its a way of making fun of those that take down freedom of speech by calling things offensive. And why I despise that? Why it isn't Christian or Godly? First of all: Bad people hiding behind a good agenda doesn't make them good people. Secondly: If you wanted to be a real 'Social Justice Warrior' you'd try to fight for social justice ... instead of causing Social Injustice through your 'being offended'. Thirdly: I do feel sexually offended by those feminist demands! Which is sarcastic for saying: I'm a gamer and I love me my Politically Correct or Incorrect (depends on the product) partial nudity or modesty! And those feminist grinheads ultimately make me wanna punch them! Fourthly: "I like big butts and I cannot lie! ... but not too big!" Fifthly: If you find people shaking their heads about simple, basic facts ... you got to kindof just shake your head in return! Sixthly: Every oppressive society or governmental structure works on a base of 'decree over fact' ... and thats bad! Seventhly: Mutual respect should be self-understood, ... and maybe pigeons are really good for nothing but to get 'pooofed'. (I mean the redheaded ones). Eighthly: I'll use the word 'Nigger' eventually, well knowing that it has a despiteful sound coming from a non black dude ... but still there are moments where anything else is more inappropriate ... Niggaz! Tenthly: Being offensive is bad, especially when you offend people that mean well - especially if you do not! And if your idea of diversity is getting morons in control of our civilization ... then sorry ... that sucks! When I say common sense and someone means to argue on about how wrong I am ... that sucks! And if someone keeps on talking shit like that ... thats aggrovating even ... and in reality I'm itching to turn super saiyan and demolish some faces! Twelvethly: These are non issues, entirely trivial, and are the same type of 'Light darkeners' that I don't like within Christianity either! Need I go on? Thirteenthly: If you go on as you have an agenda but you can't properly explain it to me ... thats the definite answer to 'why' ... they suck! How to defeat a feminist? Ask them: Whats the point? Haha! No! Its never that simple! But the reasonable people will get it! Fourteenthly: Am I generally anti-feminist? No! But I'm a fan of Al Bundy! Fifteenthly: Its called Karma, and is pronounced Haa haa! 16: Never seen anything more cringeworthy ... I believe! 17: This is maybe the most important: We live in an age of uncertainties, turmoil chaos confusion, douchebags morons idiots, etc. - and yes: Being welcoming to each other, supporting unity, harmony and all that is important - so important that we really have to look for the things that unite us - but bitching about others like Islamist terrorists is certainly not gonna get that job done! So there are lines drawn, not by me - and if you aren't on my side of the lines I recognize ... then you suck! In my honest oppinion! 18: I want to maintain my freedom to not like people even if it were deemed politically incorrect by some folks! 19: I loved my enemy, and from that I learned his ways - and the same ways I see in SJWs ... ... so ... "go figure"! 20: The Ghostbusters reboot. 21: The Force Awakens. 22: They are hijacking my narrative - and that in a way that just doesn't work for me! [But I'm not gonna change it!] 23: Freedom shaming! (* Yes! Although their cover up narrative is pro-diversity, they shame us for being how we are, for being not like them ... for having any type of stereotypical gender preference as making a huge outrage out of any free expression that is not 'pervertedly over progressive' - like, if anyone on your team is a self-identified SJW you can basically take your oppinion and shove it up your arse (because its gonna be offensive!)!) 24: Censorship/YouTube Heroes (* I guess I can give them (kindof) the benefit of the doubt there since there's a lot of nonsense (such as "ghost" uploads of videos from other channels, basically 1:1 in cheaper quality) on there, ...) 25: Atheism. 26: Its not an alternative or concurrence for Unification/Enlightenment! 27: Where are those that you can show me genuinely good intent of? (That don't have a voice or face that makes me head explode? There's maybe some that are just dragged along ... yea ... sorry for those folks I am!) 28: They abuse every gender, race and orientation as 'Alibi company'. 29: You can suck and have a black/brown skin! 30: I hate being considered a racist for being not offended by Street Fighters display of ethnicities! 31: They are fucking annoying! Bloated up brats that know that those that they yell at won't respond with violence (try that on me maybe! And I mean it, I mean, its serious ... I'm itching! It might end unwell for me - thats how I come to reconsider and think I have to be more reasonable ... but to be true to honesty - thats still the way it is! There's a lot of tension built up in me - in regards to the natural threshhold a human individual has! And I watch a lot of YouTube! That doesn't make it any better! But I don't wanna be that! I would appreciate a trouble-less and peaceful ... move on ... which might be point 32!) 32: That! 33: We're at 33 already! Not counting the stuff I didn't count! So, I ... pseudo stuff them into this one. 34: They get me scared about expressing my oppinion! This is kindof like point ... uh ... whatever ... but I here want to more stress on the intimidation rather than the censorship factor - which is to say: They're professional Gandhi principle bullies that ... I'd laugh about if they ran into a truck or if something like that happened to them! So they try to bring social changes about by yelling louder, bullying harder and listening lesser - which is again similar to another point ... so ... I guess I'm comming to a rounded off end here!) 35: I wanted to be asleep by now!
[PS: I am offended by some of the Anti Religious mockery out there - but I can fucking deal with it!]

And so, what all this is between the lines: I think its OK to be Hypocritical under a few circumstances - like if you can't help it in order to get your point accross in an argument! I'm full of shit ... maybe ... I mean, I see how this is going by now. I wonder which group of people I didn't offend thus far! I guess I'm at a point where ... if I would exclude a group of people from that, officially or not, that'd be offensive to them ... because ... I'm just ... way beyond ... political incorrectness! I'm politically impossible. My PI Level is "Over 9000!". And this is how I spend my time ... tss [shaking head]. Fuck Niggers, Fuck White dudes, Fuck gamers ... fuck everyone ... - and by the way, fun fact: The Bible is outspokenly against politeness!

I guess I beg to be offended so this fake wall is gonna vanish! I mean, for some time it seemed right and fair - but - when I see it from the other side, that there is this wall of "Untouchable" - thats exactly the thing that I want to rid from our society!

[same day: 12:47] Oh, but yea. Right. 'My' grudges are mostly personal! "Are yours?". Nah ... I'm sorry! I mean ... I really am! I'm not sure for what though! ^^. Whatever. Whatever part of this offended you! Whatever part ever offended you! I'm sorry! But apologizing is not how you deal with brats! Thats how you make them! So ... I guess ... I'm not really sorry after all, but ... proud ... rather! To quote Tupac: "Fuck you and your fucking mama!". Yea ... that in some context is OK to be sorry for I guess! And it doesn't really feel all that great ... well ... to try to be correct here! I don't know! I believe this article so far will move pretty much anyone internally up against me! There's the thing with the N-Word that I already regret, ... and all the pro-violence/car-accident stuff ... I mean ... I don't know how to say it but to say it! I don't mean to say I wanna be violent - while ... beating at the Undead in Dark Souls is one way of actually ignoring all that stress and moving on with my life. But then it is also a way of making folks aware of how much they suck - and in what sort of position they 'are' in - were they not living in such an actually positive world as we live in today! It could be ... really positive! That the whole SJW nonsense actually works ... kindof ... is proof for that! And I possibly can't hope to pry their audience off them ... not in these ways anyway. Its got to be more of a Gandhi style vs Gandhi style showdown - but yea, first and foremost ... I got a point on asking you to maybe be more thoughtful about your oppinion! Uargh ... OK! Sorry. This lecturing ... You shouldn't do anything! Give a fuck! Well, you should though ... search for God! Off to something else! Closed YouTube in exchange for some Porn!

Yea, this was fun after all I think! But enough with that! I really do want to find something positive to end this with, something pro-Love, ... it wouldn't be bad if I had a joint right now - but if I had one I would have probably started to smoke earlier ... like ... before I even thought of writing this ... and this might have looked differently. But there's something magically chilling about some fetish slut getting it her way. They don't even need to look good!

And thats the side I'm on! I mean, I ... am sometimes turned on by (thinking about) myself - where I realize that I'm not really 'common taste' - but yea. Whatever. Peace and Out!
