
If you're all on your own, and supposed to figure things out without any meaningful intervention or feedback or affirmation - there are like ... three things that I would say tend to pop up in their extremes. The one is, that you can get moments of incredible productivity - because there's nobody to "funk" (err ... 'spark') into your business. Another is that you'll probably end up with solutions or conclusions ... end results ... that are somewhat whack compared to some kind of "best practice" you're however thoroughly unaware of. And the third is, hmm ... maybe it's a part of the previous point - but uhm, that you get to feel really stupid from time to time - and if not, you probably need a break.
That latter point comes due to your inability to basically process the involvement of two or more brains at once - because ... yea ... one only has one. So, it'll take time to get around some perspective.

With that point ... . I mean, I suppose God could just present Himself as 'some other' that has like ... a good perspective on the thing you're concerned about. However - He isn't going to take a pen and draw things out for you. And things like that. So, whatever the case there - What He does in that regard can therefore not be more than a commentary. That also because the way God works to my experience is ... well ... internal. As a part of one's thoughts. That then being your own part, the part that is doing the work. And as you're so immersed into something, incredibly productively so, God's assistance may in event make it even more difficult for one to listen to these ... 'other perspectives'.

And so I come to what I wrote yesterday. And I do so because there are certain triggers I do take seriously. And this particular one is to me ... more like Red Alert. In that regard, I'd first of all take back what I wrote of "Meta Babylon"; Or impose that naturally it is implied - given the nature of it all - that some "things" are gonna make it out the other side of whatever ... and we'll be better off overall.
However - it seems as though I can do better. I know, being like ... unapologetic in face of mistakes isn't leading by a good example - but also, not using the light if you have a light - is also ... not ... good, by example.

However though, ... with that particular issue - it stands that the Experiment hasn't really concluded yet. I had written that part off and otherwise just rejoiced in the mayhem that has ensued so far - and so I have to highlight, that what I was thinking of by "capital of crime" - well, was certainly blurry and I had thought that maybe we'd learn what it was ... by some plume of smoke perhaps. But I'd think that it's fortified - physically and mentally - like, incredibly sturdy as constructed in accordance to the most deepest of Antichristian paranoia. So, in the idea - a place that runs on as little chance for human and physical failure as possible.
And Meta Babylon would be a lot bigger than that - because it also isn't really a place.

On the other hand have I since had the time to reflect on things a little more - and sure, locking 'them' out of accesses to the Key, is like ... a major catastrophe to whatever it is they're doing. So, maybe that's ... what that is - and regarding Meta Babylon - I'll have to think of something new.

One thing that I had to come to terms with, is the extent to which "these things" can affect an individual and their decision making. I'd think that it is impossible to just flat out make people do things - and for similar reasons I wouldn't wanna try - but when it comes to the Key, or what fraction of it that I have immediate access to, "if any", it seems to be all about affecting individual decision making to some extent. At least that seems to be what it's primary use has been.

And I'm trying to figure out ... like ... 'what else' I could do with it - but I suppose it all can't really be decoupled from the concept of like ... manipulating people into certain ... something, conclusions ... let's say.
But yet people are free - so, the closest to manipulating people into being as puppets were to convince them that they're not.

And yea - it is for that ~ish - that I've been wondering to create some intentionally nonsensical and convoluted ... mess of some sort - as some kind of art project. But anyhow - that ... isn't really my concern here.

My concern here - uhm, no ... but it factors in - started to take shape after I wrote that you shall exalt me and all that. Subsequently I wrote something about 'internal reality' - as it was from that, that I had a bit of an inspiration that led to that expression; And I think I'm still busy reconciling with that.

Now - I think that the extent to which that expression affects you, depends on a few things - but the simple of it were, that the more that you're a part of the fold, the more ... you'd then be compelled to ... well ... act accordingly; And more so if you're a Satanist ... as the part of the fold where that sort of stuff as pertaining to me would actually be relevant.

And that's that.
For my concern here - my actual concern - is that I'm ... so far ... not really comfortable with ... OK, let's call it "my powers". So, I yet try to coat my usage of it in cynicism or theory - a little bit to maintain an ability to say that it's just an experiment. Well, it is certainly an attempt at staying grounded.
And ... so far ... I can sure shut my eyes and argue that I don't have enough data to say that I have any powers ... though looking at the immediate past more honestly ... I have to admit to myself, that ... uh, I'm now even more firmly lodged into my throne - so-to-speak. Maybe it's not enough to lean into it with utmost certainty - but certainly enough for a delightful: "Hmm ... interesting!".

And yea, that's ... where I'm at right now. I thought I could figure out more - but, so far ... yea, that ... has been not actually working. I mean, I like to write in order to also advance my thinking. Eventually I'll figure things out that take me further - such and such - but when it comes to "my powers" - well - it's almost as if there's a wall. I'd suppose because it's better if I wait for inspiration; But that again is maybe too much like ... just doing God's bidding; Which I'm alright with but ... I mean, there are a bunch of questions one might have - a lot of which I don't really think I want to bother knowing of - and ... . I mean, me simply doing my thing in support of God is certainly already "Evil enough" in some people's eyes ... I mean, it's ... part of what I do.

"We'll see" - and all will see ...