A secret
The Hex of unholy Guidance
When going to bed - lay on your back and use your main-hand to draw (imaginary using any amount of
fingers - pointed towards the body, no touch required) a pentagram (point down). Start with the
shoulder opposite to your main-hand and the line going down. When arriving back at the shoulder
you started - finish it by a circle into the direction going away from your main-hand. [Main-handedness
is NOT the relevant part. Either hand will do - following the corresponding directions.]
Do be executed while considering God's awareness of the situation.
When found worthy - it will manifest a shard of the unholy Light within the casters consciousness
that exists as an intersection between my sexual offerings and the individuals own Truth - as a
simulation of the guidance of LUST for purposes of masturbation. This shard will try to urge into
consciousness until a climax is accomplished.
When found unworthy - and deserving of a slap to the face, or more - it shall manifest a haunting of
appropriate magnitude. So in order to motivate repentance.