A measure of things

Well, maybe we've all been getting up on the wrong foot a little. I mean, it's ... certainly ... true, that WE ALL haven't quite ever been really on the same page. Life, it would seem, is like a series of interwoven repetitions. The moment you move on, someone else comes to take your place - and while you're going, some do start and some to quit.
At some point we get into the age where we start to grasp what the adults on the table are talking about. But the ability to comprehend does not directly translate into a wealth of experiences.

And ... uhm, for me ... it's like ... I'm trying ... to get a sense of whom I'm talking to, or what the sensible points might be ... / which may be weird / and what happens is that I feel like I'm dragged through a ... hurricane ... or something. It's like ... any sense of order and sanity I might have is like a bunch of line in the sands ... and then it's like woosh ... . And even if that might work out somehow for me, it does ... well ... take a toll on my sanity it seems.

And well - the two issues do kind of come hand in hand. Though, for that to be of any meaning, I'd have to admit that what I'm trying is like ... well ... trying to calm a storm. Like ... the mother of all storms.

And ... it's ironic. It seems that's like what everyone on the internet is trying. Even, or especially, the crazy ones. And yea, they might be crazy for a reason. And in a way I think we all have this shared urge to just ... make it stop.

Well ... most of us anyway.

And so, I suppose, I'd like to share. Like, some amount of insight - so maybe we can do this.

Should we start with facts? Well ... facts are weird. They don't really tell us WHAT to do - they just ... are. So are there then scriptures, or books - like philosophy stuff or entertainment, also conspiracies and what not ... things that add a little bit more meaning to the cold neutrality of the fact. But there's the thing, in all that, that ... while one might have some sound opinion on a thing - there's someone else being like "uhm actually that's stupid" - and whichever is which - I'm sure there is some amount of people that make up a bipolar distribution among themselves.

And sure everyone has their pet qualities. Freedom of Speech, Tolerance, such and such. It's all good until it's not.

But, yea - maybe we need some kind of Guru or Savior. Like Jesus - but, since when have Christians actually been on the same page with each other? And yea, even while Jesus was still alive ... there sure have been disagreements. If not about what He said or meant, then sure about the value thereof.

But that's also ... . I mean, I'm a Christian. I mean, I believe in Christ. I sure do. And there's a point to that Chaos. I think.

I mean - I was thinking. And what actually led me to writing this, starts with Britney Spears. I mean, I have been a big fan of hers - at first - but then with Oops I did it again, well - there's that weird American Teen Fashion style of the time that really wasn't my thing and perhaps it also was too hard into the "Girl Puberty Stuff"; And then things also became somewhat crazy, so ... I didn't pay a lot of attention anymore. She did however, for no apparent reason, pop up in one of my dreams once. It was weird. Something about books. Actually - after I looked at the title page for DFA I came to remember that dream. But that's neither here nor there, actually. Anyway ... then the whole Free Britney thing started to pop ... and then, since I got me some bluetooth earplugs I got around to listening to some of her later stuff. And the weirdest part of it all is understanding, that during that time, that most of these super thirsty "ooh yea my body wink wink" ... I'd say "Red Light Tracks" came out ... her dad was actually managing her. Because, apparently, she was too wild or something. I'm sure I don't have the full picture - and I'm not sure if I want to! But from impressions, it's basically like Prostitution - her dad being her Pimp. I mean, in as far as her Music is basically Porn at times, we could categorize some part of it as Sex work. And sure - in Paradise - I could totally get behind that angle. I should be known to being into worse. Well ... "worse". But for not being in Paradise, I felt like I had to ... uhm ... put down my finger and write a few lines about whom, perhaps, to listen to. I mean, ... well, I mean ... weird tangent end. So, here we are.

Anyway - I so got onto that angle ... that, where rather than naming a bunch of people one could listen to, for whatever reason, maybe one could learn "how to" listen ... . Well, whatever that may mean - I didn't have much of a working idea just yet. But then, sometimes things just fall into my lap - basically.
What did however start to take shape was, well - if we take the idea of learning how to listen to its extreme, the problem basically solves itself. At least in some wild hypothetical. And I'm sure some people are in some amount of crisis over how hypothetical I can be at times. But through what I then came to write earlier, it started to make sense.

I mean - based on that alone I'd argue that we shouldn't as much try to calm the storm - as much as we should try to understand our own spot in it and learn to control it. I mean - there's for instance the "there's always going to be 'someone'" thing - like, whatever end - like a payoff - we imagine or project - I'm under the impression that things yet always somehow go on. At least does peace and quiet not seem to be in the book for me. Uhm, yea ... actually ... that's what it says ... .
But even with worldly bullshit that I thought I shouldn't be bothered by. I mean, I technically have a new apartment. I already have a signed contract - and because I don't have work I get my money and rent from some agency. So far it has never been an issue. And the place I'm moving to isn't a lot more expensive than where I'm living now. And it's not like where I'm living now is ever meant to be a permanent thing. I mean, it's their job to help me while I'm having difficulties as to move on towards something more permanent. And right now my situation is well summed up as: Maybe that new apartment is in deed too good to be true. So, they haven't paid anything yet - while also I'm supposed to be out of this place by end of this month, but I don't even have my key for the new place yet. And whenever I call to try and get some answers the answering machine answers and nobody calls me back. It's like ... German bureaucracy, actually.

It'll be alright.

But so, I want that to all be taken care of so I can finally calm down a little - which is like, something I should have done already ... and yea, that's ... like ... how things be going. Whatever straw we reach out to for some kind of sanity ... may yet be insufficient to hold our weight.

I mean ... in Street Fighter I'm having similar experiences. The more defensive I'd play, the more I'd learn about getting my ass handed to me rather than learning about handing them theirs. But sure, there's a balance to be had. Sort of.

But uhm, where was I getting at ... ?

I mean - there's that ... calming the storm thing on the one hand. Though on the other, anything more specific than what I wrote of is already like ... being yet again a part of what keeps it going. Which might also just be a second home for me; I used to be one of the "Sons of Thunder" after all. Though I guess, in that sense, what I'm missing is some grounding. To go with a maybe somewhat misplaced Lightning analogy.

I mean, there's ... a struggle ... for sure ... between being knowledgeable about certain things in a way that can be conducive to a concrete solution. Or so the idea at least, while generally it just seems like ... it doesn't nearly do as much as I'd hope. And on the other hand ... understanding the simple truths that culminate around the Universal wisdoms.

And sure - in ... the thicket of things ... it's easy to lose focus. Though in a sense, I'm just being too generous or polite; Or forthcoming - it's on the other hand just that ... as we're making the conversation about facts, it's like an open invitation for everyone to hold on to theirs and we'll never see the end of it. Like, in as much as there are those that deal with them responsibly and those that don't have the first clue of any of it, it's already a given that some people just exist oblivious of them. And I don't know for how long I can take it anymore - repeatedly spelling out "You're wrong" in whatever new and fancy way crosses my mind at the time.

But how to even properly argue ... in absence of facts?

I guess we might take a look and learn from the best!
(That's supposed to be an inside Joke. Sorry!)

Anyway - so, some other time I was thinking to write something along the lines of ... "where I might be wrong" ... to take a closer look at all the things that make me a little uncomfortable from time to time. I mean, the "LGBTQIA+ Agenda" for instance. Another one is the idea that Entertainment/Media doesn't influence us. I mean, so, on the one side there is no "LGBTQIA+ Agenda", not for most of us. Though then there sure are those that certainly seem like they got one ... pretty much in the vein that people complain about. Also would I lean against the idea that Entertainment makes us violent or sexist or such - generally - though I'm also not convinced that there is 'no' influence ... at all.

These so would seem to be positions where there is no 'right' way. Though it's more like ... that there are positions, probably on purpose, that merely exist to compromise whatever sanity we might have around them. And probably they're also astroturfed beyond reason - which is ... mildly annoying to somewhat infuriating. If not disturbing. It's a lot of things. A cocktail I really don't need to have!

And sure - so from time to time I'd take it upon myself to try and weed out these disturbances. As, there's probably no need to pretend they don't exist. Maybe. But on the other hand, it's not like ... that stops people from trying to run with a stupid opinion. Like yea, stupid according to whom? Objective Reasoning for once ... but ... in a sense it's also fair for people to be reserved about things. Though being conservative ... mmm ... it's a bit cringe! Or too far ... but ... mmm ... not what I'm here to write about.

But sure - according to the Bible, by my Interpretation of the Sword which Christ came to deliver, there isn't ever a point at which we could safely argue in favor of being conservative. And the problem might just be in the word itself. I mean, in as much as words carry meaning, some exist in expression of what we might call "roots of meaning". 'To conserve' being one such meaning. And while there sure isn't anything wrong about being "conservative" - as a political ideology or ambition or encryption ... it does somewhat unambiguously install itself as a revolt against progress. It might be good to an extent ... but when spliced with stuff like toxic masculinity or temporal lag ... it is yet again installing itself as a revolt against progress. But ... uhm ... moving on ...

Sidenote: Economy (these days) is a game played on the [poor people's/working class'] back(s).

But uhm, should I? I mean, I got into this whole anti-conservative rant ... - and so my brain somewhat auto-tuned into playing it out a bit further. Perhaps ... frame it as an example of the point I was making?
Well - I might, but - the point I was making implies as much as that this would just keep on going. "Cause and Effect". And yea, I guess ... this isn't a viable message; For - by that point we couldn't really say anything anymore. Give or take. So, it's between calming the storm and being the storm.

So, conservatives might be all uppity and throw some crazy progressive idea onto the table, something that nobody has ever really thrown onto the table and advocated for, at least not with any amount of success, pseudo-strawmanning the discussion by insinuating that this crazy thing is what progressivism amounted to. But they're making the point to oppose the point - so it's a strawman because nobody was really making the point ... yet. I mean - as Commies by Proxy we eventually want to get rid of money. At least in theory it's conceivable. Not getting rid of money just yet would allow us to conceive of methods that make the pursuit of money less crucial. Sure, having some kind of single-payer health care (not sure why it's called that ... oh, the state pays) for instance. So, people not having to sell and arm and a leg for some vital medicine ... takes away some of the burden and opens up for the more happy pursuits of life. So is there however some amount of things that can be done, before the concept of getting rid of money entirely becomes a realistic option. So, sure is progressiveism therefore eventually about that, and sure might conservatism help us maintain some caution - unless it tries to argue that because getting rid of money is a bad idea NOW - it could not ever be a good idea ever (thus trying to "make sure" we'll also never get there either).

So, that's the next step then. There's an issue, as someone tried to run with a stupid opinion or whatever, we countered it - and now ... we're good!? Well, sure - on the one hand we're good. It is, per chance, something that needed to be spellt out. Eventually. On the other hand though ... did it do the trick? Like, did it convince people to not be conservatives? Or are conservatives still being conservative, looking for ... some way to get the ball rolling again?

Well ... how? I mean, this is a pretty broad and general example. And each and every individual issue that would very well still fit this description; Would however still be a conservative talking point/issue. Maybe I'm overthinking it ...

There is however this appeal to emotions. They might coat it as a matter of facts - but, they'll then still equate HWASI's (Humans With Abnormal Sexual Identity) to groomers and pedophiles and child mutilators and Nazi Doctors and what not; To per chance capitalize on each and every micro-concern that might yet exist; Stoking a wildfire of fear from it to fuel THEIR anti-social agendas. And then were the "too far gone"s. Too far gone by some metric at least. People somewhat buried in a worldview that is absolutely unintelligible to ... like ... normal people.

And then eventually we come to whataboutisms ... deflection, denial and projection. And what not.

And so - how could we ... deal with this? And ... it's a bit of a controversial question because depending on the angle you get at it from, the answer could basically be understood as ... being ignorant. Like ... not engaging in the open marketplace of ideas. Which, to some, would read as an admission of defeat which then becomes a point somehow although we'd still for sure be participating in the discourse although they'll be like "but nobody wants to debate us" - as we move on to the more actual strawmen and ... on and on.
Obviously - as part of the Storm - you wouldn't really need an answer. You'd just incorporate the learned lessons as you get around to them - and the rest is just a matter of time.
As for that part of ignorance - I think what I'm trying to get at is ... what people mean when they say "touch grass". I mean, being involved with this nonsense is obviously tiring. Sooner or later at least. And being too involved may lead to frustration, bitterness, disappointment ... and if we don't ever put our minds to building something meaningful, that's all we'd be left with.

And sure - for as far as the establishment is compromised ... it might be a tough piece of work. And that eventually is a numbers game. But everyone ... can still start with: the (wo)

I mean ... that ... and, whatever we can do from there. Step by step ...