A measure of things - Part 3 | Stuck in the Matrix?

So, while it would seem like feminism is the big topic for now, or this segment thing - I'm also terribly disappointed by my own performance. And yea, it ... maybe should be the topic, but to me - as per my mental processes - it's still just an afterthought. It is one aspect of a bigger thing - which is the actual real point in case you care to understand.

And so - there's also the bigger theme. In a sense, I've been carving out an issue; With the motivation to leave as little as possible to it. Which, you should realize, is basically a favor I'm trying to do to y'all. But that's ... maybe not really how it works. Metaphors - are nice for things after the fact. For things still shrouded in uncertainty ... it's really just a wild guess.
But anyhow - this time around, my concern is - as has been times before - on what ... I mean, being specific is basically part of what I'm trying with this whole thing, so ... it's not that simple. But ... "unvoluntary dipshit" or "a specific kind of stupid" would be like ... initial markers of what I'm thinking about.

And while the internet is a bit of a cesspool at times, and age isn't as easy to spot - I'm left with a sense of mental maturity that makes me anxious that the people in question ... wouldn't get a single word I'm saying because I'm not in the zone of using the appropriate language - which probably were utterly inadequate for expressing what I'm trying to say anyway.

Also - I try to work on my ... "virtual social skills" ... so, I don't wanna really come out guns blazing calling everyone and everything I disagree with by ... well ... insults. In my defense though: Intellectual discourse thrives on intellectual responses. Basically. It's a back and forth. So, in other words: There's a certain form of engagement that can drive an intellectual discussion - though seeing Russel Brand and Ben Shapiro trying to appear all down to earth while using weird language just makes me wanna barf.
I mean, I guess it goes into that direction - not gonna lie - but I might have a better time dating my wall than exposing myself to that dreadful type of content.

And ... I guess I don't know how to convey the nuances of that ... reaction of mine. To someone, well, who might really benefit from a comprehensive answer to those - well, let's be honest: Possibly never asked questions. Which is like, where the whole problem begins: Independent Reasoning or personal responsibility or all that - "eager themselves" to know or learn the important things - and notice, at least to some extent, when they might have been tricked into being stupid again.

And yea, undoubtedly that's an influencer thing also. Or - if we wanna draw a picture of where the shit comes from and where it flows - it's like pyramid after all. I mean, amongst "us libs" there's the saying that conservatives only know 'one' joke. And it nicely sums up how ... conservative media and culture comes across. There so are two types of influencers on the right: Opinion factories and distractors - and for the most part all that the left does is some type of damage control. We might as well call it cope. It's like ... we're all so used to staring at our screens in disbelief that it's become the norm. And some conservatives may be able to relate - specifically those that have been around the whole anti-SJW phase of the culture war. But what comes out of the anti-Woke camp ... that really isn't all that logical or comprehensive anymore - as it's mostly just snarky fart-sniffers that are still riding that horse.

I mean, in case you haven't noticed: The whole "go woke go broke" thing ... hes led to some funny moments "here on the left" - where the one day people be shitting all over the Mario Movie Trailer for how woke it is - and the next they're like: Woke? Did we say woke?

The issue, to be real, is what I'd call "time to be real". So, to make a Matrix analogy - it's what is fake. That can be the media you consume, but it can also be people you surround yourself with. Ever so often one might find a moment outside of its influence - say, maybe you for a moment could just enjoy a silly movie - but then you might watch a video or talk to a friend and you're dragged right back into it, learning how you having enjoyed that silly movie is something you shouldn't admit.
But yea, it's complicated sometimes. You might be given real reasons that make you think and all that - and should have the right to react to the world with an updated mindset. But if you don't take some time to be real about it - you're probably stuck in the matrix.

Here's an example of sorts: People are perplexed over how come that nobody is complaining about the sexual proclivity of Baldur's Gate 3 - while apparently all that the woke left does is complain about attractive Characters in Videogames. So, OK. I would thus challenge you, to think about the last time you've heard "the woke left" do that. Or think of one person that did that. And I bet you thought of Anita Sarkeesian for she's like ... the first and the last person to do so. And then just think about how long ago that was. Now, on the other side we might have people that are under the impression that I'm wrong. And yea, maybe. I don't know. Maybe there's some ... person who cares? But no. The thing is this: If you still are of the impression that this is a contemporary issue - think for a moment: Is it lefties complaining about attractive Characters - or is it lefties talking back at "gamers" complaining about ugly Characters?

There's a subtle difference there. Which is totally subject to the discussion of objectification. Or what some on the left might call out as 'entitlement'. And further out we get into nuances of culture. I mean, if you're into DoA - yea, people might have opinions of you - but for the most part nobody would care. It might also be a bad example - as DoA isn't really a cultural epicenter I'd say. But we get to see it yet, nonetheless, whenever a game comes out that tries to be realistic, or not solely selling itself on the basis of Sex. What's problematic is, that some people don't seem to be capable of just enjoying a piece of art unless there's two enormous titties and a big wobbly ass with a hyper stylized plastic face to go with it rubbed at their faces all the time.
That isn't the same as being upset over you enjoying the miracles of beauty and sex-appeal.
And yea, it makes you look like a spoiled brat that took to long getting accustomed to the world apart from mommies titties. Which again isn't to say that it's bad to take the occasional comfort in ... well, whatever it is that tickles your fancies for as long as it's ... within reason; Where fantasy and fiction is really THE place for leaving it at the doorstep for sure and I'll defend that - but I don't think it's healthy if you're cast into a tantrum whenever you learn of "a thing" that doesn't meet those expectations.

And yea, to me it is a reasonable artistic endeavor to try and lean more into the realistic side of things. Especially when it comes to fantasy - there's just something off, if everything is hyper stylized. It does somehow beat the point of an immersive fantasy; If realism is what you cared about. I mean; Sure - I'm not gonna be upset over some eye-candy; And I also believe that SMUT is part of the reason of why the Witcher rose to popularity on the left ALSO. And sure, that game ... err ... the Witcher 3 ... probably was the nail in sweet Anita's Virtual Coffin. But who cares?

So, with these types of reactions it's hard not to find concerns. And yea, it's also ... the very same things that people used to throw at Anita - that could now be thrown at them. Sure, with minor adjustments because time happened ... .

Which is me basically saying something along the lines of "you can't be serious!". Don't buy it, watch some porn, touch grass ... whatever.

I mean, there so is this problem that isn't real. It's the same thing with trans-issues ... pretty much among the same crowd. The whole "attack helicopter" thing for instance - has people argue that it's silly if one could just self-ID as a woman to be recognized as such - in face of a person that spent years in their transition. To say, it's not the same thing. And it's a discussion that has apparently never been had - because, apparently, ill-informed outrage sells better than nuanced conversation - unless it's two pretentious dunces trying to look smart.
So - on the one side people are upset, sort of, over enabling people to self-ID. So they shit over how nonsensical it is if one's word were all it took. And yea, unfortunately - responses to that are difficult to formulate because on the one side it's like "these are the facts now shut up" - like: gender is a social construct - and on the other it's like "that's not what anyone is doing" but who cares?

So, it is - after the fact - not even that people are upset, but that they feel intellectually superior by laughing at how silly it is to identify as an attack helicopter. Well, my pronouns then - for now - just became: Fuck/You/Up.
And - there is no rational engagement to be had with that attitude. I mean, if I had to guess, I'd say the average person that adheres to that mindset would be intellectually challenged by explaining their position to begin with. Like in a "runs home crying to their mum about how mean everyone is" kind of way. Which "in the matrix" then turns into a "shit talking among friends of how hard you owned them 'actually'" type of thing.

I mean, the whole ... conservative mindset ... it may take pointers from the liberalistic progress that has been made in the past; Both: short and long term - so, stuff like leaning hard into the 'civil discourse' angle to project reason and rationality to the outside - but all that is just a facade. Because, at the end of the day, there is no civil discourse outside of that echo chamber. And it's like ... the mother of all echo chambers. It's like ... there's nothing but echo's that get more and more ... r*worded as time goes on. For, at the end of the day and at the heart of it, it all just boils down to one thing: "Hating on trannies" and associates. Without any consideration, but a bag of talking points to supplements ones own justification in doing so.

And yea, with these talking points comes the illusion of ... having done your research or alternatively (and let's be real, that's all "do your own research" means to conservatives) 'learned the right facts'. Though I doubt they could explain why those facts are the right ones - because ... I've seen enough evidence to the contrary. And, quite frankly, because for the stuff I'm aware of, they also really aren't!

I mean, they be standing there, parroting them talking points - and I'm like: You want a participation trophy for being capable of at least vaguely understanding the concept of biological sex?

And yea - the annoying thing about it is, that ... the responses to that - uhm. I mean, people would challenge us, as though we had to explain to them why we think that their idea of biological sex is wrong. And sure, in parts it is - though in the grand scheme of things that's mostly just nitpicking. Like, chromosomal anomalies and intersex people ... sure; Let's call them aberrations. If you want to be open minded about things, it's a way of saying that things are more complicated and nuanced than "two genders" - but we understand that this is too much for the average conservative ... but that also means that we're at an impass. Because: we don't try to tell you that biological sex isn't real.

And ... I mean, it's ... sad, honestly. I mean, if being right about a thing were like actual force - like, if I could hurt you just by being right - and you not getting it being the equivalent of you not being able to defend it - there's a part of this issue where we're basically monsters. Stealing a child's lollipop while playing rugby with a puppy type of Monsters. But it's not like we're given much of a choice about it.
More specifically am I thinking of the whole "accidental ally" thing. It's basically about people who try to be homo or transphobic, but because they don't know what they're talking about they express themselves in a way that's actually based. So, things like: men can't become women. I mean, it's a bit of an edge case because we get that people speak of the biological side of it - but sometimes the context is such that we can read it as a trans-inclusive argument nonetheless.

The point here is that ... yea, I guess we've tried it all and eventually all that's left is to laugh at people's stupidity. And yea, in regards of knowledge and education it is, in fact, literal and actual stupidity.

And ... I suppose by the time I managed to unite the left ... it's going to start to dawn on people. And I hope that this can help ... with ... the particular issue that has just been discussed.