This is not Fake News

Funny thing ... this thing. This thing called reality. And ... the way I felt about it, I couldn't get enough of ... a proper dosage. I guess that's what happens when one falls down some political pipeline. There's a Truth that suddenly goes 'click' and for a variety of reasons you don't want to be the fool you were and you want to be up to speed instead.

Which comes in a variety of flavors.

And along with it come different flavors of Fake News. If I may go onto a little Tangent here: There's that Boss Fight in Shadow of the Erdtree - the Golden Hippo - and my first times Fighting against it my "This is Bullshit" Meter was rapidly filling up. This thing has stupid Hitboxes. I mean, legitimate Bullshit Hitboxes. It's like the Fallingstar Beast's Horn were turned into a Boss and dialed up to 11. After the "This is Bullshit" Meter was full, it spilled over into the "I'm gonna write about this on the Internet" Meter. But after dieing to it a bunch of times, I started to learn where I just had to dodge a little sooner - or where I'd have to be a little more careful. Which is: I learned the Bossfight, so I could then play it. Not talking of the Camera ... though to be fair: You should anyway try to not get stuck in a Corner. The Camera certainly sucks ever so often, but if you keep calm and try to control it it's absolutely doable.

Anyhow ... so ... there are two sides here; And neither of them is really wrong. I mean, this Boss is definitely impossible to First Try because you just can't ... rely on raw reaction no matter how good you are because the Hitboxes are Bullshit. You can make a solid case there - and meanwhile people like me will still go on glazing Miyazaki's ass because ... we enjoyed the game. I mean ... by the time I wrote my thing I had already entirely forgotten about it. Until I recently got to it a second time. And so we can then ... to be serious about it ... talk about "the Hitbox problem" - and because it's just a game, it's effectively inconsequential. If I had fun beating the Boss I'm not going to be like: "Oh dang! You're so right! I should totally not have enjoyed that!". And like in Street Fighter, or any competitive game, a lot of the enjoyment is an attitude issue. Like, if you want to just blast a Boss like you're speedrunning the game ... but the Boss is like "nope!" ... that'll make you angry and frustrated and possibly gets you questioning a lot of things. Maybe.

And that is kind of where we are with this:

This is a drawing by a YouTuber called Destiny, explaining his quarrel with the "Far Left" (Hasan Defends Destiny And Corners Piers w/ KILLSHOT Question @30:~) - and he's still trying to deny those that here resemble the Orange Line their "We told you so". I don't want to argue that he (Destiny) is wrong per se, but ... his Naivety shows.

I had a related experience recently. In School, was it yesterday?, in a Subject called "Geminschaftskunde" (like 'Social Studies') we started a new Topic and it was about Fake News and adjacent to that, Media Literacy I guess. So, we discussed what we thought about it, analyzed the issue a little, made a little mind-map on the topic - and then we got a Text. An excerpt from an article I assume where some person reported about Fake News in regards to the influence of social Media. And I absolutely agree with their findings. Or the bottom line of it:

Classically we rely on our surroundings to like course correct our opinions. When it comes to social media, we tend to agree more with those that we can identify with. And the growing influence of social media eventually overshadowed or overshadows the influence of our surrounding.
As a personal addition: Even more so when multiple people in ones surrounding are glued to the same influencers. At some point that'd just be a technicality removed from brainwashing.

The article however opened with an example; Which referred to some anonymous TikTok person arguing that Republicans want to Genocide LGBTQ+ people and something something World War 3 - some time November 2020; with the added comment that all that was demonstrably false.

And sure. Possibly. I mean - I try to say as much; While not failing to get across that I don't care because I know better. Oddly enough, Destiny painted another image earlier in that same Video, which roughly showcases that exact phenomenon (@10:ish mintues):

This is to showcase his opinion on the investigation concerning Trumps ties to Russia. The first image being what has been implied - and the second showing what has been found. The center blot being Trump, the other blots being people around him and the lines being ties to Russia.

So, as a German meme goes: "Wie kann das denn sein? Das is ja Komisch! Wie kann das denn sein? Das is ja wirklich sehr Komisch!"

("How could this be? That is strange (funny, weird)! How could this be? This is really really strange!" (sarcastic))

So ... like with the Golden Hippo fight ... there's a crowd that's convinced they're right because they adhere to the facts. And another that does the same, and yet they disagree. Well ... let me explain!

If I actually understood Calculus I probably could lecture you on Integrals and the Slope of a Curve at any point in a function. Well, as for what I understand, that's however pretty much it. Give or take.
More to the point: When doing Integrals, the thing is that any point on a curve does always have some kind of slope. At least that's my understanding. So, if you take a curve like in a graph like the one Destiny drew - no matter how far you zoom in, in actuality the curve is always going to be present somehow. So ... it's never really just a point. Except when you want to know the position of the curve at any particular x or y offset. So, objectively there's a point - but if you for instance want to calculate the area beneath a section of the curve, the fact that it's two dimensional becomes a major problem statement.
So, in essence one side argues that calculating Y at X is enough, while the other side argues that the tendency of the line is clearly Z. And just as Destiny is here upset over Vaush, Vaush is probably upset over Destiny.
And by the way: I'm in the same spot with my case for Anti-SJW-ism; Because ... let's say: Faultily calculated integrals have caused a lot of confusion that has since led to strong polarization.

Now, I won't deny that ... turning every issue into advanced mathematics that only a fraction of a fraction actually understands ... isn't always good either. I mean ... to think about the Golden Hippo fight - I might glance past the issues this fight has - and someone else might convincingly argue for how it's bad and how that might even be indicative of the entire DLC. They're not wrong - and so you might look at what I had to say and understand, most clearly, that I'm wrong - if not a hack.

But to further hack into Destiny's graph there: Fascism doesn't start out on its high point. It has to build up. That's how there are the 10 stages leading up to Fascism and warnings of that matter. It starts with one thing, then goes on to the next - and of course Fascists are going to try to hide that they're fascists for as long as they possibly could! "That's weird! How could that be?".

And there's a lot more that goes into that. Like, the kind of rhetoric that fascists have to resort to to ignite the embers that would one day exalt them to power; For instance. And sure it's not that simple. I mean, take me for instance: I have a certain tension in me that may - consciously or not - charge my rhetoric; Indicating that eventually I might lose it and ... turn violent. And honestly, I'm concerned about it ... a lot! Because ...
... I mean ... what does Pacifism have to say about Self-Defense? Or how does Pacifism fare against Fascism? How can I square being against Fascism ... with being a Pacifist?

Ultimately however ... this tension there ... is covered by the Bible. Based on that we might call it Judgment Day. A more accurate way to put it might be: "When Christ consoles those that have been wronged and the embers that our forgiveness has produced become manifest on the heads of the guilty". Or to go by what I keep in my heart: "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." - Romans 12:19.
Or something like that. Not sure if it was that verse. In my head it's "The Lord is the vengeance of the Righteous".

And since that doesn't solve my problem, not answering my question, not redeeming my concerns - it's like an endless struggle.
And it always goes on like that. Like ... as it's written: "Many will come unto me saying: Have we not Prophesied in thy name? And I will tell them: I know ye not!". Which is like ... a more civilized way with Schadenfreude and Katharsis. As in: Judgment Day. Consolation.
Like ... there certainly are lives that I don't care about. Like ... I might be glad. Or to be not all that fatalistic: Some people appear to be too stubborn for their own good and I'd be delighted to see them rush headfirst into a wall. And that has nothing to do with forgiveness.
I mean - on the flipside: I'd be delighted to see any one of those people that I'd like to see ... uhm ... burn ... were to repent. I mean ... it takes a lot to admit your own wrongs. Well. To me it's relatively easy because I've come to terms with it a long time ago. But if you're still very much fueled by your ego and negative emotions ... your enemy is still very much your very own self - and I can respect everyone that manages to come out on top of that.

So - the integral of my line may appear to converge with tragedy. But in reality there's an extra dimension; That, when considered, shows that more accurately ... the tragedy my path converges with won't be mine!

And once again I more or less have to say it. Repeating myself. Even if I copy-pasted what I just wrote. Could that be the sign of Jonah? All you waiting for me to loose it being as Jonah sitting under the tree waiting for Nineveh to go down?

I mean - I suppose people could compose an argument in which it is presented very clearly that I'm inciting people to do violence. The odd thing though were that it'd take my enemy to put that into perspective for you ... as opposed to me clearly attracting a militant, violent flock to march onto national capitals with.

And in a way ... that takes us to today, where I'm fascinated by how the aftermath of the thing that Destiny video is actually about played out. At least so the sentiment ... where somehow the Liberals have to now be sorry for what is clearly none of our fault. And how could we be sorry? I mean, it's the same thing. For years, at least so in the USA, people have argued for stricter gun controls, background checks and all that - just to be ignored, thus stoking the flames of "eventually that's going to come back around at you". And from what I've heard the shooter was more of a Pizzagate type of person. Which yea ... weird enough ... how all the "Gays are groomers!" rhetoric has slowly ... gotten more and more silent. But it's not like MAGA Republicans care at all! They're just doing their own thing, living in their own little world and everything else is just "Fake News".

For good measure

But then, to tie it back around to give Destiny some credit where it's due: A lot of things may appear to follow a certain trend. And so time has to tell ... .

Like ... there's not much left. Except maybe the numbers to fully follow through. But who knows? I mean, it took one event to fully radicalize a Nation and possibly a good chunk of the global public to get behind Israel's genocide. It's certainly not the first time such a thing has happened in history - and yet I'm surprised that in a day and age where the dangers of fascism should be on everyone's mind, people still so easily fall for it. I shouldn't be surprised, maybe - assuming the worse, based on scripture. I mean, I get it. Fascism tastes sweet to the bitter. Or hate-filled. And I should know that the average person can't think far beyond their own issues.

I mean, assuming that I'm not just paranoid with what I wrote about "my Integral" - I wonder: What could I say or do? Like, if everyone's only waiting for "the thing"; Which only ever seems to get closer when I, once again, have to argue that it won't be happening!

So yea, it's complicated. Except ... in retrospect, a few things shouldn't be so complicated anymore.

And while I still like to think that they (the fascists) don't have the numbers; It seems like they have basically everything else. And ... I don't know if it's such a good idea to stick around to find out. I get that it might be like ... the best option if you ignore my part; To like ... just get it over with and see what can be done after the fact. But it's just stupid if there's actually a better, easier choice!

Anyway ... I'm running in circles again ... so ... to cut it short: Try not to be a moron!

Over and Out!
PS/TLDR: Republicans that have made the incitement of violence their entire identity get upset when Democrats aren't sorry when they (Republicans) were at the receiving end of it.

Is it hypocritical? Maybe, but to be fair: as for who's more or less guilty of what ... the narration has to be more concerned of exactly that!

To be continued ... I assume