A War of Lies and Propaganda - The Role of us Queers

Maybe it is or should be obvious, but ... I feel like I need to get things out of my System.
And yea, maybe there's more.

As things have developped so far, we've come a long way since the initial possible Triggers to a third World War. Time and time again. And who knows?
I've been delighted to see the occasional ray of Light; Though still there has been a significant turn towards Nationalism, all accross the board; And as of yet, that Momentum seems to be in full swing.

I find it dire - and tiring - to see how people ... well ... fall for it? I don't know. I don't have exact words, but just ... an emotional response. A reality check maybe, for me? A necessary one?

I mean, the Migration Crisis certainly is no fantasy - nor is it fake news. And the mindful action seems to be to ... not let it all slide. To recognize that maybe we're at our limits. And sure, if nobody else wants to play the game you want to play ... you're kinda just sitting there alone.

I think I have a very thorough understanding of the various grievances that people hold. What to do with that understanding however ... phew ...
I suppose it took time.
Or still needs it? "If ever?" -

Well, for now at least it is clear to me, that people are probably most likely to vote in correspondence with their grievances. And since not all grievances are made equal, that ... takes us to the usual political chaos. And stuff.
For instance are there people that wanted migrants gone way before it was "cool". And those people, well, they have a certain political persuasion that tends to be ... well, problematic. But thanks to climate change and global instability ... enough tidbits have washed ashore to construct a narrative that would bring that grievance deeper into the mainstream ... and the ones to speak it out loud first would be the one to cash in on all those voters.

And seeing that, that is a different grievance in its own right. And that's why I like to use terms such as dipshit or asshat - though, to be fair, I can't be certain that this very obvious connection is going to carry all the weight I worry it to. But ... such are the terrors of war. And in those regards, I suppose 'we' can consider ourselves very lucky that it's basically just words so far.
Except where it isn't.

And yes - I call it a war.
I call it a war because ... it is one. When people turn against rationality and discourse, spreading lies and misinformation to further their own agenda - I might want to imagine that it's a "the ends justify the means" type of situation, but I don't actually want to.

What I see is that slowly but surely the plating is falling off. Russia is falling apart, the current Israeli government is losing support and US republicans are caught in some weird downward spiral; And everyone who actually cares about our future should be concerned - and hope that we can get over these things without much conflict.

But there is still ... one problem with that. Those that are too blind to see - and thus likely to fall into the same trap that their "learders" are currently trying to claw out of.

I mean - I'm probably, or certainly, glancing past a lot of topics here; As ... there's a lot of different ways one could take this - without being wrong or dumb or such about it. It's a thing that many books may or will be written about ... even more so than already have been.

And this day and age ... it might actually be the new World War II - fiction wise; As in: An era that fiction authors would come back to - to write more or less silly stories.

Now - I suppose it's fair to say that we have a tendency to disregard other people's grievances due to our own. And maybe that's because we don't tend to think very often about the fact that ... life is in deed difficult, for a lot of people in a lot of diffrent ways. Even - if I just take everyone's word for it - for people that earn 100k plus a year. How often have I now heard from someone that they don't care about the war in Ukraine? Just for them to pivot to Inflation, blaming everything but that which isn't "Woke" for it.
And maybe it's true?
I mean ... getting behind another persons perspective is difficult if their horizon is physically limited. There's Plato's Cave or what's the name - meant as a thought experiment to ask a question that seems to have become only more and more unrelatable as the information age progressed.
So, when I hear a russian lady say, about their TV, that it's all lies ... I'm more likely to compare that to my own experience with TV than to understand what it's like to live in current day Russia. Just recently they banned YouTube. But can we properly imagine what it's like to just ... be cut off? Not by choice?
Well, a blackout might do that ...

But so, listening to "Crazy Conservatives" or the Russian Dipshit in Command, they like to paint a very heroic picture of their efforts. They're the ones "championing" ... uh ... "all the good stuff". "Common sense and Rationality" ... "Logic and Reason" ... "Facts over Feelings". Maybe we here in the west are the actual North Korea. Maybe we're the ones that don't really have free speech, nor a reasonable clue of what's going on in the world! Maybe we need people like this and that asshat to save us from our dystopian worlds. I mean, with all those people telling us that they're the actual majority and that we're just wrong ... maybe it is I, or us, or we ... that are the problem!

Except ... when you bring up all those unfomfortable truths. I mean, do we live in a democracy or are the elections rigged? Is it worth voting against reproductive rights for women because you don't like the immigrants?
And yea. The thing with grievances is ... they're difficult to let go of. And sometimes ... I'd say that that's just too big of an ask! Like, why wouldn't I let go of my grievances and sacrifice this ... "Democracy thing" ... what could go wrong?

But then, is it really a democracy if there isn't actually a choice? Well - at least there still is one, technically! It won't be when there ... isn't that anymore. When it's ... you know ... 'symbolical'.

I mean, in movies that is always 'the Moment'. Near the end, things are going down, catastrophy almost happens - everything is wrecked - but ... out of sheer willpower perhaps, a last ditch effort saves the day.

Now, when it comes to me - I do have grievances or grievance triggers that could be considered unique. I thereby don't want to suggest that Jews couldn't vote for an anti-semetic regime or that black people couldn't speak favorably of white supremacy - but it would be funny if those types of people and their "Masters" got the short end of the stick for once.

So, to me - it's easy to get a rough estimate of where a certain political group stands based on how homo- and transphobic they are. And that ... triggered a bit of an epiphany for me. The thing being, that if you want a world of peace and justice ... you CANNOT, you CAN'T, you just C-A-N-'-T, do/have it without 'us' Queer folks. There's ... just ... NO way. None whatsoever. At all!

When it comes to grievances of that kind - there's always a lot of talk about how maybe it could be justified to harm another group of people merely based on their immutable identity; Like, eventually words are thrown around like "Animal", or "Groomer" or "Rapist" - when usually its those that shout them the loudest are the ones that are most guilty of acting/being (like) that.

And yea, it's like ... lies are just a lot more recognizable when they're told about you. Because ... yea, you know better! But minorities are minorities. So, who cares?

Grievances may so eventually turn into accusations and ... yea ... accusations may eventually turn into make-believe and play-pretend. Because ... once you've seriously begun accusing innocent people of guilt ... it becomes a lot more difficult to stop doing so. Especially when everyone around you turns that wrong into a momentum.

I mean - it's not a big mystery that 'we' Minorities don't mean a lot to certain people. Like, why would we? And it's obvious, that in this game of politics, some see us as expendable. And thus far, well, it looks like an aweful lot of contemporary news tells us the story of the sunken cost fallacy. There probably is still room to convince yourself that ... I'm wrong about this. But what do you make of the idea that a political movement is more rather than less overtly an enemy of "the prophet" in particular? Sounds like a bad move.

And so, how am I (a:) to not take that personal? And b: What does that imply of the movement itself? Of its worth?

Anyhow ... the last couple of days have been a bit of a feast. News-wise. Though ... too much salt can ruin a good soup. And in all of that, I think the most wrong thing I've beheld this year so far, is US Conservatives talk like they cared about "the issues". I mean, that one hit me like a closed glass door I didn't see. It's like that starting bit from one of the more recent Destiny videos - where some conservative starts throwing insults at Destiny, Destiny insults him back and he starts whining about it.
And it seems like ... that's what "Liberal Passivity" has taken us to. They are so used to getting away with their shit, they don't even seem to realize what kind of enormous assholes they generally are! Like it's somehow normal that one can just disrespect other people without consequence; As to make a snobby video about how uncivilized those libs are when they have emotions.
I mean, we are canonically the snowflakes after all! So, it's perfectly legit when "they" - those that definitely "aren't" snowflakes - turn into little snowflakes.

It's like that "it was just a joke" thing; Where the joke is that you laugh at someone elses expense; Which isn't so funny anymore once the joke's on you!

Anyway - I suppose after that last debate there are so and so many Republicans that can now clap themselves on the shoulder and feel really smart about actually caring about "the issues" for once. Well, here's one for you: Climate Change is real!

But there's just ... you know ... "that type of person". Like, a bunch of dudes sitting in a bar, and one says: "Damn! That climate change thing! We really have to do something about it!" - not!

The funny, or sad, thing about it is ... Russia pays a lot of money for people who propagate such nonsense! Now, I'm not sure if it's just evil or more about 'whatever goes against the establishment', but I think it's the latter.
But ... what am I even doing here?

It's the same tired old story - and each time it gets regurgitated it's only more ... yea, sure, let's go with: 'outlandish'.
And yea. Some people do believe in God, some don't - though honestly ... I have a hard time believing that those that allegedly do, actually really do so. I mean, the way it looks, it stands to reason that to them, religion is just a convenient way to shrug off any kind of ethical consideration. Oddly enough.
Then ... I might ask you to take a good look at all those discriminating utopias, how well they're doing because they have their women in check and none of that gay stuff. To a person that doesn't believe in God or some higher power, that might be a weird thing to think about. And sure enough, there are a lot of factors to consider. But it's still interesting, that all the examples to counter that ... are really just well off on the surface. I mean, sure Dubai is a Utopia ... if you're rich! But is it really a Utopia then?
But sure. It's like ... Americans dreaming of the good old days, when the air was still clean and the grass was green. And everything looked like in some watercolor painting. Oh, apros pos water: And the water tanks were still full! But it must be those brown people that ... pollute the air with their brownness and now have turned on pets after having eaten all the grass away - and sure enough, where else could the water have gone, amirite?

I mean, wouldn't it be weird but also kinda cool - if not funny, in a odd but eventually satisfying way - if Karma was actually real? But, it's also a double-edged sword because ... if we're too stubborn to consider that we may have been wrong - which usually concerns the things we firmly believe in - negative consequences may only encourage us to try even harder. And we're all kind of doing it. And beyond all the arguing, trying to convince one another of what the actually most important issues are, the decision is ultimately a matter of fate. "The result is the only truth".
Whether we believe in it or not; All we can do is to fight for what we believe is right. Unless ... we try to figure out what is right first! Then we can fight for what is right by our best estimates.

I'd argue that historically ... homophia only won against even bigger homophobes. It's like ... World War 2 was a freebie for the USA because ... the competition was really going for ... all the crimes. And the gayest nation of them all - is thus far still possibly the most central building block of the modern world! Yes, I mean the greeks!

So, I don't have a competent knowledge of the Islamic Golden age. I don't really know why it ended. And it's possibly too ... a little bit complex, at the very least, and a lot of factors and stuff. Like ... calling math evil may have had a little bit to do with it, I'm sure. Which is already ... saying it all anyway. I mean, speaking of discrimination. I mean, once you have to bend immutable facts of reality into something demonic ... to get people who couldn't know any better to support your "issues" ... you've basically waived your "good for humanity" rights. And I'm sure that they, as every other dipshit like that prior to them and following them, was sure it was going to be great!

Like ... think about it. You're at the height of a Golden Age. Everything is awesome - all the knowledge of the world, all the scientific discoveries ever, are at your hands - and you think: What could possibly go wrong? And then "you" happened.
I'm sure there were people like: Hey, this is stupid! You can't! It's going be a disaster! You don't know what you're doing! And all that ... and sure enough! Once again the Nerd got gotten by the bullies - obviously - and yea, look at it now! The Islamic World, in all of it's ... err ... glory ... ... .

And so, here I am, trying to talk sense to y'all. I'm not just saying: Transphobes suck! I'm also bringing the receits! At least ... what little can be pieced together. I mean, it should be enough to just understand the truth and deal learn to cope with it. But apparently that's a little bit more difficult for some people than ... I could have known.
But all I can do is try.

I mean ... to take it to the Bible ... there's an obscure case that can certainly be made, that Israel jumping onto the misogyny bandwagon was like ... the last straw. We wouldn't know because they meant to be thorough, is like ... the best bet. Doesn't sound like a solid case ... unless you're ... like ... a Nerd, at which point it could be stated that maybe you should listen to the actually smart ones in the room more. But who knows who knows?
Anyway. A funny thing - in a weird and deranged way - is found concerning the women of the New Testament. Now, Mary we can pretty much discount because the Catholic church has chosen her as an idol. So ... that's that. They however don't preach the kind of stuff that would have to go with it to be like ... 'correct' or at least 'correct enough'; While ... catholics, I think, don't pray to Mary for the same reasons ... like someone who actually ... knows why one could worship someone other than God Himself. However ... the women of the New Testament are like ... mostly forgotten, but in a honorable mentions kind of way. However ... the one "significant story" involving any one of the women ... is literally a "Rule 34" type of thing. Or let's call it Hentai Fanfiction.

And it's funny, in a weird and deranged way, because 'seriously' - it is actually pretty ... sick. And ... Gundam - Witch from Mercury actually provides an interesting ... view of the matter. I mean, the male protagonist would usually have a love interest and possibly things work out somehow. And this concept is so deeply entrenched in fiction, it's like ... almost an obligatory thing to add. Because sure, love working out is like ... a positive way of looking at the human condition. In Witch of Mercury you have that too, but along that girl on girl relationship, you have all those dudes trying to hit on the one or the other. And I'm not sure if I have ever seen that outside of the cliche good versus bad guy storyline.
And to not lie ... for a moment or two I was worried there.

Anyway. I think there's certainly historic precedent to this idea that the woman is supposed to be grateful for a man even just considering her as his mate. So, to this day there are men that want to impose themselves as "the provider" - which they however can't do without first "unproviding". But obviously they don't see it like that. That ... would make them look less alpha and heroic. So they try to sell it as a favor they're doing. While all they probably really do for a living is a bunch of scams anyway. So ... that's a double L. Without the Cool J.
And this thing is like ... one of those ... well ... "issues" - that gets easily forgotten when they talk about "the issues". Like ... woman having too much freedoms, err ... I mean ... 'feminism'.

I mean, how many of those strong alpha males are actually providing off of a real job? And how many of those "alpha males" that do provide off of a real job ... aren't just sad and possibly cucked?
I mean ... I obviously don't know. But I can make an educated guess. It might not seem like there's any kind of education to that guess ... and I'm sure there are a lot of couples at the ready to prove it wrong. To which I might say: "thus proving my point!".
At least ... that's what a real boss player would do. Apparently.

You can't argue with that! Because ... I'll just ignore it!
You know ... "speak into the hand!".

But no. The thing I want to say is, that there is no room for hard-working men - that do provide off of a real job - to actually do anything else. At least that's what I make of the "issue" of a shrinking middle class. So, on the one hand you have all those "alpha males" that don't work a real job, telling you that you're only a man if you can provide, to get you to vote for a party that makes it even more difficult for you to do so ... while arguing that it's the other side that takes away your buying power because they want to spend the money on social programs (although that isn't money they take ontop of what you'd be giving anyway), while telling you that it's cool to just build weapons with it instead. Weapons that they will eventually sell or maybe just give to Israel - to line their own pockets rather than investing it into something actually useful.
Unless you consider - well, let me guess ... financing the illegal drug-market useful, I suppose. I mean ... would anyone be shocked? To learn that some republican hyper christian nationalist regularly sniffs coke off of some hookers ass? I know I wouldn't be! Maybe if it was a female hooker! (ziiing)

And we could go on. But ... no need to randomly accuse people of being pedophiles!

Anyway. Being serious ... I've been sortof laughing my ass of while writing this ... because I think it's funny ... and I think ... that may be cope! I mean, I recently tried to write a thing and I realized that ... I'm too emotionally worn out to be able to stomach it. Like ... seriously writing about war is already rough; And that's kind of where I emotionally drew the line.
And ... it's certainly easier to look at all of this stuff and take it as some big, fat, enormous, and really, really, really sick and fucked up joke.
But the bucket is slowly spilling over.
I mean ... there were a bunch of videos trying to make fun of that republican asshat with the bloated head ... and as soon as he opened his mouth I had to stop. I can't!

And hindsight, to act as if he has enough of a point to have him debate essentially a gang of "woke students" is ... just adding insult to injury.

And we on the other hand seem to be so ... lost ... trying to make a case for empathy, that we kind of glance past the fact that this is essentially an abusive relationship. But then, what else can we do but to entertain the act of being civilized?
And if there were some kind of red button I could push, I'm already beyond pushing it.

But alas, what can you do?

I mean, the reality is this, that a lot of people are already sold on the idea of increasing tarifs on their imports. So, US politics again. Not because they actually thought about it, but because they didn't. They act all so smart and like they got it all figured out, but can't conceive of possibly negative consequences. Like, it couldn't quite possibly have an effect on the inflation, right?
Though, I guess ... when people just do it like the Chinese - to stop working and get by on a minimum - that could trigger a deflation. So, less imports possibly means a greater reliance on domestic product ... . There goes another bad joke I could make.
Maybe it would help. I mean ... pissing off your trade partners could really ignite some ... ambition. That's what a tired work-force really needs! Right?

I mean, I don't know. I want to here admit that this topic is a bit beyond my degrees of expertise. Meanwhile in Germany, I've already lost interest in politics again because ... what can you do?
I mean, riddle me this: A progressive party gets voted in - they try to tackle the difficult issues. Before they could even do anything, people blame them for the inflation. People gobble it up and the majority swings back to the status quo, minus those that vote for fascism. Alas, the people have spoken and confessed, that apparently we're dipshits too!
Or am I too harsh?

I mean, I don't know where I stand on the migration crisis. I mean, I agree that something must be done. And I don't think - that much has become obvious - human civilization in its current state is competent enough to handle it.
The more serious problems that actually make sense to me thereby is, that we can't handle things that we don't have a workforce for handling. And that includes two very important groups: Nurses/Caregivers and Social Workers. And if you're looking at the states: Teachers.
Not sure how that's here - but I've also heard more negative than positive.

Something something, Mother of all Whores and Drunken Kings. I mean, it's pointless to blame it on Capitalism because the majority apparently does either not get it or not care. And those that benefit off of this nonsense ... yea, they're not likely to stop just because I don't like it!
It's also the internet in its current state. I don't think the internet was a mistake, but to let it become what it is ... is just insanity. But maybe an insanity that Nerds can make sense of. I mean, as a case study on the effects of "the invisible hand of capitalism ... err ... the free market" perhaps. Yea, Capitalism and "invisible hand" ... right?
OK, let's say it's invisible - but I see those ugly fingerprints all over the place!
Although I guess you could go and blame it all on TikTok actually; Which is Chinese, therefore communist!

Anyway: I believe - and yes, that's just my feelings, possibly biased (I mean, obviously I suppose) - that a higher percentage of immigrants are keepers than AfD voters!

I mean ... I do have wet dreams of violence - nowadays perhaps in lower quantity, but ... uh
I mean, there's that ... yea, it's ancient ... concept of "Fear of God". And again, it's one of those double-edged swords. In essence, at the heart of it all, fear isn't supposed to be our motivator. And that's what I'll stick with.

Like ... same with sin. I'd almost say that people are lucky that 'sin' isn't much of a concept on my message board; Because for the most part it's an outdated concept and I believe people are ready for it. There is however 'the issue' of sins that cannot be forgiven. But that's something you have to come to terms with yourself.

"So what? Do you think God is more OK with gay people than he is with ME?" - uh, here's the thing: if you want to be an asshole ... not caring about other people's sensitivities nor about the negative consequences - like harm - you bring to other people ... you can try to convince yourself that God is cool with that; More so than with a gay person that just tries to be respectful - let me ask you this: How could you possibly think to exist in a world where people live respectfully with each other, when your entire identity is built upon giving a crap about all that "woke" and "gay" stuff?

I mean, are we? Transing the Kids? Like, what does that even mean? Mass hysteria? Where's the evidence of that? Oh, MAGA you mean? That's different? Or is it the Chemtrails? Reptilians maybe? Oh ... is that actually serious and me joking about it ... is ... what?
I mean, sorry. It's difficult. It's difficult to understand what a group of people that effectively runs a campaign to cancel science is actually (capable of) believing in. But it's a lot of wild stuff. And ... I have no reason to take it any more serious than that. "Sorry" not sorry!

But I guess I'm sorry for having written all this.
Hard to tell. It's too soon for that ... but at the end of the day I don't actually believe that any of this is worth a thing. But I guess for me to stroke my own ego. In a weird ... weird way.

But - at the end of the day - I will have told you so; Though I'm curious about my score. I mean, leaning into my depressed pessimism it can't be all that high. But I will have told you so! Sort of.

... hm ...
Yea ... whenever the thing happens that's supposed to happen ... and stuff.
Until then ... fuck you! Unless ... you're cool! But God gets to decide that! But ... I guess I can't stop you from telling yourself ... lies. And yea, I suppose it's really easy to do so. I mean, with all the noise in that's in this world ... one is kind of conditioned to be a moron. So yea ... Good Luck! I suppose ...