Getting it Wrong

It is saturday and I wonder if I should do this.
I've been writing things the past few Saturdays and always came off of it a little exhausted. Exhausted enough to not feel like ... I had a good weekend.

But then again, I've also tried to not do any coding on Saturdays and ... that kindof tapered off into the subsequent week and I felt like I couldn't get anything done. But then when I did code on Saturdays and took that into the week I'd often feel like it's getting a bit much; To say I haven't really found any consistent habits outside of maybe ... trying to ignore that it might be significant. Well, outside of various things like getting my groceries by Friday and just generally ... enjoying what's left of the day.

Ever so often I'm in a weird headspace when it comes to what I see of the world. Not because I'm absent-minded, but ... because things make sense in a way that ... isn't always easy to write about.
Or maybe it doesn't need to be written about.
At least being far enough away from what's on people's minds to ... be weird somehow.

But ... that's kind of the topic here. Our ... failures or inabilities to understand.
It's fairly complicated in its esotericism; Though in principle it is pretty much ... not even a little bit obscure.

It is however us - partially out of need - that make it obscure; And concepts such as trust, familiarity, mind-set, skepticism, objectivity, subjectivity, fairness, justice, horizon, common sense (and probably more) make an appearance.

And the first culprit is the "public perception" versus that of the individual. It is probably here that all the big mistakes are being made; If we can or should call them that. One aspect to this is the individuals competence. This would be the individuals ability to judge the public perception; And based on that it would hold a position about it.
And yea. That is a big topic these days; And hence there is a broad range of examples to choose from. But as a statement that is to be free of judgment, I think it can be said that the current social and political climate would indicate some kind of Dunning-Krueger-esque mass delusion.
I mean - we could utter a sentence like: "It's crazy how people who say and advocate for the dumbest shit imaginable get away with it while amassing a huge following" is something that evryone would agree with; But still, somehow ... everyone has a different idea of who these people are.

But all that political nonsense aside ... let's say I pitched to you a show. The outline being: An Anime about Golf. It's difficult to say where the public perception would land on this, because there are a variety of ways you could go about this. Some might think about Golf - maybe the most boring sport that exists - and be like "it'd suck!". Some might think about over the top Anime tropes - something a lot of people enjoy - and be like "hell yea!". Although ... I mean ... it's Golf. How much can you really make of it?

The way I look at it is that it's one of those weird combinations that people would bring up to highlight something that just doesn't go together. Like ice-cream and ketchup. But then, little would you know, some odd combinations like this are actually really popular, or good even. Like Rising Impact - an Anime about Golf.

It has a lot going for itself. People staring wish shock and surprise at the feats of the protagonist, people seeing Lights, a shady figure in a dark coat saying "Subarashi", rivals becoming friends, tense explaining of the situation so the viewer understands what's going on, a Character scared of their own abilities, a juvenile, naive and always happy main character. It's basically Dragonball but Golf - and technically the main Character also goes Golf Super-saiyan for a moment; Though the general take-away there would be that you need to be either hit in the head or done with life to enjoy Golf. Anyway, he starts out with Blonde hair and green eyes ... so ... there's that.
But what if I told you, that it's all just a ruse?
"Fake" - a show crafted in a Lab to sell the concept of "Characters explaining things" to ignorant parents because getting things explained is good. Not however to promote Dragonball, but just another attempt at tossing Goku from the throne. Because ... Dragonball is Woke - and what the Characters explain there isn't actually real. So, good then that there are people awesome enough to explain that, while promoting something like Kengan Ashura instead; Which is definitely a lot better than Dragonball; At least when it comes to preparing your Kids for the real world! (obviously sarcasm. I mean, maybe it is. I just skipped through it watching some of the fights. But yea, Autotune Music! That's what the cool kids listen to these days, isn't it?)
I mean, obviously Rising Impact is anti-trans because the dude whom some mistake for a girl is clearly identifying as a dude.
It also promotes really reckless and irresponsible behavior!

And it's obviously serious! I mean, they tried to save us by changing the script on George R.R. Martin's story for Season 8 of Game of Thrones - but he and the secret army of Wokistan wouldn't let that slide.
Or whatever. But Elden Ring is obviously Woke ... and guess who also had a hand in it! Yes! George R.R. Martin!

I mean - I maybe tried a little to sound serious and sell you on the idea, but this for once is just meant to expand on the idea of competence introduced here. And yea, spinning up wild stories and getting people to act on behalf of those wild stories ... is kinda the hip thing these days. Sorry if I'm a little late to the party!
But yea, Autotune Music is seriously a Red Flag! It's one of those things I quickly developed a deep seething hatred for ... but luckily it's pretty easy to just avoid it.

But so it goes ...

Surprise 'Goku versus Superman' tirade

I mean, maybe there's a deeper point worth addressing here; Or maybe I should further expand on the topic at hand. But that's already off from what I had originally intended. Originally I just wanted to address a feeling of uneasiness. Like ... I mean ... ordinarily I would maintain a tight line of empiricism to make my case. But when it comes to Hobbies - things I would spend a lot of money on (for my budget) - perhaps irresponsibly so - I fail to make much of an empirical case other than "I want it". And that would be the pronounced ... we could call it an 'accusation' behind these ... let's put it in "Hobbies" ... to maybe make a case that actually the truth would be that all of it is evil or at the very least bad.

But so, that's kind of on topic; At least the part concerning 'competence'. Though, whether or not any of these sentences emerge from any 'real' competence is I'd say debatable. I mean, it emerges from 'some' competence - as in: Knowing a thing or two exist. But with my own motives I can inject my own narrative; And by measure of Flat Earthian competence I only have to sound super convinced that I'm competent to make all those statements and it's good.

Weird. I mean, I had a childhood memory resurface that also somehow fits into this story. And it might just be my very first experience with competence. Or more so, the lack thereof. But that'd be more a story to bring up when criticizing Star Wars or whatever modern ... "take" on "the good old" ... err ... vomit there is.
So, in the Kindergarten I attended, the older Kids would eventually receive a Weaving frame and a personal instruction for how to use it. So, all the Kids that had one had it stored in some shelf where all the wool was - their name was written on it - and if we wanted we could just take some wool and weave. It was like ... a ... 21x15 cm frame. A5. I don't what that is in Freedom units. Google it. It's ... roughly 1.0x0.75 Gi.
So, one day this kid sat down there. And he just ... weaved like the wind. Until someone noticed that he didn't get an introduction yet. So, he also didn't have a frame. So ... what was he ... doing there? Yes! He messed up MY Frame. I'm not sure if that's how it played out or if it was me who wanted to weave and found it so ... either way ... I guess I can't forget the image of him just wildly threading the weaving stick through the strings without any clue of what to actually do - until I do. Forget. I still remember his name ... .

Which maybe takes me to Superman; Because what irks me about this whole Superman versus Goku debate - well, one thing that does - is that it's just silly. I mean, the more reasonable Superman "defenders" will just say it. Superman is stupidly overpowered, like he's like when kids are stupid and try to one-up each other for who has the bigger superpower. Superman can hold a black hole, Darkseid can literally be erased from time and existence and still come back somehow but now he's immune to it.
So, the whole argument is a scam. Which takes me to another thing that irks me, which are like ... humiliation posts. So, an image of Superman standing there with all the Dragonball Characters Knocked out. Which is why I think I should send Superman and his ilk to the Slapstick zone.

I mean, somehow ... there is ego involved. And there are a lot of arguments that can be made for why we ... shouldn't sink as low as those that provoke us. Fair enough. But eventually it also needs to be said ... explicitly ... that they are beneath us. (DBS Fans excluded. I mean, they aren't a part of the 'we' used here. They too are beneath us.)
And I'm sure that that's not in every Superman fan's favor either. I mean, I think I've said it before that a lot - to me it's the most - of Superman's appeal or depth is only relevant in relationship to 'mere mortals'; Where Superman is still gifted with enormous Strength - and that in a world where bones don't bend. And if you truly wondered about Superman in space, you should understand that he won't be much good beyond a certain distance from our sun. That might however ruin the Superman fantasy; Though I think it's similar to Spiderman having his own webs or requiring shooters.
Like, I was firmly team "innate web-shooting" because it just felt righter. Because ... "that's Spiderman! Climbing and Web-Slinging". But after a while ... and especially after the the Amazing Spiderman movie ... I leaned towards artificial webs; Not because it makes him cooler than Superman but because ... it makes the Character more interesting. Or ... not miss something. Ironically. Which is perhaps all the same reason ... but ... uhm, whatever.

And ... I guess I hate it. I don't want to be this way. But ... as from the grown up in the room: when it comes to fragile Ego, the Superman crowd is certainly on the ... how to word it? ... backfoot? Offended/Offensive side? Which is ... it just works out that way ... how we're looping back into the topic around this odd term that is "Hater".

Yes, haters are gonna hate - and dipshits are gonna dipshit. But when is a hater a hater, and not just someone pissed off by a dipshit?

Now, with that being said ... we can move on and beyond. I mean, if you've read Dragonball in your Teenage years perhaps, and understood it, enough so that Dragonball basically lived rent-free in your head, you eventually have to come around to appreciating just how hard Vegeta has or had to humiliate himself to fight beside Goku. I mean, you know the words: He's "the Prince of all Saiyans!". And you could retool this such that Vegeta is representative for all Dragonball fans; Who have to accept that Superman is just the strongest. But ... it doesn't work like that!
We first have to send Superman to the Slapstick zone where he can be that version of himself. Then all the serious stuff can be ... set aside as we don't have to contend over the deeper meanings and all that.

I mean - in that sense, Superman is a great Character. Like Santa Clause. He's certainly popular with the kids and I can really "feel" him as a great Father figure from a very childish/childlike perspective. But when it comes to serious, he just can't hold a candle to Goku. And from a growing up perspective ... Superman is in this odd Limbo where he's on the one side idolized as this infallable, perfect guy - like a ... Space Jesus - but on the other that's a very ... ignorant or naive view at Character; And that's how 'Evil Superman' is like ... a thing. Not saying that it's the inevitable, but certainly a concept that once just handwaved away ... hasn't been seriously dealt with.
Goku on the other hand is gifted - technically with strength but more technically actually not with strength. Goku just is ... you know ... that inner Child. Very much a Christian concept. And yes ... he didn't get transed by Roshi. Although he technically crossdressed (him) at one point.
Makes one wonder what Roshi would wish for if he got a hold of the Dragonballs.
Though ... I suppose it's not much of a concept in that world ... so ... it might have never crossed his mind. Maybe ... . It's not that kind of show anyway.
Maybe he's just too ashamed. And too comfortable with his shamelessness. [shrugs]

So, Goku's gift is mostly the world around him - the world that allowed him to thrive. The rest is just him. His Character. His perseverence. His ambition.
Which is also where Vegeta's story ... "ends". It most certainly isn't to just bow before the strongest fighter. And if they broke every bone in his body. But eventually ... Vegeta learned to adapt to Goku's strength. To let a little bit of freedom into his dark, Trauma-ridden heart - as to learn that being able to just appreciate life ... is a quality of its own.

Anyway ... that's as much "inspirational nonsense" as I'm willing to write here.

The big issue is that ... it doesn't take much to beat Superman. Though I suppose it does take a lot to convince people of it. My fart can beat Superman ... because I say so. So, yea ... it's a silly debate and whenever it comes back ... because, let's be real, it most likely will ... we might remind us of it.
And yea, it's inevitable. When it comes to the truths, the lessons, the value and all that ... Goku has won. And everyone trying to take the throne - is just like another Vegeta, filled with pride and still in denial.

Like ... instead of Space Jesus ... maybe start with Real Jesus for once. Like yea, if you need a stoic invincible Daddy Figure ... Goku might not be the thing for you. But to that end ... let me be your Piccolo!
And ... all the virtue that Superman allegedly represents ... what's the point if it doesn't help you be a better person? And if you feel like going full Dipshit-Saiyan over it ... that's on you!

Anyway ...

The ability to differentiate haters from ... the hated-on ... isn't as simple as judging from a still frame. "Oh, how the turntables" ... is a sentence I've come to enjoy. Not only because it reminds me of that iconic moment Jesus had in the Temple of Jerusalem, which is only inferior to Marx's entire work in intellectual density, but also because it is such a good way to describe the changes in times as chaotic as the one we live in these days.
I mean, some people - maybe a lot - still live in that Anti-SJW versus SJW #Gamergate mindset - where the lefties are the Snowflakes such that occasionally the one or the other iconic image suppsoed to remind us who the dummies are pops up. Then, four years later the situation was inversed - January 6 happened - and though we have no "crying out to dear God" pictures, we do have pictures for a side-by-side. One side is all emotional and cringe - and the other ... well, it's the same picture; Except they'd think they're badass and stoic. I mean, standing there - in front of the capitol - with a gallow ... is just a different way of expressing those emotions. Isn't it?
And if that's what it means to be "more composed" ... yea, I suppose I prefer unhinged!

And there's certainly more images of those "more composed" conservatives versus crying SJWs.

But anyway ... it certainly wasn't every Anti-SJW that was down for the whole conservative thing. But ... it's kind of played as if it were. You still hear those same tired old arguments, like ... whenever there's a Person of Color without enough redeemable qualities ... it's DEI. Or ... oh no, there are two women kissing; Where there literally is no argument other than "It's gay!".

I mean, I tried to be nuanced. And ... that takes us to Matrix 4 because that's where I had a personal moment; So ... updates: A lot of people didn't like the movie and that's fair. It also took a while for people to get behind Matrix 2 and 3. Is Matrix 4 on par with them? No! But so far I've seen a few thumbnails that suggest that people have gotten behind it a little more.
Let it be "it was bad on purpose". I wouldn't say that - but it makes sense from the position of "the public perspective". That being ... also a tired old story ... that everyone was hyping it up to be something that it didn't turn out to be. But ... we were never promised ... that. I mean, we saw the trailers - I suppose. We - I'd argue - were perfectly capable of piecing together that it would be a deep dive into some weird ass concepts - part of which was a Therapist. Now, I'm sure that in the moment a lot of people would have liked a bit more of this and a little less of that. And that would also change depending on what someone would suggest the intentions behind the movie were.
And yea. From people that like stupid movies - even if they're capable of appreciating intellectual content - I wouldn't expect a whole lot different. But ... I guess, in an alternate Universe, we could have stopped right there and maybe settled with weird. But instead we got a whole lot of ... well, ... what we got.

Lack of nuance.
So, if you wanna talk about nuance ... make sure you got any!

But yea - also, nuance is Dead ... the corpse is under my control ... too bad for you!
Which is to say: That after careful consideration I'm still not convinced - although I'm a little bit more optimistic - that you're allowed to have it.

So yea. What's the word again? Ah, competence.
... uhm, ... let's start with that?

Some might see that there are some obvious ties to what's refered to as Media Literacy.
And sure. That is a form of competence. And ... it should make for a ... decent~ish place to start. I mean ... I could give you my takes on this and that; But that wouldn't make you competent at it. You'd have to listen to a bunch of different people on different topics to get a sense of what's like ... high level versus low level Media analysis. For instance.
Maybe start with Dune. And ... I guess I can also end this right here.

Like, maybe I'll even shut up for a bit and let you have some time to think about everything.

PS: I actually really enjoyed Rising Impact so far. It was fresh and funny and oddly captivating. They explained everything really well - and although they're pretty much just golfing for the most part, they kept a good pace and always managed to surprise a little. I'm curious to see a third season - which, by the way, is probably also going to feature "the Golf Illuminati". Two thumbs up! "Good Job!"