"Darkness falls accross the Land"

So - when it comes to me, my personal development, my headspace and where my mind is at; I feel almost constantly like I'm in need of a reality check because I feel utterly detached from the reality I think most people are wound up in. But whenever I come around trying to handle that issue, I realize that a huge part of it is ... my reality being superior to that of the ordinary person. And wound up in it is the divine within me, of course, the divine I'm a part of ... but also my claim to the divine.

I mean ... it's a claim. I'm under a given impression - and in as far as the divine that I know backs it up, that impression - to me - is a practical experience. And that, in a way, makes it so that the reality check I need is one of making that practical experience ... a practical reality ... as it were.
I mean ... part of "the Israel Prophecies" ... right from the beginning, are a few statements of this near Cataclysmic impact of that Character we may or may not read a whole lot more into. That being ... Isaiah 41.

So, when it comes to what that means ... there's a whole lot of arguing and such that we can do - and as of that: Laying claim unto its meaning. And my personal experience suggests that I'm ... becoming that. As I learn more about what it is to be me - I learn more of how me being me ... produces the outcome described in those verses.

In other words - it's like ... I have to rear my head a bunch, being a bit audacious based on the idea that by my claims I give God the opportunity to back me up. For, at the end of the day a lot about why things are the way they are comes down to the scope within which God WANTS to act. A lot about that comes down to giving US the agency.
And, for better or worse, that means that I can't rely too much on virtues of passivity.

And so, as for how I feel - I feel like getting ready some guilloutines - figuratively - and setting them off - also figuratively - to the very real effect of some decapitations in the abstract. Because ... yea, I'm ... just ... getting sick. I've been so for a long time and so far ... I haven't seem much good stuff happen outside of things that ... more or less directly correspond with my posturing.

And with all the proverbial Railguns (we've been setting up, aimed at targets) - it'd be silly to not pull the triggers if the alternatives fail. Uh ... basically.

I mean - a given superstition I feel has developed is that God is just ... weak. That's a simple consequence of God's choices - as mentioned before - where we are, for the most part, in charge of our own fates. So - if people wanted to ignore that, all they had to do is act outside of where God chose to be active. And so people may have gotten the impression, that if they just ignored God, none of what He wants would happen. But then there's me and things seem to be a little different ... because, yea ... God's plan would be a stupid one if it were so easily foiled.

But that now also is to constitute a warning. The signs are there - and I'm sure more will be added. If you keep insisting - for all intents and purposes - that God show Himself where He does not want to do so ... you might find Him not before it's too late. And yea, if you think yourself too important or too special to be held to these 'ordinary' standards ... please understand that even I was held to them. You might argue that your salvation were a function of how good or bad I did - that it's my "salvation score" - but that's silly. I mean, in as far as we're having standards up here - you thinking that way is a huge problem ... for you!

But so ... let's do some politics, I guess ...

"In todays episode" - the guiding theme is of how in the past we've settled as though the only tomorrow that would ever be is one of where we have more money. Which of course led to this game of capitalism.

On that note - an alternative headline for this would have been

The algorithm is your friend?

I mean ... it certainly has the potential to be. That package I ordered from Japan arrived last week - and ... it also didn't 'arrive' per se. I had to go get it. For some reason they wouldn't send it to the Post office that's practically just right around the corner from where I live - but to the "Service Center" at the ... airport. And that's not at the 'easy to access via public transportation' side of the airport, but the literal butt of the airport - which also seems to be located on the literal butt of Stuttgart. It was like a 3~4+ hour detour - and by the time I was back in the U-Bahn I was reliefed to essentially be back in civilization.
It certainly was an adventure.

And so I spent time building it while "watching" some YouTube. Given that I can't really just sit down and watch contemporary political stuff anymore - just passively listening to it while building Gunpla ... worked out alright.
And there were a bunch of Videos that played - and one of them went a little into the election Gore versus Bush. And that highlighted ... a few things to me.

For once, it may have been the previous most important election since whenever Lincoln got president. Though, perhaps every election where a (modern day) Republican candidate is running ... is that. Because those types of republicans are just evil.

I mean, Gore versus Bush was pretty much: Reacting to Climate Change versus just Fucking our Planet. And the "Fucking our Planet" party really fought Tooth and Nail to win that election - lost if I remember correctly but won the presidency anyway. And to this day I'm not convinced that 9/11 wasn't an inside Job, but ... that's beside the point. More or less.

I mean - something similar is going on these days. The whole situation with Hamas is ... it's just weird to me. Something's not right. And what they did on ... what was it ... October 7? - sheesh ... time flies by - I don't really understand.
But ... I mean ... have you ever felt like news broadcasting and reporting on stuffs is leaving out important information that you only came accross afterward that had you go like "What the F?"? Anyway ... to not get too conspiracy brained too fast right here ... I'll leave it at that for now.
Right now ... we're just ... trying to get an index of sorts.

Like ... the whole Epstein situation - seems to also ... need to be tagged. And there were other stories like that, from before all that came out, that are like major WTF material ... involving powerful people that would probably leverage that power for the story/stories to be kept as quiet as possible.
It also makes me wonder: Could the chokehold that the Republican campaign of recent had on the Democratic side have anything to do with ... let's call it 'sensitive information' of the sort that someone like a close associate of Epstein would have access to? Implying that the real problem with the Democrats might be that we need to really ... flush the system.

Anyway. By "settling as though there were no tomorrow" ... I mostly meant to say that we've grown somewhat complacent with an illusion of peace and prosperity ... that has slowly begun to fall apart.
We might say that this is due to a shift in powers - where the forces of evil have once again grown more dominant than those of good. Liberalism may have helped proliferating those - which is where westerners might/should think of the immigration of potential terrorists - but to me ... I find it healthier to not think in worldly categories when it comes to that. Though we sure might pin certain conditions on "the immigrants" - the real problems are of an ideological/spiritual nature. And though we might yet again pin those to the worldly aspects - such as foreign cultures that fail to integrate while harboring ideals incompatible with the western ideal - ideologies can be changed. And here the problem with racism is, that it doesn't want that. It wants things to be as much at odds as possible.
I mean - I really think that currently in europe ... a certain paranoia is spreading that is poised to promote really ... problematic racial attitudes on either side of the equations.

And yea, in the meantime it is all the good of the past ... that gives us an easier time of not going crazy.

But now ... on to another pinned item on my list: China.

I mean ... anecdotally ... China has been more of a negative when it comes to my experiences. And ... the fact that it might be involved in a whole lot more than I know of isn't really a redeeming quality. But ... so we're on the same page: I'm merely speaking of my own immediate experience here. At first. My impression based on news and stuff might be anywhere from here to there. But ... then, at the end of the day, my closest contact point with China is Amazon.

And that ... has so far soured my "relationship" with Amazon. And on a side-note: Why are we even still bothering with "User Reviews" at this point?
Anyway. So, when I'm looking for something on Amazon - it's usually because I don't know where else to get what I'm looking for. And ... ever so often there's a bunch of offerings at around the same prize range that seem to all be the same product but from different brands that try to pretend not to be Chinese.
And I can't help but feel bad whenever I buy stuff like that.
I mean, when it comes to clothes ... I find that they have more for my tastes; But that aside ... . I once wanted to buy a cigarette box. I ordered one for 20 bucks - I think, it certainly wasn't the cheapest ... and despite what the product presentation on Amazon may have suggested, the "stainless steel" thing barely held together. So, that was money and materials in the bin.
There's a distcint feeling that I shouldn't have certain things that are on offer that way.
I mean ... eventually I bought a set with bookbinding tools. That one wasn't too bad. But ... I mean, the threads were pre-waxed but a little bit too thick. And the rest ... good enough I suppose. I mean ... a folding bone made of actual bone just feels better - but doesn't really do a better job than one of plastic. There's some high quality plastic bones ... but that's almost a separate category of product. So ... it was fine, I guess. But still something felt off. Then, recently, I bought a set of tools to buld Gunpla with ... and they're already about to face obsolesence. I mean, there are files that are certainly too rough to be used with any precision, the pincers bend rather easily and the nippers are already disaligned. I just ordered a pair for around 30 bucks (Stedi) - which is however more than I paid for the entire set.

So, whatever could be said in defense of Chinese products ... is probably fair. Also when it comes to Gunpla. The nippers might be unusable for cleanly cutting out a part - but there's also a knife. However ... if you wanted to build Gunpla ... because Gunpla are cool ... I'd almost rather say: Don't!
As for tools - if you invested in a simple wire-cutter and a hobby-knife ... you'd probably get the most out of it. Like ... a lot of plastic stubs and shavings ... but that's a different story.

But ... the main issue here isn't ... the economic considerations behind hobbies; Although it's certainly a part of it. In this instance we're talking about: Meeting user demands - more to the point. And beyond that: China in the light of Politics.

China, I'd say, is complicated. Certainly to us westerners. I've so far had a hard time ... coming to terms with how I feel about it. I mean, to our sensitivities ... yea, "China bad" ... because ... things. In the grand scheme of things ... in contemporary terms ... it's however ... I suppose ... surprisingly stable. Maybe more so than we. At least when we look at the worldly side of those ... "issues" previously mentioned ... they might even be ahead of the curve. In ... a bunch of different ways.
But that, I'd say, is owed to Chinese Culture - or more to the point: The culture of the Chinese Bourgeoisie. Which I argue is as much a thing as it is ironic for a Communist system to have such harsh class separation. But ... I guess, it's ironically also par for the course ... for self-proclaimed "Communist" regimes to have that.
Uhm, for starters: I think the best way to think of the Chinese government is to think of it as a Mafia that somehow is the official government of the country. From what I can piece together, that's just how they operate. That's ... however you end up having a say - that's neither here nor there. Once you have a say ... you do however have some self-interest in the success of the whole operation. Thus, you're incetivized to care for the nation rather than your own wealth - at least that would be the idea; Though which side of the equation you have to be on to not be dealt with very swiftly ... is I guess just Chinese politics.

Then, whatever the party as a whole decides is just that - and if you don't have a say from within you don't have a say at all. So, instead of entertaining people who can't form a proper opinion to have freedom of speech - they deal with people who try to have an opinion or promote one ... very swiftly.

And the funny thing ... . I mean, I "watched" Vaush watching a Video in which some Mehdi Hasan interviewed some Chinese official ... it's ... they're very open about this.

Anyhow. ... What I want to get at is that to us westerners ... the "Market Return" from Chinese politics are these kinds of products that could be described as "designed for meeting every user need one might have". So - very good stuff, in a way ... but also very bad due to the underlying Capitalistic foundation. I mean ... China does inherently have to consider production at a larger scale than most if anyone else ... based on its own population. The fact that it's like the factory of our planet for a lot of stuff ... only adds to that. And that consideration exists on the opposite end to producing quality stuff. It's the "we have [X] at home" of the Planet.
And to add some humoristic cherry on top: One of their most famous legends is that of Sun Wukong - a.k.a. "Journey to the West" - which, from a Videogame perspective means: as you move to the west you approach the end-game and therefore the better gear.
And because it has to be: Beyond the Atlantic you get to diminishing returns.
But, to be fair: Made in Germany used to be the "we have [X] at home" before 'Made in Germany' became a good thing. So, who knows?

The message ... well. The image I want to paint here is one of where we're 'stuck'. I mean, for all intents and purposes we are 'in the future'. I mean, thinking of "Back to the Future", 2015 is already in the past. And we have a lot of awesome tech - but instead of actually 'living in the future' - we seem to mostly just be coping off of the illusion.
(And one of the biggest fails we germans could do ... is invest in electric cars before the next generation of batteries is out. Or so, batteries that don't suck! #FuckTesla!)

And ... it's not difficult to identify Capitalism as the biggest problem in all of the things that we have to consider as problematic.
I mean, to come back to the Gore versus Bush thing ... that's a thing that should need no further commentary or explanation. But there's still layers to the story. Uhm ... in another Video that I "watched" ... the topic of the whole "Killer Hornets" or what was it came up; I think as part of a list of topics that got blown out of proportion by news as "the next thing to panic about". And ... somewhere nested in that topic was the issue of how Capitalism responded or responds to "Climate Relevant" matters. Say ... the shrinking population of bees becomes a problem. What does capitalism do: Well, apparently it boosts the proliferation of bees. However not helpint the kind of bees that do all the pollonating - but the kind that make the honey and probably don't get around much to do any of the relevant pollonating.
It seems like ... people come up with a list of Climate Relevant matters - and capitalists then try to find some "compromise". So they end up checking the "More Bees" box ... and in so doing they can call themselves "eco friendly" without actually having done anything positive.

Part of the same video, I guess, also was an instance of ... how politics in the USA seems to be carried by ... Republicans sporting issues only to make Democrats look bad. And that in a very much very worse way than Democrats might in return. Unless you're a Republican butthurt over legitimate criticism ... I suppose. And we have similar issues here in germany as well. Anyone ever heard of "them trying to take away your meat"?
Hmm ... what was that particular part of the video about? Gas versus Electric stoves? Meat versus alternatives? Something along those lines. And yea ... when the dominant story is "They try to take away your meat" versus a sober analysis of our current perspective of a prosperous future ... ugh ...

So, a little bit beside the point; I think news-wise we need to have a Stack. A place to keep track of certain topics that are more important than whatever the current thing is; While the current thing is probably forever determined by some need for change. A need that seems to be a good mechanism for swiping things under the rug. Except ... the rug by now is like its own landscape including flora and fauna.

Anyway ... when it comes to sustainability and future-proofing civilization ... we need to work together. And for that ... we need the naughty kind of freedom ... that would allow us to entirely replace our governments ... democratically. If we're lucky ... that's just an abstract extreme where the only real problem is to deal with the greedy elements.

And fascism ... I suppose.

Mothers of Zion

I mean ... looking at how that whole problem developed so far, I can't help but feel a little ... "Chinese" about it. I mean, it'd be a good thing - sortof - if we could just deal with it very swiftly ... indiscriminately. But ... I also don't think that that kind of climate is very helpful to make the necessary steps forward.

I mean, for once we need a whole new Status Quo. And to that end ... I think the first thing we can really have ... is a Matriarchic organization. To so ... add some terms into the mix: GEA (Green Earth Alliance) would be a more or less loose, possibly Corporation/Industry centric thing; naming GU (Gnostic Union) as the larger political umbrella. Here we'd first try to establish a way of organizing things - based on a "First to come, last to go" philosophy. It's what we need now - regardless of what the best thing would be. The latter comes from the former.
But beside that, there's an item that's been floating around my mind - maybe I mentioned it at some point - that's somehow near and dear to my heart: The Mothers of Zion.
Now, we aren't Zionists as the contemporary definition would hold it. But ... Zion is inevitable. It is however ... no human concept. The only way to really get there, is through God.

Entering the Ninedom is like ... a first step. For those in the ninedom ... there however comes the need to connect and organize. These connections and that organization can take on many forms; And that's one thing. Beyond that ... in as far as the sexual dichotomy is real there are also distinct male and female ... duties or roles. But it's not as simple as the Conservative concept of "the Nuclear Family" (which, in the grand scheme of things, is a very limited concept). I mean, it at some point only goes to say that the organization of civilization is to be left to the men. And that probably all boils down to ... dick measurements. I mean, the rhetoric goes to show that; Where, men say they feel useless - or need a sense of purpose. Whatever they say, however they word it - it boils down to: Men happy when woman impressed. Which ... can be cute, I guess ... but this "Alpha Male hive-mind" has thus far not produced anything impressive outside of the quantity of bullshit. And ... that's not the kind of impressive that ... works for me.
I mean, I'm a Lesbian/part-time-Pansexual ... but that's a part of the equation. Because ... I also exist and by virtue of how the divine made things ... I'm the Alpha on this Planet! So, you need to impress me, or at least consider me and the likes of me. And all that isn't even about me - it is just about ... humankind at large. And, it's not rocket science to understand that "Woman belong in kitchen" won't fly with me. And it can actually be that simple! It doesn't take much! Just ... accept it!
Oh ... pardon. Another impressive thing that has come out of Conservatism is ... the level of Mental Gymnastics performed. But yea, that ... can technically be counted as Bullshit.

So, in as far as men want to do the man things that men do - it has to be understood ... acknowledged and accepted, that it "should" (does) require 'feminine approval'. I mean, if you want to play the "divine hierarchy" game ... sure. We are at the butt-end of the joke anyway ... and so men say that they happy when we praise them. And God happy when man praise Him. So, ... man praise God when man happy? OK - but then woman praise man when woman happy. And when woman happy?
Well ... to answer that ... there's the Mothers of Zion, let's say ... which might first of all be the union of those that perform the basic Feminine duties of the collective - which to begin with aren't those that men do/would want them to be. A.k.a. "Zion isn't a Whorehouse".

So, the Mothers of Zion as such can also be taken as ... a super-collective whereby one's situation with the Ninedom can be verified. Ultimately it wouldn't need some kind of official name or whatever, but still someone, per some amount of people or location, to be the person of trust when it comes to the greater whole. So - any group would benefit from "perfect mutual awareness". That is ... doing the ritual as a group to let everyone know that everyone else is in it. And that kind bond is eventually even critical to properly deflecting "intruders" and corruption of that kind. I mean, for as long as outsiders clog our intimate structures we cannot really function correctly. Outsiders also aren't 'meant to be' there ... in what is essentially the holy of holies. They are meant to remain outside, searching for their way in. And that's the pivotal function of a Monastery. To help people in need ... with the various steps towards Enlightenment. A.k.a. entering the ninedom such that they can benefit as part of the collective.

And if you don't know what I mean here ... that's a red flag. If you "did the thing" and yet you're the only one you know of ... as in the ninedom ... you are surrounded by outsiders! Probably doing a Raid (MMORPG terminology) to keep you isolated.
And if you're like stuck because you can't even figure out how to get Baptised ... that's a super red flag! In that case ... you're probably not surrounded by the helpful kind of people either! Although maybe in a lesser sense; But still.

Over time ... with growing numbers and geological complexity ... a clear organization will become more and more important. I mean ... anyone that's part of the collective could serve as "gate" into the whole; But at the end of the day ... there should be people (more than) willing to dedicate to these kinds of things - and we'd probably be best off ... appreciating that.

I believe that these organizations will just manifest - if they haven't done so already.
And to formally recognize them ... would be an inevitable progression thereof.

The end of that story is that the Mothers of Zion will become a very integral part of the whole. If you wanted to be toxically masculine about it you'd take issue with how that's a leadership role and how men become the slaves of women and shit like that. Apart from that, a variety of forms of Organizing would emerge as merely part of mutual interests - and ... at the end of the day the internal function should be rather simple: You doing what you feel is best and you connecting with people that help you towards it. But that doesn't really work with Outsiders. I mean, maybe it could ... perhaps ... but ... before we should get through the headache of figuring that out ... we should first figure ourselves out. I mean ... why even bother?

And it's ... uphill from there. The good kind of uphill. "STONKS" is it called nowadays I suppose.

I mean, some dipshits might try to argue that it's the end of civilization ... but yea, if we're the civilization ... what they're saying is ... not even important. But ... to expand on that idea; The thing is that we don't get to be anything if our first concern is how to best structure our civilization. That's not what's supposed to bring people in. And for all they care - we should just be some fringe religious group. But sure - they want to catch people in their ignorance ... . And once you're in - "you decide".

"You decide"

So - China is what we might call a Senatorial Dictatorship. And as that ... it's technically a Democracy. Though different from what we would call a Democracy, it is still what we might call a "Governmental Democracy" - alias: However people are voted into power, it is still very much a top-down kind of deal. Like so, we vote people into power - and whether they act based on the issues we voted them in for ... is a different story.
By that I mean to stress, that ... when I speak of a Democracy ... the kind I think we need ... we're talking of a "Populist Democracy". Maybe.

I mean, whatever the proper terms would be - well, I guess there's a little bit of everything. In this instance, the problem I think I can address is that the mindset associated with "Governmental Democracy" can easily be one of "getting bamboozled into accepting a course of action that may or may not be good". And it is also inherently somewhat, if not very, authoritarian. It kind of depends. But ... as far as the online rhetoric is concerned ... it's all very "my way or the highway"-esque. So, people presenting their ideas as though they are objective fact - and we are supposed to agree with these "facts" as our part in the Democracy.

And while that's already a step forward from the Chinese solution, it's still very Dictatorial. Give or take.

Once we can however govern ourselves as a collective, rather than a random distribution of individuals, things are different. And to that end ... it might be difficult to explain how it works because we don't have a lot of experience or familiarity with the necessary concepts. Though, we might call it: A framework within which we can collectively act as individuals. But ... uhm ... yea. I'm probably overthinking this right now. Anyway ... time to move on ...

But ...

Yea. If you expected some kind of Cosmic Imperatives from my end ... I have to disappoint you right now. I mean, a lot of things are currently going on ... or still ongoing ... - and I'm certain that once the dust has settled we'll be in a much better position than before. In the grand scheme of things.

Apart from that - if this year was like a moderate blue-sky day ... when glancing past the ordinary troubles of the day ... the next one seems to be more like a fresh new morning. That's just how I feel. As for me ... it's like ... "I'm supposed to say something. ... Everything that has a beginning has an end" ... or whatever. But outside of vibes there isn't much. I feel stressed ... like taunted into going all "crying wojack" over ... stuff. But as it stands I seem to have pulled the UNO reverse card.

Apart from that ... God seems to nudge me into ... giving Him an opening. And based on what I want ... what I feel makes sense ... there will have to be a major curb-stomping of the enemey because I'm so fucking done with this day in day out nothing ever changes for the better kind of bullshit as the world around me progressively decends into batshit insanity. I want there to be tears, I want broken teeth and broken bones, I want to hear the cries of pain and see the smoke ascending behind the broken walls - I want the wrath of God to descend in all of its Glory upon Babylon - if only to give everyone a very clear taste of it; But I'm afraid ... that that taste is going to carry us further, regarding our sensitivities, than just a taste ... though ... 'afraid' is maybe the wrong word. I'm ready for Armageddon - or call it Ragnarock - whatever; And if there's space for some extra wishes - I want my Birthday to be EPIC! I mean, it may be a little self-indulgent - but at this point it's the kind of indulgance that is also somewhat cathartic because me and my standing in the hierarchies are kind of part of the dick measuring that's like ... taking place to see who's got the tallest one. And I'm sure that some folks out there are like holding on to their esteemed positions with dear life ... but uhm ...

Yea, what do the books say? Something about four winds?
I don't know ... . God does what God does and I sick of making a fool of myself and having hopes that turn out to be empty. It's time for something real - but I'd be lying if I said that I'm absolutely sure of it. That it'll ever happen, even. But something is just urging me ... nonetheless ... to ... let loose. A little. So ... unto those that fight against me: GET REKT!


Hmm ... this is probably not how that works. But maybe this does: Conserative and Fascistic rhetoric is banned into the zone of "obviously self-defeating and moronic" for a year. Donald Trump is banned into the "Obviously a criminal that shouldn't be trusted" Zone for 5 years. And Matt Walsh is banned into the Slapstick Zone. Along with Tim Pool and Ben Shapiro. I mean, it's like ... meant to be, isn't it? Makes me almost feel stupid for having ... thought them for anything but a Parody. Also ... the AfD is banned into the "too stupid to govern" zone.
Hmm ... am I ... like ... bad? Because ... I seem to only be good at curses. ...

The videos in Sequence:
Dark Brandon : Maga Morons - a Short Animated Film
Some More News : Some Grifters Who Finally Faced Consequences
Climate Town : How To Steal An Election
Climate Town : Who's Taking America's Water
The Act Man : DrDisrespect Has Brain Damage
Some More News : Gas Stoves, Murder Hornets, Spy Balloons, And Other Media Panics We Forgot About
iDubbbzTV : 100 Percent Women
Vaush : It's geninely scary how mask off this debate gets

It has come to my attention that there is some kind of petition going on in the Dragonball subs on reddit - to also get Dragonball Super banned to the slapstick zone. I'm sympathetic to the idea - but, I worried of the power-vacuum created thereby; As much as of the slippery slope I'd be stepping onto by ... yea, essentially doing a bit of an ethical cleansing.
Also, things are already wonky enough as it is - at least the potential is there, thinking of how people might try to argue about the deeper implications of where things are at. Or am I ... misjudging the situation?
Anyway ... Dragonball already has its own Zone for where Super should be situated. That's the Fighting Game space where Roshi can hold its own against the likes of the Androids, Cell and Buu ... where literally we have Palette swaps of Characters. Beyond that, I'm not sure if Super needs to be explicitly banned to anywhere. I mean, it may be Canon - in a way that however also really isn't - but while it also isn't really Fanfic ... it's more like Headcanon.

Anyway. As for what's in need of a statement on my behalf - the problems I tried to tackle existed outside of there merely being obnoxious fans. And with that being said ... that's that.