Anyway ... plot progression?

I think that if we have an understanding I can ... extend myself a little. Play some silly games or ... whatever. At least ... that's like a new understanding I found. And in that regard ...

Given that I feel like I have to change up my game - you know, presuming that I utterly failed and ... that alongside some other things I've written that may have fallen on deaf ears a.k.a. I was wrong or bad actually ... the thing is that the jig would be up and now I have to look for some alternative ... career.

I think I have pretty hands, so I might get into hand-modeling. But ... I'm too lazy to leave my apartment and stuff like that, so - I might try advertisement. I know ... not getting anything in return for it isn't how that's supposed to work ... but, here's the thing: My stedi "Modle Nipper"(sic)s (MS 109) arrived today and since I still had to cut some parts (hands, beamsaber handles, "whatever that thing is" (seriously ... there's only japanese text. It's on none of the images!)) from the sprues I tried and ... OH MY HOLY SHIT! [At this point some images to highlight the differences, maybe focusing on facial expression could come in - the text reading something to the effect of (Work in Progress)]: Previously the cutting and cleaning of parts was a chore. With my [insert model name] its actually fun! [Snip snip].
"Like a Knife through Hot Butter".
... or:
"Cutting" the parts out with the [ordinary nipper] requires a lot of clean-up which will produce a lot of plastic chafing that might just go anywhere. [image of dude with undone hair looking comedically desperate with plastic in his hairs] - but with my [inert model name] cutting and cleaning is a breeze! [image of blonde white woman looking like "oooh"]

I'd ALMOST say that if you've ever built Gunpla with shitty nippers - getting some good ones is definitely worth it ... and if only for the experience!

But yea, I think this can quickly get tiresome. Hmm ... maybe I should try grifting instead? I mean ... if you stare at the abyss and the abyss don't stare back ... what do you do?

So uhm ... 'as a Trans wooman' - how am I doing so far?
No, but seriously. I feel like I might have lost my way a little. I used to be so passionate about defending the issues of Gamergate and ... getting suckled up in the left-wing hive mind ... I feel has dulled this passion somehow. So uh ... Gundam Seed ... [checks notes] ... uh ... Sucks?! Hmm ... OK, this might be hard actually ...

Ah yea ... so, Iron Blooded Orphans was ... surprisingly good. Because ... man Gundam. Manly man Gundam. [animalistic noises]. Not because ... oh, I ... hmm ... wait ...

Yea, just kidding. But ... holy [bleep bleep bleeeeep]

Never mind!

So ... the uglification of woman in videogames is a real issue. Of course one might say that if artists decide to go for a more diverse, or so: Reality inspired range of aesthetics they will naturally diverge from or even divest of the one body type present in japanese media per gender; But understand that if you choose "asia", you also choose the evidently more queer ... huh?

Hmm ...

Uh ... Berret! Yes! The Black ... Character body type ...! Yea! Plural!

[offscreen: But there are gay dudes in Iron Blooded Orphans!]
Uh ... Waifu!

Women don't have hair!
Obviously that's a joke! ... where am I going with this?

Well, obviously this won't work out for me. There sure is a lot to be said ... and emphasized ... yet ... in favor of Gamergate, but ... it's not like there aren't any Entities in Entertainment that still do the good stuff. I suppose it just so happens that most of that is also inclusive and diverse and all of that good stuff. And that's just where we at nowadays; Like ... time has passed by, things have happened - and apparently there's still plenty to talk about. Except that it would entail takes such as "Terraria is Woke because Genderswap potion!" - and ... I don't know ... I never had a need for it because I designed my Character accordingly; But it's cool I guess. So I'm thinking ... I want a gay Character in my immersive Videogame that is so gay that it totally breaks the immersion. I'm thinking of him wearing a tank-top in rainbow colors and writing code specifically for that shirt ... and I'll call him Joseph Manderson or something like that.
I do however feel like I'm a bit out of the loop with this discussion, like ... I seriously can't be bothered, and I'm sure that ... . I mean, some might care about some ... thing. so, I present to you the most epic take-down/response/beef video on the Internet:
I mean ... maybe that's exaggerated. I mean, I've seen stuff. Ben Shapiro interviewing Neil DeGrasse Tyson on trans people was pretty epic. The whole Steven Crowder versus Sam Seder thing was big. If you're more of an intellectual you might, as I do, dig Thunderf00ts post Gamergate arc. Sure, he's a bit of an odd dude ... but he does some good stuff!

At the very least ... it always feels good to introduce you to a New Character. I mean, I don't care much of their background and ideas and opinions ... apart from things I do care about; And this one seems pretty legit. At least within the given context. He comes off a bit strong in the start and rambles maybe a bit too much at the start of the video for this particular context ... but once he gets rolling it gets really good. I mean, there is a given smugness - but there's also something like deserved smugness and relative superiority smugness. I feel like that's a bit of a new trend that's been cooking. We could describe it as some abysmal concoction of wokeness, pride and self-confidence ... but that's probably too limiting. Due to the contemporary polarization it is however like intrinsically Anti-Fa. Which is woke ... I guess.

Anyway ... I think this dude does a great job jumping into the frey and producing some much needed content for the contemporary mind. At least in this particular video. And the other 'edited' stuff I've seen. But this one in particular hits the issue on the nose ... and ... for whatever there's to be said I think ... I ought to count myself to the audience.

I mean ... I'd rather talk about Gundam. At this point. Because ... I'm almost done watching Gundam Seed; Almost because I need to actively watch it to read the subtitles, so - if I do other stuff it's no good. But anyway ... I find myself ... thinking it's a Masterpiece. I guess the only negative would be that every ... single ... episode ... somehow needs a Gundam fight, but ... maybe that's a good thing.
Iron Blooded Orphans just hits different.
And ... being now actually more familiar with the franchise ... I come to think of my opinion about Witch from Mercury. Though, what haunts me the most is that some people might honestly just not see what ... makes it so great in my opinion. I mean, from what I have seen the reception was positive, but not quite like mine. So, like ... what does 'Peak Anime' mean?

Peak Anime is subjective. Almost any Anime, for the sake of argument, can be peak depending on your individual tastes. I mean, if you're thinking of animation quality or art style there sure are others that would come to mind - and have a more objective standing on the "Peak Anime Podium". And ... I was running this through in my head - and yea, it comes down to what are "Peak Anime Tropes" to me - and how well they are realized in WfM. I enjoy for once how it's low-key and subtle but relentless; As in how the plot progresses. I mean, it's a bit like a Tsunami ... and by the time the waves become visible it's almost the climax already. It's so innocent and cute in its delivery ... like just a bunch of gals being pals and some dudebros being dudes ... "Gund-Arm ... Gund-Arm ..." ... but at the same time there is this really dark background. Then we get to the end and it goes from normal and innocent to crazy and esoteric; And Eri, the Character, ties it all together so well. So you get to the trope-ical "magic girl" or "angelic reveal" super omega power thingy wherein the show concludes; Where Eri is like the most transhumanly transcendant Character ever while also being a fucking Gundam ... and all of those fancy "Gund Arm Powers" of the Arial don't only make sense but they also spill over in this totally bereft of any proper scale showdown. I mean, it's not Gundam versus Gundam, but Gundam versus Concepts of the Universe. Which, yea - I guess doesn't make a whole lot of sense; And I might exagerate a little as I'm grasping forr words; But that's OK! It is kind of the point. My point.

But eventually I noticed that this isn't really ... what matters. What matters is the underlying conundrum of diversity and friendship. Because ... looking from the outside in, being essentially confined to our headspaces to make sense of the current and future conditions of human society - there's like the struggle for dominance and the struggle for vibes. They seem to be ... like ... inevitable matters. And in any boys versus girls type of thing, boys will always be boys ... they like what they like and "girl stuff" will always be "girl stuff" - in that dominance focused environment. On the other hand then there are vibes. Sure could one argue that vibes are subject to dominance - but vibes go beyond that. They can extend into harmony and harmony can become a dominance in its own right. Neither can be denied - in an existential sense - and yet they are like ... utterly at odds with one another.
Both do also correspond to different mindsets. We might say "masculine versus feminine" - but it's not like men don't desire harmony nor that women can't be dominance-whoring, caniving bitches. If so, it's more subtle. More ... deeper within the individual matter/concept.

Somehow 'Kaos' (Netflix series) is still fresh on my mind - and there we get an example of this dominance mindset in its extreme. That would be I'd say beyond Toxic Masculinity - but generally Carricatures and exagerations tend to do a good job at conveying a more subtle idea. As for vibes ... I guess ... Dirk Gentley/The Wholistic Detective could be an example. But Zeus versus Prometheus also kind of works. But ... I'd almost say that the whole vibes thing is difficult to portray. Like ... it's everything and nothing. It's Zen. "It must be experienced". At least that's kind of where I have to be going with this.

I mean ... starting with the whole matter of weird Gamers that are incapable of dealing with how Game Devs have moved towards embracing the fact of the wider variety of kinds of people that exist; (Not saying that bad artists don't do bad arts - or that there couldn't be any reasons why some franchises might be cursed now); To the media starved queers raging for representation - there is a very subtle craving of/for dominance. Or not so subtle. ADHD might also factor into it. An active mind, one trying to yet define itself and therefore reaching out and laying claim on things; Not even talking about Greed yet; It's all ... I would call it feral and blunt. On a deep emotional level that might qualify as 'subconscious' to normal people. It is 'like' a Greed, Bloodlust; And a desire or demand for reality to echo ones sensitivities. Like confirmation bias, but more like ... a transfiguration of the fantasy into reality. Not the fantasy on screen or the fantasizing of the mind, but the subconscious, internalized fantasizing of ones self. We might also call it selfish and ego-driven; Which is technically factual ... but the nature of those terms would also make that be somewhat misleading. Like, it's not only about ego. It is about ego in that part of it is down to how the ego perceives reality (the "inner", subconscious ego) - but that's also technically outside of ego. So, when the world changes or is in a way that we don't like it to be, that ego and its perceptions get triggered - and as in an attempt to hold on to sanity we argue in favor of what we conceive to be real. And so we eventually try to codify the world into terms that soothe this understanding ... and I'd argue that 'tradition' - albeit it more often than not might just not have a whole lot in common with the 'actual' tradition - plays a huge role in that.
And with that ... going on as it does ... the world can barely heal. Maybe it could/might. Like, by God many things are possible. But that is then an externalized hope. A maybe. Where we do not have the confirmation that God even wants to do what we need Him to do there. He might even want the opposite. And what do we do then?

So first of all lets rather focus on the thing itself. Like, we're all clawing at the world to shape it as we mean or need it to be. In so doing, we're possibly causing wounds. And anyone who tries to fix it ... has to be very careful to not accidentally do the same. And it's EASY to not always see the issues. One can adhere to certain principles. But it's not like politeness cannot be abused to inflict emotional damage onto people. So yea, intention also matters - but ... at the long end you're still just someone arguing for a world that might not be everyone's ... and if only by what they might imply about your political ideals.

Eventually, around some other corner, the question for who or what you are cannot be answered by anything you might find in the world. I mean, it's a question that takes many forms and each requires a different kind of answer. And one in particular effectively rejects words, terms, concepts. It's the most basic question of existence. Where you are not a thing that could be named, but by a name - that in turn however isn't you either.
The answer is moreso one of action. Intentions. 'Being' in its rawest form.

There is that statement: Thou shalt not Judge. ... For by the same measurement you judge thou shalt be judged. It is due to that appendage, that this statement is seen in this context of ... guilt and blame. And as the text "Only God can judge me now" goes - there's a clear understanding, I'd argue, that the world doens't always allow for our hearts intent to come out clean. At least those that tried should know.
For here I do however have to take things a little further.

Judgment, as per the previously established context, is a function of ego. Like, you see a woman in any recent piece of media and immediately think DEI and eventually spiral into a sequence of internal rambling that takes you away from what you're watching and into an alternate reality that translates into scorn for what you're perceiving. Hypothetically speaking. And that's like ... a form of Projection. I mean, I've seen that word being used in a veriety of ways - speaking of what psychological processes produce it. I guess that in its essence its about wishful thinking and the mind finding ways of how reality might fulfil that thinking. A different kind is however about what one knows to be true for themselves and implies the same of others. So, the untrustworthy only see untrustworthy people; But perhaps those that are as untrustworthy as they themselves.
I mean, I've seen some wild instances of that IRL myself. Like how it can be a function of compensating for ones own shortcomings - to thus project it onto others to have that sense of superiority that your own demons seem to have upon you. And that would be yet another sad example of how negative emotions lead to the dark side; And how the dark side is really just where tragedies go to ... consolidate themselves.
Like ... anyhow ... shortcomings are for the most part just personal fears. They might be real, like ... if you have a low IQ that's really just what it is! But it doesn't help to fixate on it. So it's like saying that there are no shortcomings. Even if there are - it's ... counter productive to think that way.
Anyhow ... in this instance of projection we have some kind of 'parallel reality' thing going on. Where so the incineration of ones own worldview is projected on the world that is perceived; As based on some ... 'an eye for an eye' type of thinking.

So, when it comes to media that effecitvely doesn't work for you because your "clawing" doesn't have anything to latch onto, or if all you do is destroy it, that is likely a problem of judgment. The subconscious type. And I guess that also roughly corresponds with the bad kind of cynicism that the Bible speaks of.
I mean ... I can be cynical when watching shows. But occasionally a show takes what I'm cynical about and spins it in interesting ways. And maybe I can do that because I have a high IQ, so, I can be cynical about it while also processing what's actually going on - where I also generally have, or at least think I do, a lot of Zen.
Anyway ... I'm not saying that bad art will all of a sudden be good ... that's not how it works. It's more like ... being more capable of distinguishing good from bad. Due to having a more neutral and unbias perspective. A perspective that isn't merely a hypothetical 'point of view'. I mean, say a thing happens in a show - and you're like cynical about it and you put it into your box of ... how modern media sucks. But someone else is like ... confused instead, starts to think about what or why the fuck just happened ... looking at the box of 'how modern media sucks' ... but then something else happens and it kind of starts to make sense. While the other guy is already writing an article (in their head) about the downfall of western civilization. The perspective being ... the lines your mind is drawing.

In brief: To heal ... is a function of time. I've seen The Act Man's debate with ... some "Oh no, it's Woke!" type of guy ... and his approach on the issue seems to be to try and not tear the wound further open. That's cool. But ... I recently cut my finger - and the cut went deep. I had the opportunity to look and it was at least 2 millimeters deep. Maybe 3. I put a bandage around it, eventually it wasn't really bleeding anymore but ... it didn't seem to heal. Didn't help that I move the finger a lot during work. I do however also have some wound-gel. I did put it on the wound at some point because I realized I had it and could. And it's like ... magic. It still took time, but ... I guess my point is that we can also do something 'to heal'. However ... to pull more from anecdote ... it doesn't work to only focus on it being fixed.
I mean ... think of it this way: You have a deep cut in your finger. And like in world politics you now debate about what to do. With ... yourself. Or ... people. Thereby there is this party that will only accept the proposal if it fixes the cut; And rejects the idea of any kind of waiting. So, bandages, wound-gel, all that doesn't 'fix' the cut. Because whenever doing that, it's still there. Like "what if it doesn't heal?". The point is that the cut can never be fixed ... because the fix is about the time it takes for it to fix itself. And what one might do to help the process. "What are you talking about? Wound Gel? You want us to invest resources in these good-for-nothing lazy ass cells there? They have to pull themselves up by their bootstraps! That's how we used to do it! Back in my days ...".

Maybe I sucked a little at the delivery there ... but it is sure how I feel a lot of problems we have these days are treated. Especially when it comes to "boys and girls" or rather: The straights, it's always down to how things should be. What would be better. Proposals of a better world used as a cover for simple contemporary misogyny and misogynistic beliefs. And for the point here I'm not going to argue that "the girls" are much different. Like, they might as well just not care about what the hell you're talking on about - they'll just nod along because you're sponsoring their lifestyle. If you're not ... you may very well still keep on talking but at that point nobody but the lost on the interwebs care about it anymore.

Uhm ... OK. So, the idea in mind is where we think about this issue ... say ... WfM fans "versus" IBO fans ... put into a room like boys and girls ... and somehow there's supposed to be peace. So, we're looking for words that would bring them together. But ... the more we "think"/talk about it - the more troublesome it becomes. In reality, neither show would matter even close to as much as we'd be making it seem in that hypothetical. It's like with homophobes and transphobes on the internet. They spend all that time thinking about it, eventually only growing more and more repulsed by what they think the gays are doing - while in spaces where people of all different strides come together around some shared interest; All of that ... fades into obscurity. And the point I'm making is ... not that.

But similar. This part where all the troubles fade into obscurity ... that can be ... produced. So far I'd have called it 'Zen' or something along those lines. So, an attempt to let something be - to try to not judge ... and maybe you can enjoy it. To then moreso focus on the journey ... the time being ... and not ... trying to quantify the quality of it. Let the emotions do their thing - maybe looking inward ... and trying to grow in this new frame of reference.

And while that may be a little bit too ... dependent or wound up in the context, the important parts, I'd say, aren't the explicit parts. If you have gained an understanding of the issues I've highlighted ... you already have an idea of what you're dealing with and you can ... and should ... try to find your own opportunities to deal with them.

So, what did I think of Iron Blooded Orphans? It's not a Masterpiece like Gundam Seed. Which is ... perhaps a wild thing to say for some. Like, how is IBO less of a Masterpiece than Gundam Seed? Well ... it's ... difficult. My idea of what a Masterpiece is ... might not work for everyone. Like ... I do think that IBO is a Must See. Definitely. It's ... like ... also really awesome in the abstract. Like ... if you think about it. Who the Characters are. Especially Orga and ... . I think there are a lot of people that it speaks to very directly. But I also think that there are a lot of people that find themselves outside of that. That doesn't lessen the story. But it is entrenched in these ... fringe concepts that do work very well - I'd say - for some but not so much for others. The story is all the better for it, and ... pheeew ... I had emotions watching Season 2. Witch is, by the way, also on YouTube. Check the GundamInfo channel.

Then, for me, calling something a Masterpiece is like saying that you do not accept any kind of ... divergent opinion on the matter. You might pretend you do ... but actually ... you don't. So, calling something that isn't necessarily helpful or as good as a "Must see". Though I'd argue that "Must see" is more ... of a tribal thing. Like ... John Whick. Sure, ... everyone should have seen it by now ... but "dude goes onto a killing spree of vengeance after some other dude kills his dog" is like ... nothing you'd hype up in some ... prayer circle type of environment. IBO is however ... one of those ... things ... that ... if you're interested in media and the types of stories that are told around the world ... IBO is 100% and absolutely a must see.
Time required!
Gundam Seed is a Masterpiece ... in that it's a step beyond 'Must See'. It's like ... to be expected that you've seen it. Like ... as if everything hinged upon it. Like ... if you talk about movies it is - albeit only silently, not explicitly, but somehow as an unwritten law - implied that you've also seen Citizen Caine although nobody ever actually saw it. I probably even spelled that wrong.
So, if you don't care about Anime ... you also don't care about Gundam and hence you probably don't care about Gundam Seed. If this gets you curious ... it might also be a little disappointing? Though, if you pay attention and pick up on its themes it might certainly get to you. And ... I think that Gundam Seed is ... very well made for an older audience that's fine with connecting with their inner child. Because ... yea, without the ability to embrace some silliness ... that won't work.

Now, which Gundam show would work best for you is hard to say. And so, Gundam Seed being as "Vanilla" as it is ... while also being the modernized and upgraded "OG Gundam story" ... is also a good surface level argument in my opinion.

But yea. I think I'm already overdue for calling this a day.
So yea. I guess ... Mission Failed? Maybe next time ...

Hmm ...