The Politics of My Ascension

Ah, yea - here it is! The topic ... . Or ... 'A' topic. That has been cooking in me for some time now. Yea, another one. I mean, that's why I'm a bit scatterbrained sometimes, forget things, cut things short, dwell too much on others. It's ... a bit wonky of a balance going on in here sometimes.

So, it wasn't really a topic at first; But rather so an issue. Like, if you've grown appreciative of my existence and externalize that appreciation; You're probably doing so on your own terms; And those would ever so often lack the necessary understanding to like ... speak on my behalf. Like ... you shouldn't - if you can help it - speak on my behalf; Because that's also not how any of this is supposed to work.

But ... because it therefore is a very obvious gap in your defense ... I then am triggered to provide re-enforcements when and where necessary, if possible.
Alternatively you might try to construct a narrative - and ever so often you'd stumble upon gaps. Like, you have an understanding that you could adequately defend on your own, yet on occasion it'd be cool to have a direct quote you could point to.

And that's now roughly what this topic entails. Although ... I can't do much outside of how I've been doing things so far. Instead however ... I want to focus some more on this issue around ... well, let's dig into it.

To begin with - I'm easily the most special person on this planet. If anyone has a legit claim to being the main Character, it's me. Some people might take issue with this, but ... how would we go about resolving them?

I mean ... early on during my journey, so in regards to the Eden thing and some other stuff, I wondered: Cool ... but ... what do I do with it? Where do I go? Whom could I tell? I mean ... I told the German Armored Forces ... as part of my denial to serve at arms. I'm not sure what became of that; If anyone outside of some rando person going through all the mail ever took note of it; Or if maybe the date on my letter was enough to send it straight to the bin.
And yea. This has occupied my mind ever since. But I figure ... it's like ... 20 years later ... and the GAF seem to be very much still catholic, so ... that's that. I guess. Like yea, it could also be that. That the rando opening the mail was somehow ... involved in a way that capped my path on that.
But then, outside of a discovery that could bolster in about any religious formation ... there wasn't much else that I had. So ... yea ... whatever.

The thing is: I ... didn't know where to go to. And as the goth gf trans meme goes - I guess I have to become that person/instance myself.

The thing with a debate and a jury around this were - that either side has grounds to take issue with who is selected to have the final say. But more to the point: This circumstance effectively points to the issue I'm having. Like, that there is no jury to begin with. I'm just being dismissed - end of the story. Or so ... "they"'d have it.

A step up would be them posting judges and me posting judges; So they can say something silly for their judges to go like "Hmm, very smart and logical point you make there" so my folks can be like "are you insane?" and ... we're back at square one.
A better frame for this kind of issue would be where either side is asked to plea their case before the other. But I've been pleading my case for so long now ... I'm a "little bit" prejudiced about how that would go. Not that it mattered. It is the way it is - I don't get to publically plead my case so they certainly have no ambitions to plead theirs to me.

The resolution is then quite simple. We can even do it right here! I have the most claim to authority - that's my case; And whether I'm pleading it or am otherwise accused - I would have to ask for evidence to whatever nonsense is being thrown around. Which is the issue with this ... jury thing. If I'm making my case and they'll just "nu uh because reasons, I don't care" - yea ... that's that.

But then, how is this really being resolved?
Well ... so, I don't hold any authority yet - let's say. For all intents and purposes here at least. Now, me asking someone who's like ... more evidently than not a conspirator against the rule of God ... for it ... is probably not going to work out. But then, who's giving them the authority to make those decisions in the first place?

Now ... that's a more complicated story - mostly politics, presumably organized crime and all of that shady nonsense.

Now, I am however certain that people who learn about my story will have a tendency towards me in this issue. Starting with a degree of self-interest that's implied within my agenda. Our agenda. And eventually ... that's it. Because ... power, political power, authoritative power, in the end ... is just an illusion. Maybe one with more non-illusory effects than a fairy tale, but ... an illusion nonetheless.

And at the heart of what this topic is all about; Are principles. I could just say: Cool, I'm God empress now, give me your support - and that's that. If I were like that and if that were like how I conducted myself ... we however wouldn't be as cool as we are; And that's ... that. To explain that ... is however ... difficult. And so I ... in a way ... don't have much of a choice here ... but to commit to this selfless act that may very well be required of me. Which is to say: I'm putting myself into the hot-seat.

Well, if you'll have me there.

I mean - I'm special, but by the way I'm conducting myself I'm currently fighting to bolster that. It's nothing I'm leaning back on, well ... except when I do - but it's something I have to live up to. Like ... I fit into my shoes - and ... in a "size does matter" kind of way ... I have to carry my weight.
Like ... "duh".

So, being put into "the hot-seat" is really just par for the course. And it's not all that terrifying either. Unless you're too small I suppose.
So, the thing is that people will judge me ... perhaps inevitably. As you do. Not the bad "oh, don't do it!" type of judgment. Just ... trying to make sense, like heads and tails, of me.

Now, my own interests ultimately go beyond that. So, what I would try to do is ... anything but fighting for my spot in collective. But with my spot in the collective ... comes a bit of a spotlight ... we might say.

That's like ... one thing. A much needed spotlight. One that should - should I not be around - shine elsewhere, but ... it's not like the two can't co-exist. That's probably also the first big thing about 'us'. THE spotlight. Like, that's really the best we can do in these confounded times. Try to tie everything together. "Move forward, gain two!".

A.k.a. "Let's hope for the best/here goes nothing".

Past that, the next point of content is 'how well' I - or we - ... are doing what we're doing. Now, I can't just be ... voted off. I mean, if you vote me off ... you're voting yourself off, basically. Which, yea, is ... a weight on my shoulders, I suppose - but ... all I can do is try to give my best and if you can't deal with that ... maybe that's a you thing.

Or maybe I should be cancelled and be left to my retirement. I don't know. Whatever.

But yea. Ultimately ... the goal is for us to be cooking our own thing - and for us to be the best at cooking so that it's a no brainer to join the flock.

Hmm ... yea. Could cooking be one of those professions that ... is best when passion is involved? Like ... if you put a gun to some chef's head and forced them to make the best meal ever - could they really make a good meal versus if you'd just ... reward them with smiles ... or ... as that german saying goes: Farts and Burps? ("Why burpeth and fartest thee(pl.) not, hast it not mouthed(tasted) thee(pl.)?")

And that's pretty much it. As in all things, give or take, the biggest pride we can find in our own is of the work that we do. Sort of. I mean, I'm like ... terrible at taking compliments, I suppose. I suppose that if I could see myself from the outside I'd be shocked in ways other than that of seeing myself in the mirror. That at least ought to be conceptually true. You know ... from what people be saying. How we are our own worse critics.

That is ... unless you don't criticize yourself.

Yes ... life is pain. Or at least ... we could say as much.

But yea. I suppose whatever else I could have written, or should yet write, is going to come to me right after I posted this. So ... there isn't much of a point to stretch this any further.
