Whence the Hose Squirts

Well ... silly title.
To make this quick ... there are two parts to this. There's the probably unnecessarily long explanation/analysis of how I got and stuff to the second part to this, and the second part to this.

Well, because I think it's at least somewhat interesting. And then, who else is going to write of all these intricate "mind things" that we either just take for granted or don't really notice?
Though ... this might not be that deep at all.

So, instead ... I guess I have to go on a bit of another tangent ... which is to answer a maybe posted question of how I know certain things. Well, I don't. I'm driven. There's a passage in the Bible or some old Gnostic text that describes the relationship between God/the LORD and one's self as optional, where one's self is sat in a boat, somewhere on some sea, and that's just Life I suppose. The option one has thereby, is to make the LORD their Captain. So, given that it might be nigh impossible to properly take that boat to any distinct location, that's a really good option.
Due to how Life is in actuality, the intricacies of that optional relationship once initiated aren't quite as simple as ... leaning back and letting God do the work. I mean, it technically is - but in actuality that involves some internal mechanisms the individual is still supposed to engage with.
Except ... it's not like solving some intricate puzzle or triangulating a concrete idea from vague descriptions or anything "doing rocket science"y like that - like how in the end one might arrive at things without having a proper explanation at all. Or an explanation other than: It may or may not have been God taking me here.

And that's just life then. Like ... we can't ... probably ... concretely say that "it was God" - so we kind of have to deal with where we get to ourselves. So, the big thing being that we don't equate the conclusions we draw to cosmic facts. But anyway ... the conclusions themselves aren't what matters - and to learn to just ... be adrift in a sense ... is kind of part of the journey. Not to say that personal determination is bad.

So yea ... it is what it is - and whatever troubles you have with that ... is something God is certainly also aware of. Which is what does make this easier, but just turning off our minds isn't really what I've learned to be something He wants from us.

Eventually it may even appear as though God/Jesus/the Holy Ghost Himself enters your mind to "say" a thing or two. To my understanding ... it happens once God has taken you to a "place" that opens a, let's say: 'unique' perspective onto something - and then a Force basically enters that perspective to ... like ... point on it and say: Take note of this!

Though one might assume that this is flimsy and prone to our own mental corruptions - what really binds God's work together is ... yea ... God. Like so, things eventually just stick. And those stickies - next to other's - make up a foundation ... like ... an anti-cognitive-dissonance-matrix. That is, as we grow accustomed to these things, our mental constitution sort-of relies on them for cognitive stability, we might say. For this reason I might at times appear irrational. Or in other words: This condition may generally appear irrational because it isn't based on what we might call 100% worldly empiricism. Worldly empiricism still matters though; But we're not bound by or restricted to only that which we can empirically fathom. Sort of. Because ... we still have to make that distinction. It's not that "worldly empiricism" is bad; It's just that a relationship with God comes with benefits that extend beyond it.

The skill issue here, I would assume, comes down to how much we can benefit of what. Like, if you're bad with empiricism you would appreciate it more than someone who can do rocket science and all of that high-science-y stuff. What that ultimately amounts to ... that's ultimately up to God.

So, what I came here for, is to write about "the Profile of the Enemy".
My understanding is that the things that aren't obvious are only speculative - and while I think there's an intuitive aspect to it, speaking things out often helps to create some kind of concrete parity between the impressions and the concurrent.

I think that I may at times appear as if I have in-depth knowledge; As of those things; In a way that might even appear to be 'sus'. The thing though is ... this "in depth knowledge" is probably on par with paranoid thinking. I mean ... speaking of Psychology: One of the problems that modern psychology has is that it's difficult to lay empirical foundations. Like, it's difficult to say 'how the mind is supposed to work' - or 'what constitutes a healthy mind' - outside of ... essentially just symptoms. And so, for the most part, I think - and based on my experience I assume - that modern psychology understands that; Thus trying to leave neurological issues to the neurosciences while otherwise helping the individual with their real-life conditions.
Paranoia then is just some ... fear of the unknown or presumed; Where it becomes unhealthy, or "symptomatic", when those assumptions take over our lives. So, when we start to make decisions - "no matter the consequence" - based on them. Once we base our reality on it, losing ... "the touch" with 'actual reality' in consequence.

So, in a sense ... all things considered ... I can establish a para-empirical ("esoteric") understanding of what the enemy is; Based on some assumptions. I'm almost certainly not alone in this, but ... I might as well ...

So, this 'para-empirical' understanding is a matter of developing assumptions that function as axioms to the theory. I can for instance just say: "They are highly developed tacticians". And that would certainly work for a work of fiction. I mean, it's kind of what makes an enemy scary. If they know what they do. Even more so when they understand how to appear as though they don't. Like, as if nothing were going on.
That's kind of ... what we're facing right now and why the implications of 'russia' make a lot of sense. There we have a concrete entity that we can assign those qualities to. So, when anything seems too coordinated to just be random happenstance ... we can blame them.

And ... if we're prone to worldly empiricism, that's as far as we can go. So, in that instance we're prone to blame russia ... even if they are just a sock-puppet of the actual source of our problems.

So, we can go further and think of the emergent fascism around the globe. We may assume that all these people just individually decided that now is the time to do a fascism again - but we may also assume that there's some ... yea ... "shadow cabal" that has undermined our societies to the point where they could initiate a coordinated drift towards fascism; Like ... after having consolidated breaking points and weaknesses such that everything would just "naturally" collapse into that direction when applying enough stress.

And I would also say that this is the real source of any 'actual' cultural terrorism.

Now, this is certainly just a conspiracy theory and sortof para-empirical. But that's not what I meant. I mean, there are some empirical aspects to this - so, having data points to somehow support the narrative - but it's a web that had to be spun, rather than something that 'concludes from the base assumption'.

Taking the phantom time theorem into account, "they" had like ... 1600~ish years to hone their "skills" (or nigh 2000 years respectively). Assuming that there's some immortality thing going on. Be it by tradition or in actuality. 1500 of observing human behavior, meddling with politics, gauding people into giving up their wealth for vain promises, that sort of thing. It all, eventually, came together in World War 2. That at least gives us a blueprint of what "modern imperialism" could look like - being like a gold-mine and wet dream for every aspiring dictator.

The primary question I had, was for ... how something like that could happen again. And I had that question because ... I 'sensed' that ... this would be the bigger goal. Though, not quite like we see it now. But, certainly with some religious core - such as to force or push the populace into a state of religious compliance with an authoritarian regime that would further bestow tremendous liberties onto the selected few. Liberties that further extend far beyond the legal spectrum. Like ... think of Epstein's Island ... but without any need to hide anything because the average person wouldn't even have the means or legal standing to search for anything.
Like, we'd be back in the dark ages where the sovereign or priest could just ask anything of you "because it's God's will" - or their words are to be taken as such. For added spice, we may also think about Stargate. Like, when "the average person" isn't only scientifically illiterate but also a Luddite, it would only take "so long" before they could woo the masses with "magic".
The way I see it ... you shouldn't stress too much to make sense of this. I'm not saying that there is a plan that makes actual sense or could realistically work to that end. But I'm assuming that it is their plan to have one. Or to get there, little by little. And Project 2025 is already ... yea ... a little bit too close to that for my tastes.

And yea. Thinking of North Korea ... that would be one solution for meeting the industrial needs for a Gua'Ould esque new world order.

A secondary question is about "them". Like ... how do they organize? How do they grow? Do they grow? What's the selection process?
Like, if they exist, how do they manage to stay hidden? Could they pull something like faking a pandemic off - or ... how much can they accomplish without getting noticed?

And ... I don't have answers. But what I assume is that there are certain arcana that they could pass on to initiates that would compell them to play along. I mean, if some dude came up to you with a suitcase full of money and some manual to the secrets of human psychology - how many would be down for it if only for "how cool it is"? From there on you might have the opportunity to rise in rank; While I would assume that everything is mostly "hands off". Each individual being responsible for their own - and those that do well in whatever way ... might get a promotion.

I don't know.
But, when it comes to not underestimating "the enemy" ... I do kind of have to take all of that into account and assume the worse.
And eventually I then find the symptoms everywhere.

I mean ... given that there is this secret cabal ... that does have money; There are the two questions of: How it spends it and how it earns it. If there were a bank, or a network of banks, that ... can shift money around internally ... between "anonymous clients" ... there would be a way though for it to go unnoticed.
And it just so happens that ... uh, there's a close link between Swiss and the Vatican.

This now however means that entities that are part of this organization have ... "mystery money". Depending on how much they can do unnoticed. So I think it's more likely that the money is poured out into "the streets" - such as to bolster the sales of new upstarts until they can stand on their own. A healthy company that can then sustain itself and grow on its own generates revenue while also adding to the range of things at "their" disposal. Think: "The world is [my] oyster".

It might thereby be funny to note how this ... might have or still does play out within the Entertainment industry. Specifically gaming. I mean, there just seems to be a lot of failure associated with a too "industrialistic" approach to creative work. But ... eh, what do I know?

And that's the gist of it.

By the way: This is also why I think it's unlikely that Russia or Israel will just stop. It's also uncertain how many of the Muslim nations are actually on board with. But as it stands ... it all does very much look like an all-out war.
What's also uncertain is the state of the Democratic nations. I would assume that looking at the "How much Oligarchy" factor is at least somewhat relevant.

For us: Democracy is the best bet. I do strongly believe that democratic leverage is real; And the better a system corresponds to it, the more we can ascertain ... well ... we might call it 'independence'. So, the key factor for me is transparency. Mechanisms that we do have insight in are the best at serving our collective interests.

To be taken with a grain of salt.