Freestyle | Drunk, Sexually Compromised and Prophetically Inspired

I was going to write something to the tune of "The Frozen Vagina" - because that's how I've been feeling lately. I wouldn't call it a drastic or radical shift, but some things became more pronounced than others.
There just is nothing in this world right now ... to melt this ice ... we might say. That's just how I feel. And while I'm itching for a warmer tomorrow, I don't think there's much - if anything - I can say in favor of any type of "heat".
I mean ... it certainly seems like sexual promiscuity would be one way to save our declining birth-rates, but ... it's easy to make this sound like a demand that would then very easily be taken in a lot of ways but the one we want or mean - while being at any rate left to our own and God's guidance. So, there isn't really a point to be made.

The thing about living in a post truth world is possibly that we have to learn to adjust the way we communicate ourselves. But maybe we don't have to.

Though I'm overcome with some urge to just ... blurt out some wall of text ... what I actually have to share might be rather short.

Maybe I'm not the first one to see it - but ... there is a case to be made ... that the Bible predicts that Kamala Harris is going to win this election!

So, there's that woman riding on that beast with all the blasphemous names written on it. But I realize that I have a grossly wrong recollection of the words of that prophecy. And I don't know why that image is stuck in my mind. That Revelation 12 speaks of a woman riding on a beast with blasphemous names written on it - as opposed to a woman standing on the moon dressed with the sun. The story that follows is also far more convoluted than I recall, the irony of it all being that I should know that prophecy intimately, given that I think it's about me.
But I guess ... interpreting this text is never safe.
For a moment however it made sense. Kamala Harris being the woman, the beast with the blasphemous names on it (where did I even get that from?) being the Democratic party; The Dragon trying to wipe her out being a last ditch effort; And the earth opening up to swallow that deluge being the population voting against it.

But with current events on mind ... Chapter 13 is kind of odd now. Verses 1-4 obviously speak about Trump. I should put that 'obviously' in quotation marks, maybe, for the sake of coherence, but ... whatever.
Verses 5-8 then speak of his first Term. Verse 9 and 10 are more like ... valid beyond this particular context; Hence the special emphasis. But yea, so far ... it still gels with the situation at hand.

Verse 11 then ... well, that would be ... drumroll ... Elon Musk! Or, rather, he would be the face of what this thing is to represent. Verse 12 makes it somewhat explicit. It executes the power of the first beast before it. Like, everyone standing outside watching it is like "duh, Elon and Trump are like ... the same thing" ... but they themselves have this whole sharade going on ... like, Trump not liking Musk, Musk sucking up to Trump - it's like "goshdangit - get a room already!".

13 is then ... like ... we can dig it as a sense of humor that can be described as very patient.

Verse 14 then, I would say, is roughly about Twitter and A.I.. Maybe with a scent of Warhammer 40k. I mean ... the whole "Trump Iconography" pre A.I. vastly leaned into Warhammer 40k imagery and now is more about A.I. nonsense. Warhammer 40k ... is at least somehow implied - and there's more about that to follow.

15 then is complicated. This would be a form of "doublespeak" we might call "prophetic speech" - which is like ... maybe nonsense but who knows? The first part could refer to A.I.. Or more to the point: what these asshats are doing with it. The closing part however is very clearly - it's kindof obvious once you see it - about Fake News. Or so, "the narrative" that's being pushed. I just saw Chill Goblin's review of all we got about Trump's connections to Epstein ... and the video makes it really clear in the beginning that the way in which news treated the Epstein story is very ... very sus. We might also talk about Fox News and how ... a lot of people seem to be deaf to anything that isn't parroted by them. Like so, what if Fox News insistently reported about Trunp's lies? Well, there would be some parity between news-outlets; Rather than an imparity that feeds into the MAGA conspiracy brain. The bigger issue though is, taht we must have learned by now, that this narrative is so strong, it's basically pointless to try and ... 'fact check'. I mean, what do you do when the canditate for Vice President goes like "I thought the rules were you weren't going to fact check!". And everyone's just like "yea, t'was a totally reasonable debate!".

Maybe it was. Maybe I just fell for fake news?
But I can also think of the whole Superman versus Goku thing. Which reminds me - there's a hot new debate now: Omni Man versus Bardock! It's not like ... we can't just have our thing. It's like ... a narrative is being pushed on us, whatever we have to say doesn't matter (though granted, a lot of it is ... basically unintelligible powerscale-talk) - but yea. Fuck that. It's in the Bible. Eat my shit! Maybe!

16 is basically that, but more about the stigma that this narrative puts onto those that ... remained sane in all this. Like ... we're "Libs", we're "Die Grühüüühnen!", we're like communist because we fact check things and question trump ... we're ... Woke, we're Trans, we're groomers - and even in my day to day life - apart from the internet - I find this narrative so fucking pervasive it's ... insane. Simpest example: Listen to uninformed dipshits when they hear the name "Thunberg".
Fuck that Andrew guy! And the other one!

And 18 ... all ties it back to the Vatican/The Antichrist ... the End!

About the Warhammer thing ... uhm, well. For that we got to skip to Chapter 17 where the judgment of Babylon is discussed - since we get a few details that ... ring a bit differently when you present to your mind the situation, as far as we're aware of (check out Chill Goblin's video on it ... uhm ... this one:
) which is basically all I want to say on the matter. Sure I might have to defend myself ... but, I'm pretty sure I wrote it all down at some point so I wouldn't have to ... later or ... ever so often, on and on and all that. My thing right now is a lot more about being who I am, being myself, as based on my own interests, what I can do with my time and all that - with "the rest" being written up as some ... given implication ... that ... is however not a valid one for me right now.

Because ... to be fair ... we can, or could, forgive those people ... a lot of things. There defintiely are justifications and ... although they might be cringe and iffy in the broader sense - they don't have to conclude that "it was right", just ... that we're fallable humans and certain circumstances can amplify that fallability and ... such things. Whatever. I'm pretty much positive that we - and here I'm talking about the Neo-Gnostic collective; And possibly by virtue of that: humanity at large, at least a probable one - can glance past such nonsense without any need for any kind of detail because we're tired and we just want to move on and all we really need to care about is who cool we are with God.
I try to promote a certain understanding for certain issues that are implied therein - as to proliferate a healthy but also enlightened evolution of ... "both sides" I guess. At least ... I know what I want and ... whether a certain guy would match that profile or not, when speaking of such things, is like ... up to a coinflip although it's not really a coinflip. If God can be a part of it ... its "huaaaaaah!:)" - else it's a "yEeeeeeeeewDX".

Glass empty now. No need drink more. Time late. Next stop: Cannabis (hopfully!) - also: Maybe ... X4.2 incoming.