But there's hope!

Uhm ... I don't intend to say too much here. But understanding how bad I've gotten at translating my day to day thought into writing sometimes, mostly "because time", I think I should take a moment to get rid of some thoughts before I go to bed.

Like ... the way I string things together in my head - from one opportunity to the next - is shifting. The one moment I focus on this issue, the other I focus on that issue - and in my head it makes sense. And what I have there is an order in which I could present things. And order is important, as it allows ... yea, for the efficient construction of context.
But I'm not "thinking it through". Like, I don't know what context I should try to construct. I just happen to stumble into one and another. And given enough time, what I learned from that becomes part of a different context; And eventually I find myself learning something I just a while ago had firmly believed in anyway - and it feels weird.

Our perceptive reality can be a minefield. And on the matter of the shift in common sense as a function of technological evolutions - I present you this:
It's a familiar topic. I tried to tell you, I tried to be ahead of the game - and yet this video ... was like a Goldberg Spear Tackle to set me up for a Jackhammer. Not in a bad way. But just for how ignorant it made me feel. On that note, a similar video on the matter
And I find it fascinating. It's like, the first ... thought out, well constructed reflection I found on these matters; As from "the afflicted". You know, like, we almost jokingly wonder what these kids will be like, that grow up with Smart Phone and Internet and the MCU and all of that.

Well, the first video - that is. It's ... shocking!

This one might be long - but I haven't watched it all (yet); And so, for what I care about you also just have to watch the first few minutes.

In a weird way you might see how all of this is connected. It's not like ... this obvious connection some psudeo-difficult video-game puzzle might ask you to make; But the kinds that I use to make. The obscure around the corner stuff.

But so, with this, I find myself in a world where I have to accept ... that I'm old. Maybe not THAT old, but old nonetheless. Old enough where the question for the next generation becomes a serious one. Where I have to think of "passing on the torch" - or some such thing - as to deal with how that might affect me and the likes.
Sure, this doesn't come entirely unexpected. I wrote of it. And yet here I am as though I had figured it out just now.

But something ... in me doesn't want to ... "pass on the torch". Not just yet. It feels like giving up. But ... this is like a print-out to me; As in "black on white"; of how the complexity of the world is beyond me. Yea ... "the receits" as it were.

And I suppose, for one (maybe) last time, I have to say: ... OK, maybe not. It's not that important.