I'm giving you Freedom | The Task at Hand

So, once again, a lot is going through my mind. But I think that for ease of mind I should start with my Project.

X4.2 and onward:

So, I'm currently stuck in a transitional phase. I can't return to my old Code because the things I plan on rewriting are a crucial aspect of the engine. It is a lot though.
So - with a lot of the essential code written, I now sit at a point where I see how certain pieces come together - and the solution I have on mind requires a few things to be laid out differently. Mostly important for how I currently use them to check the functionality. Within it, there's an inherent dependency on some status quo - we might say - and the rewrite now essentially has to match that before I can go on.

And that makes for a great segue into

High Minded Musings

Whatever "we" - the all of us, by either one's definition - are currently thinking about or deem important, what I aspire ... requires some cultural shift. That is, first we have to accept a few things - and based on those we understand the required changes and see how we individually fit into that.

What we have to accept is 'reality'. First of all, when we talk of goals, the question we should be asking is how to get there. Provided that it is even possible. Like, the famous phrase of "walking towards a cliff" suggests, we don't always know what to expect. And plenty stories revolve around the things that are told and the matter of how true they do or do not turn out to be.

If there is a tree, for instance, in the direction of where the goal is, the healthy reasoned individual would first look for a way around it. For, if one is found, one may get beyond it before the other one has figured out how to best move through it.

Think maybe of all the movies about Apocalypse. Things crash down and then everything sucks really bad for a while - and then somehow after the Dust has settled, people will have to pick up the debris. And then in a 1000 years maybe, things may start to pick up again. The hillarious thing should be the idea, that all of that could have been avoided with some simple navigational concepts.

But ... [sigh] ... Metaphors and their translations ... . What I'm trying to say is, that there's a real world out there. With things going on. And when I watch science related stuff, it's oddly common that the "Creme de la Creme" of grifters stand revealed as such because they never really provide and evidence. Like, Flat Earthers. There are plenty of people that know all sorts of different ways of showcasing our knowledge about the world we live in - while all that Flat Earthers ever do is really go in hard on whatever maybe looks like it supports the idea of a Flat Earth, while smudging anything that disproves either of their "discoveries".
Like, it is easy to say: "There is no Midnight Sun in Antarktica" when everyone firmly believes that we actually can't go there. So much so that it probably eases them within their laziness. However, when a trip to Antarctica is finally on the table - [...wooooosh...] ... . And then they're like "it wouldn't change anything!".

So, we have to maybe understand that some of us will have to be excluded from certain things. As in: We may have to do some thinking FOR them.

Anyway - for starters, one of the primary things I/we cultivated, is an understanding of individuality and culture. As in: We together are 'the people'. Or perhaps: "a people".
In these free societies of the modern day, we generally do have this kind of 'collective freedom' - to associate with any one group of our choosing, for as long as they aren't doing anything bad. We might call it 'religious freedom' or 'freedom of speech' - internally it is a fundamental freedom that enables us to choose a model to live by. As opposed to having one demanded upon us.
Deeper within that fundamental freedom we can find "truths" that emerge in confrontation with what we might call "anti-freedoms", like duty or responsibility. And as of that we get to the concept of Priorities. Another type of freedom. Some religions are strict about what thing to prioritize how, while the ability to choose a model should also entail a freedom of choice concerning Priorities.

But now from the small to the big, the first few things we should come to terms with ... aren't really in much need of re-iteration here. And it is then when "the group of us" is large enough, ... that ... when ... . Hehe, well. We are certainly getting there. So, we get into the drivers seat. And as such, we want to do "the thing" - that so is: "So easy to do in everyone's mind but ...".

There's a lot we will need. And possibly even more that is to be satisfied.

And so is this however coming to a close here, to be furtherupon iterated, but for now - or here - this is a transition into another topic.

Or either way - I suppose - I come to start with 'the public eye'.

So, that is us. Like - all the technology we technically have can all of these things and a lot of it is these ... centered around data. Possibly ... data about us. Possibly also ... a lot more than we would actually need. But before we run around with torches and pitchforks, we may want to think of two nodes. One is "the Now" and the other is "the Then". Once we start having "a Then", we can also focus on "the Now" and shrink it - because the empty space can now be filled with "Then".
At the last end of it, there is nothing but a building or a block - that upholds the last frew running pieces of "the Olden Days".

I so came to the idea, that we might want to layer a Civilization into three fundamental classes. Well, to the german mind, these would be "Standards". The basic "Standard" would today also be labled as "Middle Class" - or: The Common Standard. Below that we have the Development Standard and on top the Advanced Standard.

The General Gist with the Advanced Standard is, that on the frontier of production and development more things are possible - with the available resources - enough to warrant this higher tier of socio-economic privilege. Think of it generally as the difference between a City/Metropolis and a Town/Village.
Here ... it eventually does become a matter of cleanliness. The more dense a population, the more one's personal hygiene matters. And which was the best way?

The cool thing about Europe here is, that we have many countries that do certain things in different ways. And we can take a look at the outcomes to get a better idea of what does and what does not work - and for what reasons.

But ... what can we see? When hearing all this talk about Fake News - and the shaky trustworthiness of posts on our general feeds - having a solid Press should be key. I want that to then flow together into some social app, with premium membership for everyone that has been properly verified as "linked in". This is going to be our 'General Feed' - based on the principle that a 'valued membership' requires registration via valid ID. The premium membership thereby is to be seen as 'eternal member' - where the associated profile is linked to ones real life persona ... such and such.
The experimental idea is the ability to condense the common section into bubbles that correspond with different opinions and stances on the matter. This way we can directly measure where we individually stand on an issue - and can take a closer look at conflicts that emerge.

These eventually further condense into some kind of daily show - from which a plethora of other shows can further draw upon and feed into what's presented. Individuals can organize to zoom in even further - and at the high end of this are our "interfaces" into 'official business'. On the one side the mediocrety of beurocracy and other the thrill of the military.
Correspondents and Camera Squads and stuff.

One of my thoughts takes me to "The Outfitters" - and the relationship between Fashion and Money, to eventually arrive at different tiers of quality in consideration of item use and time-to-trash. This eventually turns into a matter of production quality which to me is best described as

True Branding.

And spelling it out like that ... made me see we can get even more mileage out of it.
But so then, I don't mean the "branding" of Industrial entities as "in" or "out", though 'it' might, but branding in terms of Quality.

Which takes me even further back. I had almost forgotten, though I assumed it would resurface eventually.
We might start by founding our own. I so thought:

Machine Grade Tools: Greiff (Hammers, Wrenches and more).
Engines: Drache
Vehecles: Gundark
Precision Tools: MausTool
School Utensils: Elch
Low Grade Tools: Panther
Heavy Duty Items: Rhino (Fire-axes, and more).
Integrated Systems: Synapse
"Bits n Bolts": Sentinel (Bolts, Nails, Screws and More).
User Electronics: SnowBell

where the idea is to maintain certain standards. Or achieve higher ones. The key components are assets and personell. Production Capacity and Know-How.

So, the difference between Greiff and Panther is hereby purposeful. A separation into User Electronics and Integrated Systems also. But essentially there is overlap and common parameters.
> Development is best presumed to be always coming with unforeseen hurdles - and "Independent Enterprises" are an effective way to getting things done.

Anyway. With our Money at hand, we can then see how well we can get these things off the ground. Then we can produce different charts concerning times and production cost. But for here what I'm interested in is the capacity to produce individual things at consistent quality levels.

Quality with a transparent price-tag.

And to that we might add a profit margin. And that one, for as long as we need it, roughly mimics a tax. A confusing part about it is, that we have to distinguish between things such as how competitive or calm or whatever the market is. A 'Synthetic Market' would be one that we could control. Here we could say: 10% profit margin - and see what does and what doesn't pass. Like, at some point we're talking of subsidizing a thing, rather than "getting something out of it".

In other words: The Brands should reflect producton standards. As in: You pay for the Machines and the Know-How - not the Letters on the Label.

If we now manged to only supply us with products from our own brands, that is ... well. Eventually we come to a point, where the money that we spend goes back into what pays us, one way or another. And ontop of that ... we get a profit. Sortof. Imagine that we were all and all were us, which is kind of how fascism works, or starts ... even - I assume, ... at this point that would mean, that all the profit we make from ourselves paying ourselves for the things we're buying - is kind of meaningless. I mean, here we can see, that wealth first means that we have a perfect standard beyond which everything is just fake. Like, we can say that we have an Octazillion Quadruzillion Bucks to make by the end of the day ... what ... does that even mean? Like ... its just fantasy. Like ... closed system: When I make more money, and I don't have to buy things that I don't need, I have nothing to do with that extra money. Like ... why?

Of course then the big thing at the heart of it is: What are the standards?

As for Outfitters - we should start by composing like ... a standard set of equipment for all sorts of different things. At the heart of that line are the Tactical and Precautionary things. Like ... Outdoor Clothing. This would be one of the 'essential "items"' that we should seek to provide in reasonable quantities. In it we might further have adjacent rebranding operations - as for reasons of personalization, specialization and experimentation.

Essential Items then are at the heart of the Development Standard.

Anyway - uhm, ... these ... uh, "Heartland" Items are intrinsically different from 'regular fashion' - in that a comfortable living standard could be described as 'a comparably lesser degree of compound density'. This kind of clothing is intrinsically less durable - and the tools or finesse required for production employ a somewhat different skill-set I assume.
And ... here's one: Thinking of Second-Hand shops, we can find a loop to to the story. If we say ... treated fashion as entirely ... free ... because we could recycle 100% of the material thrown away, we could safely narrow one's "Outfit Permit" down to a fixed width of items - and have it all run on a return-reward kind of deal. In reality we might not be able to achieve such numbers, but ... I know for a fact that cloth fabric is one of the things that can be used to make paper. So, there's at least something. And the good stuff can be treated as second-hand.
This also means that we can set a value - as for a minimum that everyone has. Maybe as a voucher. And that would be one side to the Common Standard.

Well. Beyond the 'durability ~ comfort' margin, there's a cost of choice. Right here, some people would be totally fine and perhaps utterly comfortable in only the sturdiest of clothes. And they would come much cheaper, over time, than what we might consider a 'fashionable standard'. Or ... should. And that by much.

"Blades from Specter - now with Ultra Titanium Finish! [In cooperation with Specter-Synapsis and the Mining Guild]"

So yea, Guilds represent the Bedrock of our Civilization. Where we find resources, we have an interest in them - at least when so put: At our disposal. It is no big secret that "resources good" - and have a long history of crafts emerging from them. Crafts then begat even more Crafts; And today we have a broad plethora of professions one might choose from.
Yet, not to be forgotten is that at the depth of it - all of it is owed to work at the start of it.

To maintain that we're not sustaining Slavery, while still upholding Business-Driven standards, it all comes down to a council. Always implied are the people that do the physical labor that produces the resources. Also implied are "the first clients" - or just generally the industrial demand side. And last but not least implied is the civic component.
The Art of the Deal here would be that of finding a fair balance. The Civil side would so be bolstered with the general interest in things - and along with that come connections between Guilds. A council can be shaped in accordance with needs - and ... at the long end of it we would have what I call "the Guild Network".
At Large, the Guild Network resembles our total capacity. I also argue in favor of a global Interface thingy - say, map, travelling and public transportation - alongside a job market/employment index.

So - the Guilds may eventually agree upon what their individual capacities are - following the principle of the three that are: Low, Standard and High; And have that registered accordingly.

Further, individuals that exist as part of a Guild's ... pulse ... should have their own privilege class. Like, during production it makes sense to maintain a separate stockpile - part of which would go to subsidize learning and training. This furthermore involves even more people, as that ultimately affects entire communities. These are the Local ... or "Guilded" Communities - which I at large think of as structured into a global network of Nodes. Guilds and the Node "tie a knot" - in that Guilds resemble the 'local wealth' and associated skills ... such that the effect that an individual Guild would have in its immediate environment(s) can be maximized to include every guild of the region. Naturally with different tiers.

Within the Nodes - we have "the System". We might label these brands here as "Global Operations" - which I think makes sense to have a knot with the LogEX or rather Terminal Logistics side of things. But the idea here isn't that of a frame, but that what thrives within.

At the heart of it, there's school. And along with it come the considerations for the different environments we grow up in - what effect they have on us - and how to raise the children as human beings.

I think of a Primary School in which kids get schooled with common sense things until they can be trusted enough to explore the world on their own. So I think - High School/10th Grade ~ ish. Below that is the Junior Corps - which is all about guided exploration and basic skills.

Beyond Primary School then, there are a few options. Some might take the Guild route - which is: The industry that's locally tied into the local Advanced Standard, we might say. Privilege. Others might pursue further education while others would ... want to try something else. For school there's University. I would say, that the latter years of Primary School should introduce the pupils to "the University Standard". Maybe some colorful chart of skills and degrees that can be earned. Those would then tie into certificates - which in theory supports the idea of a lifetime privilege of learning. So, for those adrift, it might one day overcome them and boom ... they learn this and that and ... something cool happens ... [Confetti Rain - Party Pipe goes off].
We should so be able to come to some kind of Star-Trek~ish cultural maturity, where personal ambition can outrank the fight for survival and the entrapments of greed. Like, isn't it one of the goals of existence to ... be lazy? I guess that can be called 'entropy'. There's however a new term that I learned, it's "Effective Laziness". Effective Laziness is the art of Maximizing the potential for Laziness - conceptualized around the idea of optimizing necessary tasks in accordance with it, not however on cost of the quality of the result. Within a certain tolerance.

The Esoteric Faculty of Academic Sciences - or: The EFAS

Here we begin with the Upper Echelons of University. Where all the combined knowledge and skill comes together. It begins as an Esoteric Concept, primarily an imaginary brotherhood of likeminded individuals, which takes shape through the various works that they produce. This is 'The Esoteric Faculty' - which is open to everyone who is interested. Academia is what conjoins it with the material plane - which has one of its legs in Libraries and another one in Church. That is - logically. Think: Church of Knowledge (purified) ~ from where we get our education.
Or, more to the point: By civic interest, for how intertwined everything is. So, within the Nodes or the Node Network; Within 'the System'; there's the peak of it all - and that as locally present and accounted for in body within the various Node-Universities. Where ... all the Academic Sciences ... come together.

Beyond that is only "the Frontier" - represented by, we might call it 'Starfleet'.

For color codes, uniform wise, ... maybe ... red for civilian authority - so, more of a social skills person. Yellow is for engineers, Turquoise for Technicians - and orange for veteran labourers. When signal colors are required, they wear yellow instead of orange.
To that we might add a silver lining for administrators and a gold lining for holders of "the Landright".

"Military Ranks":

I see the as ... segmented into Five Stars, though of as a Grading System applied to a skill. The First Star can be legitimately learned. It is the transfer from Noob to Adept. The second Star comes with commitment. Sounds, in this context, better than dedication. But it requires participation within the System - alongside a development of skills relevant to the task. The third one is where things get interesting. These are the Fore-Runners. They are the lowest Rank amongst participants in the Grand Championships - which are designed to determine the Elite.
The Elite is a set number of spots per Championship - and their general performance marks the upper boundary of the skill. Three Stars is equivalent to having reached the Championship Threshold.
This is, extending from the top there is an amount of people that can be hosted - and an amount of people per skill level. The idea however is to make the Championships open for willing rather than only abled folks; But to make it worth a while, the Third Star needs to be earned.
Within the upper three ranks then, five stars are for the Elite. Four for a set amount of supplementary Elite - and three for the Rest.

So, there is a clear overlap between Sports and Military - alongside some concern for Savagery.
In times of peace however, to start with that, the only competition left is Sports. Sports is savage competition made safe, which clearly distinguishes it from military competition. High Performance can come with many nuances - one way in which it can be alive. The only one so far, according to me.
Uhm, yea ... and the Military would prefer a more chaotic environment. I think. And the simplest link I can think of right now is something like mutual training. Hmm ... there's a word for that ... I can't remember. It's a concept of developing the skills of dwarves in a game called Dwarf Fortress.
Cross-Training or something like that ... I think.

But yea, uhm, where was I?
