Settling in?

And so it goes. I feel like I've written nothing at all but still ... I don't think that all I've wrote is vain.

But there are issues. Like - there have been a few instances where I wrote a sentence in place of another thing I wanted to write - so to iterate instead of changing topic for instance - and the other thing just goes poof; But when I go back and delete that sentence, or more, it comes back. So, there is that.
And whether or not I have ever 'killed' one such thread ... I'm not sure. But what does stick out is that those other sentences are more like ... petty, at least in comparison. And yea, sometimes - I must assume - such things DO matter.

But yea. It is easy for you and I to feel like we're doing the right thing - while we're sitting in our Bubbles.
The whole thing about 'Drive' that I wrote up front, is somehow to lean into that. That our idea of what is right or wrong often comes down to our given worldview. Unless there's something deeper. Like, I would assume that if you lived a lifetime as an imprisoned wife, so, basically a wife in the sense of a "traditional" marriage, subject to domestic abuse; You would in your next lifetime ... have deeper reasons not to be like that, should you be a man. Depending though, I would say, on how you coped with it.

Well. These are difficult subjects and if I have to give you a heads up every time, I'm not sure if my lifetime could do it.

It's easy to zoom out, or into a hypothetical and just ignore whatever there is to be considered. Like, it makes things easier. Then we have empty space to define our thoughts and beliefs. To produce a testament to what we individually think is right. If we can be bothered to give it a serious shake.

I here so guess that I have news for you though, but the value still depends on some issues. There are so a bunch of assumptions we must make. Now, I'm not really good when it comes to that. Categorizing and Classifying things - quantities - to my mind all that generally appears as "unnecessary detail". Like, it's just more of the same. Like, no matter how much my adult "fantasy" needs to be responsible and such about the due diligence and stuff - and I suppose I could lean into it and come to believe that I'm living up to it - but in that regard I'm still very ... "zoomie" when it comes to "new stuff". But reality and education, in this regard, are like a Videogame. World of Warcraft comes to mind, Dark Souls and various others - where - some areas that are totally accessible are populated with very strong enemies. Too strong perhaps. Eventually things get too difficult and one has to first git gud and perhaps levelled up elsewhere.
And that latter thing I also want to stand by. I certainly didn't get to where I am because I listened to what anyone told me was the right or best thing to do.

But then - if we take money for instance, that is one of those issues. If it's between money and the Lord's work - you may very well still play the "let me be me" card - but it still is a decision with consequences. Now, you may believe that nobody can tell you what's right or wrong there - when it gets to that - to which I should say: Well, duh, that's like on the first few pages of my book. Because that's the next thing we get to. People who try to be all smart and shit - but clearly don't know what they're talking about. They act like they got it all, but also don't know or understand the first thing.

My Trans Brothers, Sisters and other Siblings know what I'm talking about.

That's also what's so ... fascinating about FLERFism, by the way. It's like ... the thing with Cats and Lasers.

So, eventually we have to let things go that aren't meant to be - as it were. Well, I'm not trying to tell you whom to speak to and such - but if I were, I suppose all of you would already think of a list of people that would be affected. And it's probably no perfect list. And your drive may have you yet be into that. It's like ... I don't know, but, it seems to be a cosmic reality. As the parable of the sow-man goes - or the phrase "those who have ears to hear, hear" - or, also a good one "forgive them for they know not what they do". There's a kind of stubbornness I'm afraid ... that just is what it is and it may be tragic ... .

Like, it could be that people whom most would classify as adept in the mental gymnastics have a very twisted perception. Like narcissists. I mean ... at least there are stories - of someone who would do a wrong, for instance, and acts like they earned a reward for that. Maybe they even get it - after making enough people tired of the nonsense.
And I don't know - but with cognitive distance and some pi-over-thumb estimates by my inner eye ... such behavior - and along with it the respective individuals - is practically a phenomenon. Like an anomaly in space. "Captain, Captain!".

The mental gymnastics then make sense when understanding that it is basically their normal state of mind to find wildly ignorant justifications for their behavior, for instance. A person like that must really think that they're THE shit ... like so hard and so much "it ain't funny".
Akin to that there's this line of reasoning, where God is to be blamed for someone shooting someone else. To say that "it" is right because God didn't stop them from doing it. But ... plot twist: This whole world isn't about what God thinks is right. It's about what WE think is right. Well, it is what God thinks is right - but ... but that is our problem.

You may try to complain - but sometimes it is in fact as others say. Sometimes you are just incapable of seeing things right. And the whole education bit, well, is uncomfortable sometimes. And ... maybe I am trying to tell you to put effort into it although I surely didn't.
I certainly can't put it that way either!

I was gifted and stuff. So ... I was ahead of everybody actually.

Hmm ... how many open threads am I running now? [sigh] ... I ... uh, can't.

So, naturally, if you just copied me in part - you wouldn't get where I am. If you copied me in full - God wouldn't be too pleased with it either, I assume. And so - you do you is all about ... empowering the individual AND -when positive- putting faith in God.
And I feel that when I emphasize this, it does add to that.
I mean - I am also very clingy. And I have issues. Issues with my worldview - or what I would hope to be true - versus reality. I like to see the best in people - but usually I don't see it coming out all that often. And then there's the opposite of that.

So, in this absolute mess of human potential - yes, human potential in the realist sense is ... quite different from what it is in science fiction - what can we start with?

As I was trying to say, I'm bad at categories and stuff. Until maybe it clicks, but that's also an exposure thing.


Let's shift vibes

When it comes to art, I think I have figured something out. So, there is this mysterious concept of 'good art'. Opinions may differ, but eventually we might want to settle on a financial basis. To say ... what does drive people, objectively, to pay for it?
Well, when it comes to paintings there's stories of money laundering and what - so, that might explain why "artsy" is perhaps just a word for "far beyond comprehension". But no. Art has layers. And yes, we can think of it esoterically - as in metaphysical terms - but I think I have a few examples to show how real they really are.

The Boss example could be Star Trek - as only rivaled, and quite possibly outshone by Star Wars, for its cultish fan following. From what I can tell, Star Wars was like this big ... huge ... enormous star in the sky - shining bright on the firmament of capitalism. And alongside Star Trek's fanbase - the two alone may have provided all the important fertile ground for things like fan conventions and the culture therefrom.

I wasn't ever really in it - but it did occasionally graze my hemisphere. But I was more into the Videogames and Anime section of "the building".

To the eyes of many ... Star Wars has since fallen. And it is almost like it opened a shaft to the Abyss. "Everything sucks now", and from the smoke a swarm of Locusts ravages the planes.
Hmm ... strenuous link.
Anyhow ...
Part of how Everything sucks now - are people that actually think that new Star Wars is cool. And that they actually made some at least OK~ish Star Wars movies doesn't help. To me it's ... a sensitive matter. I don't like it anymore because ... it's ... a poisoned fandom. Corrupted. Like, I don't want to cancel any friendships over star wars. And all I can do is to tell them - in as light a tone as I can muster, spiced up with some humorous mimicry to further lighten the blow - that they're wrong and that their opinion sucks and that I want to hear none of it.

But, the point is, Star Wars ... was huge. And ... yea, as some kind of testament to that past there's all the stuff that people bought. Not just the stuff that nobody would buy. So, when speaking of what "OUR LOVE" for "the Franchise" got us - what do we find?
Sure, on one hand there may possibly be a background story written by someone for each and every yet so random prop that shows up for even just a frame or so - and yes, the world of Star Wars was ... fascinating. And to me one of the biggest turn offs regarding the prequels was this ... weird modern look. But apart from what's in the movies, there's also all the other stuff. Like, how the movie was made, the people involved, the stories that are told and ... all of that.

Thanks for listening!

Or ... we can look at Gundam. Now, you might be led to believe that I'm talking about the dynamics between Gundam as a show and Gunpla as a product. But ... no. Gunpla has nothing to do with it. Except we can use it as a Metaphor. It does roughly function the same way. So, in this hypothetical we can speak of a person ... "the artist" ... which is actually two people: One animation studio director or something like that - and one toy development person. Whether they do know (of) each other is irrelevant.
So, for priority's sake - the toy designer is also our fantasy person. A hypothetical that exists within the animation person. So, the animation person would sit down and think up a new cartoon. Anime. And as they so let their mind wander - 'they' - start to "cook". While the toy person would try to figure out how to turn the robot vision into a toy, the animation person ... or comic artist ... would try to figure out what world they're in and such. So, if the toy person is in fact a part of the other's psyche - that's saying that while plotting down concepts for this and that; There are other considerations or curiosities going on.

And so, what I get when I look at it ... is more than just one or the other.

Worlds of Strife?

Well. My heart is yearning for peace - and to see the good word shunned by forces that be - once more - is disheartening. To me at least for I think that at least to my understanding I did good work. And somehow I can't shake that vibe of "here we go again".

So, I give myself permission to speak of what I speak of. I give myself permission to do as I do. And who is there to forbid it?

So, I can speak of what I think or believe is right and good and just and all that. If you can't hear it for some reason ... that's too bad. For you. IDGAF.
Or maybe I do. Maybe we can play with it.

I mean - going by the motto, that moving pieces are usually a weakspot ... I might be onto something.

But yea. The problem with giving those people any air-time is that they'll cloud the sky. I mean - for what my heart is yearning for. We might call it a safe-space and let them laugh at us that way; But ... .

Oh. Is it ... this thing?
By happenstance I now get to a thing that ... I wouldn't ordinarily write about. I don't think it's important or matters all that much. But one person's routine is another person's life saver - so ... why not?
So, in those "episodes" that play out in my mind sometimes - there's one particular character that has the thing going, where they interrupt when anyone starts to speak of a thing that they're not cool with. Like here ... I move from topic to topic, as certain things I wanted to address don't get addressed because the next thing is happening again.
And because I don't really have a clear goal - or line - but only a vague one that my consciousness is either too weak to hold on to or is purposefully removed - I'm following along, moving from thing to thing.

And so there are a handful of topics that would have been discarded. Like, let's talk about Asia real quick.

I ... that was the whole thing about "German Leitkultur" - to so lead up to this idea of how unfamiliar I think I am with asian culture. Any one of them, but the Filipino. But I also think that ... it makes for a great stage. Their contact with Christianity isn't all that deep - so it's kindof alongside all the other stuff that's floating around. And yea, whether we left more of a bad or a good impression ... well. They seem to "idolize" us in a way similar to how we "idolize" theirs. And by that I mean ... admiration and fascination.

And I feel like there's still a huge bridge that yet needs to be built.

So - ... and here, there's other stuff. But to so come to what I think is good and right ... just and sound - well.
Need I really say anything about it?

I mean - I ... actually don't really like to. I mean, I come to rephrase a thing or two ever so often; And so the idea that I'm telling you over and over again isn't entirely unfounded; But I like to assume that it ought to be common sense. And that actually bears structural significance.

See: The whole matter of 'the way' through the three Bullet Points is about you finding your own way. Now, while to me it feels like ... 'sending you off' - I understand that when you took what I wrote to heart, I'm sending you to 'Him'. And that's what I hope for.
Then - to finally make it into the Ninedom ... that is also ... there ... a task between You and Him. And that's what I'm looking for. Others that might step through. And when you're there - there ought to be something we can vibe on.

So - I can try to speak of what now happens there. What it takes to enter the ninedom per chance. Or what the differences are. The steps leading up, the steps following. But where I had difficulties putting something into words - it's probably best put as 'vibing with God'. Something that then is inherently ... difficult to get specific about. Like, are you kidding? What are you asking of me?

Like: Here are the three things to do to "vibe with God" (R)(TM) [link to merch store]

Generally ... 'Good' is like ... a good descriptor because ... that's what it is - but well, the higher the ways ... my brethren and else ... the higher the ways.

So, overall. That between You and God - that thing that'll get you in - that's what I would call good and right. And amongst ourselves ... well, it'll be easier to talk about it. I mean - it is something to talk about. At least ... certain aspects of it. But so - yea, I can add to that, but ... maybe it's worth to purposefully try to not think of putting anything into stone. I mean, at some point - we do. But ... the need to be as good as can be can barely be met by anyone first try always ... so ... it makes sense to start with saying that nothing is carved into stone.
Then, over time, that which 'should be' carved into stone ... may emerge.

And that should be a thing that everyone can agree with - in the sense that it is a thing that can bring us together - but also where the most of us can meet.

And that may be so the or a first thing on the record. The principle of universality.

For so everything that has been blessed with the ability to learn of His ways and can turn unto Him freely, ... will need to seek that of Him, which no one else can give.//orig.:which we cannot give.

At some point we then also turn to the leading hypothesis'. And here it makes sense to try and boil things down into simple and easy concepts - such that children can understand them - and extend our wealth of knowledge based upon that framework. Where possible or not too too impractical.

Following to that we can arrange it in tiers. Tiers follow modes of complexity - at some point interdisciplinary - and we can roughly slice things into individual units and respectively a very real measurement of complexity. In learning units. Learning units that may further also be ranked in respect to their content. As such there eventually comes a natural difference as between people who understand physics and those who understand how to do the math.

What we're at now, culturally, I think is "what of the transes and the gays"? Like - we should on the one end aspire to boil a field of knowledge down so that kids can understand it; And we shouldn't try to be misleading when it comes to 'what's inside' - such that the minds can grow up with a safe basis for assumptions. And yes - when the time comes, anyway, they should be prepared for what they may encounter. And preferably also to not be assholes about it.

But so, yes. Things that aren't very safe yet would then be pushed further back. So, into the 'for those that care' corner.

I'll be heading to mine now.