
and something about Strong Men

So, I'm trying to be diplomatic. In fact I've heard people say that I am a very diplomatic person. To my face. And something to that tune. On multiple occcasions. So, maybe I'm good at it.

When it comes to the now and the polarization we're in - disagreements and all - I can however extend my reach only so far. And I would be doing good to let you know where the boundaries are.
Like so, whether it's a "Fuck yea!" or a "Fuck you!".

I wonder how a word like "Fuck" would ... develop over the ages. I mean, "Shite".

And yea, "What's up with the straights" ... it's a mysterious, strange phenomenon. I don't know if I followed that thread up to its conclusion, but it's all in all a very ... ugh. I mean ... all the bad things I assume - best ... only taken in small doses if it can't be avoided.
Kind of topic. Sad. And I don't know what.

But I know there is stuff that to me certainly is 'too edgy to be cool'.

And it goes further. Because ... evidently WE aren't through it yet. But ... as it stands, the victors are going to be the bad guys. Again? Well, ... . Who knows? I think we all know how that ends - except we don't - either way, that isn't ours to tell just yet.

And also it isn't over just yet.
But there's a clearly advertised cultural amalgamation that fancies good old misogyny. They advertise themselves as the protectors that fend off the cultural pollution, or sluts that'll do anything for a pure [enter name of your country]. And it seems to be really attractive to the sexual predator kind of folks.
So, I would assume that there are people like me that had one or two or four or twenty harrowing awakenings looking at what sets sail on this free marketplace of ideas.

Since known as a "Shit Creek".

And whether the numbers are real or not matters very little if it leaves an imprint on the impressionable. And I've seen firsthand what some good and sturdy brainwashing can do to a person. I mean ... when drunk he would occasionally go off on some rant about the glorious days of the third reich - like, what stuck most to me were his re-enactments of the instruments that would play the marching music. He was the type of guy that cheated in order to get drafted because he was too small. And I really don't know how he really felt about jews. I certainly haven't heard him talk about it much. But I did learn that ... he had his regrets. He came to terms with it that it was wrong and was overall a very kind, loving and caring grandfather to me. More so a father than my procreator. And I understand that eventually I brought him grief. But that's a different story. Uhm, sortof. Because it ties into this one. Loosely. Anyhow. He did as one who had repented. He would on occasion drop a comment on one thing or another. Like approval of Obama becoming president of the USA. And I assume he died in a good world. And still ... . One day, I was still very young - so who knows how that incident affected him in the following? - I was watching Indiana Jones. Where he gets to punch a lot of Nazis. And it did actually trigger him. Something like "why are we always the bad guys?" - or ... something about being the punching bags ... I assume. That it's played for laughs perhaps. I don't remember much, but I recall him grumbling himself out of the vicinity.

And it took a long time until I could connect the dots here. That behind the man "I knew" - was another man that I did not. For better or worse.

And a blessed life he did live until he slipped away into dementia.

And therein maybe also lies my biggest regret. That I could not do more.

So yea - I'm a bit worried. But in this whole mess of political viewpoints it's easy to end up on the "bad" side by ... someone's opinion ... or you're actually already either a Nazi or a Commie. I mean, yea - actually.

So ...
Uhm yea. The question being: What are those strong men now that are gonna bring us good times? Like ... sure. Good. Cool. OK. But there's like ... different ways we can go. What's it gonna be? It is true - I assume - that the strong will lead the way because only the strong CAN lead the way - against ... stuff.

But so - I assume on behalf of every woman who ever lived - there's something that is to be said about accountability. When we say Sexism - I want to wash the word clean; I want it to mean: 'expressions that belittle, condone or imply criminal, sexual misconduct against the opposite sex'. And for here, I want this to stand as grounds for the discussion round about matters of mutual respect and hate speech.

Can we also settle on an "Equal in Rights, different in Privileges" type of deal? Like ... all accross?

I mean, right now - it's not perfectly clear ... whether these "shining heroes" that want to save us from the harrowing of the morrow, are actually Rapists or not!

It certainly does get advertised that way. I must assume that there's some kind of mass delusion going on. Like 'again' - one that gets people into believing in absurdistan till home comes morning - fueled by nothing but a power fantasy produced by a mind OD-ing on testosterone.

Let's turn to Melchizedek

Interesting figure. Very ... mysterious.