The Heart of Evil

Could it be so, that some people are dizzed for no reason?

I have to wonder. Because ... that's where my thoughts carried me to - starting here.
The thing that occurred to me, that I mean to write about, is ... let's call it a snake. It may be like a Spider's Web, but it isn't static like that. It moves. Or ... things move on and on. Like ... a Snake ... in that Video Game of the same name.
Crawlers. Perhaps. Now, ... these crawlers ... are events. Moments that occur, in reality, but more so within the Individual.

In this world, there are things we take and things we reject. "The Function of Self" that persists within the mortal shell manages itself - seeking to gather and household (organize) within time, in accordance with shifting priorities.
So, with my mind somehow curious of the world's developments, mystified about the future, I find myself in a defensive position. So I think about what holds things together and think very minimalistically. In this 'focus' I create an inherent sphere of 'rejection' - where anything other than what is wound up in that minimalistic frame, is implicitly on a scale from friendly to hostile; And merely provides possible context for developing the idea.
Ontop of that there are the two extremes: Friendly and Hostile - which too are individually developed terms of some complexity. So - if I then end up rejecting something for ... some random reason that has absolutely no significance behind it in any way ... what are the odds that this thing will fall down this ... funnel ... the imprint of my consciousness ... and be flagged as 'hostile'?

So, then - the next time I notice it, a red light goes off ... while the idea may even have had some time to grow - and the story continues. Maybe even patterns emerge.

And - I think it's easy to get stuck on such patterns that form in our head based on our emotional and cognitive conditions. I mean - that's not to say that there aren't obvious signs for things that are obvious then. What I'm saying is that our predictions vary between methods and considerations. And - the key sentence I think is that in reality ... patterns tend to follow "their own logic" ... they have their own ways - and those are often wild and unexpected. Naturally, eventually, there may be certain patterns to it. Real patterns that repeat on record. Like rain. So we can say: When it rains, things get wet. So, when everything is wet outside, it has probably just rained. Water regularly falls from the sky ... - and when you understand that water can evaporate ... you can form a hypothesis. We can find that water already evaporates at room temperatures - although very slowly.
So - if all the water, that exists at such temperatures, slowly evaporates, where is it going?
Now - I don't know if anyone has ever checked whether or not clouds are the actual physical manifestation of all that evaporated water - but we do now that when there's rain there's usually also clouds.

So - there's that one thing that we cannot 100% verify just yet - I think - but ... if everything we can directly observe tells us that it happens - we have reason to believe that it does.
Like ... that our waste has consequences. And so, often, the reality behind those fancy walls of our modern housings, look ... dirty. Not always as within those ... promo pictures taken for that 'flair' of ... somewhere else.

It's difficult to see - or maybe it's too obvious to notice - from within our bubbles. It's difficult then, to manage ... a healthy balance ... when in competition with others who do not. So I too have ... a concept of evil. Let good and evil be purely personal concepts - such that there's a chance that certain things would register to us as such, that in the grand scheme of things are however but certainly not.

Now - "where things get interesting" - is where people have agreements upon such things. Well - to some extent at least ... society as such as grown from generations of human development. And however we want to put it, we can eventually trace all of it down to a single household or family that all of it came from. And ... here's a "cute trick", as some may have noticed:
    Drawing from the natural sciences we gained the theory of Evolution as one that did consistently prove itself. From that perspective, that one family may have been a family of primates. Where - if we so will - a bunch of sub-species developed that yet maintained sexual compatibility; Until the genetic cocktail somehow settled in whatever form we have today.

    That is different to the Bible, where there's literally one family - that had like a world to conquer. To go be the story, it is unlikely that any of the animals they took with them was dangerous or hostile to them. We can also fantasize about what Technology they had - and what Babel ultimately looked like. But if we want to go Cinema mode - there's Nephilim and Giants and Heroes ... like, in my mind, if Conan and D&D had a Child, but it also knows Kung Fu.

    And maybe Noah's family wasn't the only one to Survive. Anyway - "the Event of Babel" happened, the great Confounding - and it is here where the terrestrial roots of humanity have grown wide enough to somehow fit into the Darwinian model.

So, I fully expect that our bodies function as though the Darwinian model were true.
But culturally?
To that end - "the Vineyard got pruned"; As we presumably found ourselves - thereafter - awoken in a new world; And a new culture.

Is there a point to this? I don't know.

It's interesting though. I guess - the main point here is to re-emphasize the importance of that which is actual. Our assumptions of each other can lead us down strange paths. Like, usually when people guess what I'm about to say ... they guess wrong. And I get a glimpse of ... what their assumptions may have been. And sure - I suppose it's difficult to ... 'guess' ... what I got going on - unless you know it.
And there's layers to that ...

So, it's important to find ... common grounds. But ... also ... to not forget that there are many more ways than there is yours.

But sure. We look around and find reasons to be concerned. One of mine is that smell of dog-shit ... and the occasional dog-turd here and there ... where they possibly sit and cook in the sun for god-knows how long until what must have been a miracle takes them away somehow. That's however ... privilege, I think. Until we find the homeless guy who ... was either too drunk to care or didn't have the respect to care. Or is it just dogs being dogs at the worse possible time? Or the Snob who thinks themselves too good to clean after themselves?

But the news tell us it's the immigrants. And sure - I guess ... Roma ... are known to be like ... snot sometimes, I guess. Whatever they do or got going on - could it have been so, that at some point a bunch of orphans found themselves ... somehow in the rubble of what used to be their home; And with nothing but themselves ... they found a way to survive? Who knows?
But - whatever it is ... I don't think that getting rid of them will solve our problems. And if I'm repeating myself then so be it.

That is just that. A story. Something ... that takes me back to the start of this.