Guilt without Admission

The more one is being attacked, the more one has to defend themselves.
And the more you think about it, the more wrong it turns out to be.

Similarly are there statements like "Don't feed the Trolls", carring this idea that all publicity is good publicity - which I initially didn't take all that seriously, but I came around to it more and more.

But such wisdoms are pretty useless to me anyway - so they merely exist as byproducts of our contemporary craziness. There may be wisdom to it, but I lack the resources and understanding to care.
Well, in much simpler terms: The truth is all that matters. And either way we allow ourselves to be diverted from speaking the truth, we allow ourselves to be groomed by lies.
Well ... sort of. The quality of the truth certainly matters - regarding whether or not these lies one is groomed by are of the benign or not so benign nature.

"We're living in a world where baseless accusations run supreme" - would be a fitting statement; But once you start thinking of the implications, it seems rather pointless to make it. Because, in a world where baseless accusations run supreme - there isn't much of a question as to what comes next.

We could argue that there are two types of people: Those that recognize it and those that don't. But fairly quickly one should be able to see, that this is in and of itself an accusation that is only fuel to the fire.

But since you're 'here' - reading this - let me ... do my part to creating a little island of sanity.

Sanity is difficult to capture. A look into the past can grant us insight into lots and lots of human error. More importantly: Things that used to be normal, are nowadays mostly regarded insane. Well, with differences from culture to culture of course. So much so that between cultures - we don't need to look all that far into the past to recognize this capacity for error. In a way of saying that "we're all insane to one another" - while using terms such as 'nature' or 'logic' to elude to some sense of sanity that we claim for ourselves.

Even the embrace of insanity itself can now be viewed as an embrace of its opposite - for as we recognize our inherent capacity for error, we may determine it impossible to escape it!

But there are a few things that withstood the test of time. Our capacity for error is certainly a part of that, but so is our capacity for understanding. If I understand that one plus one is two, I know one little piece of sanity that I might endeavor to protect.
And maybe it's a good place to start. In a way of ... "requestioning thine sanity".

"There are Four Lights!" - he said.

There is solid ground; And yes! Gravity Exists! Let's call it that - and it sure isn't the same as Buoyancy! Up is up and down is down, but where up and where down is, is subject to relativity.

When it comes to questions of the Beyond - I must be a beacon of Light. Singular and Unmistakable.
Such that people may know and tell, see there - this is the work of God! This is the Light that shines in the Dark that no mortal Light can penetrate!
No God of the Gaps, but a Gap of God! The Visibility of the Invisible!

For as we recognize things in the ways we observe them, we must recognize the challenge of properly outlining the observable. What is it that we observe? What can we infer from that? Can the inferences be verified?

How now could we begin to observe God - without knowing where to look?
Well ... a trick question it is, but ... not entirely.

Start with a List of what we can observe, and order it in degrees of extraordinariness - and there must be I ... pretty high on top. Like ... first - followed by a pretty big fat gap of nothing.
So much of nothing in fact, that it effectively creates its own weight. Which seems paradoxical - but now I'm stuck thinking about it. Nothing means: An absence of stuff. We might think of it as a hole in which stuff just disappears. But from a perspective of immenseness, where stuff can't just disappear, this hole isn't 'sucking' as much as it is 'pushing'.

In math we can call it 'rounding' - or 'magnitude margin' ("Ordnungsgrenze").

So, for those asking with what Authority I speak, let's say: With that of Magnitude!

Should that be enough?
Well, I should say that it depends. So ... ultimately no - but ... those who know a greater Truth, they already know the way! And if that's the one you seek, relatively speaking, there's only me!

And I should say, that if it isn't YOUR God that I speak of - or your IDEA of MY God - think of it as a dick measuring contest. MY God has the biggest one - yada yada, we've just been through it.

Well, if you don't believe in the Abrahamic God, your God is utterly insignificant anyway. And if it's the Abrahamic God - well. Is He just a Loudmouth then? I mean, if there is only one Light that can be observed - and it wasn't His - what would He do?

Well, that's kind of a trick question also.
But mostly just rhetorical.
Because what He does is the Light that only He can do!

Or, one of the things.

And what are we asking of you?
Well. Consider this: It reads about the Law, that if our Righteousness isn't greater than that of the Pharisees, we cannot be saved! Typically we have learned to look down upon them. They are the Villains of the Story after all, aren't they? But why shouldn't we instead think more highly of them? How many can say, that theirs would be greater, if the Pharisees had at least ... tried!?
So, taken to the other side this means, that if we looked to being as Righteous as we could possibly be, we can regard ourselves as on a level of a 'concerted effort' of doing as we're asked.

'Gender Ideology' is false and wrong and horrid. It is a lie, a psy-op, a mind-virus invented by undisclosed sources to brainwash people into a state of hostility against people on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. "It" isn't an Ideology, it is a matter of fact!

I do feel personally offended - and that not in an "oh - my feelings are hurt!", but in an "oh - this fucks over my entire life and existence" kind of way - to read shit like: "It is OK to be trans, but you can't transition in any way, shape or form!".

And people who need to run around mumbling: "Marriage is between a man and a woman" need to get a grip because Jesus Christ specifically died so that there would be an end to the Oppression by the Old Laws!

Like, how can you read the New Testament and not get this?
Uh, I mean ... how can you read past Romans and not get this?

This isn't a Joke! You are one if you want us to believe that it is!

"Produce your Cause" - it says - "bring forth your strong reasons". "Shew the things that are to come" - one may ask me in return - to which I can reply: I'm not God! But if you want us to believe that I and my God are false ... you need to do better than that!

There is no comparison!
But one as between something and nothing.

It doesn't matter what you believe in. The reality is as it is. Should I not entertain this first, giving it the credit it deserves? With one's "everything else" come also all the other "everything else"s. And still my God stands uncontested!

How would you have me stand corrected?

In the end maybe? As in ... "any moment now" ... like ... "wait for it" ... ? Waiting for what? I am right here! The words are before you, the important truths revealed. There is no mystery there - and if there's wrong in there, who could testify of it?

People may roam around like maniacs, hallowing my name and praising every facet of my existence - and they would be more sane than those rejecting this Gospel. It says that God will glorify Himself in His servant; And in whom could God be more glorified than within me?

How could God be glorified - if not within me?

Am I exaggerating? How?
I guess I may be biased, like, I don't see much wisdom in imagining a world in which these things I'm telling you are lies!
We could entertain the idea for entertainment's sakes - but similarly we can entertain the idea of comparing the power levels of fictional characters with one another. Some people like to do it - and some people think it's a mental disorder.
OK, I just made that last part up to be funny!
But there definitely are people that don't think very highly of it nonetheless.
Not that it matters ...

Sure does God not need me, strictly speaking. But more strictly speaking did He choose me nonetheless.

And so, if it seems like I have no argument, it's probably because you refused to look upward!