The True Future of Mankind | An exploration of sorts

The key term, so that those with lower attention span than otherwise required can follow, is this: Genetic Dead Ends.

I for once offer this as a thought - an idea - but certainly also as an insult. But it is of course more than that. As a pseudo- or semi-scientific term, I would regard myself that. Like, I'm looking at myself and between overrating the significance of my embodyment and keeping it absolutely pessimistic - I never thought of myself as a prime specimen and regarding my mental faculties I would argue that most of it isn't actually all that physical.

But I've been thinking about the geopolitical climate nowadays, possible futures, looking for my opinion based on my beliefs and convictions - and while my attitudes shift and change, I learned that that also kind of depends on the atmosphere. Or environment.
So, while at first I'd find myself all over the place, well - within a certain segment, I now see that I find myself in all these different places while being in a certain mood. So, when I'm stressed I also get angry - and I vent it in non-violent ways which ultimately makes me an old german woman I suppose.

OK, I guess I'm not THAT bad. I'm also pretty silent about it.

Like today. With all the proper information in play, it was just an instance of me being stupid and things not going as smoothly as they tend to go. A German disease. We've been so good at making things efficient - though the grass elsewhere sure still is greener - that most of our passtime is complaining over conditions that others could only dream of.
Anyway was I walking like around a block looking for a bus station that wasn't there because I had to look at the other side of the rails - in the cold while being already cynical about the whole situation. The signs were there and I didn't see them - allthewhile I was internally trashing the whole place.

And what I find is ... that it's really difficult to see the silver lining in all this. And in that, I'm reminded of the place where I live. Stuttgart. I have to say, that whole area around that Stadium we have ... it's the most hideous spot around. Somewhere between there and the Station in Bad-Canstatt there are like three large buildings. Each individually I'm sure they'd be very pretty additions to a beautiful scenery - but next to each other, like that, in that environment - it's like ... the most ugly thing ever. And while, when it comes to Stuttgart, my "this is the all in one experience" pick would be Mercedesstrasse, the Subway stop, this is the ugly side of it. Like, it seems that we have too much resources on the one side - like money and ambitious architects and all that - and too great a need to expand while also not really being a "big city" - and what happens is that all these fancy projects just get vomited all over the place and whether they fit in or not is like a question for the Fates.

And similar, perhaps more prominent issues happen all over the place I assume. We're like ... outgrowing ourselves, but - for now we're stuck with all these ... well ... it's like wisdom teeth. Things get old, decrepit, start to fall apart - but the public or general understanding is basically occupied shifting blame around. Blame for stuff that is prominent enough to be a problem. Next to all the problems that would also just naturally occur.

A part of this is that there seems to be someone who would use like every opportunity - like, whenever the general idea is like: Things can't go on like this - to go away and argue for "a fascism". Which is, like, the cherry on top.

Or, let's just call it Anarcho-Capitalism. Because, when it comes to this whole black-pill doomeristic nonsense, that's what we'd be getting. I suspect that some might believe that "the fall" would be a good thing - like, a fresh start. Living in wooden cottages again, going back to the simpler lives where things were cleaner and more manageable. But the reality would be more like: Me and my friends with them AR-15s disagree with your freedom to chop wood and also we agreed that you owe us stuff now!
You might think "Thank Guy" but we blew that fucker up with a Cruise Missile - and really, you think you're gonna pull a whole Tank out of your butt just cause you saw someone on the Internet have one?

It's like - history all over again except with modern weapons. Yea, Trench-Warfare, world-server.

The thing with loss, with stuff like health, is that once something that used to be there and helpful - will be missed, sometimes sorely, when gone. Ask the Brits! -hideous laughter ensues-. There are so and so many stories about it - and yea. Let it be something as simple as a lighter, or flintstone, or wood. Now you could still buy something - but maybe not forever.
Maybe it's good to be a prepper - but for them the real shit starts once the storage runs dry; And we're back to life as it used to be. Crops and Soil and Warlords.

I mean, the fantasy hinges on the idea that "the fall" would just remove all the bad people. Not that it might in fact make them stronger. Now, if you think that God wouldn't permit that ... you might be right. But ... I'm writing these things nonetheless. I mean, I kind of do want to separate a hell specifically for ... . Sigh. I mean, it's not like injustices never happen. Wealthy people might not see it as much because a) The benefactors are hiding among them, and b) there's less need for the wealthy to do injustices. Sort of. And if everyone you know is a crook and you're still alive, you're probably a crook too - so, same story.

And so. Yea. No! We're not going there!

Where we're going, things would be a little different!
Like, the more that people insist on safer borders the more I feel like the whole thing should come down!
And the people most scared are those most out of touch - I argue - which we could further also call genetic dead ends. Though, that's for something more specific.

With that term, more specifically, I basically mean to say that the evolutionary edge that the western world has had through its degree of technological sophistication, has been less and less in favor of grounded ideals and more and more in favor of the abstract. The struggle between good and evil has here shifted into the realm of wealth, and if we look closer at the negative sides of that, we also find our genetic dead ends.

And sure. It's a bad idea to play this kind of game with them. I mean, that's their BnB. Eugenics and all that. And maybe it's right that "the Soldier Class" is like a Flu in that it never really dies out.
And if Genetic Purity is all the pride there is, there ought to be the one or the other ... relatively impressive "thing" to show for it. But nothing that wouldn't exist in a better way elsewhere. I'm almost certain!

So, uhuuu ... now it makes sense! It's like a ... Christmas Tree!

Anyhow. After dipping into this little pocket of thought, I came back to the former and ... whatever weird concoction I came up with is what I'm trying to share here.

So, step 1: Let them die! Whether it be in dignity, peace or utter anger and stuff - I don't care. While those who can will build towards a better tomorrow (step 2), they'll just suffer their "great replacement" end. It's not like "the race" is replaced, but ... you know ... facts are a little weird over there.

Step 2: A better tomorrow! I mean, we can enter the end-times no problem without killing anyone. Step 1 would be one way to go there. What we can do now however - is to think about the generations that'll have to sit our shit out! If there are all these genetic dead ends, fine! It's here just a mental crutch to shift the focus on our genetic heritage. The strong who shall survive the weak.
Like, learning that there is more to life than just physical strength - apparently it's a thing that people forgot. Or never learned. I mean, sure. So, it wouldn't be beyond them to bedevil each and every convenience of the modern day. But so, more and more - I think we learn to treat them as rabid beasts.
Anyhow - but thinking of it like: We can a) Blow ourselves up and leave them with rubble and a huge power imbalance that may or may not be in their favor - or b) Try to help them while we're still here. Unless c) They blow Us up. But ... that'd be on them then.

I guess the deeper take of my sentiment is that - we've lost touch. And that ... a long long time ago. Somewhere between Greed and Power civilizations grew and fell - and we're the heritage of that crucible.
And while the Bible laments the absence of righteous people, I lament the absence of people who haven't completely lost the plot. Well ... anyhow ...

And so we're obsessing over these migrants and borders and our own little bubbles - and, yea, arguably we're just defending against another source of human greed. A tremendous one maybe.
Because ... sure we can look at other cultures that way. Like ... when I think Turkye ... I see a savage people that have culturally not evolved beyond hunter-gatherers, and so is the whole culture. It's the sentiment that while we're generous, they take advantage of that. Selfishly. And that's a drain on our resources. "Christian Love be damned".
Well, it's not like we give them a lot to work with, but the support we give them. Which is like ... money and legal status.
But it's also a one-sided perspective. And it's odd that it is a lot of those, those that we'd have thrown out as immigrants, that now complain about the same things. It I shit you not, but among those that I know, it's like ... the most cliche immigrant child that'd easily make the top of the list - sure, superficials only - that's like this the loudest.

Now, projection is a term that comes to mind - but if the people we have here are no different to the people coming in ... that doesn't really help us much. So a counter voice has become loud: We shouldn't draw the line at citizenship! We should take a thorough look at everyone, individually, regardless of heritage.

What I'm trying to get at is, that in this day and age where "all are drunk of her wine" - we're vastly governed by hypotheticals. Like, we're so used to safety that when something bad happens - all we think about is preventing the next possible instance. But in the olden days, shit happening meant: Ooops, that whole village is on fire and the people of it are used as fertilizer!
Or something to that effect.
Yea, maybe an entire, ironclad army parading through your streets telling you that you're theirs now. Or maybe it happened at least once: The head of your son presented to you on a platter.

Like, looking at "world politics" today is a perfect display of this. Like, people that have totally lost the ability to process cause and effect outside of their own narrow little squares. We - the people - we rely on systems and bureaucracy to get things done; And we're stuck playing chess against someone who randomly moves his pieces around, maybe takes two turns in a row; And we don't even have a mechanism to call out cheating. Well, we kind of sort of do - arguably.
It's like ... how people get the blame for things just because someone felt like it. Of course it's also a bit of a collective thing, but ... a part of it sure is manufactured. The thing is, if the 'moving' discourse, the discourse that happens and is moving things along, allows lies to be treated as facts - the whole thing is fucking gone!
But again - it also just happens and once again we don't actually have an instance to call out to.

I mean, if we had one - properly - this whole fiasco would have been over years ago!

Here's a more abstract thought: In this day and age we're so used to functionality. Flip a switch, push a button - that's like the thing we do. Like, we're deeper down the "Simulacrum" rabbit hole than we might think. And so, we tend to think or feel the same way about things like death and destruction. A kill is basically just a tap or a health bar away from happening - and destruction, well, we're back to buttons and switches. And so there would be one mind trapped in this world and endeavor a work of art. To show people, that life is actually not that simple. So, instead of a guy getting their head cut off clean, it's getting cut off dirty - it's a whole mess - but people wouldn't get it! To them, it's just the next good nugget fed to them by the system. And while some might appreciate it for what it is - the amount of people would be small. Like, just those that had seen the very same issue themselves. Like ... anyway. So ...
Let's call this a layer. From one to the next, truths and conditions can be completely inversed.
Like - the truth of whether you should trust the guy next to you or not!

And this is me being ... weird. Though it'd be one of the oldest "Simulacra" or "Shells". The part where we moved into houses and started to distinguish between civilization and wilderness. So, instead of understanding the world as this huge, fluid, massively interconnected, "breathing whole" - I see it in layers. Sub-cultures. Inside and Outside. Most of the landscape I know is just a transition between two settlements; Where a settlement can be a collection of houses or a city.

So, "we don't get it" - or, "you don't". Anyway.
So, we're governed by hypotheticals. And so, concerning this migration crisis, that's of course what we get back to. It has helped us so far! Right?
Well - to our own sensitivities, perhaps. But what's happening there wasn't ever really meant to 'work'. Band-aid after band-aid, there's slowly no more room for them. And the thing is: Hypotheticals have helped us in a great many ways - especially in conditions where accurate data just wouldn't exist.
But so we're "speaking of" a "Day-Z esque" migration wave due to climate change. Right?
And therein lies a problem!

I think and I feel.

The big big point to it is, that I don't need boundaries. The more I find myself in this mindset of who I am, and the more I find myself pressured to think in such terms, the more I find that 'we' exist far beyond these mortal concepts.

Like, right now you might feel like you're part of a group - an ethnicity - present in a given location. Beyond the horizon may be more of you, but that only goes so far. People like me, who grew up in an ethnically mixed environment, thriving on the fruits of international cooperation, that's already different. And it makes a difference.
It's easy these days to have friends all around the world, where some sense of civilized similarity further creates this idea of a small world, essentially.
Now, maybe take it a bit further. Say, we know that there are people on either side of any border that are worthy before the Lord. And that's us! Beyond that I don't really care much about the rest that's on either side of any border. Of course I care about the borders around me - and so, first, we should build a huge wall around Germany! Not! XD

No, but "here" is where 'I am' - so, "here" is where my concerns are concentrated. That we build good things. For the future. Or to start with - consolidate and expand.

And seriously! I mean ... if a lot of people come here and we don't have enough to feed everyone - this fun little idea of what Germany is ... sure would go away. But what matters greatly is the mindset with which we approach this. Well, may plan would have been to get ahead of it by expanding early - like the Chinese did - thus reducing the crisis by improving the conditions where the people are fleeing from. To, generally speaking: Create more "go-to" places.
And not just for the unsettled. Like, building new go-to places would involve a lot of know how and stuff from ... already existing go-to places.

Like so, we should help future generations to connect - thus preserving this thing called "world peace" - or taking us there in the first place. Anyway. "You do You" - like "who am I?" - anyhow ...
