Uhm, how am I going to do this? I mean - I have my notes, but the mindset in which these words made any
sense is from yesterday. The general gist of what I'm trying to say however is relatively simple. It's
a somewhat older topic. But in some vague sense - there's a lot more that plays into it. Well, maybe
because it's "THE" thing. This Amalgamation - we might call it "Legion" - of disconnected crazy that yet
somehow find a shared unity in this whole fascism thing we got going on. And yea, oh yea - believe you
me ... THAT kind of talk isn't going to stop. In fact, this is kind of all about that! Like ... it might
have slipped some peoples attention, but
we're somewhat beyond 'hypothetical' here. Call me a triggered leftie - which, honestly, might be a good
topic to start this with. "Left vs. Right".
However, as is going to be a theme for this "series", there's a secondary headline, a.k.a. "the point", sortof
- which here is
Straight Relationships
But first of all - like, a DOUBLE TRIGGER WARNING! On one hand I'm going to "both
sides" this, and on the other: Left Wing Superiority nonetheless.
But yea. What is "the Left"? I think a lot of people these days are confused about what either of the words
we use means - and so, technically, it's almost required at this point to frontload any discourse with a
proper list of definitions. Well, sure - just to keep up with the Conservative Brainrot.
Like, ever so often I find myself in "this spot" where I have to remind myself, or everybody reading the
thing, that there's a list of things, policies we call them, that most people, generally, agree on. So, things
like Healthcare and Education. Infrastructure is another good topic.
But then, like out of nowhere, there are so and so many folks that - whether they think or believe it so
doesn't matter because their votes are in and in effect and the outcome of that is what I'm going by -
say: "Hold on, hold on! We got to get rid of them Queers first!".
And around that issue facts and logic are - have been, it's history at this point - twisted so horrendously
that, yea ... we kind of need a Doublespeak dictionary at this point.
"Both sides" in that regard isn't just about the whole SJW stuff. It's certainly part of that, and sure -
there may be some kind of Woke Mind Virus in play - but, it's more like we're cultural orphans that kind of
have to manage and that identity is at times a bit rough, I'd say, on the "Normie's Mind".
Like, we exist. That's - one thing. We LGBTQ+. Since the whole SJW vs. Anti-SJW ("Gamergate") thing was over,
dunking on feminism became a lot harder for some reason I find. Maybe it got old, maybe feminists have
adapted, maybe it's because some of the Anti-SJWs "changed sides" and started to impose themselves as some
kind of frontline that the other side tried to avoid like the plague.
Hard to tell how the Audience swung, but I fell right into Breadtube and the general mindset that's shared in
this Bubble is what I mean by Left Wing. So, being Progressive, Enlightened, emphasizing Compassion over
Facts and Facts over Feelings; Whereas to the Conservatives, Compassion is counted to Feelings - and the only
facts that matter to them are those that can be leveraged against it. Like ... this whole Pro-Life nonsense.
I mean, what's the facts there? So, the fetus has a heartbeat - cool. And yea, that's a fact - I assume -
yet Abortion is one of those - dare I say: Fundamental Rights - that the Bible is granting. But I digress.
The reason for this brief "Lore Dump" is that I'm trying to piece together how this whole ... Anti LGBTQ thing
came from. Well, in some parts it never left, I'm sure. But, what I'm saying at first is that Trans people and
Homosexuals were ever only like 'Token' in these Gamergate discussions. So, that ominous black friend that
every racist seems to have; Essentially. So, to criticize feminism might come accross as bad, so ... expressing
sympathies or even support for people like me and like me helps them look less bad.
So - when did that change? And the only person that comes to mind is this crazy (legit crazy) Canadian Psychologist
that made a huge stink about Canadian legislation respecting Trans people. So, was it about us or was it about
"scary big government" or was it about "legalize hate speech!"? I mean, as a respectable Psychologist he would
have read up on the science and having a heart would further have helped to understand the point of that
legislation. And that's ... where it all began - as far as I know.
So, he was a somewhat public figure by that point who was known for making smart comments on how the Fascists and
the Commies were like equally bad or something. Plus some weird fringe shit - which ... we could label a red flag
in hindsight. But I'd take offense with that; Where generally I want to encourage people to explore weird stuff
if that's what they want to do. But one has to be careful!
So, to the Anti-SJW pilled audience he appeared like a cool guy. Then eventually came that other Crazy Scientist
Guy who made a huge stink during some social engagement event on some University campus. He got his time in the
spotlight as someone who stood up against the crazy - and, yea - that's ... kindof how that began to spiral.
So, where the image of "the Enemy" was upgraded. Like, yea, Anti-SJW's saying "Bye" to that crowd made it somewhat
necessary for "them" to do so. Cast a wider web. So, for it to encompass "AAAAALL the Woke".
And that's - I'd say - the core identity of the Anti-Woke. "Anti-SJW stuff"/Gamergate was for a large part of the audience
just about Shady practices in (games) Journalism - which was a volatile subject for Gamers at the time because the
Industry exposed more and more symptoms of corruption. That however was eventually hijacked by the whole Feminist
angle - with one in particular who, I'd argue, mostly appealed to those not really in the knows. Which then furthered
was fuel to the fire of - let's call it "Gamer PTSD". Like, whenever someone shot up a school it was somehow "our
fault". Games Journalism (Looking at you, IGN) felt more and more like a fully bought out corporate voice - all adding
up to the frustration. "How the Turntables"? Well, no! We're split now! So, when I refer to myself as a Gamer, I want
to make sure that I'm properly distanced from "those". I still (want to) care about ethical Journalism and stuff -
and they I don't think care at all because everyone who did actually care must have abandoned ship.
So - from the Gamers perspective, yet: There was this "Anti Gamer/Gaming" sentiment - and seeing how those got all
the spotlight - while the rest of us were lumped in with the most juvenile, ... I mean ... we were all reduced to the
worse of an X-Box Call of Duty Chatroom. So, we saw that whole crusade very differently - to how "the dominant
narrative" is presented.
But yea, so - as this shift occurred, the anti-trans, anti-woke sentiment started to rise. Some might call the situation
polarized; Which here is to say: Both sides have an internalized resentment against the other to the point where they'd
take an opposite position just out of spite.
But - it's not really THAT polarized. I would make it up to that development however, that the term "Reactionary" (was
coined?) got used more and more often. It's like: Whatever Conservative mouth pieces say - the odds that they're just
talking shit are like a Gamblers wet dream, I'd say. Enough so that it couldn't become a sustainable business to bet
on such things. Like - on a 'from statement to statement' basis.
And while that whole thing is built on a lie, it also became more mainstream. Parents could all of a sudden be concerned
about their kids in school, assholes had to worry that they might get legal backlash from being an asshole - and so,
the more ignorant the person was, the more susceptible it would be to those narratives.
And from within that ... horrid monstrosity of a movement ... we could call it: "Assholeism" ... was born.
Not the surface level asshole-ism that would generally be called "edginess" - but the real, proper Asshole kind of
It's like - generations of incest with a sprinkle of pseudo-Christianity.
Here, this Pseudo-Christianity is obviously the basis. Perhaps an attempt to move from what I earlier described as
"Core Identity of the Anti-Woke" to a more "sophisticated" foundation. At any rate - every other shady figure all of
a sudden started to talk about God - and ... to me that's like extra funny. Well ... "who laughs last" I say.
Meanwhile, however, "something else" happened. I'm sure that we caught up on it way too late. And those that were
like ahead of the time ... well, they were AHEAD of their time. So, Money. And that's how all this is part of the
Well, for once, it's because a rather large Political Organization got on board with it. And while that whole
Culture War nonsense was predominantly YouTube fluff. And while Influencers were starting to show off the really big
bucks, to my impression at least, money became this somewhat abstract thing. A thing that I didn't have, but could
still partake in - if I chose to - by watching those ... uh, sure, let's call them people. Although I'd have a harsher
term for ... most of them ... I assume.
So, whether someone got additional funding - that wouldn't have been right away obvious. What was obvious was how that
mindset invaded politics; But the degree to which all of these components would come to re-enforce one another, well -
I'd argue it was like mostly beyond our control.
Like, as for polarization: Left leaning - or "being a Lib" or being WOKE - is in favor of Worker Unions. In a perfect
world we might actually not need them, but we don't live in that perfect world! And it is like ... you could bet your
ass on it that they'd be against it. Why? Well, on the one side you have the employer class and there shouldn't be a
mystery there. And on the other you have the polarized crowd that learned right from the start that it's bad to be a
And if there is any measure of words that could get through to them ... I do not know. That's not what this is!
This is more about, yea - what I initially said. And ... the terminally online may see already how some of the strings
connect. And on the other hand - yea. If you're looking at what's going on and still feel like "Family Values" are
anywhere on the table ... you're delusional! Like ... legit! I mean, misinformed, at the very least.
Like, how is forcing women to give birth in any way conducive to this concept of family that they're presenting?
I mean, do you really think that people - couples or single mothers - who legit consider aborting their baby would
be capable of creating that kind of environment for that child?
But that's where you get when you abandon the concept of ethics and morality. You take your heart, put it on a stick
and lord it over other people. That's what's up! But actual help for parents to help them create a good environment
for their kids? Yea, that's too Woke for them! So ... quite frankly: Fuck them! But - don't do so with violence! For,
the thing is: according to the Bible it is our forgiveness that will add to their peril in hell. So, if you don't
want to let them off the hook, or make it any easier for them, just let them be.
So yea. At this point ... it's just Fascism and Oligarchy. And those who don't see it - they just don't really care
about the things that the news are telling them are the things "we, broadly speaking" care about. They have to make
up their own little fantasy world in which either of the two is somehow magically going to be good for them. Plenty
of people have tried to explain it - today all those that did, seem to run a little low on steam - and it hurts me. It
really does!
And that's the other part of the headline, or how we get into the actual point proper. I mean, an attempt to explain
"it". But, from my own perspective.
The main thesis thereby is rather simple. It's not a new one either. But generally: Economic hardships encourage
women with the necessary gifts to do so to aim high. Love ... doesn't really exist in that equation. Love is an
eventuality - and the thought process is transactional. And in that scenario, the anti-woke propaganda exalts the
man as "the Provider". Which might also just be double speak for "Slaver". I mean, it's in the presentation. "The
provider provides" - and "you" ought to depend on them.
Then, looking at the thing from a different angle, like ... 90 degrees, we get the whole "Nuclear Family" nonsense
- which is actually just another Capitalistic scam also. This Nuclear Family BS is a rather modern thing - predicated
on the idea that everyone could technically live like a King.
From another angle yet - another 90 degrees (don't try to break your head over it) - it's a good thing. One provides
the means, the other provides the labor. Which is which depends on what parts you're looking at. And that's basically
the idea they hold on to - but that's not what they actually present.
Because it's like "the Woman OUGHT TO so and so" and then terms like "High Value" and "Low Quality" get thrown around.
One of the most appalling things - outside of politics - that I've seen the last year was a brief glimpse into a
Manga genre called "isekai". "Isekai" I think comes from some Anime in which that's some fancy term for teleporting
to another world. So, these stories are mostly about some loner guy who gets magically transported into a fantasy
world with some kind of special ability. And these stories are like ... they're so sad - if you look at them from
an outside perspective. Everything is full of Grades - like a hard value assigned to individuals that the Characters
actually legitimately use and refer to - revenge fantasies and such. It's so sad!
And if a man comes at you and starts talking of Body counts and "Ought to"s and Quality - you have to come to terms
with THAT being the basis of your relationship. So, get ready to wear Potato Bags I guess!
But I suppose that makes me the degenerate. I mean, I don't really care much about my appearance - and there's like
... a scope of loving compliance, it'd be, for me to wear whatever my partner would want me to wear. But that only
goes so far - and someone who starts out beyond it, just no! Love yourself! Which reminds me: A brother gave a speech
about Martin Luther King's "Three Dimensions of a Complete Life". You should google it - if you're not familiar with
He also added a nice comparison from robotics. Speaking of accessing individual points in the 3-Dimensional fields and
how that impacts the orientation of any item that the robot (arm) might be holding - which is why they have additional
joints to correct for that. "Duh"
So, if you can't get laid because "the modern woman cannot be pleased!" - eh ... well. First: Look at yourself!
Next: Think of all the others that might feel similarly towards the same person. It happens! And third: Look up at
what makes it so!
On the one hand then you'd try to be a bigger badass (yea, ... ) - to then be OK with what scraps the other rapists
might leave you - and on the other you'd just generally try to reduce the economic obstacles that inflate the
value of money in not only the dating life. But also the grand scheme of things. So, one side is "Big Brain" - and
the other not so much.
"Thanks for listening to my TED talk".
Uhm ...
Rambling for Closure
As far as I've seen, this kind of talk goes in the one and out the other ear with "these folks". But they're also in
a strong position, going by the whole "connections" thing; Which is also going to be a topic at some point.
And the reason Queers are part of this topic is because they; And by virtue of that: Me; Are used as bad examples
and scapegoats. And, many suggest that this is because we're threatening "the Patriarchy" - where 'the Patriarchy'
- as I use it - is this abstract of male dominance invading even the concept of acknowledging women as human beings.
And I understand that many a hetero-coded woman can in some more or less unhealthy way align with that. After all:
It's been centuries - millennia even - of domestic conditioning.
Being like ... hard-forced out of that ... well. You know one thing that we (some at least) "watch" for entertainment?
"Are the Straights OK?". Check out YouTuber "OneTopic". It is ... "So fucking bizarre!". Like, do we have
to be the ones to say that this whole "Haha, women, am I right?"/"The Wife sucks" humor/attitude ... that's degenerate!
But yea - actually. On the one hand you have people like that - and on the other we have the world as it is. It makes
complete sense!
But no - we aren't the reason you can't get laid! Unless you tried to get laid with us and we declined. Is also a common
topic among lesbians. We almost need a word for those guys that think they're the Godsent to make us straight! But, nah
- I was never hit on hard enough to have ever needed to pull that card.
Well - I'm more like Sapphic - if we wanna use that as the term for Lesbians with clear heterosexual tendencies that
are however not sufficient to label us as Bi or Pan, but still real enough for us to be not "Entirely Lesbian". To me,
I make sense of it on the basis of what I'm attracted to. Or rather: What I'm 'into'. Some use combined terms, like
... I'm a homoromantic pansexual. Yea, actually that's easy!
So, while it might seem like a guy had a chance with me, that's a hard no in as far as they're "attacking" the romantic
aspect. And I'm also not the type to engage in random sexual encounters. Uhm ... anyway ...
Ever wondered about how "openly tolerated Queerness" correlates with "Child abuse" - like - in a country? Or how
about its correlation with the abuse of women? Human Rights violations? All the bad stuff? I'd argue that there is
one word in all this, that has a super large effect on this. It's: Compassion.
So - there is this very simple tool to make the world a better place. It's not even controversial! Well, it shouldn't
be! And those that pretend it is ... they're just assholes. I mean, yea, that's like ... by definition.
Uhm, is there still a point to this? ... hmmmm:/
Well. I guess: "You're disgusted by us because you're immature! We're disgusted by you because you're disgusting!
We are not the same!".
But sure. Not all straights!
I mean, it has to work somehow, doesn't it?! And it shouldn't be all that difficult either! But the more you
get stuck in these crazy ideologies - the more difficult you make it for yourself and everyone else! "Touch Grass!".
... [sigh] - I'm rambling ... sorry!
For Cultural Osmosis:
I don't think all of it can be trusted (should go without saying, but going by how I feel ... this is a very
... upsetting topic for a lot of people - and people can act strange when under stress) - but it's there!