A new Wave is coming - and it looks grim

or ... "the Grim is spreading". But when haven't things been grim? Well - maybe during the time we thought the Beast that was as dead but rose again was thought to be dead.

But still - the actual solution ... it exists. Let's lead with that. It's the absence of it - within the consciousness of (the) masses - that causes the grim. We ... could say. And I think, that the first thing I have to say here is, that it comes in many faces.
So - I didn't know I needed a word for it, though sure I was wondering. There's what has been labeled "Macho Criminality" - as a thing currently plaguing Europe. You won't find it in the USA I suppose - as I'd argue that "Thug Culture" is a different thing although certainly an inspiring factor to Macho Criminality. But - if you want my word on my insight on the matter - as per the Esoteric nuances and Metaphysical components - Macho Criminality has more in common with MAGA Republicans than Thug Culture. And though it might not prove it - one can however take a hint from looking at how the Manosphere is as a bridge between Thug Culture and and MAGA Republicans - or Fundamental (US Flavor) Christianity.

Uhm yea - the key term here is Primitivism. And - I totally forgot that all the stuff I shared while my web provider still offered an image and video sharing platform isn't really there anymore. Primitivism is basically Fascism - defined around the angle of talking to the primitive urges of us, banking on the emotional energy of the simple minded (sorry) as it were.

The Manosphere dips into it, MAGA Republicans dip into it, US Evangelists dip into it, most Right Wing groupings dip into it - and Macho Criminality dips into it. Sure - some might just sum it all up as: Institutionalized Toxic Masculinity.
Which works - to an extent - as it also banks on feminine weakness. Though I didn't think to make this a topic here - there's also a larger effect at play that we'll get to sooner or later anyway (and is an off topic here and there); And that is Misalignment of Perspectives. So is there the female alignment with being reduced to (breeding) meat - at least while a certain standard of living can still be inferred (next to abusive conditions that involve codependency); And the female alignment that is much akin to the male one - outside of these "Hoes and Bros" dynamics. A.k.a. 'normal people' - we might say. And while there isn't anything wrong with the more ... uh ... biological and hormone driven gender arrangement - that's not all that exists. And around the Primitivistic bend - they end up being the Figureheads of this grim that's spreading.
Which creates its own dynamics that at least for the time being gives them some motivation to maintain that narrative - in alliance with ... "what have you".

And while both groups effectively exist in their own bubble - and the roads of communication between them are dominated by overarching ideologies that exist at odds with each other and other problems - there's virtually no path to find any kind of agreement.

Now - one thing to swipe that German smirk from my face - is the matter with our ... socialism. The thing being, that the current work-force is said to not be large enough to sustain the amount of people that are about to retire; And I've just seen a somewhat horrible video that analyzes that and tries to put it into a greater socio-economic and historical context. I mean, I suppose it somehow had to bring the point home - like, how much better others have it and how screwed we are; But it was also really stuffed with capitalistic rhetoric. But - not to linger too much on the details - that ... doesn't really change the central figure. The problem ... as it were.
But framing is important. Especially when faith and hope are the pivotal currency these days. And I don't mean that in a strictly Christian sense.

Then I saw another video about what's going on in France right now. Here the narrative to suck all hope out of the frame is a lot simpler; As the narrative over how immigrants and left leaning politics and feminism and all that will be the end of us is ... a lot more comprehensive to the simple mind.

The same logic does however not work for us. It works when ignoring everything and rather making it about social welfare - which we could afford because of extremely lucky economic conditions but are about to not be able to afford because of the retirement crisis - so ... there's a tie which does lead the simple minded right back into that fascistic/primitivistc circlejerk.

And so a word on societal stability: It isn't a physical structure per se. Yet we'd talk of "erosion of culture" and such things. The issue here is in the minds of the people. How they perceive their situation and sure, what kind of outlook they have on the future. So, if people believe that a system is broken - they will try to fix it. Whether it is broken or not. And if it ain't broke don't fix it - says as much as that when we try to fix a thing that isn't in need of fixing - we are rather likely to break it in the first place.

Now - I don't mean to say that our systems aren't broken. But if you have a hammer - but the problem doesn't involve nails - you're still going to screw it up!

The issue here is that faith and hope are being used to corrode social cohesion - by these kinds of narratives. They are destructive in that they basically (metaphorically) hand people a hammer, while the problem is more like a software bug. And I've long been curious to address this issue. Because ... it's also a German thing. Germans will complain about how bad we have it - how everyone else is doing so much better than we do - while people fail to see how we're doing alright. And the argument that sticks is that complacency is ... bad. We shouldn't feel compelled to ignore the things that don't work - just because there are a few things that do work. And I agree, but ... I never could help ... being bothered by it somehow.
And sure enough ... at least by rough approximation ... the people that would 'talk' in this manner - like, actually 'talk' - "in the Real" - they usually come across as having a somewhat skewed understanding of reality. It's like ... also short-sighted. There will be real issues, real concerns, things that are important - but tackling them comes at an inconvenience. And that creates this climate in which ... well. Long story short ... there is one particular political party or streamline that's rubbing their mustache twirly hands over all the new voters that are "disillusioned" by how things are going.

It's not that they don't try to have their own super smart solution to the mentioned problems - but they usually don't appear to have a degree of sophistication that could be taken seriously.

So yea - it's an impression. Nothing too solid; And if polling data is as good as it gets ... yea ... I don't know. But ... the effects still show. "How could it be?". Where does it come from? "Woran hat et jelejen? Or as a friend of mine used to say: "Nachtigall ich hör dich tapsen" (Nightingale I hear thee hopping)

But that's also a bit of the issue. To maybe hear something hopping - that isn't actually audible. Or ... there.
Like ... what all these narratives try to imply. And yea - it does eventually leave a bitter taste in the mouth to say that we should trust the system - or our political processes - and perhaps especially since these problems manifest therein - as perhaps in the first place. So - maybe I shouldn't then ... . Or ... let's just leave it at that.

I mean, we can so ... agree with things, but ... depending on how the political streams deal with them ... this kind of agreement can be dangerous. I mean, that's how it is with the "Trans debate". I mean, so - people are concerned. I get that. I'm concerned too. But, when concerned - one should try to get informed. To see in how far these concerns are justified. And until then ... maybe ... not be too too concerned. But here we run into two problems: Rampant misinformation - and 'the crowd that is (willfully) uninformed'. And the two feed into each other.
So - "being concerned" - as a valid thing to be - makes you part of a crowd, at least in the abstract, of people who are concerned. And if we want to forgo the whole bad faith actors part of it - there's still misinformation. Misinformation that may still fly under the "I'm concerned" banner, but plays into the idea that those concerns are justified.
Now - we may start with 'being concerned' of the kids, whether or not they are mature enough, or how to deal with the immaturity or whatever - but then people keep hearing of "the trans agenda" and "trans ideology" - which further props them up to refuse using the preferred pronouns - and in as far as we're not OK with that, that further maintains that resistance, per chance unto the point where people would call for our eradication.

To say: That 'end point' has NOTHING to do with how we best protect our children or trans people in sports. I mean, it may be - in that there's like a "cause of the symptoms" - but there people are, thinking of it as a disease. Or a delusion. A fantasy. And these people may think themselves ... the good guys, even ... when doing their darndest to let us know that. Where to us it's clear that they haven't been listening - or ever had a chance to listen - while it's clear whom they're actually listening to. And the fact that people like Richard Dawkins feed into that narrative ... doesn't really help either!
And while we're at it - I'd just play a little game of boxes. I mean, we as Gnostics fancy to one day maybe assemble the Omega Core. So - I take my box of truths - and he'd get his. And we put our outspoken scientific facts into it. So, I got: Animals and Plants are known to "have" trans-sexuality -and- Post-Mortem analysis of trans people was able to show that they shared sex markers consistent with that of the other sex -and- intersex people exist (what is their "gender"?). And I'm sure that all that "they" have is like a box with a dildo and a fleshlight.

And - yea, I mean: Feminism. How is it, that 'we' erase women? I mean, isn't it through excluding trans women from the narrative, that women need to insist on their function as brithgivers? Is that what feminism is about? Is that what female empowerment is about? I sure may be more masculine in some respects than the average woman ... but if that's now a bad thing ... what does that mean ... like, in general?

"Gender and Sex are separate yet linked - and one's alignment between them can have a general influence on their wellbeing".

To say - being concerned can be difficult at times. And as with trans-WOMEN in women's sports, it also goes to show that there's a very ... totalitarian - or finalistic - attitude about it. That is to say that time doesn't seem to factor into any of their considerations. So - a trans-woman did well here and there. And without any proper understanding of the underlying issue people jump the bandwagon to claim it cannot be. And people who are actually interested in a debate ... are left standing by the side ... counting their arguments that are just getting overheard.
Instead we get Bill Maher being curious about Lea's Penis.
And yea - although we can preconceive that the debate comes down to either being OK with or against Trans WOMEN IN SPORTS - the debate is to highlight the various factors that ought to take us to an informed conclusion.
And yea - sometimes ... things take time.

I mean - in this day and age where us trannies go through a bit of a cultural renaissance ... that is especially true. So, that there's like an outcry and concerns and all that ... that's just normal or to be expected. How people however dealt with it so far ... that's disheartening. And about protecting children ... there's also a responsibility that the parents have. Now - the issue is like ... whether or not it's just a fad. The truth however is that transsexuality - does start to emerge during Childhood. And I'm prone to believe that had I been more aware of it - I'd have been (more) insistent on it. Either way ... if it's a fad ... it doesn't concern ALL kids that come out as trans. If the parents of one of those Kids now however somehow got it into their head that it's just "the trans agenda" brainwashing their kid - that has a whole range of repercussions that are squarely unnecessary, misguided, utterly pointless and downright enraging. From all those "concerned parents" camping on school boards to "detrans" their schools to idiotic education reforms that might also try to whitewash history while they're at it, to gaslighting their kids and overall just fighting a war against figments of ones imagination ... sigh.
Which doesn't protect anyone - but the fucks that benefit off of our stupidity.

Now - we may, I do - wonder: Which aspect of like ... 'sane culture/society' is still ... not under attack? I mean, I suppose here in Europe we're fine regarding guidelines/regulations concerning our food. But still - any attempt at doing politics in that regard ... and soon some dipshit is going to claim that "they're trying to take our burgers". Though ... if collapse is imminent - that's more likely to lead to it. I mean, the thing just is that we have to reduce something somehow. And whoever is affected might feel like it's unwarranted. So - in this sense, there are things that are indirectly under attack. So, things that need to change - and the proposed changes couldn't pass because they're "an attack" against the consumer. But yea - either way ... I guess.

To get to the point

Faith and hope ... . Ever only speaking of the collapse (except: Not the 'actual' threat (Climate change, late stage capitalism)) - especially one that does simultaneously rally against the system while also making it all about the system - is a trap. I mean ... if politicians are doing it all wrong and you vote for politicians that don't really have an answer to fix it ... but to do a fascism ... not a good idea!

And sure - within the system and framework of conditions - we might be screwed. Germans, French, Japanese, Americans, whatever. As the big ones were to go down - shit were to follow. What's left were Military action that would be the one thing to most likely get us into a 1984 type of thing. With wars fought in the distant as to prevent the others from encroaching on our territory - while whatever can feed us would have to suffice for the time being. It wouldn't bother the elites all that much - as those were historically always well off.

And yea - individually doing a socialism might not help either. But global cooperation seems to be a better way with resources than bombing one another to pieces. Though I guess some might (maybe not 'want' to per se) argue that human casualties are desirable because less mouths to feed leaves more for the rest. Though on the other side some are arguing that we somehow need more mouths to feed - a.k.a. more cheap and expendable labour I assume.

Perhaps to shoot them into space one day. Who knows?

Video 1
Video 2

Special Tip: A show I've really enjoyed watching so far is 'Altered Carbon' (Netflix) - alternatively you could also just watch 'Some More News' on YouTube. It's ... roughly the same. Alternatively you could also check out Last Week Tonight. It strikes similar beats as 'Some More News' - though I wouldn't compare it to Altered Carbon. But still ... is there like a rabbit hole on YouTube that ... one might prefer over Altered Carbon - or the other way around ... . And I suppose it also kind of depends on what tickles your sexual fancy.