Well, if you haven't guessed - the Ninefold is whats after the Eightfold and if you've understood what the Eightfold implies - yep - thats the stuff 'beyond' the door. Well ... "what door?". Yea, I mean, that mythical door we actually can't open. For the scientists this is really a matter of looking at the things that are - and if they didn't believe in that some mythical Enlightenment, then, well, I guess because its nothing you kindof just do! I mean - if everyone who claimed being Enlightened were Enlightened they should all practically tell us the same thing. But I meant to actually say: What is it that we can't see; And what difference does it make?

If you've understood so far that the Eightfold contains basically all that we know - but that the Higher Level Stuff is always in some way visible to the Lower Levels, then 'the Force' is really what kicks in as our Final Frontier - and we can take that 'kicking' quite literally. The impact that we feel - thats a good approximation of what the Force is - but - its still like a wall.
To move on a bit closer: The Ninefold actually is a breakdown of - if we ain't seeing us therein - what God is like, relative to this Universe. Thats a claim - but that claim is fundamental to understanding the concept of Unification (yea, thats what entering the Ninefold is, or Christian/Gnostic Enlightenment). That because if you at first establish that the Ninefold is an invisible reality 'beyond' ours - and by beyond I mean: Transcendentally beyond (with no Physical entanglement whatsoever, because yea, duh, its what 'makes' physics happen to begin with) - you'll see the Ninefold as a Spiritual Reality that is true to God and can be shared with us by the same means that the Physical realm is presented to us.

A - Marijuana stuff

These last two paragraphs have been written soberly. I went on - and I did actually restart, restart and restart again. Two high and one sober attempt to be precise. More or less - since sometimes I just would return to a given position - as I'm doing here. Now I'm high again (moderately) - and - comparing the "two" versions I got I realize that they're equally bad or botched. Well, the sober version is more ranting, more offensive - and I meant to deal with those emotions; While all over being in a process of slowly adjusting the way I think about Unification or specifically the Ninefold since; Well - I got to get some focus, and that on a bunch of topics that make sense; And why would that 'God putting stuff into my Memory' not work? Good question!
Its an issue thats coming up times and times again - but the simple and most obvious part to that answer is to look at how this kind of revelation works. Or how it doesn't - as in: What it does 'not' do. For instance: I could sit down and considered that I have everything I need (where right now I'm actually in more or less ideal conditions (thats: No distractions and enough to actually do in case I need to chillax ...)) I might just write on about everything in the Universe. But as you might find in the first member of this series - I had some problems with the Physics of things for instance. There was/is an underlying idea - basically the base-line for what I was writing - and that wasn't really new to me. And so I usually start out; That is: "Naturally" - I take a look at what I got and try to see what I can make of it. Totally just as a normal person would. That is - by the way - the total opposite to what I still need a good term for - though my go-to term used to be 'prophetic writing' - alias: Pulling stuff out of your "ass". The difference between inspired art and uninspired art is similar. One who is inspired has something to express - the uninspired artist has to pull stuff out of its arse. The next step for the uninspired leage was/is/were to circumvent the lack by starting to pull out purpose and reasons; So the the product is just indirectly ass-pulled. I would say that this is even true in Music; Although on a very narrow Legel that ultimately makes the difference between noise and harmony on a scale wide enough to in some sense "disappear" in the mass.

If I am to believe it - then "we" more and more learn how everything in life is based on statistics, or probability, even in the social field. Or perhaps even especially there. When it gets to statistics, there is that Story in the Bible where David wanted to count the citizens of Israel - and the story is that God made a big deal out of it, saying that its bad, and David was horribly punished in turn. I mean - David wasn't a perfect man - and if anything redeems this guy as a Biblical figure then that his lifetime is scarred with sacrifices and sufferings. I mean - there was a Moment where David was happily dancing as the movement of the Ark of the Covenant was celebrated; But the story moves on speaking of one individual who was despised by seeing that; And that was even one of his wives. So - technically, with not even 'simple happiness' being a thing that hasn't been without negative consequences - ... That is kindof the base-line 'for David' - anything above that and we'd say he's a douche. And maybe this is needed. Maybe the claim of God that David is a good guy can - as similar to the story of Job - only be proven under these conditions. One instance of the story has him kill his own men for having actually done him a favour - one he specifically told them not to do - and thats basically only one of many moments wherein David did something drastic; Though being generally described as calm, peaceful and gentle. In general these moments occur in general moments that revolve around rights and wrongs; Where the story of David is basically one of a guy who always did what he believed in was right. Thats also the weak Link. When he believed in the wrong thing - corresponding things would happen. But then the story of David is also one of changes - and specifically one that shows us a Character that doesn't really have a clue - other than being the annointed King of Israel. He learns - but that learning is defined in conflicts - specifically that between two Nations. David however was with the Philistians - and if you know the Bible well enough you could get to the idea, that Gods warfare against Philistia - as remnant of the Land of Canaan that God gave to Jacob - which was an ongoing conflict at Arms (pretty much as it still is today) - made him wonder: 'why'? He obviously couldn't really dig that God - though the end of the story is that David, as King of Israel, finally defeated the Philistians and conquered the entirety of Canaan. And note: David is a very very important figure in the Scriptures related to Christ. Even more so than Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Simply because he is the chosen 'Ancestor'. But back to the story. It happened that once David was riding into War against Israel - with the Philistians - something called him back and eventually he had to flee; And then it was pretty much just him, his brothers at arm and their families. Eventually we can understand how this situation looks in hindsight. David riding into war against Israel may have seemed legitimate at first - since he was against that God of theirs in some way; At least thats how the story fits together. Maybe he figured that it would come to a showdown between him and Saul and that Saul would finally fall - being the anticipated outcome which would then also finaly mean that the 'who is King?' conflict between them were resolved. So - Saul was the first King of Israel, but over some issue God then rejected Saul and chose David. In the story it is "just something over a bunch of Sheep" - but to God that was a clear act of disobedience and on that stance the further events happened. David got annointed - and somehow he came to fight alongside Saul against the Philistians. So there is this odd situation where Saul yet reigns as King although David has been annointed to be that. Eventually David had to escape - and he ultimately found refuge in Philistia. That it wasn't easy to them to welcome him amongst themselves can be assumed, but it isn't entirely unreasonable either, considering the obvious tensions between him and Saul. Now - some people were with David, we might suggest that these are people that feel loyal to him. But so the entire situation however comes down to the religious question. Who are they? Why are they there? What will be happening? If David killed Saul on the battleground, the divine judgement would have come - then God would have been confirmed the true and living God once again - or even once and for all considering that David had that Aura of invincibility - or ultimately being supreme to two Nations. But what would the situation of peace be? Weighing in that its Gods choice to wage war against the other Nations of Canaan - what would Davids further actions be? And David ultimately agreed to riding back home ... and he found their homes burned and families kidnapped. He and his people went after them; And maybe it was a plot - to force David out of battle since someone wanted to prevent David from becoming King. However - if the record is Prophetic work, David yet finally managed to rescue their families - and after Saul was killed in battle, David was a bit closer to being the King of Israel, but he wasn't because there was a heir to the throne. So - eventually David became King as some of his men killed that guy; And David killed them for doing that. He however became King without doing anything for it - and maybe it was his big weakness, that he never really stepped in for himself. But on the other hand not a lot stepped in for David either, in the sense that a lot of people still accepted Saul. There are a lot of problems - ultimately, as finally - there is no real happy ending. I believe that David however conquered Canaan because he realized its an irrational, neverending, self-perpetuating conflict; Where no matter what he would do, things around him would be spinning their way. We can guess for instance guess that Saul was patronizing David - yet more and more making clear that he doesn't want to pass the scepter. And then - maybe he worried that things would turn in favour against him and therefore planned to get rid of him. However David then fled - or whatever the story that followed on Sauls end - history ultimately closed in on him; As it did with almost all of the other Kings of Israel outside of their mentioning in the Bible. Whats left of David is a small inscription on a piece of stone that had been used to build a house!
God didn't like Kings to begin with - and that to me is the plot-twist. Well, not that its big of a spoiler. God said it from the beginning. And what happened was that people began to rise up against the elected King - turning a mere difference of oppinions into armed warfare. Or furthermore warfare as tool to remain in charge. Battle gives reason to cooperation - and purpose to Life. The Thora isn't against welcoming strangers either - but it still finally demands God to be recognized as the living God; And people Loved to ignore that! At least - the conflicts between Kings overshaddowed the conflicts amongst the living, diverted the attention from the problems at hand into problems of warfare. Soldiers grow up to protect their Home - and finally get abused as instance of a chain that ties back to a ruler ... where David was one type of King who basically did nothing - and maybe it is because of that, that God was mad at David; That David did do something to act as King. Without concent of God. David was disobedient - as Saul was - with similar consequences - but so, why did God not want that?

Let me first of all take a break from that topic; And elaborate a few pieces about this pervious paragraph. There's a story I know - and as of noise and harmony I was drifting into perceptions regarding statistics while gien the context of the story of David which in process magnified where the 'finger of God' went through the story presenting me certain perceptions that I would then write about. What emerges is 'insight' that is the product of this menthal process of perception and reflection; Which might be common to pretty much any preacher who takes his work seriously. That is also how my journey pretty much began. I was reading the Bible and stumbled from A to B - moving from disappointment to amazement - and that right after a serious prayer to God directing to 'the most High' - that above Everything, the Everything wherein Everything is that can be - 'if He is a God' - to the image of asking the Highest Power out there that is everywhere, hears everything and can outrule everything, to help me. Thus I became a Nazirite - 4th Moses Chapter 6 - as that was the B I arrived at. I reasoned that there are a lot of things I didn't know about - including unresolvable references in the back of my Bible since they referred to books I've never heard of; The apokrypha. And I was puzzled, riddled and confused - and to my other end was left with the Nazirite vow that, considering my knowledge of Christendom as taught to me in Sabbath School and all that (7th Day Adventist) could be transfigured into redeemed by Christ - since it strongly depends on the Tabernacle to make sacrifices; And Christ as the Ultimate Sacrifice for all mankind, that might say that everyone can become a Nazirite now; Without the Tabernacle stuff. So I made it an 'if' request - so, if its a thing then please ... and from there on my life basically changed forever.

But now - to also tie Statistics back into the topic, I guess the simplest way to say what I want to say is that we force ourselves into a statistical behaviour by submitting our causality to it. So - if we take a bunch of people, strangers, and put them into a closed System, we learn from Big Brother that there is an ambiguity of common sense or social order which polarizes group behaviour that isn't always a no conflict zone. Whatever the case with that - the story with the Kings ties into that because of what I call 'anti-behaviour'. It does emerge as individualistic growth and independence that exists within an undefined social environment. So also the demand for a Ruler - that is this instance where we finally manifest the need of a definition. In Gnostic terms we say that we must first of all credit God for having the better idea - just because He is God - and ultimately we have to trust Him beyond our own Judgement. Well - we see David fail at it, while - in an ideal picture instead of counting Israel he should have come up with something more foundational. So - we can say that this anti-behaviour emerges within an undefined social volume; In recognition of which I find 'flux-behaviour' as what happens when describing a volume into which then people will gather eventually. For instance: God has it with fixed numbers. There is so and so many of this and so and so many of that. 12 Tribes, the odd 13th, 3, 7, 40 - 144000 - so; If we have so and so many that make bread, making so and so much bread, what do we have left?
So - 'flux behaviour' is 'controlled behaviour' - constituted as the opposite to anti-behaviour. Anti behaviour finally, as in the Kings, concerns more and more people which are at some points even just passively connected to it. In which terms we have to see towards God in order to retreive the best idea. The result of this is finally an independent thing, so, we end up with 100% having an individual revelation - but the problem is that we then must communicate these revelations to each other so that we ultimately meet the 'immediate surrounding' and a flow of social dynamics that results into the emergence of a pattern of boundaries where communication changes from inward to outward. So - depending where our 'home' is we see a hierarchy of "[l/r]oyalties" that constitutes our 'higher context identity' - where the factor of chaos has it that we sort various things into different levels of priority. My highest priority is with God - and I realized that a lot of people wouldn't understand that, basically advising me to find a job instead fo following/supporting(/sharing) my curiosity. This basically explains anti-behaviour at its root. Any highest priority other than God constitutes anti-behaviour which dynamically increases within a tolerance for mingling. If God gave us a choice about it, we would be allowed to choose social disharmony. But God is finally invisible - and implementing the idea of 'leaving God be each individuals thing to figure out' into a crowd that builds on Gods revelation equals a crowd that sees God within the others as truth; ... let me put it this way: This can't work without God allowing them to see God within each other. So - this instance clearly converges around God doing something - but so far God has left it a riddle for us.

So - this whole topic is about Unification, because that is what gets us into the Ninefold. It is thereby dependent on God - for God is the Force that constitutes the Ninefold as 'Upgrade'. And telling you how this work comes together is about telling you how that Upgrade is to be seen.
So there various other Versions - and these all corresponded to a way I had thought of telling you anything about it - where failure ultimately contained the pieces that introduce a topic and context that I recognize as pivotal to a certain pace of a certain something - and ultimately also introduces the concept of Unification in a raw and general way.
So - to say that Unification is a social thing, consider that this 'Plan of God' implies each and everyone of us - and clearly that plan would be stupid if He counted us in 'against our will' - kindof. So - depending on how things are made - we either would or wouldn't - and so, the plan would be stupid if He expected things to happen that wouldn't. But we can't neglect that it would be not bad if he could tell what would happen anyway. Eventually that issue is in more general terms not a matter of of what we want, but what God would have to change about us for it to work. So - if you picture yourself inherantly willing to comply with God, under circumstances that you make up, you are in that menthal state wherein you would 'work' - but thats not the state you're in, ... eventually. But because you make that world up - it has a lesser degree of 'realness' to it; Even - which is like a cage for yourself - and in this 'higher self' we are something that I believe God doesn't want to tinker with. I mean - He doesn't touch it. We need to discover Him for ourselves - and eventually its best for us to know the bad things before starting off into the good ones.

Depending on how we are - we either are more or less dependent on Gods work; But we all find ourselves, finally, more and more drawn towards a higher conclusion - and 'when' it happens effectively has consequence as relative to each individuals relation and reaction to that event. So - those that weren't looking for God out of themselves were allowed to see what the consequences of that would be. And what ultimately changes, for us, in this realm, when we embrace God, considering that we live in a world of causality governed by static rules, is a firstly independent thing - as that is where we are - existing within this causality; And it continues to exist. What may change may be considered 'luck' - but so, the individual does its thing. We have to struggle corresponding to the Social environment that we "help create" although ... well yea, thats the big thing. 'The problem'.

You should realize that implying Gods existence into the physics textbook, moves us to a frontier of questions - and one of them turns out to be quite important. As important is it to find it. Its the question this was leading up to, which is the question for our social complexity - realizing that we need some sense to be put into it. It is through our 'Gnostic compliance' that we attain the ability to co-exist as self-responsible individuals within a Divine complex. Well - obviously!

Whats been lingering in the background so far is the idea of Gods 'spacing' - that is the Volume that God consumes within our minds and personality. So - hereby I want to present you two ideas - being basically one and the same thing at two different stages of development. The first thing is the 'atomic core of enlightenment', the second thing is 'the castle of enlightenment'. Once the Force reveals itself, it also becomes active and starts to exist as fixed part of the individuals psyche. In first place that means that the individuals awareness of Gods existence constituted through the elaborate choices and insights the individual followed to get there are 'enforced' - for once established through the initial experience/revelation - and ultimately carried forth within a stable glow. That this glow isn't constant should be emphasized. I mean - if it would constantly glow it would be like turned on lights while trying to sleep. It also would draw attention from our every day living. Instead, a sheet is layed above everything outside - so - the force appears as part of everything around - and these experiences only magnify the awarenesses until they basically grow to a point that overshadows all doubt in reasoning. So - after we confess we're continously confronted with remainders of doubt, which at some point are revealed as fluctuations caused by an internal instability - and co-existence with God as part of "the intimacy of 'the force'" ultimately melts that as the individual mind grows in this state of compliance. While God does all in all remain passive - at least as each days events are concerned - regarding the individuals intimate experience; Uhm - I don't mean to exclude stuff, so ... lets rather say: you'll have to figure that out for yourself.

In the end it is however well summed up in saying that this 'highest priority' plane - if we put God there - will ultimately revolve and focus around us, individually, where God only takes up a tiny amount, dependent however on the fact that we value it significantly enough to establish a personal relationship with God on that Level.

7. 9-13: THE NINEFOLD - PART 2 (THE Repitition OF 10s)

So - whats wrong with this? I would say: You can't test these things. Well - unless you are prepared to get Unified. If you don't prepare for it - you'll run into Zenos paradox; You'll never get to the goal because there's always a distance left to cross. And so - this writing is gonna be difficult to finish. That said - I don't even have a finish. There is no ending - and that is the thing with the 10s.

So - the story that is being told here, for all to notice, is technically that of my experiences within the Ninefold - and as I ran out of weed after I got to the previous part, it ... it so happens that there are a lot of issues that practically stab at me; I mean to say - this topic here - well, picture a bright void and a bunch of clouds covering the way ahead. Technically this picture does hold all the 'truth' you can effectively get as a matter of your own experiences. The idea of standing together - as a whole - it has I guess been abused a lot; And I don't wanna do that. So - that is why 'individuality' is a very significant topic - I mean, even more so - as primary counterweight to anything that relates to abuse. Abuse essentially means - here - that the configuration of ideas that conveys that concept can be described as ideology - and once the ideology is false, I'm thinking of abuse. To my concerns that means, that I want to avoid using "your average" this and that - so, ... in terms of standing together there is the danger that that 'the higher ideal' that is required to manifest that unity ... is basically just a gadget and could so be replaced by any arbitrary idea. But sorry if I'm confusing you here. - Anyway. Individuality - lets ... well, ... hmmm ... - think about the following: What is Individuality when the frame of interest is the scope between yourself and God? So, when 'I' say, I have 'this and that' from God - thats something you get as something about me - so, my individuality is somewhere a figure thereof. We might also say 'Character' or 'Personality'; Though those are rather properties of individuality.
Well - we can technically look at that question a bit closer and wonder about the problem in general. If I tell you that I have something from God, then - how would you know? In the same way however: Once you received something from God - 'THE Testimony' should be the most commonly available thing - how can you tell anyone about it? You can think of tiny things, not really important stuff - but starting there you can increase the hypothetical relevance of what you have; Which is all in all stupid because speaking of a Living God; We should all be capable of asking God - since, He's the same here, there and everywhere; So ... why should it be such big of a deal?

When I say that Unification is a social thing, as however often I tried I so far feel like I never got it right. I mean - to really emphasize its scale properly - as I get it now. So - you can picture the road ahead as a straight line into eternity. There - in the middle - ... - there is: 'the now' - which is like a huge city/town - and being there is what life is about!
Unification happens to be a social thing because from the get go, God is involved. The reason why you aren't allowed in without meeting all the conditions is because these conditions are there to keep you out - for that matter. I guess some people have this crazy idea of God, that God is just a force-field without personality or intellect - and that whatever God/Christian-Religion provides can be somehow replicated in some way. The point where you find yourself capable of trusting God is the 'where it all begins'. Effectively there is no need to talk ... I mean ... its important to realize that your ability to trust God is like a measurement you have, of yourself, that tells you how real God is to you. But it is also really important to understand that this trust has to be a real thing - and I don't wanna tell you what it is because you should effectively be independent about it. So - back to the clouds in the white space. Lets say there is a bright shining stone hidden inside of those clouds - so bright in fact it seems like the sun is shining behind them. This stone is now to be retreived - as part of the test. So - its an initiation rite, if you so will - as in 300 amongst the spartans; Here as a symbol of 'identity'. So "claiming your Name". And how can this be true?

I mean - as I was saying - this is kindof a sensitive topic. Matter of fact so much, that once I'm out of weed, the impressions I have simply stress me out too much and I get into ranting upon ranting. The scenario to me is this: Imagine a sword - the argument - and who-so-ever wields it, it is my stance that we should put the sword into the middle - nobody should be touching it. Next my point is that this sword has to be destroyed. And then the cycle begins all over. My point isn't about the sword, I mean - its the point. What is the point? My point for instance is that 'identity' is something - its a thing - and it so happens to be a thing within this topic that I'm writing about here and to my understanding is also pretty important all in all. So - again my problem is that you can't easily verify those things - so, thats my point. There is no argument. And - perhaps the probelm is what my words here basically imply - as, well as ... there is a chaotic problem to it.

The idea that individuality matters is a thing anyway - the western civilization is basically built on that principality. And one point I kindof missed is the one of democracy. When we look back at the Israelite Tabernacle - how many do even know what it is? I got no idea! It feels or seems like only a small percentage. I bet a lot have however heard of it at least. Well - there is this 'mobile Temple' that the Israelites had - and they kept the Arc of the Covenant inside of it. And thats how they travelled through the desert before arriving at Canaan. So - the story told as the story of God with mankind: the conflict mainly arises because God, for His own claims of being a living God, choses to be an invisible God. Mainly. So - there is the argument that Gods demands seemed redicolous - as who would have had a reason to take them seriously? Ironically the first encounters however did take them seriously. The story of that time is also one of polytheism, nationalistic identity and therefore loyalty to their Gods. So - even after Israel smashed one after the other - nobody was thinking of more than fighting against them. So - clearly, as Democracy wasn't a thing back then - or diplomacy kindof a matter of trading with resources - we learn that there are a lot of issues and that God finally does what He does anyway!
The idea of Democracy however comes in as - what would have been the story if these things had been given to the greek? Or how come Christianity spread so much amongst them at first? So - what happened is, finally, what people made of it. So are the stories in the Bible also usually strongly polarized around a few individuals that were faithful amongst the many. They stood out - and the Mormon view on Jerusalem before it got conquered by Nebuchadnezzar, as filled with Prophets that uttered warnings, is kindof a good picture of how there were only a few amongst the many that heeded the Lord. But so - in that story there is a golden egg. It explains why in the latter days there will be false prophets. A case to this case is ... well, lets move on.

The idea to demand God to protect your individuality and independence should be fairly common - and in some sense we may at least agree that it is a case where we would be greatful if God sortof had an eye out for us anyway. //just ran out of dope//

A - There is no order

The first version had me puzzled because two independent times that I was counting up the 10s throughout my past I ended up wtih a different number. Then when I went on to analyze why that is - or more specifically also thinking about this new idea I came accross, that new perspective, it sortof collapsed into that - so, rather than thinking of 10s I was stuck thinking about 3 spheres.

The first sphere is the one you enter - which is where you slowly grow acquainted with the Spirit, get a solid understanding of the Force - and there we have the first basic key experiences counting from the 10th to the 13th Seal. That is also the transition into the second sphere, which in itself is the transitory sphere leading into the third.

With the first transition through the 13th Seal, the 'silence' is established - that means, your awareness of the Force has grown to the point that God could 'seal' it practically by this final 'piece', whereafter the Force in itself is basically its own reality of Matter; Which is where we can eventually start counting from 1 again.
On a different scale however the Ninefold is still active as it used to be - which is how we get back to the 9th. This shows as there are multiple '10th Seals' - lets call them 'the Tenfold' - multiple facettes of this tenfold appear. As being both, Identity and Light, this also really matters to the fact of the individual existence.
So - eventually we can compare that to a re-emergence of the 7th Seal, Independence, but finally this makes me realize how referring to my account of things does only provide a narrow perspective.
What really matters - independent of this - is that this silence is furthermore the basis on which the fundamentals of the intimate world with God are being established. So - one is to 'know the voice of the Shepherd'. And if you don't know it, how could you tell me about it? ;) In other words: Before God can communicate to you through the Force, you need to be aware of it properly enough. And then - God can not only communicate in idea, but also in 'establishment'. We might describe it as a spiritual Anatomy, but because God is really not restricted to Volume, we could also describe it as castle (or multiverse). So - ideas can become sophisticated constructs of a bigger whole - and thereby grow over time. This in essence already begins in the first sphere. Here the general awareness of Gods existence is the 'glowing core' of insight. But once the individual passes the 13th Seal, things continue practically therein. So - the Force is really just a thin sheet; Though in the beginning its a big deal - so - one has to first get used to it; And 'the silence' is effectively a truth within the truth - so - a reality within 'the glowing insight' (it only glows when looked at and not supressed) - and a new reality wherein the individual begins to grow. Thoughts are now also practically coming in form of realms - or - as rooms rather than bubbles. Basically like memories of any moment in life - yet primarily connected through a structure that holds 'the weight of force' - and it really extends beyond our independent capacity while naturally being a construct of the Force. The connected experiences however assemble within our minds anyway; And thats what ultimately matters. Our experiences of them - as Gods further sustainance of that structure - practically procures growth; And where this structure manifests as a 'piece of identity' we can practically speak of an 'anatomic connection'.

Because the individual Link to God and Gods position as conductor of social order have God as the common thing, the individual Link to the social consequences is in the own Link to God. You can think of it that way: Picture yourself as one of many individuals that is attached to the idea of a society. This society is part of Gods concern - as partly yours of course too. Perceiving the idea of that society as the one God has, reveals that you are connected to it via the line that connects you so to it. This Line further resembles the individuals line of intersection with God describing the transition from internal privacy to social life. Speaking of Talents and Skills, that is the other side of the whole. We can call it 'the Vessel' - as its basically what you take with yourself - into Unification; And you kindof further grow with it. It is also the thing that you're carrying on - or are carried on in - or what we're carried by anyway - lets call it 'purpose in space' - or 'routine'. But eventually its just that! A vessel!

What it is will be yours to figure out. What it is will also be a term of finding the right words to describe the right things.
B - But ... lets cut to the chase

I don't know if anything in this is relevant anymore - its what I removed at this point. Uhm ... I don't know how enlightening this has been for you so far ... but there's a reason why ... I've also written these: The short answer: 3 spheres, growth throughout a presumably 'individual' scope of events ... while to my understanding the general, ... uh, common practical thing is about individuality, or identity ... independent growth ... well, I don't know how much I came to mention already. But, the technicality of what comes when and why and what has to be expected and however that ... I'm sure this all isn't really ideal - and I'm not sure how long it will take until it will be; But so yea ... there is no use in elonguating this; ... uhm.

Volume 2 is more suitable for a more common impression; Volume 3 even more - and at some point I just felt like I had some stuff left to write about, so, uhm ... anyway. Under the line, whats left?

Sorry. I got to end this now - and - I'm sure you'll be alright! Point being: Its a complex issue - and the simple answer ... I don't think it'll help you out a lot! After all this you'll however have a good enough idea to understand the various deeper and more complex issues, or ... rather 'problems' ...while also getting an idea of what 'should' be written here ... kindof. So yea, ... ... . Further I'm not really looking forward to updating this; But I'll try to find a way in case I have to compensate for various errors. Peace! //ad2016-August the 29th-17:01